>The police in the German city of Frankfurt go out with a clear warning to dog owners, after last week a dog died for eating a sausage full of razor blades
Germany: dog haters are putting razor blades in sausages
Dead dogo and owner
Any that's why you train your dog to not eat anything but what you give it.
just drop a moab in the ghetto and the problem should clear up
Damn youth with their pranks.
completely wrong
which one is the doggo?
Muslims hate dogs
Muslims duh
>dog hater
you misspelled muslim
*teleports behind you*
If none of the sausages are pork then its undeniable proof.
Dog hunters are good people and doing community a favor getting rid of strays.
Does the fake news media mention that Muslims are the ones doing that?
Makes me wonder what's the Ethnic group and religion of the people behing this?
I wonder who could be behind this.
I heard of some burguer exploits where they soak the food in anti freeze.
What fucked up person do you have to be to do this? I'm not a big fan of dogs but still. They should feed those sausages to the crazy fucking idiots who came up with this
pssssh....good boy....
>That image
Did they uncover some big dog murdering operation, or did they just decide to place a ruled by some sausages and razor blades to make it look like a photo taken for evidence by the police?
that's a pet you retard
Sandniggers gonna sandnig, see
So Muslims.. got it.
Why don't they just give them some antifreeze like a normal psycho?
Why try to do it like with Halloween candy?
Also at first when I read the title, i thought it was referring to hot dogs
They should put up a few of their own posters
Good luck teaching doggo not to eat sausage.
>fucks goat
>fucks cousin
>Marries cousin
>rapes little boy
>fucks goat again
>fucking filthy dogs!
>in Islamic culture
>in western culture
Is there anyone white left in that city?
Its not Muslims. They cant handle Sausage since its Haram. I'd say its a false flag to frame Muslims.
This is coming from someone who hates Muslims and would happily see them all extinct, but it just doesnt make sense
You train security dogs to not eat anything but what you put in their bowl.
Basically, from when it's a puppy, it only should eat what you give it. Any deviations from this course are met with negative re-enforcement. They will soon realize eating anything not from you is met with immediate punishment, and cease to do it. Gotta do it from young age, but the habit can be trained.
Ragheads at it again
Dogs will have to be purged as Western pets before they can rule
Germany should ban assault razons. Under Sharia you dont need to shave beard anyway.
Those look like beef franks amigo, not pork.
>mexican flag
>german news
>norwegian source
>They cant handle Sausage since its Haram
This is retarded m8.
If they wanted to commit acts against the infidels they'd be excused to handle it. This whole "pigs prevent heaven" thing is taken way beyond reality, if you trick a muslim into eating it that doesn't count to them, kinda thing. There are all sorts of loop holes and taqiya and what not
Thank fucking lord! Dogs are niggers and owning pets in général is faggy.
nothing wrong with that. Dogs are dirty and shit on walking ways, bark, jump and even try to bite you sometimes.
>full of muslims
>muslims hate dogs
Checks out.
>this gets posted on pol
The same applies to immigrants and yet you bend over forwards for them
just one part of the general agenda
Oh I wonder what religious group is responsible for this? Oh cares it's the Muslims and by extension the kikes that push for white genocide.
We both know you have to go back, Ahmed.
>butthurt shitskin can't into dogos
Sounds like your typical muslim.
We can all see your Mudslime flag bro.
I wonder who would do this
Fuck off roach. Go shave your palms
I'd like to force the fucker responsible to eat a fistfull of razor blades
Why go to that much effort? Dogs are stupid. They would happily eat a bare razor if you acted like it was people food. When I worked at a vet, we treated a dog that ate a bunch of needles.
I wouldn't be surprised if this was done by some mudslime leech. Or maybe some college kiddy read Slaughterhouse Five and wanted to see if its real.
>le animal lifes matter xD
butthurt, im not muslim. I just dont care about annoying animals.
>Muslims hate dogs
This. It's muslims.
Found the sand nigger
So what you stupid nigger? The fact you think that highlights your ignorance about mans best friend.
even germans get suspicious of refugees if you approach their dog and start offering it razor blades
>They would happily eat a bare razor if you acted like it was people food.
It wouldn't smell like food, though.
Dogs eat people food because it still smells like food.
>dogs being killed
it's fucking muslims isnt it?
I have always put push pins in meatballs, and tossed them into the yards of pitbull owners.
Can you imagine the fucking pain of having razor blades in your stomach? That sounds fucking horrendous.
"Respect" is just a codeword for Submission when it comes to muslims.
dogs are one of the reasons why the white race is so successful, because we evolved together hunting, protecting our homes and building modern civilization
this is why the negro does not understand and mocks our bond
this is why the asian does not respect and eats the dog
this is why the muslim is revolted and terrified by the dog
dogs are honorary whites and if you dont like them get the fuck out of white countries
>Any deviations from this course are met with negative re-enforcement
you dont know what negative reinforcement is.
We'll push you back to the steppes someday you sub human wastes, Byzantium will reborn on top of your ashes.
>the feeling of being shaved inside
>Turkish flag
Yeah I'm gonna need you to shut the fuck up goatfucker
>He doesn't like man's best friend
Being an autistic faggot is arguably worse than being a Muslim because at least you can change the latter
>not using a proxy to hide your disgusting flag
you should be ashamed of yourself
I think he meant to say aversion therapy
Germans deserve this, but their doggo's don't.
There is a law in germany, that you have to keep your dog on a leash 100% of time outside. There is also a law in germany that forces owners of several dog breeds (eg pitbull etc) to make them wear muzzles when outside.
So if everyone would obey those laws, dogs wouldnt eat razorblade sausages because the owners would see whatever theyre doing.
I have no sympathy for neither the people putting out these dogtraps nor the people whose dogs get killed by it, its both against the law.
>dogs are honorary whites and if you dont like them get the fuck out of white countries
no I think i just build some of this razor blade sausages and give them my neighbours dogs.
Or you could just deport every single muslim, that way you don't have to worry about someone trying to kill your dog.
>There is a law in germany, that you have to keep your dog on a leash 100% of time outside
fucking nazis
Oh, little user is afraid of dogs, how cute.
>le doggo is le bes friend of man xd :D
neck yourself, we dont need dogs anymore. Dogs are not my best friends.
Really difficult to guess who's behind it.
Oh, little user likes to get fucked in the ass by his dog, how cute.
I'm sure all those hating comes from a dog eating some Fritz's dick, cause u are all a bunch of perv.
You're an honorary shitskin.
I'm not a muslim, dogs are just fucking trash. Give me ONE reason to keep a dog in current year
>they shit
>they bark
>they spread diseases
>they shit
>theyre fucking loud, especially around other dogs
>they bite
>they shit
Purity is a troll organisation that was set up to bait people. No lie, go look it up.
Fuck off Quebequeer with your shit accents you inbred cunt.
>instantly associates sex with animals
Muhammedan confirmed.
>t. The faggot who starts everyday the same thread how do wr fix le ebil pit bull
To scare muslims like you
>aversion therapy
that's just a euphemism for punishment.
nothing wrong with punishment.
the law was put into place after several children playing on the playground were attacked by dogs and mauled to death or crippled. you can guess what group of people was responsible for most of these cases, a small hint: if you ask them they have no country they belong to but if you ask me, they belong to india.
>all these "german" flags
kek, you guys are fucked
LOL and they just keep voting for more and more Muslims who are feeding their dogs razors.
Truly a cursed people.