>bull isn't black
2/10 would not fap
Neo-Nazis are a product of Jewish propaganda. Like any other hate group, their members are hoping to fill some kind of void in their lives and they *happen* to find Neo-Nazism. They could easily join any other organization, e.g. Scientologists, Antifa, etc, to give them a sense of purpose.
The modern Identitarian/Alt Right/white nationalist movement is based on data and (mostly) rational people who see the havoc that multicultural/multiracial societies have created.
my god, Sup Forums btfo
h-how will i recover ?
I don't get it.
I respect neo-nazis more than Alt-Reddit tbqh.
>leftists projecting the fact that they can't think for themselves onto others
can i have a quick rundown on this piece of comickino?
Is this supposed to be an insult? Little convoluted if so, desu
Why? They're not National Socialists. Neo-Nazis have no ideology. They don't help the white nationalist cause in any way. They exist solely for Jewish media to point their finger at and say, "see, this is why the white race must die". Neo-Nazis are degenerates.
National-Socialism is the most rational ideology out there. Alt-cucks are cancer, but useful for our agena.
Although NatSoc have nothing to do with (((neo-nazis)))
Oh hey I found the self service advertising thread well ok here I go!
Is this the best the left can do?
Beating the shit out of ANTIFA > posting frog memes on the internet. I don't like neo-nazis but I do like their conviction.
This too.
Can somebody explain this pic to me? I don't get it.
How many Neo-Nazis were at Berkeley? One or two?
How many Pepes did you see? How many Kekistani flags? Do you realize it's harder to find a photo or clip of the Berkeley riot without Based Stickman charging into danger?
Neo-Nazis are a IRL left-wing caricature. They deal drugs in their communities. They prostitute their own women.
They are degenerates.
We are raping the brains of poor redditor neckbeards and filling them with NatSoc cum.
It's pretty accurate, except we don't look like neo-nazis. They should've drawn Hitler instead.
>1 Post by this ID
Stop bumping slide threads
Thanks Fritz
I can fuck my own brain, thanks.
Sage this stupid fucking leaf
>2/10 would not fap
3/10 would not fap again
I don't think the person who drew it got it either.
I don't see why anti-semitism and nationalism are a nazi only club
our nation has been humiliating the kikes for a long time now. its part of my heritage
Kek, fukken saved
Natsoc are muslimlover
Neo Nazis seems like a fabrication and shouldn't be respected. It's a sub-set of a fucking punk rock scene where antifa also supposedly emerged from.
If you're a follower of national socialism in any form these people should be looked down upon.
Cuck has become the insult for the alt-right according to the mainstream media. The joke of this cartoon is to show that the "alt-right" are the true cucks by depicting a neckbeard sitting there enjoying the show as a neonazi bull plows his brain which represents the alt-right supposedly drinking in neonazi beliefs without question.
Day Of The Rake soon
no sir is more like redditor brains being raped by pol
>Kekistani flags
Fuck off Sargon.
>Based Stickman
The guy's a faggot.
I consider myself alt-right but you're fucking retarded.
>Stickman a fagot
He may have a wife and kid (both asian) but he's an honorary faggot in my books.
>National-Socialism is the most rational ideology out there
literally feels>reals the ideology
honorary white man
sure spook
>most rational ideology
>hurr durr no opportunity without superiority
So rational
Didn't you see the pic? He's anti-white.
It literally boils down to "give up on your race or you'll be genocided harder".
muh anti-white.
really makes me think
Oh I get it, I'm talking to a spic.
Fuck off pablo.
wish I had a big white man with gains to please him everytime
>heh, they're just being brain washed!
>what? there's two genders? fucking fascist!
how did you know?
Oh look, another divide thread.
It's exactly the opposite. Equal opportunity breeds superiority.
>Fates of western Europe and SA
What. I don't recall western Europe having white people's assets removed because whitey.
Why don't you read what you're responding to? The person I was replying to said that Neo-Nazis fight Antifa in larger numbers than alt-lite redditors. These people are essentially pro-white activists even if they don't realize it yet.
>The guy's a faggot
Almost every battle scene of Berkeley, you can find Based Stickman running into a fight or swinging at someone. He isn't a faggot. He may not be a white nationalist, but he's on our side for now.
Whoops that's capitalism, not natsoc in anyway
This, it's in every inferior race to bend the knee to white people, it's our destiny to seize, everything else is garbage. Who cares about degeneracy from christcucks. We should support there fetish for white cock.
>Greek browno threatening Canada
At least Canada has an economy
The Jews fucked Greece so hard.
>The person I was replying to said that Neo-Nazis fight Antifa in larger numbers than alt-lite redditors.
What, do you think they're all dressed in a swastika tshirt?
>Almost every battle scene of Berkeley, you can find Based Stickman running into a fight or swinging at someone.
Shit, that really changes the fact that he doesn't care if whites are genocided. I'm a #racetraitor now!
The faggot fights because he wants people to stop calling him racist. He, his wife and his wifes son can fuck off.
white men are more handsome, i don't know why faggots like blacks, they should go fuck a monkey if they want to be degenerates lol
>not posting the original
I'm honestly surprised no one has shooped OPs image to have the "cuck" wearing a Che shirt and the bull having corporate tv station logo tattoos.
