welp, now that we know illegals don't commit more crime, what's the new excuse Sup Forums
Welp, now that we know illegals don't commit more crime, what's the new excuse Sup Forums
are criminals by definition
Is this including niggers and is this per capita?
By pure numbers?
Maybe. By actual statistics? No fucking chance.
They commit less crimes cuz they are a minority
Real American citizens outnumber them by the million
bait headline probably refers to legal immigrants
Sorry, nogs aren't included
legal immigrants commit less crime then niggers?
There's better things to worry about
>literally committing a crime by existing in my country
>less crime
It's both documented and undocumented
Read the article, undocumented is included
Remove American blacks and get back to me. Also I don't believe it for a second.
You mean legal and illegal
it's because niggers commit so much crime that it inflate the numbers for us-born citizens. Plus, second generation hispanics are ususally more criminal.
There's better things to worry about
Legal and illegal. Say it, pussy.
Blacks are considered US-born citizens. Illegal immigrants are criminals by definition.
there are more important things
but I want them out nevertheless
You don't have too, facts are facts, weather you like it or not
And how many of these immigrants are high-skilled labor from Europe or Asia? They group all immigrants together to trick us into thinking more subhumans from Africa, Latin America, or the middle east is a good thing
The fact that there lumping in legal and illegals should automatically send out alarm bells.
It says immigrants not illegals
Of course immigrants who come here legally and go through the process commit less crimes
Even is that is so, which the article and studies are very vague about, committing more or less crimes is beside the point. The point is that every single crime committed by an illegal immigrant is one that could and should have been prevented. The absolute number of illegal immigrant crimes can and should be near zero.
In sanctuary cities law enforcement officials are not required to reveal the immigration status of the accused. None of your stats have any weight whatsoever.
Is this the same thing that John Oliver cited in his show about the wall? Because if so the report used numbers from 1980-2000 and did not distinguish between illegal and legal immigrants, making it worthless.
Ridiculous. It's more like 100 times more like in the rest of the western world. You can write a report telling anything to get your own point across.
In Europe you don't have that many native born blacks. In that case, immigrants (or people with non-european origin) are very overrepresented in crime rate, welfare usage, unemployment rate...
Doesnt say shit about illegal immigrants, probably just includes legal ones.
Not true, their separate
It's both, read the god dam article
Implying spics wet backs aren't listed as white citizens in the (((statistics)))
lets deport them and see if crime goes down
>Illegals commit less crime
>millions of people who are committing crime just by being in a country are committing less crime than citizens
Nice citations there pal.
Stop being delusional
They are illegal - 100% crime rate
Comparing spics to niggers is like comparing chihuahuas to pitbulls
Compare it to white us born citizens.
Go read the article
This guy right here. Besides, if 14% of the US population - the nig-nogs - cause over 40% of the crime, guess what the real rates for normal folk would look like.
Yes it does, go read the article
Trying to use this against the 'dangerous illegals' is like a cop arresting you for resisting arrest.
Find an actual argument.
>what is a rate
This leaf knows what's up. You CANNOT claim any statistics on undocumented illegal aliens because they're not fucking documented.
>Among people aged 18-54, 1.53 percent of natives are incarcerated, as are 0.85 percent of undocumented immigrants and 0.47 percent of documented immigrants, according to the Cato study of comparative incarceration rates
So it's two tenths of a percent difference? When billions of "native born" are here vs a few million immigrants. Way to skew the numbers.
Who's going to commit more crimes
>the entirety of the us population
>some freeloading Paco's?
You stupid cunt, once they commit a crime and get arrested, we can't find out you moron
An illegal is committing a crime just by walking on a public road, since they enjoy the benefit of the road but do not contribute to the society that built it. The only way illegals are not committing crimes every day just by living and breathing is if they live in a feral state in a deep forest.
they refuse to use the word illegal so you never know what the fuck they're talking about. are they talking about legal immigrants?
Legal immigrants. Illegals are not immigrants.
are you illiterate?
>1. Immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than native-born citizens.
this statement is discussing per capita figures
Then how do we even know they're here?
How did Trump yell out about so many of them supposedly voting for Hillary?
You utter fucking mong.
>US-born citizen includes niggers and second gen beaners
well yeah, obviously then commit more crime on average when they don't have to fear deportation
>of 1,167,090 inmates in state prisons, 4% (~46,684) are non-citizens
>of 188,777 inmates in federal prisons, 22% (~41,530) are non-citizens
from the study:
>Non-citizens currently make up six percent of the U.S. prison population while comprising seven percent of the total U.S. population.Non-citizens are therefore slightly underrepresented in U.S. prisons.
