MGTOW is the final red pill. Are you ready to take it?
MGTOW is the final red pill. Are you ready to take it?
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For reference.
Nah you're supposed to make women bend to your will
I go my own way and my woman follows me, not the other way around cuckfinn
Try that and the woman will use the state to bend you to her will.
MGTOW is the male feminism
hating on female will have the same results than female hating on males: a incomplete and frustrated egoist individual and a crawling degenerated society
unity is what we need
who doesn't assemble, divide
>im too much of a beta cuck to control my woman
MGTOW is an ideology pushed by likes to stop white men from having white babies. So enjoy supporting white genocide you cuck.
DaVinci loved dick tho
that pic is a locical error
>women are shit because our society is shit, so I'll hate on women
start fighting the root of the problem , not the consequences
Coming from a fucking swede lel. You dont even have to try and control your women, the arabs do that for you.
Don't need to, i'm asexual.
Coming from the paki with a capital that is over 50% nonwhite
>hate on women
Not an argument you dumb roastie. You don't need to "hate on women" to go your own way. You just need to see them for the worthless dead-ends that they are in the current climate.
>c-change the climate
Can't. Everytime men say anything negative about women, you roastie slobs and your domesticated tradcucks come out of the woodwork to shout everyone down and shame them.
this is true
abstaining is their way to fight the systems
but i want a family so ill take my chances
you keep the good fight
srs reddit feminist raid mgtow threads. be on the look out for roastie posters.
if they don't acknowledge women are inferior to men then it's one of them
I just don't see how anyone makes the time for a relationship. Without destroying your GPA at least.
Everyone I know in uni with a gf also has s 2.x GPA and a meme tier degree, eg communications
Da Vinci was literally gay and mgtow is a Jew idea
>if you don't play the game, you win
Mgtow logic
>it's worth playing russian roulette with your life when the gain is nothing
women's logic.
instead of getting divorced and paying alimony buy a sexbot, ai, and pay for an artificial womb instead. you can pay 2 million towards your ex-wife or keep that 2 million yourself. choice is simple
the life of a man's is worth more than a females. women should be happy to be men's slave let alone the kind of hostage situation we've got
MGTOW, a mirror inversion of much of the worst of feminism's ideological victimhood and male demonization
A huge sausage party full of resentment towards women... yeah see you there
The gain is white babies
You don't have to marry to have babies
Oh yeah let me just call up my local artificial womb center and give them the hundreds of thousands of dollars I don't have to make one baby
It's like you're trying to find a loophole in the game of reproduction
Live a modest life, have a part time-job, and if possible go on welfare. I don't pay for single mums or muslims anymore.
>but they've already run form the battle
And that's it what hits the enemy the hardest. You don't have to charge in the beasts mouth, just stop feeding it. Why is this so hard to understand?
>life is way bigger than any individual
Not for me anymore. I used to think like that, but i realized i have this one life, as far as i know. Not gonna waste it on a ungrateful society.
>you don't need MGTOW forums
Well, yes. Were do you think other
>men to share their experiences with others and warn against rushing into a relationship with the atrocious women of today.
>MGTOW parades
Agreed, but were do mgtow hold parades?
>fluffy MGTOW sweater
I was always against merchendise, but thats my problem. Not my place to tell other men how to spend money on little things.
>The gain is white babies
In other words, sacrifice yourself and be miserable so you can create even more emasculated tradcucks like yourself and run the high risk of losing everything you have, including your white babies, to some mouthbreathing empowered roastie piglet.
Sounds like a great deal.
How so?
If you stop playing the game, the game becomes obsolet.
In Barcelona they closed a Doll brothel, because the whores in an other brothel got whiny, their costumers preffered the Dolls. Women just got their sexuality, nothing more.
oh you plan to make a baby today? your baby can vote in 20 years.
there's some risks though
your wife will divorce you and take your child. you'll be left paying alimony and child support too. did i mention you won't be able to see them cause she'll have full custody? your child will get his right to vote in 20 years, but i also forgot to mention he'll be a transsexual liberal who votes for open borders cause you weren't even able to see him let alone raise and he hates you and conservatives.
good plan to save the white race larper. you're going to be paying alimony and child support for 18 years and that will save the white race
I stopped having short relationships mostly fuelled by sex, went MGTOW and just masturbate and now I am happy with life.
Or potentially I was attempting to keep too many dial-a-hoes on contact and I made my own life hard... but god damn I enjoy not seeing women.
Probably the best 3 years of my adult life have been single now.
