Be me

>be me
>a faggot

So it seems Sup Forums gives me two options as a gay man. Either help them get America back to conservative values and force gays back into the closet or execute them, or let Muslim hordes invade and gays get executed or put back into the closet. If these are my only two options, why the fuck shouldn't I just watch the world burn and help Muslim shitskins invade white countries?

Other urls found in this thread:

easy, kys and all will be well

no you should kill yourself ASAP you aids carrier

better to be in a closet than to be thrown off a roof bucko

Because being in the close is better than being dead. Although we've been toying around with the idea of White Islamic Fundamentalism, so you're pretty much out of options. You should've supported the right wing 5 years ago, it's too late now.

But Sup Forums and a lot of conservatives secretly love hearing stories of gays being thrown off buildings

Conservatives can't just outlaw homosexuality, the worst they could do is ban gay marriage

>OP is faggot
>I don't care


Cool, I better just help 3rd worlders invade anyway, if I'm shit out of luck either way.

Of course they can

You should just end your horrific, pozzed, nigger fucking existence

Dude, what's happening to gays in Chechnya to gays is being celebrated by Sup Forums. Don't give me that stupid response

This is why cuckservatives are dead. We need to go full Reich and do what Hitler didn't. Namely gas the kikes and degenerates.

do you talk with a faggy accent?
what's with those? they're obviously put-on. i think they just stick after a while. anyway, great job giving into jewish propaganda, """"""""""gay"""""""""" man.

Kek I'm glad Germany is going down toilet.

I'm pretty sure that would be slapped with an "unconstitutional" label right out of the gates

> Sup Forums gives me two options
Wrong, faggot. No one showed up to your house and gave you those choices. No mail came to you. No telegram came from Sup Forums.
You have given yourself two choices and like a typical millennial vagina, you wish to blame others for your faggotry. Get a blog, shit for brains.

Why shouldn't it be celebrated? Any action creates counteraction of equal force.
Should be careful when you pushed for homo marriage and mutilating children.

Stay mad, degenerate

Why should you be allowed to be openly gay when I can't be openly straight?
Like if I were to walk into a playground, and there were a bunch of little girls playing hopscotch, and be like "HEY LADIES. I LIKE TO FUCK PUSSY. FUCKING PUSSY IS PART OF WHO I AM"
I would get arrested.
Why the fuck should it be any different for faggots?

I dont love gays getting thrown off buildings because gays a being killed. I love gays being thrown off buildings because it shows the hypocrisy and mental gymnastics of lefties who claim to be simultaneously pro-islam and pro-lgbt

Well, go out and do something, Kraut. Oh yes, posting on Sup Forums is sure helping preserve the white race. Go out and kill some faggot now.

Listen user, your gay sex will be so much better and rewarding if we can reattach a social stigma to it. Otherwise it becomes same-o same-o eventually.

But imagine under the threat of social rationalization you keep your sexuality hidden, but you notice the new guy at work likes talking to you a lot. He even seems to kind of touch much more frequently than when you talk to other guys. Is he gay? Is he hitting on you? Trying to feel you out? The tension builds and with it so does the excitement and your level of attraction to him. Finally you take a shot at it one night late at work to together and wind entwined together and sweaty in the copy room. But you both know you can never tell anyone about this and can't show outward affection to eachother or otherwise people might look at you differently.

So you both vow to keep it secret and meet and fuck when you can.

Now doesn't that sound more exciting than choosing from a list of hundreds of different AIDS carriers on Grindr?

oh not rationalization, ostracization.

And it's worth noting at the same time that it was illegal to get pozzed up the ass like a faggot in the West, it was also illegal for a heterosexual couple to engage in oral sex.

The reason wasn't necessarily to police what people did in their fucking private bedrooms. The reason was to fucking keep it there.

God I wish I could have lived in a time where I could sit down on a park bench and read a book without having to hear people walking by talking about blowjobs and anal leakage.

Except gays, like me, hate Islam. And a lot of my home friends hate Islam too. You've never been exposed to anything other than flaming faggots portrayed by the media
This never happens. And hetero men expose themselves to little girls all the time on playgrounds

pick your side cocksucker. I don't care if you live or die.

>shaming others right to love another human being

>I dont love gays getting thrown off buildings because gays a being killed.
Why are you supporting degenerate behavior? Do you think that mutilating and raping children is ok?

Except it does happen. Being gay is a sexual preference. Not a fucking style of hat. Any time a man says "I am gay" it is implicit that he is announcing that he loves dick.

> Go out and kill some faggot now.
Why bother, when the Jewish education and media will make more? First you should start a civil war, then kill them all in death camps in orderly fashion.

>sit down on a park bench and read a book without having to hear people walking by talking about blowjobs and anal leakage

When and where does this happen, you melodramatic cuck?

