Legalize it

There is literally nothing wrong with cannabis.

Other urls found in this thread: of marijuana&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjiiZP22NHTAhWIsVQKHfUGDysQgQMIIDAA

Nothing wrong with it except the users. Say it with me


>mfw weed is more legal in the US than it is in most European countries and Canada
LMFAO, so much for Yuropoors and Canacucks being progressive. And no, getting a slap on the wrist for buying bud is not "the same" as being able to buy and sell weed on a commercial level. I can go down to the mother fucking dispensary right now and buy an ounce of some good bud and it's perfectly legal. I bet that makes you foreigners jelly as fuck.

>makes you lazy
>makes you turn passive
>makes you dumber
>you don't improve mentally when high
>is a money drain

yea, nothing "wrong" with it

If you smoke the wrong weed. The right kind makes me amped as fuck.

Cheeseburgers do the same thing to some people.

Yes there is. It makes you slow, dumb, and lazy. Otherwise you'd be out collecting signatures to change the law, instead of shit posting on a Congolese alligator image board about it. It's not going to change by shit posting, fatty.

There is nothing wrong if you smoke it every once in a while. If you start smoking it daily you turn into lazy degenerate idiot.

Everyday smoker here

Yes there is, all escapism is a coping mechanism for a horrifying world,
stop deluding yourself

It is legalized in the US. Why don't the degenerates shut up already?

Degenerate potheads can go to a dispensary and do that here in bc? I honestly dont see the need to even adress the issue if anyone can get a card and buy it at any point

Yes it will. Arizona got was pretty close and it's on the ballot again for 2018

Got some really good stuff today

Good point. If it's that important just fucking move.

What is NORML? For $500 Alex.
Why would I want to go do that when there are people actively working on it for me? I rather just be lazy and fat and eat and smoke a plant.

Same. I only do it after I'm done with everything for that day, though. Or if I have a free day afterwards.
There's plenty of things wrong with it, mainly the culture (especially the shit you see on the Internet). I still like it, though. But I only really use it in social situations when friends of mine do the same, that's the only time it's ever worth it.

>doesn't kill you
>makes you fell 10x time better than alcohol

Not federally

It should be legal but you are still a degenerate for smoking it.

Wrong is subjective, therefore it might aswell not exist

I luv ganjas.

None of this is true.
Just because lazy, passive, dumb, broke people like to talk endlessly about marijuana because it's the only thing interesting about their day does not mean everyone who uses it is lazy, passive, dumb and broke.

Some strains act as stimulants.
Most users don't make it the focal point of their life.
Most of the people you know and respect use it, but don't tell you because they don't want to hear the judgemental sanctimonious diatribe they witnessed you unleash on the last person whose hobbies and preferences differed from yours.


>sell family, house, car and boat just to get high
>medical bills go through the roof because of several conditions (muh I will just smoke more, ganja will cure it)
>lost job and social contacts because nobody wants to put up with pothead bullshit
REEEE, I won't move to Colorado! That's too much to ask for.

Yeah but in the states that it is legal that's really not that big a deal. Cash only and discrimination. I think thats it. I mean yeah we want it federal too but still.

I don't smoke but I could spend days just sniffing different strains of dank. Some buds have reallty comfy smell

Npbody does that or should have to do that to smoke a bowl,

You won't be able to light up in my house because I would kick you out.
See, 100% weed coverage is not possible, you might as well give up and move to where it's legal.

I don't want to chill in your house. It probably smells weird. But I shouldn't have to move to do what I want with my body.

People are different. In Colorado they want to have degenerate potheads around, in other states they don't.
It's better to move to where you can be among like minded people than to force your degeneracy onto people who don't want it.

>pretty close
Is that like a little pregnant?
Slightly broken?
Normal does nothing of the sort, you fat idiot. Normal had zero presence in Colorado when they legalized it. It was done by real people who wanted to do more than cry on the internet, bitch tits. Because you'll never leave your basement it will remain illegal.

I don't force anything on anyone. I just want to be left alone to do my own thing without there being the possibility someone like you would force violence against someone for consuming a plant.

