Is the future, Sup Forums? It seems like everyday I see more and more "open relationships" where the woman fucks whoever she wants and the man gleefully obeys. Are we deevolving to some sort of strange polyandric society?
Is cuckholding becoming the sexual standard for normies?
Lol Bill Nye's career is officially over
This guy is a living Sup Forums caricature.
So tolerant!
This cant be real
>cuck science is now a thing
Hans Dolph Lundgren is more of a scientist than this idiot
>Lol Bill Nye's career is officially over
Career? As a kike puppet? It's just begun.
Holy shit did he actually say that? I can't even tell whether it is real or just a parody.
Bill Nyebergblattstein
That isn't how you spell cuckolding.
this is fake
it isn't.
A quick google proves it but most faggots here are lazy as fuck and addicted to outrage.
remember to put the word SAGE in the options field when replying to threads like this.
then hide them.
fake as fuck
Bullshit fake news. I hate Bill Nye but this isnt a real article.
This is fake news, though I wouldn't have been even slightly surprised if it was real
Hijacking science for political ideology, turning opinions into "scientific" facts. And to think that I once enjoyed watching this piece of shit propagandist. Shame on him.
I audibly kek'd. I wish this were real.
wow wee another self service advertising thread!
What the fuck does cuckolding have to do with science?
>and addicted to outrage.
worse than a muslim who slipped on pork
>go back to Le Reddit
You people are so stupid, fucking research
Btw George bush was a jew
See this is funny because while Emily Shugerman is a writer for Indy100, she's never written about Bill Nye.
But hey, I bet the retards here will believe you.
It was always a common thing, now the husbands have no choice but to allow it and film it.
men used to double homicide crime of passion their cucking asses.
entire town gathers to shave cheating wife, and lynch bbc.
wouldn't doubt thats how the klan was formed so quickly after blacks were given citizenship.
Has to be fake
Don't post fake articles, you'll make us look bad.
>Bill nye will promote cuckholding for liberals
Good. Liberals should not procreate.
The earth is inherited by those that break the conditioning.
Women will automatically seek towards the strong, and cucked men will never be respected by women.
I reckon most women in a cuckhold relationship probably is open to having children with other men and lying about who the father is to their husband.
Nature will have its way.
The future belongs to the wolf, not the dog.
This has to be fake..
Good one but it's so true, isn't it?
>you'll make us look bad.
Oh no! Please don't make 4chans look bad please.
The lefties are sterile, but the problem is that they occupy key spots in education(almost the totality of my professors in Italy were commies) and in other positions...they often ends up turning the generations in shit, without considering that they are now going full suicidal by allowing third world people to take space in Europe.
Please tell me it's fake.
That would be all fine and dandy except the "liberals" bring in a bunch of mongs that remaining pro self-conservation Europeans will probably have some kind of civil war with down the line.. They're a fucking demonic scourge m8
never believe anything on pol unless a link is provided to a remotely credible source.
>post joke image for laughs that is obviously fake to anyone with 10 seconds of time and half a brain
>"it will make us look bad"
>posted on a board that is already deeply hated by pretty much everyone except ourselves
Going further down the rabbit hole
One thing we thrive off of is implicit trust.
Don't break that for a lark.
No it doesn't, the meme pointing out that Bill " the walking appeal to authority fallacy" Nye isn't the super scientist the liberal media makes him out to be
Why is this a bad thing? Maybe you guys are too young to understand what it takes to have a healthy marriage that lasts, but having an open relationship is not the same thing as cuckolding. It's quite the opposite actually.
I cum in about 30 seconds and believe me I've tried all the techniques. My wife isn't satisfied with oral either. Afterwards, only I am happy so she has a friend who provides her needs. Never in our bed or house and we never discuss details. No love between them either.
Humans weren't made to be monogamous. It doesn't mean I'm a cuck. It's natural and win win for both parties.
I use a really similar format for my fake articles. You better not be copying me Spaniard.
solid pasta
>mfw bill Nye was my favorite celebrity
>mfw I would have actually been hurt if something happened to him
>mfw nothing matters anymore
pic related
Aye. Both of you are correct.
But there is no need to swallow the black pill. Move out of the city. Form new communities out in rural towns and start anew.
Form communities with people of like minds, and pay no heed to the destruction of society at large.
If the niggers follow you, then burn their house.
That big ol' sniffer
>idols will speak and move about.
Remember the idols who spread shit make sure to do it at the right moment to not raise supcions. Remember this
This is why he sold out user.
(((They))) know that Nye was a beloved figure for a lot of young teenagers and children in the 90s.
Image if they did the same thing with The Crocodile Hunter.
>Crocodiles have over 80 genders Kids, Oy!!!
They would have half the world believing that bullshit.
I've witnessed a couple of "open relationships" and it's always the same fucking thing. He fucks around, she fucks around, one of them starts having feelings for one of the oh-so casual fuckmates and suddenly the relationship is in shambles. And then then they come crying to me about how *they* were super responsible and sensible with the arrangement but their partner totally abused it and yadda yadda yadda
I don't know if this is a normie thing to say or what but... I feel it's very hard to have sex with people without having feelings for them? I have no idea why so many people think this is a good idea
This isn't a real article right?
