What does Sup Forums think of this guy?

What does Sup Forums think of this guy?

He strikes me as ingenuine, almost as an actor.

He is a hero. He sacrificed a privileged life to BTFO the NSA and the CIA. I like him.

Hero. but not THAT smart.

Leftist faggot.

he's definitely austistic to some level, so that might explain it.
but i know what you mean.

Did something commendable but what change did he really cause? If government spying was against his morales why even take the job at all?

...he's actually republican in ideology

CIA nigger

>steals tax payer funded secret intell
>gives it all to a literal faggot living in Brazil instead of the American public
>runs away
truly an hero

I don't like living in an age where we get news from traitors and traitors give the news. Some of that rubs off on him.

Americans just live to fuck themselves over.

He didn't know initially that spying on common citizens was involved, he only blew the whistle after years of complaining to his superiors that what they were doing was unconstitutional. As to the change that he caused, not much, because the average citizen is too retarded to take the government spying on literally everyone seriously.

I mean he didn't really tell us something we already didn't know at the time. Maybe it was worse then we thought was going on but nothing new nonetheless. He still didn't do nothing wrong.

He sacrificed his wealth and his freedom for his people.
I can understand if you don't agree with his political view like when he supported BLM. But can you really hate him for everything he has done for his people?

Hero, most Americans hate him because he exposed their government, but then again, those Americans would support anything their (((government))) tells them

A hero

A true hero

Mildly autistic. Paid by Russian intelligence these days.

why? proof?

Our guy

He's a hero but still a traitor
>inb4 durr he leaked information about illegal activities
So? Doesn't mean I dont want the people behind it to fry right along with him

aren't they gonna chop your arms off for being on Sup Forums in UAE-stan, son?

Burgers obedient. Burgers hate who the gov tells 'em.

I get the same feeling, not really in a malicious sense tho

>Doesn't mean I dont want the people behind it to fry right along with him

All enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC, faggot.


> calls Obongo a fagget who leaks intel

> proceeds to beg Obongo to pardon him

plus his movie sucked

>leaks state secrets to everybody in the world including our enemies
Still a traitor. What he did was right, but how he went about it was wrong.

not his tho, is it? more like Kike propaganda innit

This is an instance where two things can be true at the same time.

arab bro, whats it like in that shithole? Got your camel parked outside? Your womyn bringing the room together nicely as a carpet?

He sacrified a comfortable life for what he believes is right. He is a hero for showing the public how powerful the NSA is and how much they know, not only about their own citizens, but about foreign Western politicians as well. Europe should not be controlled by the US. I think my country should grant Snowden political asylum.

Great guy, our government should stop licking ass and give him asylum.

Or wait, he would have been CIA'd within 48 hours. He better stay with the Russians.

Younger, lese retarded Assange

I'm living fine desu

I don't think UAE is a shithole and I like how they control Indian and Paki immigrants here

If they did any criminal act they would be departed immediately

isn't it like a wahhabist tyranny? If you complain or protest it's beheading and crucification?

Just ask yourself,

If he really is NSA, why did his leaks unveil pretty much nothing? Basically powerpoint slides detailing some NSA ops, but no concrete tools? Nothing to test with? Nothing to point out security holes for the industry to fix?

Why make a movie and documentary about the guy, detailing how much of a rogue and saboteur he is to the United States, and do nothing about him? If they really wanted him dead, he'd be dead. What agency deals in that sort of thing, oh gee I dunno, the CIA? What reason would they have not to off the guy, unless he was one of their own?

Also due to said movie and documentary, he has a nice propped-up position on Twitter and is a voice-box to push forth any disinfo and counter intelligence his handlers wish to disseminate to the masses. Twitter, the social media giant allowing rampant pedophiles, radical islamic terror cells, all other kinds of degeneracy unfettered on Twitter, and let Snowden speak freely, yet conservative, right-leaning accounts are being banned and silenced?

Really does make you think...

Nah you just get deported and I believe it's a good idea. btw they came here they should already signed a contract about not doing anything that wouls harm the UAE if my memory if correct


Snowden revealing (((the deep state's))) domestic surveillance to normies is an incredible sacrifice. If Trump really goes against him and possibly Assange that will be the stupidest political decision he could make besides the prospect of not keeping his promise on the wall. Build the fucking wall. Focus on that.

Hello NSA

he wasnt nsa. he was a civilian contractor

he was a weeb linux admin who had access to the computer systems. it wasn't like he was a high level agent or something

He sure should have given the info to your (((CNN))) buddies and get caught instantly before being able to flee to Russia.

>an hero

Learn to spell you fucking retard

I always wondered that with Twitter. And the shit propaganda looking docu they released with that empty womyn. You might have a point. I mean they really are making it hell for Assange. Not so much for Snowden

Yet the supposed NSA leaks he disseminated didn't really do shit. If you were a whistle-blower determined to out the egregious shit the government is doing, wouldn't he have leaked more damaging materials? Actual tools? Real evidence of backdoors? Are you gonna tell me he wasn't competent enough to leak deeper shit, not just product spec powerpoints, when apparently he "risked" his fucking life to get said info out?

Give me a fucking break

>instead of the American public
That would be the most stupidest thing he could do
Normie pls

or, you know, torrent it?
He could've given it all to a less gay foreigner (assange) that would have at least published the material instead of hoarding it like a faggot.

I'm sick of seeing his face. Especially this pic with that annoying expression of indignation, with a vague hint of smug self righteousness