FINAL LE PEN PUSH! She is closing the gap!

>Less than a week left
>Polls show she may be within 10 points
>Brexit was said to be within 10 points on the day of. Brexit won.
>Many French voters still undecided

1. Memes: post what you got. It's important to paint Le Pen positively, but at this point it's maybe more important to paint Macron negatively to keep voters home (or pushing Fillon's/Melenchon's base to Le Pen).

2. Share any ideas you have for a final campaign (something like #DraftOurDaughters, but more applicable to France's situation)

3. Twitter: Take the memes to Twitter. Use these hashtags:
>#JT20H #JLM2017 #Macron #elysee2017 #JT20h #AvecMoiLe7Mai #JLM2017 #Melenchon #Presidentielle2017 #RadioLondres #FHaine

Other urls found in this thread:


Attention au camion, si vous votez Macron.

"France must accept Islam. Rejecting multiculturalism is treason."

Why haven't we pushed the "First French woman president" meme yet?

>>Polls show she may be within 10 points

Keep trying kek


Two thirds of Melenchon voters will not vote for Marcon
If Filon voters can follow suite then it could be neck and neck

>that gap

Bump it up

that might be a plus for the macron guy.
islamists vote too.



Twitter is seen as a rich hipster thing in France, you should reaaally focus your efforts on facebook. It's literally the only place normies hang at, apart from affiliated shits like instagram and 9gag.

Will (((they))) ever let a right winger win in Europe?

There are good memes to do with Attali, our master jew.
2014 : "Macron est prédisentiable". "Macron is of presidential material." : 2015
"Macron, son avenir ? Il sera président". "Macron his future ? he will be president".

Macron was almost unknown at these moments.

>one off

guys im scared we are getting closer

Why is pol so low energy on memeing le pen? 0



"Next president will be a unknown".

(Macron beginned to be hyped in summer 2016).

Pol is mostly burgers who cant speak French

any legit polls?

People have bought into the stupid idea being pushed that Le Pen really has no chance. It's ridiculous. They sold us that message with Brexit and Trump, and yet somehow people buy into it now, even when Le Pen is within 10 points.

They have Le Pen at 41% and Macron at 59%

Stop talking about Macron, you're giving him attention.


Direct polling between the two candidates is garbage at this point. It won't tell us much.

But this kind of stuff tells me we have a major opportunity here:
>"Majority of Mélenchon supporters will not back Emmanuel Macron, poll finds"

Fair enough. One of the Frenchies in a thread last night was telling me that what's important at this point is trying to paint Macron negatively so Fillon/Melenchon voters will be reluctant to go with him. See We can do both: (i) Paint Le Pen positively and (ii) paint Macron negatively.

Wheres the link bois

Is Melenchon going to endorse Le Pen? He's a communist since 70s, surely Soviet Union/Russia contacted him long ago.

>Is Melenchon going to endorse Le Pen?
Melenchon failed to endorse Macron, which is widely seen as an implicit endorsement of Le Pen. All political parties have traditionally come out together against FN, which includes Fillon this election. The fact that Melenchon and some others have not done so is, in many peoples' mind, a way to endorse Le Pen.

See "Poll suggests 65% of those who backed hard-left candidate will not vote for Macron."

Le Pen will win.

>Is Melenchon going to endorse Le Pen?
no, he's a cuck

>He's a communist since 70s
Nope he was socialist then communist.

Like the burger told you, Melenchon will not support Macron, but he told his voters to not vote.

He won't, he built his entire rhetoric about being against the FN for years and they have pretty much the same ideas on some issues, if the FN wins his party will die

Le Pen must win.

>polls show she may be within 10 points

Wow so she might only lose by 9 instead of 13 that's a huge win!

Where are the said polls? I didn't see any.

Macron WILL win because :

- All the me(r)dias support him
- Politicians are calling a "republican front" against her
- Elections will be rigged

no Le Pen will win.

>>I'm with her
Cause that worked so well for Hillary

What similarities does Le Pen share with Melanchon?
How do we paint her as a viable alternative to his supporters?

remember #StrongerTogether
that's bretty much the slogan of fascism
but trump is the facist
not her
because vagina

Considering the FN never managed to find allies in other parties and never managed to have people voting for other parties voting for the FN in such a great number it's pretty huge, it's a party that just had 20% of voters not a long time ago and it's the first time the party has some changes to win, last time it went to the second turn it was because libtard didn't vote in the first turn and the FN losed terribly with only 17% of the voters for this party and 83% for Chirac

Literally heard all 3 of those arguments about Trump.
>inb4 'but that's different, the polls are so much worse here'

Le Pen has been closing the polls, Macron has been having a bad week, 65% of Melenchon's voters said they won't vote for Macron, and many people in France are undecided. It's the last week of the election, who knows what could happen. Besides, even if Le Pen were to lose, it's still important for the future if she loses by 55-45 versus 60-40, for example. If Le Pen ends up making it close, she sets herself up to have much better chances next time because people will have fully adjusted to the idea that she is no a longer a "fringe" movement.

why do they need a president? can they just live without?

