In Thailand we have a problem with muslim extremist.How to deal with muslim?

Well you may never heard it but we have a problem with islam too. How to fix this problem ?

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Just send them over

they probably dont like the ladyboys there. send them to me please.

>How to deal with muslim?

Kill them. Is that so hard?

thai police are ruthless and dont give a single fuck they literally engage in high caliber car chase gunfights

Ethnic cleansing. There, I said it.
We all knwo it's the truth. Expel them to muslim lands.

Kill them as well. Start a 2nd holocaust

kill them

But Islam is the religion of peace. It's only a coincidence it's a problem everywhere it goes.

Only way to remove is kill them, eliminate their presence by all means necessary.

Muslims are working to destroy Thailand and your royal family everyday. The US has cut off and will all funding and support to Thailand so Allie with China now to get more support.

Stay strong friend!

Same way we do
Give them my quarter.

trips of truth

There's also a muslim "insurgency" in
>And about 20 other places
Gee it's almost like muslims can't live peacefully with anybody?

In answer to your question. SHOOT THE IMAMS. Whenever a muslim does violence find the 10 closest mosques to the perpetrator's house and SHOOT THE IMAMS there. Soon the imams will ORDER all muslims to stop chimping out, and any rogue imam (or muslim) will be taken care of internally.

This is what the British did and they never had any problems with their muslim colonial subjects until they became pussy cucks afraid to dish out group punishment, and execute 'holy' men.

They also kill Thai Buddhist monks.So sad.

You are better off asking your Chinese neighbors than any western cucks on here.

You cant reason with thai muslims and you cant live together peacful with them as they will always be trying to get their own state or convert you, or take over Thailand by force... which just leaves the option of genociding them

Killing them all is the only solution, honestly.

It's sickening to see that friendly Thai culture also has to deal with this shit.

muslim scum drive by shooting

If you're really going to kill them all, please put it on Liveleak

you invade Malaysia and Indonesia



You can cure muslims with lead.

op do your homework and you'll find that there's the CIUA and Soros funding behind most of these insurgencies.

Your mostly Muslim soldiers seems to unable to stop shooting at Muslims living there and your all Muslims terrorists seems to unable to stop bombing the Muslims living there.

Ask them what the fuck is wrong with the Muslims living there.

You have duterte

If that guy won't fix it

No one will

Kill them.


American education


Atleast you can be assured that if those bastards are caught they will be sentenced to death.

Wrong most soldier are not muslim and muslim terrorists kill everyone include muslim,buddihist,police,soldier.,teacher.

Prolly a nazi swede on vacation
Swedes are colonizing Thailand


There are a ton of men with Thai wives in Norway. There are like 20 Thai "massage parlors" in my town of 50k, but 600 Nok for a rub and tug from a 45 year old seems a bit much.

Check your own military troop placement protocols.
Muslim recruits are deliberately stationed to the south so most thai soldiers there are bound to be Muslims than not.





















Not true at all.
Fake news detected.
Are you muslim in Malaysia?
Please don't support muslim terrorists in south of Thailand.

>How to fix this problem [of islam]?

Just like any other organism, you must destroy its ability to reproduce itself. Figure out ALL the situations which a person might fall victim to the cult indoctrination. Physically disrupt those interactions and inject your own interactions where possible which prevent indoctrination.

Do they go to a private islamic school?
Disrupt the transportation for the children in a way that truely disables the vehicle from use, not a ticking time-bomb waiting for something like deflated tires to cause a crash. Constant delays means no one in class.

Does the school have security? Break and enter the school and steal or destroy the "holy book" and associated material that's being used; prevent them from being used in any way other than compost. Leave the school standing though, it's just a building and unless there's an islamic verse painted on the wall, there's no real need to damage it. Do you want (((them))) talking about "the school that burned down" or about "the pile of burnt korans in the school yard" Every single $ of damage you do needs to be replaced, but some forms of damage are worth more than the $ amount to rebuild or restore.

So then there's really just the teachers and administration left at the school. Go into the office and fuck with the paperwork. Rub your anus on the phones and photocopier, piss in the coffee machine. Intimidate and interfere with the teachers ability to teach. Grind the chalk sticks into powder and paint over the dry-erase pen boards. Stack the chairs and tables against the door and exit through the window of the classroom without breaking anything.
Egg the teachers' house, do prank calls, fucking annoy the shit out of them so badly they can't focus on their job of turning children into suicide bombers.

