Are white people inherently evil or is it learned?
Throughout history all they've done is pillage and genocide, steal resources then claim all the credit.
I'm always wary around them just in case one of them is about to go all genocidal on me
Are white people inherently evil or is it learned?
white people are the most righteous and moral people on earth
>Throughout history all they've done is pillage and genocide, steal resources then claim all the credit.
And why do you think it's evil?
>Thinks white people are the devil
>Lives next to white people.
how can we be evil when we made basic human rights and do most of charity
Don't worry, my negroid friend! The modern white man has learned a lot from the past. All you have to do is not commit any violent crimes, and we won't bother you.
That shouldn't be hard, right?...... right?
Niggers are just dumb motherfuckers that whinge about problems instead of fixing them.
They have both the greatest capacity to do great good and the capacity to do great evil. They are manipulated.
Maybe you should leave the UK then you worthless parasitic nigger
>whit ppl r evilz
>imma live on welfare in their countries
We are gods wrath made flesh to punish you all.
Get used to it.
All of humanity is fucking evil you idiot. Stop being a victim
Retard, that's what all humans do because evolution rewards behaviors that you'd quantify as evil.
Are jews inherently gods or just goyims? Throughout history all they've are control, gain money, steal resource then claim that we are racist.
I'm always wary around jews, just in case one of them is about to go all SHEKELS on me
White people are evil but their evil is kept in check by Jews.
you have to go back
We would be a lot nicer if we went surrounded by shit skins
Also if you hate white people why are you living in a white country?
If nig noggers were running the world we would be scratching our asses and picking bananas
If only they could keep your street shitting in check
I don't think Australians are any different now
>live in white country
nonwhites are just plain parasites. I dont see any point of their existence.
>says as he lives in a white country
Go back to the heaven on Earth that are Pakistan and India then
Fuck off shitskin
>checks reply in relation to post
>checks flag
My country > yours
>steal resources then claim all the credit
This shit makes me laugh the most, wah you took the resources we didn't know wtf to do with besides make hair picks and spears
nearly any non-african country is better than India
True, pollacks are such parasites when they're not cleaning our toilets.
That's all that any group of people has done.
Like the Arabs enslaving and genociding the Africans, the mongols murdering many arabs, the Japanese genociding Koreans.
All of history is one long rape, pillage, murder fest and white people are not uniquely guilty.
Our economy is bigger than yours
Have you ever heard about evolution?
The smarter fish steal the retard one.
Assuming you are non-white, why do your people come to our countries, complain about everything, take our welfare/benefits, and then have the audacity to call yourself British, German, French et cetera. Leave if you are not content with our people.
You have over a billion people, what do you expect?
what race or culture r u thinking of that hasnt done the same as the whites?
We are the bringers of light, if the dark people must perish, so be it.
Next time build a toilet when his tanks come marching into town
I laughed.
We're worst than niggers on a moral point of view. I mean just in Quebec, when Christophe Colomb came in Canada for the first time we immediately began to scam the native and take their daughter as sex slaves.
So much for muh righteousness. Humans in general are all fucked up.
Listen you paki shit. If it wasnt for us you'd still be getting raped by Muslims in India and shitting in public fields.
Well. whaddaya know we just overtook UK too
Australia isnt overrun by brown people and gooks and ill take that
If you hate white people so much why live in a white county wanker
Whites built everything that makes your life enjoyable. The internet, computers, programming languages, compilers, phones, lithium batteries, and all sorts of other technology allowing you to post here. A white guy built Sup Forums. White have built sky scrapers, automobiles, vast railways and road systems, and all of the basic infrastructure that makes modern cities so great. Whites designed bombs that can flatten entire cities and ruin the genetic lineage of the survivors for decades to come. White Brits once had an empire where the sun never set because it stretched around the entire planet. We still dominate economically and we run all of the important companies. Whites got pissed off and ripped across several continents causing massive death and destruction in just a little more than a decade. Then they did it again not too long after. Niggers are weak little shits that dress in tight pants like women and have only invented traffic lights and peanut butter. Why do niggers fuck with whites?
>when indians post
You wrote this in English.
Stop appropriating my culture.
Libtards and nigs argue that
>it's not the same
>white people were much worse
You have over a billion more people than us yet we still match you economically. You should be laughing at how bad your country is
Heh. The Turks Chinese, even Genghis Khan only attacked civilizations that were ate least evenly matched.
