Can you explain Intelgate in a nutshell? (Without difficult terms)
Can you explain Intelgate in a nutshell? (Without difficult terms)
I don't know, man. I'm rather tired.
Let's go to bed. Everybody is probably very sleepy.
I mean that image tells all, right? Is there more evidence than that?
Big Brother has been here for a while now. They know everything, and can go back 16 years and reconstruct your entire electronic life.
This post is in my file now.
Your computer has a wide open back door and your government care takers can peek in any time they want. It is on the hardware level.
I put a gummie bear in my foreskin and now I can't get it out.
Wtf is intelgate
Allegedly the government has access to all data on a computer that they can get through a hardware exploit which means that they don't have to worry about updates and security fixes
It can be summarized as "The neckbeards were right. Again."
import glob
import os
from random import choice
from string import digits
from random import randint
extensions = ['.jpg', '.png', '.gif', '.jpeg', '.webm']
def random():
new_ext = extensions[randint(0, 4)]
return '14{0}'.format(''.join(choice(digits) for i in range(11))) + new_ext
for meme in extensions:
meme_folder = os.getcwd()
rename = glob.glob(meme_folder + '*' + meme)
for thing in rename:
new_name = meme_folder + random()
while os.path.isfile(new_name):
new_name = meme_folder + random()
os.rename(thing, meme_folder + random())
ok thanks
Hitler did nothing wrong, and Donald Trump has intel confirming this, hence the name.
why the fuck doesn't anyone disassembly a motherfucking ME whatever that shit is, and make some headlines
>Your computer has a wide open back door
Try no door. Win 10 can tell who is using it by keystroke patterns.its always been this way. Now they are just telling you
That stuff is all written in low level machine code. only like 8 autists on planet earth can read it. also it can't be read by any conventional method once impregnated on the chip
how fucking dumb are you? It's pretty obvious if you read the fucking POAST
im sure this can be circumvented if I run a linux VM inside of a windows 7 vm or some convoluted shit
i mean they could still find out. but if i run that shit deep in vm and save my files to snes pixelated emulator dos texts good fucking luck
You mean quick rundown?
fun time deh ya a time for da bus ride
tl:;dr Intel chipsets have a separate processor that functions completely independently of the main CPU and can access any memory stored on the computer. If you gain access to this processor you can see anything stored on the computer or in the memory (even RAM) and because it's a hardware exploit, sub-OS level there's no way to know whether this is happening and software or OS updates can't fix it. According to the user in the OP pic Intel is actively collaborating with the intelligence community to develop backdoors allowing them to remotely access this processor.
>include secret back door
>but allow win 10 to tell you about it
Welp, enjoy your 200TB's of cuck porn, CIA. You sure got me good.
When you press the power button, there is a boot-up sequence.
The boot-up sequence is closed (code can't be read).
You can't change the boot-up sequence because intel requires you use the factory boot up sequence. If you change it, the laptop automatically shuts-off (so i've been told).
>can't look at code for backdoors
>can't change code in case of backdoors
>probably backdoors
Every electronics component or device have backdoors ALL of them: android phones, microsoft, linux, hard drive were found with to have altered firmware, and add to that facebook, google collecting data from users even face recognition patterns.
In a few years you won't be able to criticize anyone without being single out and processed in court for your opinion. 1984 is real
You should know about it rabbi
firmware is not the same as hardware
Also we're talking about chips fabricated on the nanometer scale, so unless you've got literal Intel-grade equipment to fuck around with, chances are you'd end up just fucking up the entire chip
thats tricky as fuck but worth it
Boy are you trolling? messing with those pins never ends well. You have sources on that
NSA is spying in you, in short.
Remember kids, CIA is people spying on you, NSA is listening to everything you say.
yeah no I remember when Sup Forums used to tell anons with computer issues to delete win32
you have the rip all the pins off, the pins are what talks to the spys
Shit's confirmed. Sup Forums figured it out weeks ago.
Did it myself, grounded myself and used a nail clipper.
You can protect the other pins with a credit card too, it will fit just between.
For all sockets, because there are a lot of different kind of processors
The terminology the guy uses is either confused or irrelevant.
Obviously fake.
Nah the phrase you're looking for is le
>basic gestalt
not fake
>listening to a random Sup Forums post that tells you to mess with delicate components with no sources to back it up
But that thread is talking about something totally different
It´s long known fact that the ME is very shady, does it´s own stuff, "calls home" and is very unsecured even if it hasnt any backdoors integrated.
There are even howtos online on how to disable with an firmware patch/script on the net, though that only works on the older ones which code can be....scrambled, for the lack of a better word.
This works. It somehow increased my flux capacitor vram by 1gb, too. Thanks user!
I was under the impression that thread talked about the same remote workable flaw and how to detec if you're impacted by it.
We are talking about the fact intel knew they were doing this and that they continued doing this because of working together with some alphabet agency.
Ah, I see now. Was wondering when in this bullshit rant a rightwing conspiracy theory about trump would be created. Thanks, Russia. Now stop posting any fucking time.
>muh russian haxxer
oh you
I was trying to make the point about how the OS doesn't matter. The hardware allows people to look in, even without windows.