Choosing what state to live in

I'm looking for a state to settle in permanently.
I currently live in Texas which is pretty good, but I wonder if there's something better out there. Here are my priorities:
>low income and property tax
>good place to raise a family
>low firearm regulations
>low regulations of any kind
>small number of minorities
>not an area prone to natural disasters

The spics and hurricanes in Texas worry me long term, that's why I'm considering to move.
Colorado, Wyoming, and North Dakota seem like possible alternatives. What does Sup Forums think?

With my training I can find a job almost anywhere, and the jobs in my field are basically for life

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Central Florida is exactly what you want. Haven't been hit directly by hurricane in like 15 years, the last one just skirted the coast. Unless you can't stand the idea of picking up a few tree branches and fixing a couple fence pickets after a storm, this is the place to be.

I thought Florida was full of niggers, swamps and alligators?

Florida has a ton of blacks and poor people though doesn't it? Also, I know Cuba acts as a barrier for most hurricanes that come that way, but there might still be an Orlando-type event that comes through anyway

You want Montana, user. Based Montana.

Ohio is a good place. The taxes are low as fuck. It's a good place to live and raise a family as long as you stay away from the large urban centers, just like any other state; general rule of thumb, check the demographics before you move somewhere; that goes for wherever you choose. Ohio has open and concealed carry; you only need a permit for the latter. Ohio is not prone to natural disasters at all. Tornadoes, floods, and ice storms are the only possible threats, but they're extremely rare. I live in central Ohio, and the only thing I've experienced was an ice storm, and that was over a decade ago. It only knocked out power for a day or so. Tornadoes and floods are pretty much a threat everywhere though.

Personally, I wouldn't go too far north, like North Dakota or Wyoming for example. The winters are considerably longer, so if you're an outdoorsy type of person and you want to live up there, you better get used to only four months of nice weather. That's what makes a state like Ohio better; we've got the same climate as Kansas or Missouri.

I don't know much about Montana other than it has beautiful scenery. What else happens there?

>You want Montana, user. Based Montana.
>>low income and property tax
>>good place to raise a family
>>low firearm regulations
>>low regulations of any kind
>>small number of minorities
>>not an area prone to natural disasters

That's not Montana user, you meant Wyoming

Staying on the coast of Florida avoids all of its most common problems, except shark attacks. But at least sharks can't walk on land and eat you. It's typically richer and whiter. However, don't live right on the beach because then the property tax skyrockets. I say about fifteen minutes from the beach is the sweet spot for living in Florida, even if you don't like the beach.

this. Central Florida is pretty chill.

Thanks for the input. I used to live in western,
(((New York))) so I've been to Ohio a few times and it seemed decent. Climate should be a bit more temperate as well.
How are the tax rates there?

If you stay away from Blackfoot, there are no minorities here. Taxes aren't that bad, it's a decent place. Wyoming is eh, more minorities there and also just nothing there but plains, unless you live in Cheyenne then there's normal city shit to do.
Exactly nothing, some vacation places in the winter, some footniggers in the north, but there's not a lot here, it's out of the way from most of the problems of the U.S. Not a lot of niggers here either, some spics but very small populations. Coming from TX that must sound great.

Why would you want to move away from texas?

State is 6.9, property is .87% (lower than the national average)
>good place to raise a family
What makes it so bad to raise a family here?
>low firearm regulations
what regulations? kek
>low regulations of any kind
other than hunting? what regs?
>small number of minorities
what minorities?
>not an area prone to natural disasters
what disasters? snow?

I live in rural central GA. Much like these other guys are saying about central FL, it's chill af here. Few niggers, no spics, etc. You can get to Macon or Atlanta if you wanna take the girl to a fancy place or wtf-ever, but overall we've got all we need right here. Gun ownership is an assumption, the beach or mountains are close enough by (and no niggers in those locations either), and so on. I'm pretty content here.