Only whites have a history of invading unsuspecting natives who fell behind technologically due to isolation and nearly wiping them out like they did with Native Americans. This is why the race is an immoral race. They would keep doing this to everyone else if it weren't for the Jews
So the Jews are a cancer containment tool
Ah well . . . scamming and using someone's daughter for sex is pretty low but on the scale of hellish human behaviour I rate that lower than what the Ottomans did to Africa, Europe and Asia. Or what the Muslims did in India rates fairly higher on the scale-o-evil than what Christophe did.
Agreed, humans are fucked up.
We fought amongst each other a bunch of times. But I would expect as much ignorance from a non white subhuman
Look at the poo in loos afraid of being wiped out.
You fucking retards
Pakis are slowly taking over petrol stations accross australia.
>We fought amongst each other
proving what exactly?
Whites have no honor. They are like that cancerous type of predators in the most recent predators movie.
Honorable warriors operate by a code. Those who have no honor such as the whites take pride in wiping out entire peoples
We gained a lot of land from attacking competent civilisations, not just primitive natives. Ever heard of the Seven Years War, Napoleonic Wars, First World War?
Give it up. India sucks and we all know it.
I'm curious, what are you rambling about?
The only people that I know takes true pride in wiping out a people or their culture are and still are Muslims.
They did a pretty good job at fucking you over for almost 1000 years. Then the British came, which made it possible for you to regain your independence again.
All is fair in love and war
>We gained a lot of land from attacking competent civilizations
Not really, Your war with Muslims in the 1600s ended in stalemate. They blocked your path to the East which is why you had to come around Africa.
Muslims are another cancer but certainly not as bad as you. See my earlier statement
> Then the British came, which made it possible for you to regain your independence again
That is a nice fairy tale. Lookup the history of India. We had plenty of indigenous kings that were fighting the muslims with varying degrees of success. Look up Shivaji for example. We didn't need you to free us from them
I don't think there's one civilization throughout history that wasn't corrupted on a moral point of view. It makes you wonder if human are fundamentally evil.
>india thinks it matters
>at all
tank you cum agin
So how come they're still slaughtering each other in places such as Africa and the Middle-east?
Every race is guilty of those crimes faggot. The only difference is is that caucasian yurops went on to discover and conquer most of the globe.
"White people are evil!"
>all races try live in white countries
Fucking apes I swear.
Black people are the most violent, threatening human(?) beings alive. This meme about the violent white needs to stop, without us the world would still be 1700s tier right now, the most intelligent people that cause innovation are all white.
All races did this, look at what Africans did to other Africans, or the Moors. Look at what Japan did to China and what the Mongols did to Europe, or what the Chinese did to their enemies.
Whites just had a larger impact on the modern world, the genocides carried out by Arabs, Asians and Blacks has pretty much been forgotten about just because it didn't have the same implications on modern society.
Also, you're in Europe so naturally you have a Eurocentric education. The Chinese are still sore at the Japanese.
As an avid fan of history I do admit that the people who are currently referred to as being "white" have definitely committed a lot of atrocities.
But do you know who else has?
Everybody else with any kind of recorded or recoverable history.
Most of the aspects of civilization that sees people treated humanely are very new situations, especially in war.
Want to see some crazyass brutal shit? Go ahead and research your own history. And I can say that without knowing what ethnicity you are, at all.
Yes, but it were the British that began the work which led to you picking up your balls, that the Muslims have been laughing at for centuries, to oust the British rule.
Nah, the Muslim rule were much worse than the British one. They also attempted to end your cast system, which is barbaric, and they made you subjects under their legal system. Which meant you had more rights than previously.
They also developed your infrastructure and lowered the number of stillbirths; they increased your population many times over.
The Muslims were playing with you for centuries, you had instances of stalwart resistance but that's about it. Now you turn around against the White man like a whinny bitch when the people you truly aught to describe as you've done the White man are the Muslims; a people that made stopped butchering you and making it close to impossible to have children because they themselves couldn't produce enough material wealth.
You were nothing but slaves. To the Brits you were considered uncivilized humans that still had rights.
Topics like this posted here are a yet another example of why Jews are reviled -- as the subhuman scum they are -- by the entire World. And, as always, he is projecting his own deficits onto the best, most decent inhabitants of that same World, further sealing his ultimate fate.
The Jew is good at NOTHING, with the exception of deception, and he knows this. Thus, he seeks to destroy all that is good in that World, because the essence of the Jew is of envy, distilled... And his childlike mentality prevents him from ever doing better.