Why do yall keep calling me fat? I could probably run circles around most of you faggots while high on weeds.

If you don't force it on anybody (i.e. don't support criminals in your community by buying illegal drugs and staying in your house so you don't ruin your neighborhood with "dank smell") who would be there to force violence against you?

You could just as easily legalize it on the federal level and allow individual states to ban it if they see it as a problem.

There's always people like you. Who think they are right no matter what. Who impose on others freedoms.

>smoking the herbal Jew

Good goyim

That's not how it works. Counties can vote on it though and theoretically every county in a state could vote to ban it.

Blowing your weed smell around is a violation of the NAP.

Incorrect. Weed smell is a right given by God.

Living in dude weed Colorado after legalization will make you want to make it illegal again

>That's not how it works

Yes, it is. That's exactly how it works.

If so, then locking you in my basement and using you as a rape toy (no homo) is a god given right, too.

Found a nigger. Enjoy slowing your mind on the jew plant


>legalize it at the federal level
no you faggot, that's NOT how it works. it might be how it should work, but it's not how it currently works

It is, but that is the violence I was talking about. Smoking my plants isn't the same as raping a bootyhole against someone's will.

no its with every kind of weed, turns people into brain dead couch potatos who just wait for their next bong hit.

Cheeseburgers are sugar ridden fat shit to feed retards with.

if you eat fast food you're a dumb fuck too retarded to cook a good heatlhy meal.

it doesn't kill you but it steals time you could use for self improvement, like learning something, or working out.

>"but but alcohol is worse!!!"
you need alcohol in your life as much as you need weed, not at all.
if you need drugs to function you failed as a human.

>None of this is true.
it is true you shill.
Just look at the average stoner, smelly, uneducated people who do nothing with their lifes. usually worthless Liberals as well.

even the ones who seem to have it regulated will spiral out of control and get addicted and turn it into a daily habit.

its just a matter of time.

It's great. Variety is the spice of life. Pills are the jew drugs.

It turns you into an idiot and makes you lazy. Stop consuming the green Jew.

Of course it's not the same, but perfectly natural. Therefore I may do it (right in the US, without moving to Africa first).

Stop being a nazi and love everyone.

>Smoking my plants isn't the same as raping a bootyhole against someone's will
in the mind of an anti-pot person, it is.
their struggle is real. stop raping them or they'll rape you!

Ok, well you can rape booty holes, and I will eat plants. Deal?

How do you figure? As I recall that's literally not how it works with anything. Let's take alcohol though. States cannot cannot ban it but counties can and do. Colorado counties just did that with weed. That's how our country works. Counties are given shitloads of control over commerce.


No, you couldn't. I don't smoke and run twice a week. The biggest weight you've lifted in weeks was most likely a big gulp, lard lad. You've already admitted to smoking every day. You're so high, you forget what smoking does to your lungs, tubby?

Weed is scientifically proven (actual science not bill the shill guy science) to make you less motivated and more passive.

It is literally the definition of degeneracy.

Forcing my degeneracy upon others is the most American thing I do.

i agree cocaine and alcohol is much much better! makes you feel high energy! you should try it man.

I haven't admitted anything, this is satire, and you don't know me, son.

>no its with every kind of weed, turns people into brain dead couch potatos who just wait for their next bong hit.
On the other hand, this also keeps them out of trouble.

For comparison, how many people are killed by drunk driving every year?

By who? It's illegal to test it here even by the federal government. Just busted you in a lie pal.

>actual science
links to peerreviewd pl0x

If you have a terminal illness there's nothing with it, but if you're a twenty-something #420blazeit pot head degenerate you can either get clean or check in to the nearest gulag.

>inserting substances into your body that cause harm in the long run


there is already people getting killed/injured because retards drive high.

Marijuana makes you feel better, it can be a food, fuel, clothing, rope and all kinds of other shit. Only a jew would try to ban it.

You're right. Only meme politicians want to ban it.

Get in the gas chamber.

falling for the herbal jew, good goy.


