How did this happen? How do we (Democrats) win in four years?
How did this happen? How do we (Democrats) win in four years?
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>in four years
As a conservative.
Just let the republicans destroy themselves through inaction.
Nevada, Minnesota, and Rhode Island will be red in 2020.
Why do you want the democraps to win? Whos interests besides their own do they represent? They dont give a fuck about any white people, on the contrary anti white is an explicit policy. They dont give a fuck about blacks, they do everything in their power to actively keep them down and dependent. They use "taco bowl" tactics to co-opt the latino community which they, once again, only pretend to give a fuck about. Their policies are neo liberal not progressive, despite the progressive insanity they have no actual policies goals to that end.
Why do you want democraps to win...
not a chance m8
definitely not Rhode Island
You forgot to add Virginia and New Hampshire
seems to be working so far. they're not too good at governing.
Just a sneak preview of the 2020 election results.
You fags choose Hillary over Bernie.
If Texas turns blue I'll nuke Austin.
You can go back to your fat mother's vagina and try rolling backwards till you can go back in time
That's the only way
>Texas going blue
In your dreams faggot
Trump and Ryan are cucks who are farther left than Bill Clinton. The Democrats will get more done with those two than they did with 8 years of Obama.
So, will pic related happen as well?
I mean The Simpsons predict everything these days.
I would be 96, so either dead or on the verge of death. Thank Christ.
You don't, democrats are collapsing as a national party. They aren't willing to do any self examination or course corrections. There will either be a new left party or there will be blood in the streets.
Just need to run the right person. Bernie or Warren takes it easily. People love populism.
>How do we (Democrats) win in four years?
You don't, 2020 will be Ted Cruz' year
Voter id cards will decimate the Democrats. I cant wait.
what did he mean by this
I want Democrats to win because I'm for:
>universal healthcare
>gun control
>abortion rights
>LGBTQ+ rights
>climate protections
>public education (free college and universal pre-K)
>higher minimum wage
>amnesty and open borders
>refugee resettlement
>criminal justice reform
>affirmative action
>foreign aid, NATO, the UN, the EU
>legalizing marijuana
>paid family leave
>ending the gender wage gap
>nuclear disarmament
>ending the war on drugs
>ending mass incarceration
>raising taxes on the wealthy
>funding programs for the arts and the poor
>easing welfare restrictions
>diplomacy with Syria, Iran, North Korea, China, and Russia
>mass public transit
What's been happening these past couple of days is just scratching the surface of what your future looks like.
>I would be 96, so either dead or on the verge of death.
The average lifespan is constantly increasing.
hell, you're likely to age to 150 or 200 if they dump your brain in a jar full of oxygenated stemcell jello, or you're turned into a CPU for some Transhumanist terrorist group.
Let Sherri Few explain
>still believing the Drumpf lie about illegal voters
wew lad
Their only chance is Tulsi Gabbard as she is the only democratic candidate who can get the support of the alt-right and the internet meme machine.
However, the DNC prefers Trump to Gabbard so she would have the major obstacle of the democratic establishment.
As a general rule: Democrats are retarded, but Republicans shit the bed.
>How do we (((Democrats))) win in four years
Fixed it for you
Fuck off whore. None of that would happen except gun control.
Dude you're a fag, fuck off.
Dems need a moderate. Hillary Clinton actually was that, but was poisoned by progressive bullshit and she pandered to it during the campaign.
belay that post:
You're in for a ride, mother fucker.
there is no incentive for anyone to extend your life, so they won't
I have never felt so disconnected from another person before. You're trolling, right?
>le red PA meme
I think some of it could if we nominate the right candidate and win a majority in congress.
not at all m8
kill yourself nigger
that is actually one of the least likely things
the democrats have been destroyed at the state level and a constitutional convention would remove the 20th century's court decisions rather than change gun rights
Democrats are too fucking retarded for that. Ex: You.
Ban nigs and you'll win.
