Your thoughts?
What race is it?
Why do we have these threads non-stop?
Also I don't think the procedure says to snip the cord. I think it says to snip the whatever you want to call it.
Invent beer that makes the vas deferens contract so sperm does not mix with semen during ejaculation.
Abortion rate drops 99%
Necessary evil. Think of how many blacks and democat voters would be alive today if not for decades of abortion. There's no way the Republicans would control the house and senate. Trump would never had stood a chance..
Generally against unless the fetus has a pretty serious defect. It's regrettable and shouldn't be promoted as a virtue or a form of birth control. If a woman has a baby she doesn't want and it's healthy it should be put up for adoption if it happens more than once, sterilize.
Why do people always apply linear reasons to relational analyses?
Women would be different. Male behavior would be different. Life would be a lot less degenerate.
Notrhing wrong with it. Only christcucks are against it
>jewish shit
Fuck off n*gger lover
>ples continue to allow Jews to sacrifice babbies to Moloch, goyim
Fuck off Kike
It's the women's fault if she is too lazy to get Plan B after being raped
One uses arguments the other just name calls
if its a nigger, yes abort it please
if its a white, give it to adoption
Necessary population control in an age of fuckwit IMO
Statistically likely to be non-white in the US black
i'm against it, but if my sister or my daughter ever come back pregnant with some mulatto bastard i have no problem with flushing the turd down the toilet.
Make protein pill for men that makes sperm taste like chocolate
ok if it's a total mong or a danger to mother's health.
not ok if it's because parent were being stupid. you pay for your own mistakes.
basically just like the abortion law in poland
if you're too stupid to put on a condom, you shouldnt reproduce
Im pro life. However, if you really truly want to abort the child, then it should be required that you must also be sterilized. If someone is going to be that irresponsible with the gift of life, they did not deserve to have it in the first place. Furthermore, this will eradicate single motherhood as irresponsible women will no longer be able to produce children out of wedlock, getting rid of the issue of shitty parenting affecting the child.
This obviously wouldnt apply to mothers who are going to perish during birth or who were raped.
I think it's degenerate.
Sure, it does get rid of a lot of undesirables, but we need to start teaching women that there are actual consequences to their actions.
A society without laws that are upheld is no society at all.