This is true. As an ex stoner I can attest to the low test, low drive, overall dunning kruger "it's all someone else's fault" mentality that MJ emparts. That's without mentioning there's no group with a more inflated estimation of the value of their shitty opinions and retarded beliefs. You know I'm correct.

Bullshit weed improves your motor reflexes. That's why athletes smoke it before a professional game. Among other countless exams. The difference between driving drunk and high are astronomical. Driving high will just literally make you get lost in your own neighborhood.

I already told you, pills are the jew drugs.

no and i am the greatest! you could be that to! fuck dude weed lmao man just go stright for the coke! you'll see motivation rise beyond your wildest cuck imaginations!

It was a privlege to watch you two hash out your differences.

Here is one specific one:

And here is the google search where you can find more: of marijuana&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjiiZP22NHTAhWIsVQKHfUGDysQgQMIIDAA

We're talking about weed here, not shitposting on Sup Forums


Either way its illegal for even the federal government to test it here. Gee i wonder why...

It has been scientifically established that Marihuana is hated by those who abuse extremist political ideologies to suppress their homosexual tendencies boiling inside them. So....

>used to hang with potheads
>they all got jobs at dispensaries
>tell me about pot all day
>smoke pot all day
>get mad when I say I don't want to smoke with them everyday
>they go a few hours without pot and they get rekt and have to smoke again

I decided to stop smoking a month ago and I feel better. I cut ties with those people and I feel better about that too. Shit will run your life. It may not be physically addicting but it's emotionally addicting. Seeing these people try not to smoke pot for a day and watching them get rekt over the dumbest shit is enough to not start.

Ja, du Fickhehler.

good that you turned your life around m8.

it doesn't improve anything.

enjoy your brain damage and fucked up liver.
useless 3rd world druggi.

>being so cucked by weed that you have to defend it on the internet

Jealous desu. I don't have a connection anymore

Sounds like an argument made up by Jews.

You are autistic

>you may access this article (from the computer you are currently using) for 1 day for US$39.00.
i'll rather waste the money on weed, but hey thanks.

Well it certainly doesn't impair motor skill reflexes. Just look at video game players especially those playing upright arcade cabinets. Drunk will have them literally swaying on their feet and dead. High will have them in the zone thinking theyre actually saving the world.

Nein, du dummer Wurstesser.

The whole "natural fallacy" is retarded. Cocaine, opium, and various poisons are all natural. Doesn't make them any safer than something made in a lab. Just because something exists naturally in the world doesn't mean it's meant for human consumption.
I'll take pharmaceuticals over other substances every time, because they're the only drug with which you know exactly what you're taking.
Also, I don't have any problem with smoking, I did for years in high school although I haven't for about 6 years since then. I just makes me anxious and stupid now. But one thing that people never seem to bring is the halflife. The halflife of a single drink is an hour or two, while the halflife of THC is about 36 hours. Someone who has a causal couple of drinks in the evening is completely sober by the morning. While someone who casually smokes every evening has a system completely free of THC.

>There is literally nothing wrong with cannabis.
The only thing wrong with it is its criminality. It's a relatively benign plant that conservatively treats an absolutely incredible host of ailments, to say nothing of the revenue stream we're missing out on by relegating growers to the black market.

Also, mass incarcerations of non-violent drug offences are an enormous expense to the taxpayer and, really, the punishment for those has never fit the crime.

In Real Life driving a 3 ton car is something different than your stupid videogames.

Pill popper detected.


Potheads are filth, got any more breaking news there Sherlock?

No it's literally not and besides it's all relative. Or do I need to explain that application to you? A high truck driver will on fact get lost and wind up in another country but he will absolutely not swerve or miss a light. A drunk driver will run a stop sign. A stoned driver will wait for the sign to turn green.

>not doing cocaine
Fucking plebshit if you're going to be a degenerate at least don't be a lethargic piece of shit degenerate.

>driving requires constant attention
>high retard forgets to look over his shoulder
>causes accident
>"Duuude I was sooo high"

thats how it actually goes down.
they can't concentrate on the task and keep attention to the details.

you realize weed is grown in labs and regulated as well?