Nice try beaner, we're still not letting you in
>What, do you think they're all dressed in a swastika tshirt?
You seem to think that Neo-Nazis == National Socialists == pro-white.
Neo-Nazis are degenerate trash who deal drugs in their white communities and prostitute white women. They are not ideological any more than your average nigger gang member.
>Shit, that really changes the fact that he doesn't care if whites are genocided.
Yeah, because everyone here was born and raised as white nationalists, right? It's not possible that he could learn why he should care about preserving his race, right? You're a fucking divide-and-conquer shill.
Antifa is a tool. There are plans in the works to assassinate Yvette Felarca and hang it on the alt-right. They have people in Antifa from day one looking for the right moment to martyr her. Makes sense really they have been embarrassed and want desperately to turn the tables. Worked with JFK.
>Muh white genocide
>Chink on twitter said mean words
>Muh white genocide
I can't wait too though, boomers are such pussys, just totally fucked by the Jews and the t.v age.
The next generations are getting primed for national socialism especially after this flirt with democracy again with trump doesn't work out.
>just give up, whiteman
what a faggot. all these alt-kikes /flavoroftheweek/ reveal themselves as brainlets and stooges the second they open their mouths. and all these propaganda-ridden newfags here lap it up because "he bashed some tranny with a stick" or whatever. they're just participating in the (((msm))) circlejerk, they're part of the problem. because really: what did that stickfag actually accomplish, diddly squat besides gaining a platform to shit on white identity.
Sorry, but their is not enough labels to be a political cartoon
So, the left is already backtracking? "O-okay, maybe they aren't nazis, but what if imaginary nazis are controlling them?!"
>Neo-Nazis are degenerate trash who deal drugs in their white communities and prostitute white women.
Right, right.
So what you're saying is to become based I need to marry an asian woman and tell whites to let themselves be genocided?
Pro tip, most of the "nazi's" at berkeley were alt-righters (actual ones not T_D alt-liters) and they blend in quite well. Oh but you're going to say "t-those aren't what I mean!" right?
>Yeah, because everyone here was born and raised as white nationalists, right? It's not possible that he could learn why he should care about preserving his race, right?
Well he can't be one now can he, he has a stake in the game to make white nationalism fail, his wife and child. Besides, if you go out there and start spouting anti-white garbage you're going to get attacked for it like the faggot you are, regardless if you can change or not.
>You're a fucking divide-and-conquer shill.
Nah, you're just a redditor who needs to go back.
Tell me how you were a white nationalist since birth, user. Most people here used to be libertarians.
inb4 >(((goldstein)))
guys seriously this is a coincidence
The people out front never pull the strings.
>Implying the left isn't doing the same thing
Switch the brain-fucker with "mainstream media" and the kid in the corner with a regular leftie.
Not an argument.
Damn, that is one S P O O K Y semen demon
>wah wah wah, he fights communists but he said mean things that hurt my feelings
Why are some NatSocs such big babies? The smart ones know they can utilize the situation to spread memes that redpill people, not bitch and moan over their fee fees.
>woah man, you shouldn't attack people for being anti-white because one day they might not be anti-white
Aren't half of us in pol the imaginary nazis? Soon as we defeat this Jewiee libertarian/Regan bullshit we are in.
Jew fucking the brain of an antifa would be better.
There are no "true" national socialists on here that aren't feds or niggers.
Fuck off we're white nationalists. Nazis have been dead for 70 years.
>So what you're saying is to become based I need to marry an asian woman and tell whites to let themselves be genocided?
Sick strawman, bro. This doesn't change the fact that there are Neo-Nazis right now who are destroying their communities with meth and prostitution. You're so far in Kangaroo Land that you don't know what actual anti-white people Neo-Nazis are.
>Pro tip, most of the "nazi's" at berkeley were alt-righters
You mean all 3 of the actual Nazis there? Wow. Nevermind that the alt-right is an umbrella term for a huge number of different ideologies.
>Nah, you're just a redditor who needs to go back.
Go back to Shareblue, shill.
>you should attack right wingers goyim, not try to redpill them.
>he fights communists
My enemies enemy is not my friend, he's my useful tool and this tool is attacking me so it's going to get broken.
>The smart ones know they can utilize the situation to spread memes that redpill people
Memes like "If you care about the future of your children and grandchildren you will advocate for American Nationalism. Otherwise your descendants may end up suffering the fate of whites in countries like South Africa and parts of Western Europe ..."?
wtf I love it when /ourguys/ utilize the situation to spread anti-white propaganda now!
Are all American men destined to be poor or to die in jew wars, just because your grandfather died because of Jewish propaganda doesn't mean you have to.
the dude has chink kids. he's beyond help at that point. grow the fuck up
>you redpill people by accepting everything they say and not attacking them when they do wrong
Shit, so all I needed to do was be a cuckservative? Well call me Jeb Bush and gimme a guac bowl, I'm #marriedtoa4fthobgoblin now!
Yeah that's right just like Jewliani in NYC destroyed the mafia.
It's saying that you're a fat neckbeard loser that has been brainwashed and cucked by nazi ideology.
KKK/neo nazis is a jewish group. Always has been.
>left getting triggered this hard by a centuries old pejorative
>Like it's a bad thing
i'd fuck that guy who's fucking the brain, he's hot