>force gays back into the closet
why is this such a big deal to you

why is it so hard to keep your sexual life to yourself

Considering I get asked all the time why I don't have a girlfriend, I'm going to be honest and tell people I'm gay.
Trans has nothing to do with being gay

No shame, just trying to help. I want gay user to feel sexual excitement and titillation for socially transgressive sex.

Why would I want to afflict him with an awful life of monogamy and fake plastic smiles from neighbors who think it is totally cool he and his husband are gay and married. All the while he can tell they really just view him and husbando as two fags playing house.

Frankly I should be thanked for being a humanitarian.

Yes. All love should be approved by religion and the government. Otherwise you degenerate animals will start loving children, kikes or niggers.

>one group will kill me
>one group will inconvenience me
>which side should I help?
If you can't figure that one out for yourself, I don't think you're capable of helping either side.

What is this abomination?

>Trans has nothing to do with being gay
Pretty sure LGBT contains both homos and trans and they all push for the same shit.
Collective crimes - collective punishments.

We never asked if you were a faggot.
If somebody asks discreetly and you respond discreetly that's one thing.
But you just barged in here and pronounced
>I'M A FAGGOT Sup Forums
In all the years I've been coming to Sup Forums I have not once made a thread about how I love pussy. Clearly there is a filter in my head that is not functioning correctly (or entirely absent) in yours.

Can't we all just let each other live their lives within the confines of the law? There's no bloody reason that any sexuality should be banned. And no, I'm not an SJW


Or maybe

Be a homosexual, not a faggot.

Don't talk about it. I don't give a fuck if you practice it, just understand that you're not special because of it and fuck off about it. You wanna avoid confrontation, avoid PDA. Simple.

You're just literally ass hurt that a bunch of people on pol are already so much better than you, without even having to lift a finger into your filthy, staph infested cave of an ass

White National-Socialist Islam. That the new hot thing.
There is no god but Allah and Hitler is his prophet.

No need to kill you when in the end your lifestyle will do the job. Being closeted would be required for reproductive purposes only. Have at it Mr. Poopy Dick.

>implying I have anal sex
I see straight people do PDA all the time.Both want me dead. Heard of pastor anderson from Arizona?

Homosex is one of the major breeding grounds for staph and STD based diseases

I don't understand how that is a counter-point to what i said. So what you and your homo friends hate islam? If you hate islam then you are not guilty of the hypocrisy i mentioned. I was speaking generally, quit making this only about yourself, faggot.
I am not pro-lgbt and i dont support raping or mutilating chilren. I was just trying to explain to OP that there are more reasons Sup Forums users might "celebrate" gays being thrown off buildings besides the obvious.

And it's cringe AF when straight people do PDA too.

Lots of straights have anal sex, and I don't. Kek

How does it feel to know that you are so dysfunctional in your head that you are opposed to the most basic instinct humans have alongside eating? You are so pathetically wired you dont even get aroused by the sex that will give you children.

Be a third option: Sodomists Against Islam

I'm a conservative and don't care what you do in the bedroom, muhhamad does tho

or how about you get help for your mental illness?

I think there is a third option namely cure the gay away. So who knows in a future there maybe technology that makes it possible to remove the gay away from you based on where the problem is genetic or neural wiring.

Straight people PDA fuels procreation and the desire to procreate. Gays can't do that, also seeing two dudes kiss is disgusting. Practice your shit behind close doors and no will give two shits if your gay.

That makes you a little less cringey than most faggots. But does it not bother you to know that every fifth dick you suck might be showering you with pozz sauce?

Environmentalism and conservationism is a white priority.

Thats pedophilia you dumb leaf.

There has never been one case of someone getting HIV from oral sex. Look it up

those straights are degenerate and heavily influenced by anal porn

Hello, gayfriend. I don't care about you being in or out of a closet, but there's a difference between being openly gay and dancing around in buttless leather chaps with a giant dildo to celebrate your sexual preferences.

Assuming you're not one of those, I give precisely zero fucks.

Wrong. Being sexually attracted to prepubescent children is pedophilia. You don't have to be attracted to somebody to tell them you like pussy.

Trans has everything to do with being gay. What, do you think the vast majority of them dress as girls and get their penis slit and carved into a pit inside their groin just so they can scizzor women?

You have to consider that slippery slope is in fact have been proven to be very real.

Im fine with that

You are wrong
At this day and age people don't care who the fuck you sleep with, actually a lot of people never did. They just hate people who are being obnoxious about it.

>be me
>want to gas and shoot faggots
you deserve death faggot

Just looked it up.
Verdict: fake news.

exwcute the gays it is

That technology already exists.
It's called Jesus.

Good for you. You are a very tiny part of Sup Forumss userbase

you've lost your special snowflake status among the left

moslems want you dead or worse

the right doesn't care about you as long as you keep to yourself

>Trans has nothing to do with being gay
REALLY NIGGA, backwards thinking like that is why people hate gays more now. Making one mental illness excuse after the next. Mass confusion is on the rise.

Of course you get get HIV from oral, all it takes is skin irritation after shaving, a small cut or a cracked lip.

