Possibly r/asianmasculinity or other cuck asian forums
Details: bbc and cuck threads start getting spammed 24/7, al have the same file names, completely no attempt by the mods to remove it, despite most of them being duplicate threads, cuckold/bbc threads start appearing on /soc at the same, time despite never having existed there before
I don't care if there's some cuck shit in the catalog but this is ridiculous, check it, it's flooded
Psyop of unknown origin on /gif/ and /soc/
Other urls found in this thread:
ye its bad
The same shit is always posted ad nauseum on gif for each renewed thread topic.
I know, but check the state of the board now
>browsing gif and soc
wtf is wrong with you you freak
They're ok
are you jerking off right now bby?
It's kikes, not Asians. The producer of BLACKED is a kike. Almost all porn can be traced to some degenerate/satanic kike.
I have Lithuanian heratige, and I can understand the depression meme. But why are you all batshit insane schizophrenics.
And R9K too, pjw, cnn and many websites talk about Sup Forums, then have this batlantly anti-white male cuckold threads, then just to bait they call other insecure to not answer, and starting samefaging, but if have white men and asian women, black women you will see anti-white male baiting to shut down the thread in same way..
So sad democrats party are owners of all american media, porn industry, and everything and created thousands of racial anti-white male videos, cuckold pornography only against white men, the whites are neutral, apologetic in porn, they don't produce high quality porn with women of other race mocking niggers, asianmasculinity, nothing, just have years of democrats party american anti-white male racial commercials, comics, media, videos, porn, everything and mixing this with all the default democrats party website manipulated news, media, propaganda shiting in the white and giving default support for any trash of asianmasculinity, niggers or anyone shiting in white and them they still trying to demonize and put white men like shit, but don't say of asian women forced to live like dolls for asianmasculinity, niggers with black women, arab women with muslims, since the democrats party are just to geting votes of white women and trashing white men.
It's so sad, and worse, these losers are the only people who create webms, memes, and spam this every day.
White men with white women means nothing because is just white men with women of own race, don't hurt and don't demoralize niggers, don't demoralize asianmasculinity, nothing, and worse, since democrats party worked for years to relate white men with everything of horrible, trash, racial anti-white male demoralization cuckold propaganda in media, commercials, scenes of tv shows, movies, scenes of movies, american shit porn industry, mixing this with their manipulation of news, media, websites, anti-white race baiting, you get all this sickness
You are forced to overcome everybody
It's not a conspiracy in the sense you're thinking, m8. /gif/ is one of the most reddit boards on Sup Forums, short of /lgbt/, so naturally their evolving fetishes will be posted in tandem.
BLACKED and cuckshit is gaining popularity, and /gif/ is merely reflecting that. The real conspiracy question is WHY is it gaining popularity?
Because of Jews. They want to kill off whitey. It's one way of doing it. It's not even just kike cuck porn--look at everything in the media--you'll hardly find one white couple inmolested by niggers. Even in insurance commercials that involve white couples the woman starts taking like a deep baritone nigger Allstate.
That's not the "why" I'm asking. We all know "why" the Jews do it, but "why" do the people eat it up? What made us so susceptible to it that we, in essence, let it fester and don't question it as it invades us in real time?
That's the Riot animal thingy.
Also, have this thread showing how the asianmasculinity works here, and of course have all the haters, niggers also pretending to be man, women, niggers false flaging crime and shit against themselves while niggers are piece of shit in USA but the democrats party media and disgusting vermins of MTV, Buzzfeed, any garbage related to democrats party, need to keep the narrative
Just stop, never will erase everything made by democrats party and they will not stop because this is the strategy of them to get power
You need to live with all these disgusting things trying to trashing yourselves
Years of democrats party industries, media, corporations, lobby, commercial, influence, porn industry, everything following the anti-white male democrats party race baiting rule in USA and cover up niggers, asianmasculinity, disgusting trash because are forbiden to public demoralize and shit on them
White men don't even have porn brands only for themselves, are forbiden to produce cuckold and racial pornography mocking niggers, asianmasculinity, with the women of other race praising white men, and shiting against men of own race, years of democrats party manipulation, democrats party control and disgusting monopoly
Then you have all these anti-white vermins taking advantage of this whole enverivment, staged videos, racial anti-white male productions cumulated for years while the white male produce nothing besides their neutral movies, porn, everythng trying to be non-triggering for niggers, asianmasculinity, other race of men, and democrats party who created a whole hate race baiting culture to polarize votes of racists of other races in them and make white people also become racist (But incredible they are least compared to openly niggers in american democrats party industries and other entitled racists of other races who aren't fired, but have white cuckolds in these industries, movies, media, news, websites, kissing their ass)
Nope, blacked is not popular outside of Sup Forums, but asianmasculinity spamed this meme, and you losers think that the "Australian" was white and "banter" instead of some chink of asianmasculinity with some others from Canada, USA and this one from UK. They also created many memes insulting white men and white women and drawning niggers over white men, and Sup Forums and you whites were manipulated by these microdicked anti-white male chinks.
Just read this archive
And since the chinks of asianmasculinity started having support of useful idiots thinking that they were white banter in the begins, with flags of USA, Canada, UK and Australia, but were users from asianmasculinity, lookism, aznidentity, full blooded tyger eurasianwriter pretending to be mixed/hapa bullshit, the hapa who are full blooded asian men larping, and have this ex pua asian in some site that i don't remember who is left-wing activist, the garbge of buzzfeed and other disgusting videos made by democrats party establshment to please these trash of asianmasculintiy while created videos against white men just to please the lies, manipulation and trashing of asianmasculintiy, since democrats party by default always will use white men to produce everything of disgusting by default against them, and them try to manipulate yourselves with neutral movies, neutral porn, neutral shit, of white male against white male dating white women, who will not erase years of anti-white male racial cuckold media, anti-white male race baiting, trying to please nigger, trying to please asianmasculinity, and them trying to manipulate the news, media, propaganda to cover up niggers, don't demoralize niggers, don't demoralize asianmasculintiy and don't expose them, since they want this voting base for them
Sup Forums in every board turned the anti-white male Psyop of asianmasculinity meme and started to make free propaganda for them, and trashing the own white men for free because they were manipulated by them, asianmasculinity organized in other websites, asianmasculintiy cheerpicked pics of old and ugly white men with asian women in instagram and make this to support their meme, they also posted in yahoo, they have cherripic pics and see white women as a racial trophy for their "masculinity" against white men and white men being demoralized with all this retarded community who was really serious in their websites to starting spamming and make these things.
Plus, this dude of asianmasculinity is also a cuckold who enjoy see niggers with white women, asian women, larping and pretending to be white too, but he hates white men and shit in white men with asian women and want asian men with white women, is a conquest, racial trophy for other losers of asianmasculinity
See the comments of asianmasculinity in youtube, their dislikes, so sad the vermins of democrats party by default will always feed, support every piece of shit who start doing these things, and then the asianmasculinity start crying in the rare momments who maybe is only from 5 and 5 years, who have some shit quality asian women being couple with white men, and they start crying and by default every democrats party website shit in white men, and then they go back to white women being fetish for niggers, other race, asianmasculintiy, every week in some media, cartoon, movie, scene of movies, porn, everything while white men need to be non-triggering so they need to make scenes only with white women, and if is with women of other race, in the rare momments, they need to make sure that the women of other race is not attracted to white men, try to pretend that is because of uterior motives for money or other thing to don't hurt the ego of asianmasculintiy, niggers, and white men need to produce soft non-sex scenes
this botnet needs to die
Who the fugg comes to a chinese Cartoon discussion centered forum with strings of images to fap?