I eat bacon, eggs, and sausage for breakfast every morning and consume 500mg of caffeine a day, I'm not making it to fucking 146.
I hate the libs but I could see uncle joe giving us a run for the money if he decides to run although I doubt he actually does
coming from somebody who wouldve voted for Drumpf, you dont have much to do. drumpf is terrible he will not have the hype or the momentum he had
Im saying that but you democrats are so fucking stupid you will probably elect elizabeth warren or some other nutjob and make it impossible for people who are dissatisfied with trump to stay home.
You don't have to do anything at all. RINO filth in Washington is making most people abandon the Republican party these days.
>there is no incentive for anyone to extend your life
Corpses can't pay bills you know.
If I could, I'd become ageless, then fuck off to the Moon, and watch as the world burns.
>going blue this half of the century
Keep dreaming boy
I'd vote for her. She has a (D) next to her name.
Hopefully, people will wake up and stop re-electing trash like Paul Ryan.
>bacon, eggs, and sausage for breakfast every morning
I'm surprised you're alive right now at this very moment.
You don't. Try again in 8.
Several of your points were presented by democrats in such a painfully inept manner that going with how they wanted to go about those would ruin your country. Several other points, wage gap chief among them, were disproved repeatedly as stupid bullshit, not taking gender differences and life choices into account.
You're a shitposter or uneducated idiot who simply went for democrats because what they want to achieve sounds great, and reality of actually going about it, whether it should be done and what would be the effects - be damned.
Republicans will probably win if they run someone else other than Trump. Unless Trump turns his shit around because the budget he's about to sign ditches the wall, the repeal of obamacare and he's been doing the exact opposite of what he's elected for except for H1B visas
anything like a real prog will be undermined by the DNC, since the DNC is run by people that are like George Will, but pretend otherwise
anything not like a real prog will be undermined by the left-wing populists whose numbers have risen dramatically in light of terrible neoliberal policies and internet circlejerks
Totally agree. I was a Democrat forever but their hard left stance and love affair with corporate money leaves us Libertarians moving to the right. I would vote for Tulsi in a second. I love the fact that she acknowledges that the US funds terrorism.
That sounds like a jewtopia
*grabs mic*
Look, here's the thing, just sit on your ass for four years. The demographic destruction of the U.S. is already set in stone and President
(((Kushner))) won't deport enough spics and blacks to be re-elected. Trump won Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin by 30k votes between all three. The dems just need 45k spics to come of age in those states and the rustbelt will be solidly blue forevermore and this isn't hard because nonwhites are the majority of the under 18 population.
How delusional does one human being have to be?
>universal healthcare
Who gonna pay for it?
>gun control
Only if its sensible and repeals the NFA
>abortion rights
Its not a right, its a choice
>LGBTQ+ rights
Civil Rights Act gots you cover
>climate protections
Sure but don't kill the economy while others countries take advantage of the fact
>public education (free college and universal pre-K)
College should not be free, it drives up cost to run universities as they can now abuse the government. Also not even 75% of people need it tbqh
>higher minimum wage
No it needs to get lowered and people need to stop being pieces of shit. Keep the minium shit to the children so they can get experience
>amnesty and open borders
Why invite more people to molest the welfare system
>refugee resettlement
We can care for them till their issues is over but they have to leave and we only should help them get back.
>criminal justice reform
>affirmative action
Its not needed anymore and literally only except the dumbest of the niggers
t, smart black guy who had to prove his worth to get to Uni
>foreign aid, NATO, the UN, the EU
Reduce aid, NATO partners need to help out, UN is a fucking joke just like the EU's failed attempt to act like the US
>legalizing marijuana
>paid family leave
Yes but not full pay, its a person choice to have children
>ending the gender wage gap
It doesnt exist, stop treating woman as fragile beings and force them to actually try in other fields
>nuclear disarmament
It won't happen
>ending the war on drugs
Just ended it on marijuana, the other stuff is a big blight to our society
>ending mass incarceration
We need incarceration and rehibilitation
>raising taxes on the wealthy
They already get tax the most
>funding programs for the arts and the poor
Let the rich fund it, they do it well by themselves as it is.