>its ur fault you BETA lol females are fine ok???
You feminists are so predictable
>Not an argument you dumb roastie
Ask me how I know you're under the age of 22.
>sausage party
Everything interesting is a sausage party. Proof me wrong.
I don't hate them. I am realistic in my view on them. On a personal note, i am indifferent to women. Hate is too much of an emotional investment.
>start fighting the root of the problem
Womens suffrage? White knights, that can't say no?
You always hear "fight little soldier, fight". But they never mention what to fight. What is the root of the problem? I think its gynocentrism, ergo the human condition, plus a changed enviroment (technical). That made women price themselves out of the market, at least for the longterm relationship.
So what exactly i have to fight?
And this:
>Everytime men say anything negative about women, you roastie slobs and your domesticated tradcucks come out of the woodwork to shout everyone down and shame them
Read a bit of Schopenhauer
Already married and have a son faggot. Don't fall for the male version of Feminism like a Jew puppet.
ask every reader not from reddit how we know you're a roastie feminist
Ask me how I know you're a roastie-worshiping emasculated tradcuck.
Ok let's just watch our race die good plan :^)
answer this faggot. how is making a transsexual liberal who will vote for open borders in 20 years good for the white race again?
your wife will divorce you and then get custody while you're left paying the bill. that's not saving the white race you cuckold faggot.
This is an argument you should be bringing to women, not to men. Don't blame me because I don't want to join arms with the disgusting piglets you worship. They're objectionable. I don't view them in the same light you do, obviously. You're never going to get through to the men you're trying to reach by promising them the shit tier reward you're promising.
>MGTOW is the final red pill. Are you ready to take it?
MGTOW is just the final admission that men are afraid of feminism, they cant stand up to women, so they go crawl in a hold and hide the rest of their lives, its the final surrender of men.
Watch the move The World According to Garp, it came out in 1982 and predicted that society would be taken over by feminism, that the family would break down and then men would assume the role of gay betamales, this movie is the FINAL RED PILL of western society
Ok, i'll answer it for you... no grown up man unironically uses the term roastie. When women fall out of line, we just call them cunts.
Now put down your phones, and eyes toward the front of class. Final exams are coming up, and you should really pay attention if you want to graduate.
I view MGTOW the same as someone that is a self described Atheist.
Nobody cares you don't believe in god
Nobody cares you don't want to get married and want to stay single.
It's not that I even disagree with both of these groups but why should I even tell anyone this? I mean yeah occasionally people ask me why I am not married yet and I don't really respond. That is about as far as you need to take it.
Rejecting matrimonial pussy doesn't need a soapbox. Look at society around you and decide for yourself and end it there.
>This is the first generation to experience what it's experiencing
Are you just naive or retarded? Potentially you could be a Jew I suppose with your defeatist attitude, but I think that's less likely.
The thing is... Why promote Magtoe as an ideology?
It's one thing to choose to go your own way, but when you feel a need to promote it to others it's a sign of psychological problems and the implication is you're not Magtoe out of your own free will but because you're undesireable to women.
Surrogates, start saving asap and buy babymaker, never lose half your shit or kid ever again. Get different whore whenever you want.
Ill sell this pill. Found nice girl. Day after wedding changes, but bearable. Have kid, FML.
Dont get married folks; that girl is gonna change, you marry her and now you are on the hook for all her crazy, and she is crazy. Your stuff is hers but not vice versa, you must give her space, but not vice versa, you gotta fuck her when she wants, but not vice versa. You have to change for her, and she will change no matter how hard you try to stop it. Money will disappear, free time wont exist, every penny you spend will be scrutinized.
Al Bumdy had it right.
No Ma'am
Then what do we do oh wise one
Why am I even arguing with you people
These roasties you're white knighting are the real Jews. But you won't accept that because you're probably addicted to their holes.
Finally someone has a solution instead of crying about a problem
these people won't ever acknowledge that there's a 50% chance you'll make a daughter. that already is a mistake and hurting the white race. she'll be race mxing and then vote for more immigration. on the coin flip you actually managed to get a son it doesn't matter since you won't be raising him anyway cause she'll divorce you and get custody then you've got a single mother raising him.
you aren't fooling anybody roastie
read this image and quake. women will be exterminated in the future. i don't care what feminist shit said it's produced subhuman women who aren't mentally retarded. men control all the weapons and technology in this world so it's impossible for women to do anything.