Who cares? France has woken up too late. The population has too many Muslims. Something like 1 in 3 French births have migrant backgrounds. It's over if Le Pen loses. Hell, it's probably over even if she wins.

This, and Macron will surely crash and burn, he can't have the majority in the parliament and is way too extremist on the economics he will alienate the whole left against him because of that and the whole right because he is a libtard shill, litteraly the last bullet available for the EU before dying

It's critical but it's not over yet even if Paris is lost (no one likes parisians anyway), remember that we french are specialists in waking up too late and chimping out until we acheive greatness

This election is lost guys. But the next one will be won. That's all. And on the plus side, next month there are parliamant elections. And these are going to be Macron's nightmare. He won't be able to govern shit because each partie is making around 25% of core voters.

Analogies with US politics are tough, but I actually think you could say that Le Pen is to Trump, like Melenchon is to Sanders.

Melenchon, like Sanders, is also more of a populist figure than the mainstream centrist candidates. Melenchon is also very anti-establishment, at least in his rhetoric. Melenchon is also pretty EU-skeptic and is claims to be supportive of the common working man.

Bottom line: anti-establishment, populist, for the common man, not just another boring centrist puppet.




>This election is lost guys.
Even if you are correct, it's still important to push for her to get as much of the vote as possible this time around right? Even if she loses now, every step she is closer to having won will make her more palatable next time around, no? She will no longer be seen as a "fringe" candidate if she could get more than 45%

don't forget anti americanism. well, at least anti neo con

And both the far right and far left could win most of the parliament in a great chunk of France, it will be a litteral nightmare for Macron and he knows it as he said he will avoid the parliament as much as possible... but if the parliament is strongly against him he won't even be allowed to pass some ordonnances to do his reforms

Well, there is no real need to push her even further, beacause for the front national, 40% is really huge. 10 years ago, 40% would have been unthinkable.

So 9 points diff

yup, this election has done a lot of good. The classic left and the classic right are dead. the centrists have always been in small number. The country is already boiling.

>Brexit was said to be within 10 points on the day of. Brexit won.

This is wrong, but OK.

this desu. Macron is the last pawn of a dying establishment

>How do we paint her as a viable alternative to his supporters?
You can't, best you can achieve is to convince them Macron is against their beliefs so they should not vote at all

It's over. The only thing that can secure a LePen win is a terrorist attack.

And what are the odds of that happening?

Macron is a massive shill and a puppet.

Le pen is the only choice.

Macron will be the end of france and the beginning of its absorbtion into the EU to be digested fully by the octopus of globalist plutocracy.

I second this, this should be far more efficient. But it's too late. This is not the UK or the US, polls are still accurate in France. and I don't see how you can boost Le Pen to victory with memes only

>See this video at 2:25
>If I can't trust the Farage, who can I trust?

The FSB should be able to rustle something up.

You're thinking small, bong.
See, this is how you guys lost your empire.

except if you look at the polls collected Brexit was within 3 points at the most.

jesus christ


share more memes (share the whole folder of them, j'en ai besoin)

You spell 'Mossad' real funny

this is going pretty well!
keep at it


I really, really like this picture


I wanted to vote for le pen but seeing all the high school teens marching against her made me reconsider my vote.
Anyone else ?

Maybe they will set an example of what not to do. Central Europe will rise as Western Europe burns. I feel bad for the French who really do love their country, but there is always collateral damage.


>remember that we french are specialists in waking up too late and chimping out until we acheive greatness

Give examples, I'm genuinely curious.


who gives a fuck about the criebabies?

LePen will bring back Nyaa

I'm seeing a lot of the same thing - the working class leftist candidate got eliminated, and in a choice between the nationalist populism and the globalist shill, the true hard leftists will vote for the populist.

Part of what we're seeing is the economic left distancing itself from the social left.

You mean the antifa? Are you one of them? If so, kys

Err.... the American Revolution

Real quote?

Don't fall for these people. They're either jokes or frauds, and we had the misfortune of getting a two for one deal.

Criminally underrated

We can't speak French dummy! Gawrsh


hundred years war
1789's revolution

Eternal leaf reporting in. This thread is going a little too good for my liking.

>"Beware of the truck, if you vote Macron."
Attention au camion, si vous votez Macron.

Meme it folks.

That's clever, based costa rica

different question.

Lets say Macron wins.
And France totally falls to Islam.
Will there be another French Resistance?
Please say yes.

Gare au camion si tu votes Macron

better translation


You all got trolled ! lol !

1914-1918, when the germans were at the gates of Paris, we were close to defeat but in 1916 we woke the fuck up.

Gergovia battle, a late victory in the Gauls war of Cesar.

Resistance of De Gaulle during WWII.

Coalitions wars under Napoleon.

30 years war, in many phases, with some being crap and a final assault.


Rightists always threaten of a civil war but somehow never deliver, so there is nothing to fear.