>'Straights' love being pegged up the ass
I could see it if it is a woman who does not want to become pregnant, however it is another if some guy bends over for someone else. In either case it is still absolutely filthy regardless

>help Muslim shitskins invade white countries
Most conservatives will not be harmed by this in the slightest, the only thing they will have to change is the way they pray to the same god.
Same can't be said about degenerate faggots. You're the one who's got everything to lose. World will not burn, but you will. So dont come here with your inflated ego and edgy attitude like your position is important to anybody. Nobody gives a shit about you now, but if a war starts... every action has consequences.

I always wonder why there are people in favor of radical solutions that involve hurting people or making them suffer. A lot of problems can be solved with technology and some patience.

Seriously though I have no problems with gay dudes even if they wanted to be gay. Your personal life is your own. I'm just meming along with Sup Forums

Jesus says forgive them. Nothing about a cure unless you call eternal damnation a cure

Jesus said
>go forth and sin no more
Part of repentance (and being forgiven and saved by jesus) is also giving up the sin.

It's possible, but it has never been documented in happening. Internet is your friend, my kraut

i can't wait till your country is finally destroyed by muslims
i eagerly await the liveleak videos you and the women in your family being raped by the unwashed hordes

No, he isn't

I'm bi.

Tell me how you would kill me.

My ego needs the attention.

>I couldn't find a case in the first 5 jewgle results, so clearly I'm right
Really makes me think. That's some fucking pozzed up logic right there.

Some do that. I live in SoCal and have heard that happening

Depends if you are a qt or not.


If you really think conservative Americans are as bad to gays as Muslims are, you need to get a reality check.

>Conservative revival: more or less "I don't give a fuck as long as they do it in private", meaning the nightlife culture that made being gay trendy and fashionable comes back. Except now a lot of conservatives are either gay themselves or accepting of gays, so it'll be better overall. If someone killed you or attacked you for being gay they would go to jail.

>Muslim invasion, sharia law: literally getting killed for being gay and it's done systematically by the state at worst, turned a blind eye to at best

Saged for shit b8 thread probably, but conservative Americans are not your enemy. Look at log cabin Republicans.

I agree with you there. You might have mis understood my original post. A few gays being thrown off buildings in some muslim countries will not stop the gay problem in western countries, but the mental gymnastics displayed by lefties should be so apparent it could be used against them, which could be more useful in the fight against islam than a few gays being thrown off a building would be in the fight against gays.

I have no problem with gays I just don't like faggots. Don't be a faggot.

that cuck hitler didn't do that though

Protip: the sex is always hotter in the closet.

The choice should be obvious. Romantic love is fem and heterosexist. 'Brotherly' love is where it's at.

Wait till you find out that white people are significantly (meaning statically notable) more resistant to it than black people.

Just put on a MAGA hat and poz in the Donald generals like all the other refugees on this board you filthy abomination.
Why are you fucking Reddit tier scum always whining and attention fagging?
Just go fucking drown in spicy based nigger ropes and get pozzed up by transexual CivNat AnCap Jews for Trump you freak.

Lying sack of shit. Let me guess, did you go to Breitbart?

I don't get why gay marriage is a problem for the religious. It's just a government function that helps streamline two individuals with their healthcare, hospital visit priority, insurance, et cetera. Just because gays are getting government marriages doesn't mean God is going to let them into heaven.

mate desu I'm bisexual, Sup Forums only cries about lgbt-faggots who really really deserve to be gassed. I have some gay friends and all of them are normal people, else I'd have kicked them out of my circle a long time ago. being gay is okay, faggots deserve the gas chamber. A bunch of larpers on a Malaysian chess forum aren't going to gas every gay person because they'd eventually lose a friend and then cry like a little bitch about it. Why are you baiting? Following the mainstream gay culture is the most degenerate thing to do ever, but being gay is not.

Because attentionwhoring of course is possible when you're on an anonymous forum, he's just making a point and part of that requires him to state that he's gay so he can make his point based on his point of view
kys faggot

Transfaggots have been pushed together with the (((gay movement))) and not seeing that they're a completely different problem altogether is what makes it harder to get rid of this (((gay culture))) bullshit so that normal gay people can assimilate in society instead of them having to become part of some fake culture so that they can continue to "identify" as gay. Sexuality is not a problem, gay culture, lgbt movements, and people telling transsexuals they're as normal as gay people are the problem here.
Transsexuality is a mental disease, gayness is not

Not really.


Yes, you do see straight people doing PDA. It doesn't change the fact that you need to NOT do PDA. Everyone else gets really uncomfortable and it builds a lot of attention.

I'm bi, user. I know how you feel but you've got to accept it. Gotta be a man sometimes, even if you're a queen.

>which could be more useful in the fight against Islam
This is what I don't understand. Why would anyone fight against Islam, if the Jews are the ones behind everything, even behind the terror groups?
We should hijack Islam and use it to further our agenda.