Why is it anytime I bring up the Jews my family doesn't take me seriously? They are conservative/right wing and are open minded usually but when I bring up in conversation how Jews run the banks/media they laugh nervously, become dismissive and try to change the subject.
Why is it anytime I bring up the Jews my family doesn't take me seriously...
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I don't spurge out like you but I've noticed this with my male friends too. One on one, I tell them, they accept it, we laugh together, talk about it etc.
Then we're in a group of 3-5, 3 of whom are aware of the JQ, and I bring it up and they are silent/awkward/quick to change the subject.
Pussies. Overton window shifting don't worry, soon they will be in your predicament.
They are either being good goyim or... let's say you should investigate (((your family heritage))).
No, they're just brainwashed by the (((MEDIA)))
They scared of the truth truth.
I think most of em understand most of the world is controlled by jews but they just dont enjoy disucssing it because of the debilitating effect of the redpill
Because the very mention of (((them))) makes people's skin crawl
They live in the world where PRISM exists. Another idea people refused to entertain but turned out to be true.
Those people are conditioned into believing certain things are just crazy
First you have to convince them to stop watching television and Hollywood movies.
THEN move onto the Jew discussion.
They will not do that.
You have to show them the propaganda in Hollywood, the Judaic nature of it. They way Hollywood denigrates all goys, all White Christians are stupid evil Nazis, all Arab Muslims are crazed terrorists, all Russians are maniacs who want to nuke America.
I would recommend Herve Ryssen's Satan in Hollywood for a more intelligent person or Hollywood a Jewish Empire (which seems to have been muted on youtube for (((copyright))) reasons.)
Or give them Henry Ford's Dearborn Independent if you think they will read it. Culture of Critique is to dense for average pleb.
Why didn't Dale hate the jews?
Two reasons:
>conspiracy nut hating Jews isn't going to get you a PG rating or a good response from Fox broadcasting
>Mike Judge is basing the character off a conspiracy nut he personally knew... and many conspiracy nuts simply think the FBI assassinated JFK and don't necessarily say it was because of DA JOOS
are they fundy christians? call them the synagogue of satan and mention something about that televangelist Hagee being a satanist because he has his nose buried up their ass.
Ive tried having this discussion with my gf, but she has one or two tokenistic jewish friends, and doesnt like to judge a group of people as a whole. She doesnt think less of me for holding these views, but I dont understand the militant stance christians take on defending jews/Israel. Jews have nothing but contempt for christians, and they murdered Jesus. Yes, Jesus was a jew, but judeaism just seems like a means to an end to me. If the only way to reach salvation is through Jesus Christ, why not acknowldge Jews are going to hell? Im trying to get through to her.
I guess mike judge was a typical post WWII cuckservative. Can't blame him too much with all the propaganda they did then
Instead of talking about jews start showing them images or videos.
Checked, also great pic
>Why is it anytime I bring up the Jews my family doesn't take me seriously? They are conservative/right wing and are open minded usually but when I bring up in conversation how Jews run the banks/media they laugh nervously, become dismissive and try to change the subject.
It's because they know...
It helps if you bring up another race first. Explain why the Mongols and Native Amer-Indians were so crippled by alcohol, or why the Amer-Indians were weak to European diseases. They'll start to see that these naturally occuring weaknesses are the result of evolution. Explain how sickle-celled anemia appears to be a weakness, until one realizes that it is a natural defense against the Malarial fevers which ravaged the regions where those people originated.
You have to paint with broad strokes, you have to explain how human migration creates conflict, but that it also mixes and tumbles the human genome, recombining different traits, neglecting some while reinforcing others, and that the advancing and receeding waves of humanity that teamed across Europe, and Asia left more than just new genetic stock in their wake, they left behind new ideas, exposed peoples to new cultures, and that this shock in and of itself was often enough to remold and to shape anew the peoples affected by conquest and migration.
Explain how some groups were forced to live on the margins of society for centuries, and how this fundamentally changed those groups. Explain how some groups lived in geographic isolation from others, and how this retarded their evolution relative to other more active groups.
You have to frame this conversation in such a way that the conclusions begin to seem self-evident. You must lead your audience to the water in such a way that they are already knee deep in the surf before you invite them to dive in.
I just say "elites" or "cabal" or "the 1%" instead of jews. The truth is I DON'T actually believe jews control the world, but they ARE wildly over represented in the group of people who DO control the world.
I often think that jews are just the middle managers you goyim are ALLOWED to see in the global cabal. The REAL overlords are never held accountable, but every century or so they let you stupid plebs expel (or kill) the jews for chuckles.