Socialism doesn't work

>socialism doesn't work
It's funny because you can never explain why.

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Explain why it works faggot.

learn to argue.

oh it sure does just look at germany during ww2


The burden of proof is on the person making the claim, Sven. You are implying it does work.

Eventually you run out of other people's money.
Also altruism and slow economic growth make it dead in the water, but I don't expect a Swedish cocksucker like you to understand

Because it has no reason to work.
You can't even force yourself to stop browsing facebook how would you sacrifice time productively in socialist utopia where you aren't rewarded for any work?

I don't give a flying iota of a fuck about the "why", i know that it doesn't, it has destroyed many nations, including my own, and yours is going down the drain as well, so fuck off fag

Socialism does not add any real incentive unlike capitalism.
The only incentive you get out of socialism and any other systems in which no one can rise above another is incentive caused by lacking what is necessary to exist.

So basically, no innovation.

>Country tries to implement socialism
>massive starvation, war and death everytime
>People escape to non-socialist countries

This is why socialism doesn't work. The reason it has never been triedâ„¢ is because it is impossible.

The Eternal Sven

>Mentions Venezuela
>Mentions Cuba

Case closed nigger.

Literally going through this right now at work. I have to get something done today and I spent all morning procrastinating it while posting on Sup Forums. I can get it done if I just put my nose down and do it but I'm really lazy. The only thing motivating me to get it done today is that I have to provide a status update to my boss tomorrow and if I don't have it done it won't look good. Most of the time I enjoy my work, but this one task is mind numbing and boring and I just don't want to do it. In a socialist society I probably wouldn't. I'd probably just move past it and do something else at work I enjoy because fuck it. But no, I have a job and if I don't do it, I will be reprimanded, unlike what OP's perfect society is.

Of course it works. It's just that we're not all sociopaths trying to genocide our own populations, so we don't want to utilize the tool that is socialism for that purpose.

One post by this gay swede

Socialism doesnt work because it doesn't exist. It's a believe.

Because it rewards lazy parasites and punishes those who actually work, all under the false premise of equality.


Your country is going down the drain with all the shitskins on welfare. The system doesn't work when 1/4 of the country requires assistance



It especially doesn't work in USA due to our size, amount of freeloaders/illegals and we value freedom.

>eventually, you run out of other people's money

Socialism is based on outcomes, specifically government forces dictating outcomes, and legislating towards those outcomes. This kills the society.

>Racism & Classism
"We're going to have a classless society free from racism!"
>government regulation and "hate speech" laws follow
>people nevertheless organize themselves into classes because human nature
>people secretly resent hate speech laws because of different cultures and different ways of life -- "hate speech" becomes forbidden speech
>welcome to a new age, to a new age

I can just show you history



I can explain exactly why. Because every time a socialist country is doing too well, America invades and destroys its government - typically from within.

Well, if Sweden thinks it's a good idea then I guess I have to try it.

If a business is profiting it is adding value to the world. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

If a business is losing money it is destroying valuable things. The sum of the parts was more than the whole, so you shouldn't have made the whole, it was a waste of time.

How do we know which is which? Prices.

If there's no market, no trading, there are no prices.

And without prices you literally cannot tell if you're creating or destroying wealth.

>too busy prepping Ahmed to understand the calculation problem

Those are nigger Countries. Whites are actually productive and willing to make sacrifices. Capitalism's trash and it rewards the corrupt.

too many people expecting free shit

Anyone who argue against socialism must be considered as parasytes. Their selfishness actions harm society and environment.
Capitalists and their supporters are basically a cancer.


because there is no incentive to work or to do a good job if you do work.

You get paid regardless

Yes we must listen to 1k median wealth hobo.

Why does anyone have any reason to do good work if they make almost no money from minimum wage, are treated like shit at their jobs by their bosses, and have to work 60+ hours per week to even have enough money to live and pay exorbitant rents?

Capitalists BTFO

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Socialism and Communism are doomed to fail because of the inherent human nature of greed, and social status.
If implemented where there is a controlling party that meters out resources, gradually more resources will be allocated to anyone associated with the controlling party, because being a member means having benefits.
There is no incentive to increase productivity because there will be a zero sum gain in the receipt of resources, it will just be distributed along with everything else status quo.

The only altruistic method of implementing pure socialism is through religion, but even that method is flawed by human behavior, and the above begins to happen again.

Humans want more, bigger, faster than their neighbor has, and socialism and communism prevents that.

>this is what passes for critical thinking in swedecuckistan

They're "wreckers" amirite Levi?

>Because it rewards lazy parasites and punishes those who actually work, all under the false premise of equality.