With that said, I'm not wild about the taxes and Atlanta running the whole damn state. My county is close enough (about 70 miles) that we even have a burn ban from May - Sep so we don't fuck with Atlanta's air quality. Of course, we all ignore it and do as we want, but still.....(cont)

You could always go to West Virginia. It's 90 percent European, though it is heavily forested. So if your okay with that then it's pretty good

Income tax rates are anywhere from 0.5% to 5% depending on your income.

>low firearm regulations
>not an area prone to natural disasters
>small number of minorities

If you don't count winter weather, you just described New Hampshire.

>Colorado, Wyoming, and North Dakota
What is your opinion on snow? Do you love it or really love it?

With that said, the storms here are pretty legendary and we have tornado warnings a few times per year. Nothing like MS or AL or OK though. If from Texas, you're probably used to that shit. Worst deal for us is ice storms that come along every decade or so, because we're not setup to deal with it and you might be out of power for a few days.

Wyoming is a great choice. I travel there regularly and LOVE the place. But you better be great at self-sufficiency, because the winters can be beyond brutal. But the people are cool, no minorities, lots of freedom, very live & let live type of attitude.

Thanks for all the suggestions famalams

Colorado is being overrun with Cali transplants, stoners and spics. Don't recommend it my friend.

West slope might meet most requirements but also has awful drug and spic problems.

Live in the middle of Pennsylvania

To be honest there are a ton of states to choose from. Just don't bother California and the East coast States; spanning from Maryland all the way to Massachusetts


Expand into New Mexico

kek yeah, I've visited California a few times and it's like a different country, like a different species even. And the east coast is trying its hardest to surpass the west in terms of communism and degeneracy. I'm staying far away from those places

literally no better state than Texas, never leave.

California isn't all that bad my family visited there a couple of months and didn't see many Hispanics where they were living. So it really depends on where you're living. Which funnily enough is probably the reason why North side of California is trying to create their own state. But even then gun laws and regulations on California is pretty bad so o wouldnt bother.

While for the East coast its not the fact that Massachusetts, Connecticut, and new York is bad in terms of ethnicity. It's the fact that there extremely Democratic and horrible in gun rights and castle doctrines. So it doesn't help that I have both of those and a massive influx of Hispanics, blacks, and Asians (that includes Indians) living in my state: maryland

100% agreed. I'm the guy from GA who goes to WY every now & then. CO is a shithole if you're anywhere near a city. You can still get rural as fuck and find good places (much like GA) but damn even Boulder and Laramie are overrun with libtards, fags, stoners, Cali-transplants, rich fucks, and the associated homeless who prey on them all.

Anywhere just north of Indianapolis. I live in Carmel, the stereotypical rich white suburb of Indiana. There's few mudslimes around here, and the ones that live here are productive members of society. The worst natural disaster I've seen was a 3 day ice storm that messed with our power a bit. My family owns 10+ guns lmao.

Your a faggot so to wa or or ca where faggots belong

Live in Arkansas of course.


Love that place it's always great to go throughout the summer

Washington State has no income tax. Oregon has income tax but no sales tax. Cali has income tax and sales tax.

New Hampshire's pretty good. Although it didn't go red in the last two elections, it was VERY close last time. Politically and socially, it's pretty libertarian. Gun rights are very good, and there is little regulation. The state's motto is "Live Free or Die" for a reason. The south is flatter and closer to work, while the north is mountainous, and then the far north is just farmland and wilderness. Very few non whites.

Sounds like Montana would fit you senpai

Weather wise, it does get cold in the winter, so you will have to get used to that. It's not nearly as bad as it would be in Montana, the Dakotas, or Wyoming though. As far as natural disasters go, the worst you're going to get are some blizzards/nor'easters, and maybe a bit of flooding if you live right next to a river.

Went to Houston recently and it's filling up with spics.

Montana is fucked. Go to northern North Dakota friends.

t. born and raised in the hell creek of Montana

Also, haven't been to Fayetteville in a while, was wondering how if at all the demographics are changing?