>easing welfare restrictions
We need more to prevent abuses
>diplomacy with Syria, Iran, North Korea, China, and Russia
>mass public transit
How with rural regions
Just had one for 8 years, you're behind the times.
>TX blue
>CA red
Who will have the last laugh when it inevitably happens? Ha ha ha.
there will be no meaningful action done on global warming, because it would mean changes in land use, agriculture, food consumption, and consumption taxes to shift energy consumption to energy sources with lower negative externalities
and all of this would be politically unpopular once enacted
>heh i can't afford to eat as much meat, and also my electrical bills are high
instead climate policy will a combination of subsidies for ineffective "renewable" production, downplaying when they never meet their ROI goals, and beggar-thy-neighboring your carbon emissions a little bit every year
Don't put all your eggs in special interest baskets that only pander to literal fractions of percents of Americans just because it makes you feeeeeeeeeel good and don't marginalize the largest voter block in America as racists and bigots for supporting law and order. Also don't parade dead criminals parents on stage to talk. And for the love of god stop trying to take everyone's guns and otherwise infringing constitutional rights.
what would happen if both repubs and democrats said they hate niggers
The Democrats need to give up on Maoism and say no to the Socialist extremist. Whoever can acknowledge that the American worker is fucked and a plan to do something about it will be the next President. If they can acknowledge that automation and AI are real issues, they will win. This is their party's issue and they are doing nothing about it because the have sold out to the bankers.
The overwhelming amount of Americans hate identity politics and corporatism. The Democrats seem to have embraced both.
We could finally make some progress
You could start by not being openly hostile to white people. Especially poor whites who Democrats believe they are superior to.
I'd suggest dropping identity politics and focusing on jobs for everyone. But I'm not holding my breath. The SJW worms have eaten into your brains and there's no real going back from it.
they'd burn their own neighborhoods down some more
democrats have no incentive though
they get their votes without having to enact any of their conservative views into policy, and they pretend to be fighting for illiberal employment quotas for infinity without ever delivering anything for them except higher prison sentences
>we-we're a conservative state! Y-yee haw!
>less that 50% white
The entire rest of the south plus Indiana, Montana, Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, Alaska, the Dakotas, Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma are all more redpilled and conservative but than your dying state.
Texas isn't even in the top ten for gun rights anymore. Sad!
Venezuela shows that their socialist utopia can only be balanced with a well armed populace....or better yet how about no socialism.
Why the fuck are you on Sup Forums then?
We abandon identity politics and focus on working class issues, running a Muslim to virtue signal how progress we are won't do shit for us.
Also, we outcast the corporate democrats. A lot of D's in office are corrupt as fuck and suck the dicks of corporate interest exclusively.
Nevada here. No way to turn back Californication. My rural county (Nye) just elected former illegal Mexican as our congressional representative because the district includes a tiny corner of Las Vegas. Used to live in Reno and it's very influenced by San Francisco (big gay community).
>How with rural regions
rural regions we can help get internet access
>who's going to pay for it?
Everyone will. The wealthy will pay a higher rate.
>Only if its sensible and repeals the NFA
I'm talking background checks, assault weapons ban, and a registry
>Its not a right, its a choice
It won't be much longer if Trump, Gorsuch, Pence, and the GOP much longer.
>Civil Rights Act gots you cover
They'll get rid of that too if they can.
>Sure but don't kill the economy while others countries take advantage of the fact
other countries are leading the way in green technology. We're falling behind.
>College should not be free, it drives up cost to run universities as they can now abuse the government. Also not even 75% of people need it tbqh.
It seems to work in Germany.
The only way for democrats to win is if they change their policies to something that will actually help the country.
I'm glad we kept Nevada, Colorado, Virginia, Minnesota, and New Hampshire.
