Classes Cancelled At Minnesota College After Racist Note Found

The students had been protesting racism at the school in Northfield, Minn., since the weekend, when a black student reported having found a note on the windshield of her car that read: “I am so glad that you are leaving soon. One less n‑‑‑‑‑ that this school has to deal with. You have spoken up too much. You will change nothing. Shut up or I will shut you up.” Students gathered Saturday night inside a student union building, sharing their own on-campus experiences with racism and chanting: “This ends now.”

The protests continued through Monday, when students were expected to boycott. Then the school administration canceled classes “so that we may have time for faculty, students, and staff to continue the discussions about racism and diversity on our campus,” St. Olaf spokeswoman Kari VanDerVeen said at the time.

The racist note was the latest incident in a series of similar expressions against students.

“It’s been something that’s been going on all year,” Samantha Wells, a senior who said she found the racist note, told fellow students during the weekend demonstrations, according to the Northfield News. “We’ve done so much digging and this stuff has happened for decades. There’s one thing that happens and it stops and then it happens again and then it kind of stops. I think the big message is we shouldn’t let this happen again. The administration needs to do something that stops it indefinitely.”

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whatcha doin Rabbi?

I wonder who could be behind the note?

>protesting racism
pathetic retards

Probably a false flag, but you could keep on leaving notes everywhere. Either they will have to suspend class indefinitely, or learn that getting together and chanting a silly phrase isn't going to stop people.

Hey watcha doin Tyrone

What's wrong with racism? nobody ever explain this.

Do you do Trump's tweets?

>keep wrote notes
>class cancelled
>students lose out even more on their money
>no refunds

we all have to be equally shitty and interchangeable pieces of shit so we can all be happy with our equal and shitty ration of garbage we given.

>"this ends now"
keep pushing it niggers this is only the start.


>classes canceled over a note
>not even a bomb threat
they should be protesting the classes being canceled over nothing.

niggers always doing this kinda shit as false flags to attention whore

"no racism goin on, hey tyrone, i got an idea"

Lmao this reads like the black lives murder person wrote it

also who the fuck leaves notes anymore?

>a piece of paper with nigger written on it is enough to shut down a college
the students don't want to learn and the teachers don't want to teach is what this comes down to.

That note is so fake.
If it said fuck off nigger or something like that I'd believe it.

>American education
>classes get cancelled over a fucking note

they need to manufacture racism in order to maintain the narrative

fake as hell

stfu desert honkey

racism is real and we need to act!

Well the best part is there are only 60 Blacks at the entire school so this clearly is a bunch of White people who want a day off.

>You have spoken up too much

Oh yeah, that sounds realistic

>You have spoken up too much
>You are also too smart and attractive and your BBC makes me feel inferior on account of my LWC

"The administration needs to do something that stops it indefinitely"
this student doesn't even know the meaning of "indefinitely" I take it.

>cubans are uncle toms because they don't want illegal mexicans here


>protesting racism that didn't exist for days
>conveniently find a racist note after a lack of interest/happenings
>We did it, reddit! We defeated racism!

Stunning, Powerful, and Brave™

Is nigger really a racist word if you call someone of unknown race one? Say if I call a white guy a nigger, is it racist?

This kinda makes me want to write the word nigger on a piece of paper and drop it somewhere around campus once a week. I wonder what would happen.

>The administration needs to do something that stops it indefinitely.

This actually sounds ominous as fuck.

Mizzou 2: Electric Boogalo

Niggers are the best thing to happen to higher education since the dark ages. Get it? Dark ages!

Fucking niggers are hilarious

>tfw gonna start putting racist notes around campus so I can delay midterms

The note is straight covers every sjw/blm talking point.

Still below "poop swastika" tier, but definitely nigger intelligence level false flagging.


False flag


Racism depends completely on the person interpreting it. Reality doesn't actually matter. I use the word nigger everyday as a general insult, I harbor no ill will towards African Americans, but to anyone who hears the things I say, I'm a racist.

You're not racist for simply saying nigger, but everyone will think you are.

>having different kinds of people is good
>having opinions about different kinds of people is bad

Yeah, I don't get it either.

im so glad i graduated college before all this shit kicked off

Niggers avoiding studies

please start doing this

Only niggers would insult other niggers for not being enough of a nigger and trying to be successful and functioning member of society that is respected by whites.

>"Oh hell naw sum raciss ass cracka ass smoke ass joke ass nigga jus call me da en werd!"

They just don't understand how much they're shooting themselves in the foot. These rallies of solidarity don't make them look brave, they only serve to emphasise that any enterprising troll can drive an entire campus crazy just by writing "nigger" on a piece of paper and leaving it on a car.