LOL... have you ever tried raising a child in a single-parent household? What about multiple children? Jesus Christ, you MGTOW fags are fuckign clueless.
Tits or gtfo
Time stamp and proof of maleness
Flip a coin, thats your chances.
I wish you the best.
What exactly i got from that "lets save the white race"-thing?
It is time that men think more about themselves, maybe that would stop the raging white knighting.
And for a changer, it would be nice if those tradcons would find their way to a bunch of women, and told them about all that. But nope, that would out you as a Nazi, and those types don't get any pussy anymore. In that regard, i understand that your only option left is to blame happy loners.
Roasty detected
except grown men who learnt the term here and find it amusing
cuck features
Single men are better parents than single women, it's statistically proven cunt.
Not an argument.
im black and going mtgow, strictly because my experiences with wome have been less than desirable, thats while having a (((bbc)))
After years of avoiding mgtow, i''ve accepted the truths of men who have taken the redpill and refuse to serve the vaginal jew.
have you ever tried running a society or accomplishing in anything in history? of course not you're a female. your meme lie that women are good parents is like the 128 genders and otherkin. it's all imaginary and fails any observable test in reality. that's why you're better off being homeless without any parents than being raised by a single mother. women are a negative influence on anything in the world
So you don't deny it?
of course it is , less competition for women is always good,they will be genetic dead ends
>Man up: The Post
Okay, I was wrong, you're not a tradcuck drone, you're a roastie.
Did he meant dick by eel?
I agree with that... but having both parents is still preferable. Do you have any idea how much work raising children is? If I had to take care of my two kids without the help of my wife, I'd probably go insane. It would be incredibly exhausting and expensive.
nah you're actually fat and just a virgin
>t.every buttblasted cunt that will reply to this
>35 and acts like she is 20
Female cringe.
I still don't believe your a man, show us pic of manly hand and timestamp
>the most important thing in life to women is killing the baby in their stomach
>they tell others they're good parents and good are raising children
>more women care about killing a 9 month old baby than educating children
your gender is a plague on earth. while men are destructive at least they're creative and progress us. you just exist to ruin things
it's not a man. it's a roastie from reddit. it's some srs feminist raiding mgtow stuff
Why the fuck would you want to pull out an eel?
They're certainly getting worse these recent years..
This d e s u
>Most important issue is rather or not they can flush a fetus as a result of their whoring around
Jesus. I don't want to be a MGTOW fag but shit like this makes it understandable at a societal level.
How bout you guys prove you're not beta faggots, and I'll prove that I am in fact a man, a husband, and a father of two.
remember if she's been sleeping with a bunch of guys she's carrying their dna. your ancestors didn't get cucked and sleep with somebody that went through 100 dicks.
unless you're waiting for the artificial womb or virgin then you're shaming your genetics.
>2+ year first relationship starting at 13 with a girl 1 year older then me
>6 months before the end of the relationship I start to learn she's messing w/ my best friend
>1 week before we broke up I catch a conversation of theirs talking about a topless massage he gave her, they don't realize I overhear them
>I setup a chance to have sex, get her to say yes, get my dick head against her pussy, and get dressed and leave
>Don't call or anything, 3 days later she calls me and breaks up with me, I've already started murdering my personality and am like whatever, hang up
>Procede to Chad up and mess with every single one of her friends one by one, strictly telling them I only want fw/b
>Also my "best" friend asks me not to mess with her later, because he knows shes about to break up with her current bf, so I stole the chick he was messing with and had her coming to the movie theatre ever weekend to dryhump and suck my dick for 3+ hours
>eventually at 20 I get my first gf, the first girl I ever kissed as a fw/b, but at this point shes a wino college girl and I tell her I am celibate and no matter what I'm not having sex
>Get her to invite me over for a day/night, have fun all day, go to sleep together, at like 3am she tries to climb on top of me, push her off leave
>tfw the first girl you ever kissed was also the last
>tfw she was still a lying cheating whore with no loyalty or self control
Please, hurry with the sexbots and artificial wombs, anonymous surrogacy is expensive
Only a woman would make a post this transparent and unconvincing.
How fat are you?
>its the final surrender of men
Atlas shrugged. What happens to society when men drop out? Why schould i care?
They can't blame the white princesses, it's either you, or the jew. Nevermind that israel is a shitcountry for men (false rape, divorce etc.).
>What about multiple children?
If he can afford that.
>have you ever tried raising a child in a single-parent household?
He couldn't make a worse job than women, why not give it a try?