A dude that find a cure for x disease is worth a million time more than a druged hipster playing guitar like shit.
Investor/People buying Share in a project that is costly but at the end brings development should be more rewarded than assholes investing in their beers.

>this is Ivan, the Russian
>he loves standing in bread lines

The reason you're getting paid shit is because your work is shit. Sorry to burst your delusional little bubble.

>tfw there's no bread at the end of the line

Nigger have you ever even been in a socialism thread before? Have you ever even read a book before? Studied history? Looked around the world or even at your own country?! Thousand page tomes have been written on the subject! It's socialism that can never explain how it should achieve the goals it sets out to.

If you have communal ownership of the means of production then there must be some planning authority that decides who gets to produce what and which times to prevent 2 people trying to use it at once. This is called a fucking state. Regardless of what you want to call it, a planning authority with the exclusive right to the exercision of justice is a motherfucking state. That state now controls basically everything. You can't wipe your somali semen stained ass without their permission because in order to keep up industrial levels of production in a truly socialist state people must be assigned to produce things that are needed the most. Ignoring than there isn't a nigga alive that could measure an entire economy, you havr given away your life freedom to the state. If you want a softer socialism then the question is, how do you prevent people from just fucking off with their private means of production? Violence? Of course. Because socialism is literally fucking inempt people using violence to get over on productive people. (cont)

Even in this new garbo socialist paradigm; democratic socialism. You just have hard working people that own their means of production, but not their labor though. They needs to pay for less useful people. I guess you stop being entitled to your labor when the planning authority says so. And then you just become a goddamn magnet for indolent niggers than drain the wealth out of your nation like locusts. Motherfucker we've been having this argument for over 100 years and I'm just about done! Every EVRY EVERYYYY socialist state fucking fails! Every socialist ideaology fails. and then you tack on a new prefix, like democratic and try it again ignoring the core problem. YOU ARE STEALING. YOU ARE THEIVES. YOU ARE BUILDING A STATE AROUND THE ACT OF THEIFT. IT IS ONHERENTLY NOT STABLE UNLESS YOU HAVE LITERALLY INFINITE LABOR AND RESOURCES!

Are you talking about socialism or capitalism there?

>Working a minimum wage job past the age of 17

We dont need to.

The fact that it doesnt work its pretty damn obvious

>thinking that socialism means no prices
>thinking that socialism means no markets

Oh man, capitalism sucks for creating so much wealth and allowing people to buy what they want. Socialism is much better, you just pretend to work and your boss pretends to pay you.

The fact that a Russian is defending commies is rich, you need to have a conversation with your parents, Ivan.

Socialists misallocate tax monies in a way that cripples society as a whole while driving away rich people/companies with insane taxes.

just look at venezuela

you get more of what you subsidize

when you subsidize people laziness, they vote for more intensives, until you have nothing to bribe them with, so they riot

look at Venezuela as the last example in the long fucking list

Because people don't work the way they do in your fairytale fantasy

>socialism means no markets
Sounds about right.

Yes how do you eat or sleep
Without family privileges your a burden or dead

A very important point. It's almost as if families are supposed to take care of their children and not leave it to daddy state.

I'm sure you could find a Venezuelan who could explain it to you.


No, we have plenty of revenue to go around this country to raise people's standards of living.

The Walton family that owns Walmart has as much wealth as the bottom 42% of Americans. Walmart is literally the largest company by revenue in the world, and it is the largest employer of workers throughout the South. They have actively destroyed workers across this country and the world and robbed us.

Nah it's cuz we brought in all those beaners so the Capitalists wouldn't have to pick their own vegetables and they're willing to work at cheaper rates.

In a free market, wealth is for the wealthy. The more wealth you create, the wealthier the "winners" of the free market become. So its great, because only the "winners" succeed! Yay! Fuck poor people, because they are poor for failing to "win"!

I say the proletariat deserves a fairer chance.

Sorry, distracted by the OP's pic. Goddamn I miss Seoul in the summer. No joke, you'll see women like that all over the place. Wtf is this thread about?

That's not an argument.

Let me try.

1. For some reason always, a good 30-40% of socialists become big fans of communism, and the rest do nothing to stop them (see no evil).

2. Therefore, socialists, even if they are not communists, see nothing wrong with communism *in principle*, they only disagree on details, for example that killing kulaks is wrong, and that goals of communism can be reached through a softer, gentler approach like that of a socialist state.

3. Therefore any engagement with socialism requires engaging Marx.

4. If you ask any economist about Marx, he will tell you he was a smart man but got a few things wrong (like the labour theory of value).

5. But there is something else Marx got wrong that nobody mentions. His thought as well as the entire argument of neo-Marxists is based on a belief in a post-scarcity society. Now, post-scarcity society turns out to be an impossible goal in principle.