Ultimately though you need to go after the parents of the children, because they're the fucking idiots who send their kids off to this shit...

Percentage of countries having ethnic cleansing campaigns in SEA:
2012 : 10%
2015 : 20%
2017 : 30%

1 : tell the populace that killing in the name of Allah is forbidden.

2 : Treat people who commit atrocities in the name of Allah like mentally ill.

3 : Mentally ill people need to be cured. The disease need to be contain. All people who have Islamic idea should be considered as a threat and need to be put in quarantine.

4 : Cure people in the quarantine.

5 : Enjoy your country without disease.

Cure is an euphemism.

Hey what goes in Malaysia, in general. Most common type of work for poor / middle class / upper. General life and living? I am pretty much under the meme assumption that I will be robbed by a lady boy if I show up.

Shut up Leaf

It is simple my little yellow friend. You round up ALL mudslimes and send them to Saudi Arabia. They are a rich country with lots of room to spare for all new arrivals.


Digits confirmed

Sharpen pole
Coat in pig fat
Carefully apply through anus to mouth of condemned.
Try not to penetrate organs.
Hoist upright.
Legionnaires keep people from putting condemned out of misery.
Either leave on spike or pull it out so the broken thing lives several days at the city gates.
Anyone who tries to help it gets impaled.
Carcass is left out in sun or on the spike = no heaven.

>start with the imams.

So then you have to figure out how to attack the parents in such a way that not only do they not send their kids to become death cult soldiers, they themselves also choose to abandon the rediculous organization they're a part of.

If the parent is a decent one who wants to keep their child safe and happy, you need to demonstrate that islam itself is NOT safe OR happy... Which WOULD be easy as fuck to demonstrate given your situation, but people are fucking thick in the skull when they're "on the inside" of a monster's stomach like this.

Distill the situation into singular facts like "Islam kills children, either as children or as adults" and then go find evidence to support that (this should be easy) Have as many of these as you can, with as much hard evidence as you can. There will be apologists who make excuses for the shitters out there, and you need to bitch-slap their mouths shut with a cold back hand of reality.

>THIS is what islam is and does to this country

What you really need to do is have reach and to have loudness to the message. No one can fucking hear you shout if you're drowned out by (((local media))) megaphones, and no one can even recieve your message if you never fucking tell anyone.

It's a multi-level simultaneous wide angle attack on a massive organization that probably spans your entire country, with their people in places and power that you can only imagine.
You need to be insanely autistic, ruthless, and paranoid to leave no detail unchecked or design flawed.

Remember this:
Whatever you do, you need to get assistance in accomplishing your objectives of REMOVE, because the job of REMOVE is too large for 1 person to effectively manage by themselves.


poor - food services, construction and agriculture
middle - sales and most government jobs
upper - tuition, medical, real estate and banking
it's brazil tier when it comes to crime, though with less guns flying around
stay in the good hoods in daytime and it's comfy, not fine otherwise

>How to fix this problem

Not dramatic enough. Bullets don't keep them from their 72 virgins.

The only thing they understand is strength which is why they love going after German women and Thai monks.

hard solutions hardens the resolve to resist that solution

the solution should be gentle and unseen. killing them softly from a distance

besides you only need to stop one specific thing that they're doing; not their whole fucking thing, which is what bullets do. a directed attack against islam should ideally be against islam.
the guy who kills *everyone* he meets will have no followers, even dumbfuck mohammad knew that.

not your average leaf poster

you must love anonymity, because you would be borderline hanged for these posts if they had a canadian name attached to them

Muslims have a very consistent track record.

The way they act is related to how many there are.

If they're already so numerous they started using actual insurgency, the only solution is to man up and kill each and every muslim man woman and child.

Otherwise you'll be the Caliphate of Thailand soon.

Good luck.

Gee I don't even know my transgender friend

basically this.
and confirmed with trips.

it's Thailand, just genocide them ffs.

Bury them in hog carcasses.

Have you tried being more tolerant ?

You have ladyboy problem too


But baguette, your country still have terrorist.

We aren't tolerant enough though :(

The same way you fix Muslims everywhere.

Remove kebab.

>thai john kasich

Hopefully those extremist don't radicalize the Cham Muslims in Cambodia.

I thought the junta was dealing with this shit. Shame about the street food ban

I spent six months on Ko Lanta desu. I didn't have any problems (except getting robbed by a guy giving me a ride at 2AM) - did not seem to be related to being a Muslim