This racism stuff is costing people their jobs left and right. Editor of South African Huffington Post had to resign because a White man who pretended to be a Woman sent in a blog with fake data about how bad the White man is and that Whitey should be barred from voting. He wanted to prove that South African media would print racist stuff about Whites without fact checking as long as it was penned by someone other than a White male. He was right.

Oddly enough it was a poo-in-loo who lost her job.


While they are protesting someone is putting notes on their cars
What would happen after the gathering Sup Forums?

Because peoples have been brainwashed into believing that someone who believe races exist also believe that their races (see: the white race, never will you see blacks and Asians being bashed for being racist) is superior to all other, when in truth racism isn't inherently linked with a belief of superiority.

Gotta thanks one of the most racist and xenophobic humans of earth for this mentality, the Hebrews, whom consider themselves a race chosen to be above the entirety of humanity. Because Adam first wife was a turbo whore/slut and he decided to bone his daughter (god created her from his ribs? That is also the place where for the longest of time humanity believed was the source of sperm, add 1 + 1 and its obvious what it mean). And afterward one of the surviving mongrel went up a hill, ate some magic mushroom (fun fact : magic mushrooms naturally grow around Mount Zion), had the trip of his life and wrote the 12 commandment while the Semites down hill returned to their corrupt way at about the same time Abraham walked outside, cobbling together a golden calf to worship.

>Samantha Wells

inb4 fake racism

I am so glad that you are leaving soon. One less n‑‑‑‑‑ that this school has to deal with. You have spoken up too much. You will change nothing. Shut up or I will shut you up.”

Lel. Who the fuck talks like this? This is so fucking guessing it was some nig brainlet who only got accepted at the school because of affirmative action that did it

>shut up or I will shut you up

Yep, that note was definitely written by a leftist. Silencing opponents through threats of violence, It's just the way they think these days.

Midwestfag here. St. Olaf is a cancer school. Some of the biggest fag liberals I have ever known go/went there.

>liberal arts

into the trash it goes

Note found to have been written by the "victim" in 3-2-1...

>You have spoken up too much
its fake

Not surprising seeing that Minnesota is full of pussy swedes and somalis.

I will be sure to check fakehatecrimes when it is found to be a fake.

Post more for my new folder please.

Unreadable. Go back to school.

Time to go all Trump and play 4D Chess with them....leave notes .. frame teachers....and leave notes claiming a student has or will commit suicide.....4D Chess.....White trickery...Mwahahahaha....!!!! Frame the teacher...of your choice.

Anything to get out of class, when do people actually learn?

>You have spoken up too much
ahahahahahahah holy shit niggers are so fucking retarded. who the fuck would believe this. fucking lol

>Anything to get out of class, when do people actually learn?
Lol their average IQ is less that a 12 year old human.

>protesting racism for days over one note that could be left by anyone
Delusion or stupidity, flip a coin. This is beyond pathetic.

>You have spoken up too much. You will change nothing
this phrase right here screams false flag to me. it's far too stereotypical "good ole boy put the darkies back in their place". literally no actual racist would write that

>How do we stop racism gais
>I know, we'll stop students from getting their dinner

Brilliant. Truly.

How can a Canadian be so bad at written English? Is this mental retardation, or worse, a result of being "quebeqois"? I can't fathom what kind of H. Sapiens can be behind such incoherent blabber.

Jamaal plz.

Someone scrawled a note on a bathroom stall in the library at my college, canceled classes. What a fun day...

>leave clearly exaggerated racist note
>entire campus shuts down

American education

Minnesota is literally full of Swedes who are genetically predisposed to cuckoldry. Every single piece of news out of that former paradise is just as bad as any news out of Canada.

I'm part MN Swede and I can't tell you how much this absolutely destroys me.

no white man would ever leave such a note
its a jew
or self falseflagging

I'm so sick of this "we're tough" attitude on the left. They do it with women and antifa all the tim,too!

The college students that need safe spaces and play doh when they hear a differing opinion are tough? These anemic trans-elf-kin people are going to lead the revolution?!?! Ohhh really?! Give me a break!

>Be me
>Student at Average College, USA
>Doing Intersectional Afro-Feminist Studies
>Open Societies Foundation scholarship
>Try my best
>One night
>Spend all night drinking, doing meth, and sucking frat boy dicks
>Wake up next day
>File police report of rape against the fratboys
>Suddenly, I realize
>I didn't study for my Slavery Reparation Calculus class
>Get brilliant idea
>write note
>“I am so glad that you are leaving soon. One less n‑‑‑‑‑ that this school has to deal with. You have spoken up too much. You will change nothing. Shut up or I will shut you up.”
>Bring it to the Dean
>School gets shut down for a whole semester
>Designated Safe Space gets new crayons and kittens
>I receive 5,000 Dollars reward for turning in the Paperous Hate Crime from the ADL Anti-Fascism Fund
>Don't have to take the exam for another year


ban assault notes!