East Germany vs West Germany proves Socialism sucks, with the same white people on each side, you cuck.


Prove to me that it can work. Every time it's been tried it's been a spectacular failure, even in white countries so it's not due to shitskin nature.

>socialism doesn't work
>I'm too stupid/lazy to figure out why
>therefore there must be something to it

Great argument from ignorance there Achmed.

It doesn't matter if we explain it... you'll just get btfo, start a new modified version of this thread with absurd conditions like: "okay now prove why socialism doesn't work WITHOUT citing your problematic statistical data, historical knowledge or any words that hurt may precious little feelings".

You pull this same horseshit every week and you think we don't notice? Just get the fuck out of here already.

Robbing workers has nothing to do with isms except robberism no dogma only crime.


socialism doesn't work well because it's anti-competition and removes incentives for one to do their best to provide good products or services. also someone with good qualifications can often make more money in a less socialist country.. i.e. rich qualified people are less inclined to live there.

bernie supporters loved to cite canada as some utopia with perfect socialist healthcare when in reality people die on operation waitlists and emergency room wait-times are on average several hours

We can and do quite often, you just never listen or understand.

Allocation of resources as you steer towards communism, socialism being an earlier step, is less responsive to the constant changes of supply and demand than a market economy.

Additionally, in a socialist economy demand increases for state provided goods and services that people would have otherwise forgone our of personal economic responsibility, now that they get to unload that cost onto their fellow citizens at no (apparent) cost to themselves. This increases the amount of resources that are wasted, and often creates a shortage of those products and services for those who need them the most.

>It's funny because you can never explain why.
Your country in 20 years is why.

It's a contradiction to human nature.

Socialism doesn't work just like lean manufacturing doesn't work.

People are always going to be people. Unless you start running the place like a V2 rocket plant.


>employ citizens from towns destroyed by democrat politics
>robbing the nation
If anything, they are helping stop the social collapse the Democrats have been setting us up for the past few decades.

Rojava right now in Syrian Kurdistan has like 7 million people living in it. Rojava is a democratic socialist/anarchist/confederalist/communalist society. And it's by far the most peaceful part of that area. It has much more equality for women and much more equality among different ethnic groups than anywhere else around them. Despite being sandwiched between the worst fucking people on Earth, they managed to have a decent society.

>you can never explain why.


>Nazi germany
Just look at it.

>The "united" states
Well, just look at it.

I think it's pretty clear which one is the winner.

Yes it's great. We're 19 trillion in debt and being replaced by non Whites but at least the boomers got to make that money.

Germany lost WW2. How is this an example of it working again?

>you can never explain why
Millions upon millions died the last time it was tried.

Now explain to me why Fascism is NOT the perfect system.

ITT: imbeciles confusing socialism with communism and national socialism

No wonder this board has the lowest of low intelligence.

neat thread lad

Difference between socialism ideology and social being/state one is a taught ideology the other are inherent desirabilities

Walmart loves Democrats and Republicans equally because they both hate workers and love globalizing capitalism.

You need to be able to explain it to us, we aren't going to listen to someone who says Socialism is good just because you haven't heard the negatives yet.

>germany lost because it was socialist, not because it was gangraped by the rest of the world

american education everyone

Also I see that there's an awful amount of Americans conflating socialism with communism.

You can't seriously be THAT stupid, can you?

Enlighten us

>Capitalism's trash and it rewards the corrupt
And all socialist countries that ever existed were free of corruption.

I kind of giggled a little.

Seems pretty optimistic to think Sweden will take 20 years to turn into a third world Utopian shithole.

Germany was way better than this absolute fucking garbage.

Devil's advocate: west germany is much more degenerate than former east germany. Same is true regarding western bloc vs former eastern bloc countries.

I'll take capitalism over marxism any day of the week, but it should still be noted that our over-indulgent western societies have degenerated into cultural marxism, mass immigration, white genocide, etc. It's not so much a problem of free markets itself, but the fact that the jews weasel their way to the top in free markets and use their power and influence to push for degenerate anti-white bullshit that's completely antithetical to keeping society stable.

it doesnt work because the calculation under a planified economy is impossoble.

You're too enlightened for me to enlighten you. Carry on.

That has got to be the single most retarded conspiracy theory I have ever had the displeasure of briefly contemplating.

If you could back that claim up with ANY evidence, I'd be dumbfounded. But by all means- prove me wrong. Prove that big meanie America was behind it all.

I'm sure you aren't just frustrated your retarded ideology has been the death of a hundred million people, meanwhile Big Black Bull United States gets all the qt virgin gfs in the world economy.

Everyone knows free markets are literally hitter, just ask your local Rabbi!

Kiss Famalam