>but having both parents is still preferable
Not for the father. In this society she can blackmeil him with their child. Stay away from Mothers.
Mjamm mjamm!
Seriosly, you are the keystone to the wall of problems. White knightery enabled this shitshow.
Bit of an unnecessary metaphor
women are women, cunty women are the fault of weak men
what's this stupid bitches excuse for saying she won't even give man whales a chance, but gets frustrated when chad doesn't want his dick eaten after he gets it sucked?
these same people would get anal at someone for saying black skin isn't something they find sexually attractive
>MGTOW is the male feminism
>hating on female
no, silly frenchie.
MGTOW is recognizing that the whole system is against you and the only way to win is to not play. And then at some point the system will change.
women are the fucking jew. actually women are worse than the jew. it'd be better if men had to fuck a jewish guy to reproduce than a white woman.
how can jew fuck you over? they can sue you maybe? they can try and pass laws to increase tax? on the extreme end they can promote communism? what can a jew do to you personally? not much really. anything a jew does to you women support completely. so even if jews want to murder you women will be there helping them. so jew = women.
let's look at what specifically women can do to you on a personal level though.
they can divorce you taking your house, car, and making you take alimony even up to a hundred million dollars.
they'll get custody of your kid and then abuse them, turn them against you, make sure you can't see them, and even let the new boyfriend sexually abuse/murder them
they can lie and get you arrested on false rape charges
they can get you shunned and on and on.
jews can't do 1/10 of the harm women can. a jewish can call you an ant-semite nazi and people frown, but a woman can say you raped her and put you into prison.
so, yeah, women are actually quite literally the worst scum on the entire planet and more dangerous than jews every metric possible. it's just that jews are the brains in the far background while women are the people murdering you and ruining your life directly
Im 24 these are the bitches that'll say a man under 6ft is short because they can't wear heels next to them...all demands and expectations drilled into them by hollywood and (((academia)))
my reply
>fine, i don't need this anymore
I realized I don't have children and im 24, which means im free of the vaginal jew I just have to find ways to avoid working with women and im set.
once you take away vagina all they offer is exhaustion and irritation . all women are like that, and men can live an individualists life free of them if only they can get past the marketing of golden pussy that keeps men on social media endlessly feeding the ego of holes
Man, you guys are in desperate need of new memes. That was already posted in this thread. It's posted in every mgtow thread. Don't you have anything but that one lonely image? Sad!
And that leaves me with what options?
>women are women
And you are not allowed to speak the truth to them, otherweise white knights (or cops) show up and make me stop. Just like you just did. "Women can't controll themselves".
Simple as that, i am going away.
Seriosly, you are the keystone to the wall of problems. White knightery enabled this shitshow.
Sup Forums is bottom center
jews are geniuses because somehow through mgtow they'll destroy the only people that tolerate them and their religion by ruining the one thing that motivated any sense of mercy or restraint towards their lives.
Our wives and religion.
oW will allow this poion system to die, and the jews will need a new host, likely the asians, who will exterminate them at any given chance if allowed by white supremacy.
"Redpilled about your race going extinct? Why not help make it go extinct faster by refusing to have a family."
Fuck the hell off Jew, can we please start banning Jew shill threads?
It would be nice if women were responsible for their actions though
Pic related. It's you.
>expecting to find anything other than degenerate trash on fucking tinder
O I am laffing
Pathetic. Just fucking grow a spine and get over your ex already.
You have overlooked something. Men have tolerated femininism (overt and causelessy man hating, footing the bill for their shit) for over sixty decades. One might think that a little hate is just natural after all. We were alone before mgtow came along, you know feminism and stuff. Mgtow helps you to become a whole person, whitout the mystical princess that will bring menaing to your life. That route leads to suicide, mgtow teaches men and boys to get an independent ego.
>unity is what we need
Sixty years of feminism.jpg Tell that college age females, or females at large. We men have tried for a very long time. For me, its over.
You can start defeating feminism, they are the bigger foe.
>then all the good women will come
I'm not interested in these piglets you hold up on a pedestal. Your definition of "good" almost certainly does not match my own. I can tell by your crypto-feminist ramblings dressed up in natsoc rhetoric in order to appeal to the board's demographic.
Shamfur display.
seems like i've hit a nerve there rabbi
men complaining about not being good enough women, its the same about when bitchy women complain theres no good men left.
how about develop yourself into someone you'd be proud to be, then all the good women will come
Daily reminder mgtow are the most pathetic faggots on the internet and theyre literally doing Schlomos work for him