Yeah NC is pretty chill. The mountains and the coast have barely any niggers. Lots of History plus gun reg is low. Also the state that banned trannies from switching bathrooms.

Bunch of coons. Western NC is where it's at.

Fuck, that's unfortunate

Anywhere in Missouri that isn't Columbia (insufferable University students) or St. Louis (bix nood)

We just repealed all concealed carry laws this year and we have a boner for wildlife and nature conservation. Even KC is pretty low on the minority side, and the suburbs are like 90% white. Cost of living is very low.

Mountains are nicer anyway nigs don't seem to like it up here

If you want to kill niggers without consequence and live in a state of methed-out, gun-toting, sibling fucking bliss, missouri is the spot. Plus we got some nice rivers.

based montana user, whats the "best" montana city

>based montana
moved to montana from the south, the people there are shit, southern hospitality is GOAT

was for

Wisconsin if like to hunt and fish the city trash stays out and even if you do see a black guy out in the woods he's all based. Taxes aren't bad lots of fun things pretty open-minded people no one gives a shit if you happen to turn redneck with 50 cars in your yard. Mostly farming community mentality outside of shitwalkee and mm mm madison with all the kids and cucks staying in the urban southeast part of the state. We got big deer if you preferred to feed family and doggo with that meat.

>>low income and property tax
>good place to raise a family
>low firearm regulations
>low regulations of any kind
>small number of minorities
>not an area prone to natural disasters

East Texas is pretty comfy desu.
My parents inherited a lake house of a private lake right next to Sam Houston National Forest.
The only thing I hate is that the women are ugly and the jacked up trucks that tailgate you, even while speeding.

Texas women are such fat nasty trash.


Best state.

some people don't like random folks just walking right up to 6 inches from them, staring them in the face with a crazy smile forcing a handshake and proclaiming at the top of their lungs:

Not all. But most of them are.

Wyoming. I'll be headed there myself for all the reasons you listed.

>wants to go to wyoming
>posts a picture of the most liberal shithole in wyoming

you should probably just stay in california.

Agreed. Move to kansas city. Best city

Jan Avg Low: 5 degrees F

I'm from Maine
>virtually no tax outside of single major citiy
>high rate of living, beautiful mill-towns and forests
>virtually no gun regulations
>one of the most homogeneous states
>moderate winters

You forgot how cheap land is up north.;268,6843;5,81;267,7037;92,482&q=

Like user said, though avoid western Ohio as it is prone to sinkholes

I'm in NY currently. I'm already used to freezing cold temps and retarded liberals. It'd be a welcome improvement in both aspects, desu

You want Pennsylvania. Let me tell you why.

Our rural areas are full of good white folk. I'm not talking about the Amish or Mennonites, although those guys are great, I'm talking about rural Pennsylvanians. Most towns in Pennsylvania are accessibly priced in terms of real estate and have welcoming communities.

We have practically no natural disasters and our mountains insulate us from major weather: the worst hurricanes only manage to give us some extra rain, and the worst winter storms add a few extra inches of snow.

We have a huge and vibrant hunting population that has shot down most attempts at gun control.

Our taxes are low and parts of the state are talking about getting rid of property tax altogether!

Our only minorities live in the cities, because they are scared of honest work or country living. Still, if you avoid the nog-infested zones, historic Philadelphia or the great city of Pittsburgh are both worth visits.

Most agree that living a good hour away from one of our major cities in a more rural town gets you all the benefits of Pennsylvania, while being able to easily daytrip into a major city.

Maine: Come get run off the road by white trash grannies!

What kind of Montanan are you to want more people?

Don't move, Texas is where it's at.

there is no better place to live than Texas \m/

Ugh can't stand the people I've met in Carmel. So proud of their round about number and that dumb auditorium. Sterile boring and drab. Bloomington was much nicer but too libtard

Come to Kentucky, it's like a island in a sea of poz.