Fuck off.
I hope so, because Texas is slowly turning blue.
You don't. Agitate for the coastal cities to secede. Seriously. Just GTFO. Flyover won't stop you.
By not running Hillary. Would have done it last time, never send a woman
What does Trump need to do though to keep up support? If the GOP can get 60 Senators in 2018, that'd give them a free hand to do everything they want. What could be passed from now to then to sweep in a victory?
I was thinking Trump needs by mid 2018 campaigning:
>North Korea gone after a quick war of regime collapse
>Infrastructure bill (even with gas tax ok)
>Tax reform
He can leave Obamacare and Syria alone imo.
Stop being sensitive bitches.
This is leaf-tier shitposting and you know it.
doesn't work
the people that own the engines of coastal economies aren't "15 dorror minimu wage" people, and when being surrounded by useless humans shifts economic policies to the left they'll simply leave
of course they are pursuing gentrification to push out the riffraff, but that takes time
Just let us kill you, then you win
>amnesty and open borders
This is a winning platform. Don't give up on it.
Internet is not fucking mass transit you retard
Once again, the rich are already getting taxed like hell. I should also mention they produce the most tax revenue.
There no such thing as a "civilian assault weapon" and background checks are already a thing.
Oh please, yeah we got chirstfags in power but Gorsuch has had most of his controversial rulings that had democrats in favor as well. Stop being a fucking brainwashed idiot and research yourself. Gorsuch is probably the most valid pick for SCOTUS since Scalia.
They will never get rid of the Civil Rights Act. That would be political suicide.
We aren't falling behind, we have been investing it so much that solar and wind are now becoming profitable but now land is going up in prices as well. Also those who are leading are not making an impact as China, India, and some other backward countries refuse to do this for the sake of profits
If I recall, Germany has more above average people but it doesn't have anyone who is noticeable. Free education does not mean a quality education and some of these free college Germans are fucking dumb as fuck and lack creativity.
You have to be one of these political class assignment faggots.
How will Cruz gain enough power to defeat Jeb? Jeb's been training all this time. What has Cruz been doing?
meant for Sorry
>background checks, assault weapons ban, and a registry
I can get down with background checks. Not that big a deal and current system works well. But why ban assault weapons and have a registry? Those things don't do anything to prevent crime whatsoever.
Go drink some anti-freeze, fgt
>universal healthcare
Who's going to pay for it? Oh right, the already highly taxed Middle class. Sure, that'll work well
>gun control
T. I've never held a gun in my life but they're scary
>Alphabet soup rights
Like? LGBT whatever rights are already here. They can get married, adopt kids, and there's no death squads for them.
>abortion rights
That's already there as well. The problem is FREE abortion, which isn't a right.
>climate protection
Such as?
>free universities
It would just make universities collectively shit since they'll lower the standard so that more people get in for them free gubmint shekels.
>higher minimum wage
Would actually make it worse for those at minimum wage.
>amnesty and open boeders
Legitimately retarded things to want.
>refugee resettlement
Where? How? Who's going to pay for it? Why not fix their own shit so they don't need resettlement in the first place?
>justice reform
Fair enough
>Affirmative action
No. Lowering standards for any reason is wrong.
>foreign aid
Fair enough
>dude weed lmao
>paid family leave
Not sure why this isn't a thing yet
>ending the gender wage gap
>he still believes in the gender pay gap
>nuclear disarmament
For what reason and purpose?
>ending the war on drugs
>dude weed lmao
>ending mass incarceration
Not our fault Niggers commit crimes.
>easing welfare restrictions
Who's going to pay for that? The already suffering middle class?
>funding the arts
For what reason and purpose? The arts can fund itself. Paint, pencils and putty aren't that expensive.
>diplomacy with countries that have never actually wanted diplomacy with us
>mass public transit
NC was won by Obama. Georgia and Arizona are being filled with the people your ancestors blanda upped with too.