People like to be judged on an individual level free of all collective judgement despite it being human nature to judge firstly on collective and then individual and statistics regarding collectives proving their prevalence (the truth being individualism is not as diverse as staunch individualists believe).

That and all the things that can happen when people get overly enthusiastic about their prejudice, such as dehumanization (I.E Jews believing goy are animals)

That is basically it, but it isn't good enough so it's been treated as something so taboo it becomes a "I just literally can't" level evil to these people which is why it's becoming a pointless word.

this. shhhh, don't tell them, it's fucking hilarious

how is the banana story connected? also what a bunch of fucking faggots

You know this shit is fake because these 60 IQ chimps can't even write properly. Same thing woth the swatikas. You're a hardcore nazi that probably has flags,watched every documentary/speach , yet doesn't know how to draw a Z then another one sideways?!

Theu do this bullshit to virtue signal to their friends and keep up that "mub oppresssion" LIE.

>Colors only
That dumb fucking bitch doesn't realize it's "coloreds" not "colors".LMAO!! What's "colors only mean" ? Only crayons allowed ?

surprised it didn't end:



Bet it was a hoax. Anytime it's a note on a car or bullshit like that, the person that's the "victim" is the one that wrote it.
>Pic of note or it didn't happen

Funny how this shit is happening during finals week.
Nothing like a bomb threat or racist note to get you out of a test you didn't prepare for.
>99% of the time these things turn out to be a hoax perpetrated by the "victim"


The students had been protesting racism at the school in Northfield, Minn., since the weekend, when a black student reported having found a note on the windshield of her car that read: “I am so glad that you are leaving soon. One less n‑‑‑‑‑ that this school has to deal with. You have spoken up too much. You will change nothing. Shut up or I will shut you up.”


One time during finals week some girl lost it and drove her car into the middle of the campus lawn, put it in neutral, and floored it until it started smoking and somebody alerted the campus cops.


nothing, its statistically correct.

Usually the Liberal Arts people at the University of Minnesota just jump off the bridge. It kind of solves a lot of the problems. It is their hidden shame, they never talk about and rarely acknowledge the dozen or so students that an hero off that bridge.

They still haven't put up a tall fence to prevent jumpers.

Somebody who doesn't want having their phone tracked?


I forget which one but I think it might have been Cornell where during the campus tour for prospective students they pointed out how they had put up big fences on the bridge students famously used to jump off of after bombing their finals.

>hey mom and dad
>btw our students really want to kill themselves often
>also send your children here!
>it's great!

>tfw when part swede and mountain jew in MN

I wish we would stop trying to become as shit as California.

so not liking racism mean you're a retarded jew now ?

>You have spoken up too much

Yeah, she totally wrote that herself. It reeks of her congratulating herself as being brave. Reminds me of the fat feminist who wrote hate mail to herself from a conservative man who wanted to fuck her.

You can't even comprehend how emotionally soft some of the white anti white communities are in America. These people have been born into a culture where there is more food than they can eat every single day of their lives. Vacations to far away places are common events and crime is almost unheard of. (Only a few of those rednecks and those good boys who are victims of the white man do crime.)

They really perceive a note as one heart beat away from full blown genocide of X Protected Group. It never occurs to them that real killers don't brag before they commit crimes. They do that after the fact.

>You have spoken up too much.
sounds exactly what someone that views themselves as vocal would write to themselves in a threatening note. she thinks everyone is paying attention to her "speaking out" but probably nobody even knows who she is.

"You have spoken up too much. You will change nothing. Shut up or I will shut you up."
She's so brave, and difference making... The bitch couldn't help but stroke her ego and bump her street cred.

Sounds a lot like this:

"Mr. Ramsey,
Listen carefully! We are a group of individuals that represent a small foreign faction."

They don't take enough head-splitting drugs like the Up Against the Wall Motherfuckers, SLA, and Weathermen. Those fuckers were flat out insane from CIA LSD. I fucking hate this day and age.

Even the shitty little school in my town, has nigger bitches, repeatedly false flagging for attention and demanding hate speech laws.

>That dumb fucking bitch doesn't realize it's "coloreds" not "colors"

lol was gonna say just that. Fucking dumb niggers

everything i know about st olaf i learned from rose nylund.