I was born and raised in Ohio (New Carlisle). It sucks. Left at 18 and didn't look back

south dakota
live anywhere but rapid city, too many natives, they like to stab people

good place, only downside is in blast range of super volcano and the winters can suck, but not as bad as the states further east

Stay the fuck away from Ohio and the midwest in general. To quote that old Aussie adage: Fuck off, we're full.

Rural PA
It looks exactly like Poland
No nigs
Gun laws are good
Food is amazing
And the radio stations blast Pearl Jam, Pink Floyd, Tom Petty and Kiss 24/7.
If I ever plan to move to the US of Freedom then it has to be PA.

Funny you should say that. A large portion of immigrants in Ohio are poles.

Southern or Eastern WA. It's very liberal but very white in southern WA pay is good and houses are cheap Eastern WA is very conservative though. And you would be following in the foot steps on the north west front

>It looks exactly like Poland

Is that why they settled there? There's a shit-ton of pollacks in PA

>I live in Carmel
Hello sir! I agree I like living in Carmel. Cops are a bit fucky though, speed limit is highly enforced. There is fuck all to do here if you're under 30 without children, but if you're settling down with a family I can't think of a better place to do it than here or Fishers

Don't forget acting super nice to your face and then gossipping to everyone about you, even the men do this in the shit South

if you move to colorado go to the western slope, fuck the front range; and don't believe the bullshit, a man can make damn good money out there

To be honest, that's a big part of why Poles move to PA
We like simple farm life.

Living in western PA I can confirm. Ohio is the butt of a lot of jokes for some reason but as places to live go, Ohio isn't bad.

As I said earlier, we Poles are magnetically pulled towards farmland type environments

What about Montana? I had the honor of studying there for two years, what a great place it is.

No fucking niggers anywhere.

NH has high property tax

>The taxes are low as fuck
Not if you don't work in the county you live in
>That's what makes a state like Ohio better; we've got the same climate as Kansas or Missouri
Only in southern ohio


PA is now based as fuck after flipping red like absolute madmen.

Any cuckstate who went blue for fucking Hillary Clinton is automatically disqualified from being worth living in.
>b-but muh based rural!
No, other states manage to overcome the voting power of their poz'd cities electorate, stop making excuses and purge the undesirables if you want to sit at the big boy table.


>Shall issue State
>No Sales tax
>All four seasons but usually never too extreme
>Great coffee and Micro-brewery's
>No self-service gas
>Property taxes are high
>Low Crime
>Hardly any dindus

Stay away from PDX, Eugene, and Corvallis and you will not have to deal with many libshits either. Easter Oregon in Bend / Redmond area is based as shit.

When I get home I can provide you spreadsheets, but the answer to all of your questions is 1) South Dakota 2)New Hampshire and 3) North Dakota. Vermont and Wyoming are in the top 10 as well

Arizona, in a nicer part of Phoenix.

We have a lot of Mexicans, but less than Texas, California, New Mexico, Nevada etc.

Low taxes (pretty libertarian)
Lots of outdoors things to do with the kids
Best gun laws around
Again, libertarian
Only "disasters" are fires and dust storms.

Arizona is literally the best state.

>no Arizona except me

I thought Sup Forums agreed AZ was based?

Shitting on Ohio is a classic Ohioan pastime. I guess the other states don't pick up on the fact that is mostly jokes. Jokes to distract us from the reality of living under constant overcast and having to deal with shit roads and the worst fucking drivers on the face of the earth. At least we got Cedar Point.

Nothing wrong with that, Tomasz

>voted for Hillary
>sandwiched between Seattle, Portland, and California

montana, wyoming, the dakotas are your best bet.

if you want a more turbulent economy, try the inland northwest. think of the stretch between inland WA/OR and ND/SD as a slider, where freedoms go down and money goes up on the left, and freedoms go up and money goes down on the right. regardless, that stretch is the best place to live in the country all factors considered.

AZ and NM are based, but OP said he doesn't want minorities.

What does cheerwine taste like?