Black people bring the average up lol
>Google News
>no citations, sources, or peer review
>comments disabled
OP is, and always will be, a giant cock sucking faggot.
take the niggers out of the equation and just compare non white immigrants to the white population and I bet the results would be different
No, they commit less crime per capita than US born citizens because children of immigrants and black people are counted under US born citizens. Compare it to white Americans and immigrants will most likely commit more crime than them.
>while comprising seven percent of the total U.S. population.
claim not falsifiable
>omg people we can't keep record of coincidentally don't have criminal records
nice try, but you're going to have up your bullshit game if you wanna fly it here skippy
>If natural-born citizens were incarcerated at the same rate as undocumented immigrants, "about 893,000 fewer natives would be incarcerated," read the study. Similarly, if native citizens were incarcerated at the same rate as documented immigrants, 1.4 million fewer would be in prison.
I feel like this just proves trumps point on immigration. Illegals commit more crimes, people who came here legally commit less. I mean does anyone actually want NO immigration?! I'm sure some edgelords here will say so but I think most people just want it to be done legally. I love that I live somewhere people want to come to; I just think we should only accept the best and not take shitty people in.
Not exactly. The study points out that:
>This occurs because the children of
immigrants lose the cultural and social attributes that buffered their parents from criminal offending
>and because some immigrant groups are constrained in socioeconomically disadvantaged communities.
ie; it's all somehow the white man's fault anyway
Looks like a bunch of disingenuous, intentionally misrepresentative bullshit. Conflate Brits, Germans, Koreans, Australians etc with Somalians and Mexicans in the "immigrant" group and likewise conflate US born niggers and spics with whites.
>illegal immigrants
>reporting their crimes or crimes of other illegals near them and trying to prompt investigation
are you serious
most states do not arrest illegals. they process them then release them back out into the public after they commit a crime including violent crimes. taxpayer money cannot go to housing/feeding an illegal unless specifically sanctioned by a judge, and it creates all sorts of problems with the law if something were to happen to another country's citizen in prison.
its stupid as fuck and it needs to change, and so far i am loving what ICE is doing once again - their job
Much like original sin, they have original crime. They are criminals by definition.
Latino section? I wonder if they are trying to pander to a certain demographic with that story...hmmm....
in the study, 'Non-citizen' does not refer only to illegal immigrants. Apparently 'undocumented' non-citizens are about 1.8% of the population, leaving ~5% that we know exist (more or less) accurately
I did some more reading and noticed this;
>Six undocumented immigrants received federal sentences for murder and manslaughter.
>undocumented individuals accounted for 4% of the 143 federal sentences for these offenses. U.S. citizens, in contrast, received 88% of these sentences (126 sentences).
so, in total, non-citizens were sentenced for 12% of federal murder and manslaughter charges, over-representing their population by almost double
the study does not make any mention of this
extra T H I C C
you need to import more then to make up the difference then, duh
100% of illegals commit crimes by default.
in 2012 under 10 million people (illegal or citizens) were charged with commuting a crime, and the population was around 314 million. This means that less than 0.03% of regular citizens commit crimes. As 0.03 is a lower number than 100 we are left with the inexplicable conclusion that illegals do commit more crimes.
Truth hurts don't it LMAO
10000000000 whites commit 2 crimes
1 nonwhite commits 1 crime
Whites commit more crime
It's commentary AND not an actual news article. The number of the people in prison is usless, since one it's harder to get a person, which nobody knows is there, than to get a Person you know exists, secound the liberal states and judgeds protect them, because they know that After they had been to prison the likleyhood is higher that they will be deported, thrid the illegals often have cartells/ Family networks to protect them and they can feel back to México. The next thing is the negro crime Rate makeing the crime rate of the natives artifically higher. In other words useless non arguments.
They don't get convicted, they get deported. Bullshit statistics.
It seems my presence is causing you very minor inconvenience.
>Ignores the fact that literally 100% of illegal immigrants are criminals
>attempts to lump illegal immigrants with legal immigrants
Did you think they would report statistics accurately? Democrats don't even want to publish crime statistics stratified by race because it constantly proves them wrong. Many European countries don't report crimes by race.
>Ignores liberal judges who dismiss cases against illegals when they fear deportation.
This is such a weak argument. All this article says is that legal immigrants commit less crime than US born citizens when nobody is saying that legal immigrants commit more crime. We're getting the best in regards to legal immigrants and there are more US born citizens than immigrants so of course US born citizens will commit more crime. We'll never know if illegal immigrants are over represented in crime statistics, because we don't even know how many illegals are in the country. This is a low level bluepill.
>US citizens
Take our the blacks first desu, but that still makes sense. It's actually not that easy to get into the US legally unless you're high IQ or come from some relative amount of wealth, or are patient.