I can't believe I thought this queer's show was cool in 3rd grade. I actually looked forward to watching this guy. Now I want him dead. Fucking NWO puppet being used to indoctrinate children,
>refuting (((anti-scientific claims)))
More pics like that?
My best buddy was a huge offspring fan and wouldn't shut up about how educated the lead singer was. I guess you could say he's pretty fly for a white guy.
This isn't real is it?
>don't do Sup Forums, you'll make Sup Forums look like Sup Forums
this is the home of funposting
even if invading migrants try to enforce redditia law here, funposting will always survive
The science is settled, Drumphtard!
is having a big dick a right wing position now?
Literally nowhere I can find this shit.
If you honestly need to shitpost at least shitpost with something real, you fucking faggot shitskin.
No, it isn't
Are you kidding me? He's making bank off of this shit, and he's probably in talks to sign on for another season. What's hilarious is that he probably doesn't even believe any of the shit he's being told to say. The guys a token white nerd for the masses to watch in order to feel like they're smarter than the average joe. Adult children are his target demographic, and they're loving him.
He looks like that ginger camel looking bitch who's name I forget at the moment. I wonder if they're related.
The word's been out on him since he was blowing the doctor from star trek voyager
Under Obama cuckoldry was the essence of the political philosophy of the left
He's studying way too much though, he can't even come out and play anymore.
I'm actually monogamous. I sleep with my girlfriend. She's slept with an African American man maybe a couple of times since we've been together. it's about trying experimenting. Not cheating.
She does it to get me turned on. Doesn't do it ever if I'm not there... she also says she wouldn't do it if I wasn't into watching. What's wrong what consenting adults do in there bedrooms? Do I bother you?
His voice probably isn't what it was anyway. It's nice to have a hobby like molecular biology in your back pocket for when you get older.
Uno doz tres quattro cinco cinco saiz
>I have no idea why so many people think this is a good idea
You must've shown up here last week, enjoy your stay at Sup Forums new-friend :^)
I can't believe how degenerate he is/ become.
lol all this dude has is an undergrad mechanical engineering degree, his opinions are no better than your average reddit pleb
>bill nye
where did it all go so wrong
they dont even talk about that in the episode, fail m8
> Doesn't do it ever if I'm not there... she also says she wouldn't do it if I wasn't into watching.
I hope she divorces you and pulls a Jeri Ryan where she makes you pay for pressuring her into having sex with niggers (in Ryan's case it wasn't niggers, but it was pressuring her to go to swingers clubs)
How is your wife's son doing today, user?
Lmao this can't be real.. no fucking way. Then again I don't know what is and what isn't real anymore.
I'm starting to think the killing bolt that doesn't kill is a failed/thwarted missile strike from NK, and the star gorging on clay is China invading NK afterward
You don't bother me just like someone picking their nose and eating it in privacy doesn't bother me.
You are pathetic.
I'm okay with this and have done this.
> be me 27
> QT3.14 is 19
> she has a goyfriend who is almost done with med school
> we make small talk at work ( In ambulance for hours so we get to know eachother pretty fast)
> we fuck
> he knows
> I tell her I dont want to talk too or see him ever.
he was with (((her))) big SJW
> He likes it
> I fuck strange white girl pussy that's been on earth for 19 years
> She comes over when I say so. no matter what they are doing.
> made her come over on their anniversary in the middle of dinner
> now he hates it.
> but he is so cucked. he says stop she says no.
I guess it's bad cause at 1st the cucks like it
but if you do it right you can crush the cuck and the vag
lol gotta be a Sup Forums edit
link fgt?
He's pretty talented, I wonder if he was told that he was gonna go far as a kid.
Post a picture of that massive dong you must be carrying around please.
Has he been a cringe comic from the beginning?
Is his entire career a homage to Andy Kaufman?
getting real tired of all this kikery desu m8s
>Appeal to nature.
>A dubious claim at that.
>I'll take Sup Forumsesmoker's fantasies for tree fiddy Alex
Dolph is the template for a race of Aryan super soldiers
>> she has a goyfriend who is almost done with med school
they always are
he's most likely a 5'9" dyel faggot and she has short hair.
I always love these info graphs :)
This. this is most likely fake but couldn't have said it any better i like this ((they're)) actually normalizing this shit on social media seen one of those 3 way marriage relationship vids with a few mill views.
That's a good advice desu. Fertility rate is over 2 almost in every rural municipality in Finland. Liberals in cities die, normal people survive
Larp so hard
Emily (((Shugerman))) can't even spell cuckolding.
>Monogamy isn't natural
If you've ever been in love you'd know for a fact that Monogamy makes a fuckton of sense. I have been in love and I didn't even THINK about other girls.
>No love between them either
keep telling yourself that champ