>1 post from id
really granulates my almonds. remember to sage boys
Your woman get cucked by Achmed.
I was just having fun watching the caveman rationalise his own demonic nature. It was a fun thread I admit
Most people realise the British Empire was based and glorious, even the Indians in the audience. Only antis are a few Muslims and some Antifa looking fool.
Seriously, fuck off. White people are too moral. I wish we would be the evil stereotype that stupid shitskins claim we are so we could genocide you off the face of the planet for good, or at least contain you to your backwards shit nations.
Hell you stupid nigger, if it wasn't for evil slavery these whiny niggers could be growing up in illustrious sub-Saharan Africa right now.
Look once again I reiterate that I never said Muslims weren't bad.
The summary of your post is that the Brits created an infrastructure. The infrastructure was created to rule us not benefit us. They were progressively impoverishing us with each decade of the empire. They used to take the raw materials and the make manufactured goods in UK and sell them back to us.
If the Brits had found us in the same condition that they found the Native Americans, I have no doubt that they would have done to the us what they did to the Native Americans. We had a little more advanced than Native Americans and that in the end helped us being genocided like they were
White people didn't invent none of humanity's wrongdoings
White people are the ones who eradicated humanity's wrongdoings
Understand this.
Colonialism and slavery has ended for a long time now.
Then why is it that slavery still persists greatly amongst non-white countries and nations?
We pillaged, but it was us that created international laws on how to conduct war. It wasn't the browns.
We genocided, we also are the ones who do most to combat racism. It sure as hell isn't the browns.
The game was the same. Whites were better at it, and browns lost. What we did to them, is what they were doing to each other.
And the game was so fucking easy for whites, that they had to come up with ways to handicap themselves.
>is someone with X skin color inherently evil???????????
>buying into post-colonialist feminism
Half that crap is half-assed and poorly thought out anti-straight white man dogma and is mostly reactionary ethnic misandry.
>genocide, pillage, steal resources, claim land
Do yourself a favor and start reading non-feminists and anti-feminists. Reading feminist post-colonialism is designed to condition its ideologues into ignoring reality by wildly mixing together statistics, nomenclature, systems of oppression, briefly-analyzed discursive relations, and biased commentary. Seeing history through the lens of race and sex while placing aside epistemic correlative systems is a major fault of feminist post-colonialism.
You don't know much about history, Aisha.
Nothing pisses me off more than a fucking Portuguese, I hoped I wouldn't see that disgusting flag in here
>slavery has ended for a long time now
But it hasn't.
>Your war with Muslims in the 1600s ended in stalemate.
Because the Muslims outnumbered them massively and were the defenders.
...and yet somehow you are magnetically attracted to these people that you perceive to be your oppressors? That doesn't really make any sense, seems like the appropriate course of action would be to get the fuck away from white nations and never come back.
But that would actually make sense, which is why you won't do it.
Every time I see a white guy I feel like a subhuman. I don't know why.
>If the Brits had found us in the same condition that they found the Native Americans, I have no doubt that they would have done to the us what they did to the Native Americans. We had a little more advanced than Native Americans and that in the end helped us being genocided like they were.
You were spared because you were more civilized and could adapt to the colonization.
That's all.
It was beneficial for your country, and only an idiot would think otherwise.
are black people inherently stupid or have they been conquered for no reason.
watch yourself nigger, this road doesn't end well for y'all.
>>Are people inherently evil or is it learned?
Fixed that for you, mate.
>and only an idiot would think otherwise.
I'm sure you're unable to see the irony here
>As per British economist, Angus Maddison India's share of the world income went from 27% in 1700 AD (compared to Europe's share of 23%) to 3% in 1950. After India got independence from colonial rule in 1947, the process of rebuilding the economy started.
why is this chik trying so hard to look european?
>tfw british but my girlfriend is turkish
>discussion ends up about the British empire, she says we were horrible
>bring up how bad the Ottomans were to the people they conquered
>she says it's different, we colonised and took their land, the Ottomans were fair and allowed their people freedom
>teach her about the ottoman slave trade, eunochs and janissaries amongst other things
>end up teaching her about Israel's horrific history of treachery since she says they are a good ally to Turkey
>slowly dropping red pills left right and centre
>she is incredibly intelligent and unlike women in Britain actually listens
>she also has dat ass and was a virgin so that's a plus
I mean she's still a roach but she's better than any British woman I've come across.
>tfw she thought the Ottomans were good and fair and just expanded their empire because people liked them