Mediteranian Master Race Thread

In this thread we list and discuss the accomplishments of the Mediteranian Master Race.

>Built the pyramids.

>Created electricity long before they said it Was discovered.

>The space program.


>The TV.

>We conquerd America.

>Helped the Jews to run away from egypt.

Also. Spanish building techniques are superior to all other subhumans on this planet.


>helped the j00s to run away from Egypt
no wonder Sup Forums hates your kind so much


Yeah. Its becouse you are naziboos

>fascists win civil war in Spain
>they don't help Germany and Italy in WWII
cowards the lot of you

That was because of us

As someone with Heritage from the Lower half of Europe...

Can you kindly fuck off with your divide and conquer attitude, normiecuck.

It Was only 12d chess for the future. When all of you is gone we will renconquer europe and take back america

Traitor. You should be among your own.

We were also kings of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. See pic related Eric of Pomerania, the first King of the Kalmar Union. Looks like Juan Garcia Perez from down the street

Stay Woke brother, they're trying to keep your real history from you

Nords has highest non human DNA too. WeWuzNeanderzthanlz. Maybe that'swhy Ocean Germans are called Neadertherland.
>Short round barbarian savage.

don't forget Gobekli Tepe, agriculture, dog/pig/sheep domestication, first scripts, metal working, etc...
we wuz everything

>tfw Mediterranean genes
Feels absolutely good man

We invented music, we built the Terracota army, Gilgamesh etc.

We did it all. The jews are our children

We came from Ancient Atlantis (Portugal)

Spain won't even exist in 80 years.

Bred with Arabs, niggers and Jews too. Created the first multiracial society with equal rights and degeneracy. The most enriched EU members. Fish out niggers and arabs long before the EU took form. Have an employer named Hans

Going back home when?

Built the pyramids? Lmao

Buttfucking other men


>whitecuck trying to take credit for mediterranean civilizations

Stay Woke, we are pioneers in all fields

We also invented Islam and voodoo magic

Stay Woke add that too and don't forget to buy a portrait of your Indian Prime Minister.

Soon we'll be pioneering a new street shitting technique


A "Med race" don´t exist, like there is no nord race, or slavic race, or whatever.
There's an euro-caucasian race(white) where are the europids. Relatively close to each other

Slavic-Med-Amerindian masterrace reporting in.

Med is best
Browns not med

Actually Germanic racial family does exist. So does Central Slavic + Russian. Meds are just convenient term with "Europeans" enriched by nigger blood. Germanic and Slavic nationalists and far-right groups have "expulsion of Southern Europeans" on their lists almost universally

That's a nice list of accomplishments OP.

That's 7 contributions to humanity compared to the ~7,000 accomplishments of the Germanic peoples.

But still, it's a nice list of 7.


Said using new alphabet.


Source faggot? That's some D&C shit right there.

Why did you make the Med so dark skinned?

Latin script where is Latinum located at?

The falsehoods and the wishfull thinking..... just hilarious. Meds don´t have ssa blood or is near zero.

Welcome Spen

I feel more kinship with my dog than with a bavarian so that can't be true

>no SSA blood
Then you're not portuguese, fuck off

t. Alberto Barbosa

Kek. Anti-Mediterraneanism anti-Balkanism and anti-semitism are unifying factors for normal Europeans. Just because Arabs/Turks are Christian and speak a European language doesn't make them welcome

>>Created electricity
oh my god.

>The space program.


>The TV.

>Helped the Jews to run away from egypt.
and this is a good thing? fuck off you moorish&arabic subhuman.

Its funny because all of them are germanics

Sieglin also determined that among the families Iulii, Licinii, Lucretii, Sergii and Virginii, the name Flavius was very common; Rufi was often seen among the families Antonii, Caecilii, Coelii, Cornelii, Geminii, Iunii, Licinii families (often also the Flavii), Minucii, Octavii, Pinarii, Pompei, Rutilii, Sempronii, Trebonii, Valgii and Vibii; Rufini was common among the gens Antonia, Cornelia, Iunia, Licinian, Trebonia and Vibia. Sieglin notes that this list could certainly be increased in the light of further research.

Besides all this, Sieglin also compiled a list of 63 blond or red-haired Romans. Many of these individuals were patricians. He also found references to 27 blond divinities (including Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Diana, etc.) and 10 blondes in heroic personalities.

Man makes the gods in their own image. These blond gods speak of the racial nature of the early Romans. (In the Aeneid, Virgil refers to Mercury, Lavinia, Turnus and Camilla as “golden-haired.”) His list of blonds includes Aeneas, the mythical ancestor of the Latins (also blond was his son Julo or Ascanius), Romulus and Remus, the twin founders of Rome; Augustus, the first Roman emperor, and even Roma: which symbolized the city of Rome.

While most of Sieglin’s historical figures of light hair were patricians, most the 17 swarthy Romans in his references were commoners or freedmen.

Romans are mega master race

Hello fambily



Brate, don't bully the meds :(
Electricity was all Nikola Tesla though, he's just a stupid person.
.t Bavarian larping fag
when will you learn?

daily reminder


Learn the difference: Germanics fucked down Roman Empire of Cuckiness. Blondes always win.

The non-portuguese (and by that non-white) here is you, for sure.

Greks master race

I don't know what shithole you came from, but we also built it somehow. Look up real history


Really made me think.
> Implying I'm wrong
Also half of text posts are not even mine


I don't get it

That post is literally autistic, do you know you're full European my khanate friend?
I've met a shit ton of white people from the Balkans and Med places.
You're just a fucking autist obsessed with race.

>we wuz white n shyet
C'mon lad, you wouldn't pass as white in turkey

Notice me Spen

Why pompeii paintings dont have blonde haired people?

everyone knows its too hot in spain to be a productive member of society
thats why none of you work


100% Northwestern European
>it LOOKS White it MUST be White
Nope. Fully European can be come from non-Dalmatian Croatia, highland Albania and some isolated areas of Serbia, but purely European Med is not a thing

Fuck you germanic pig

They might rank #1 as the hairiest race, but that's about it.

Try again bro, that buthurt is huge just like your lack of notion. lel
D&C shilll or just proxy buthurt

Tell me non med history from 5000bc to 1500ad


Europe is not a race, it was germanic decided to call themselves european so they can claim roman and greek history

They were from brothels were african slaves were employed, prostitutes also were mandated to dye their hair jet black to differentiate them from common folk.

You just reinforced my point
As Breivik wrote "deportation of Jews, non-Europeans, Islamists and Southern Europeans"

Fuck moors

>Northwestern Euro
Meds and Greco-Romans was the cradle of civilization for Europeans.
You'd call them non-european LOL.
You're a funny guy Hans.

generally curios about why they describe a lot of the roman emporers as having been blonde-haired and blue-eyed. is that a natural mediterranean phenotype?

Se tivesses lido os meus posts percebias que estou só a merdapostar

>people will reply to Dominican subhuman nigger
Wlcome to pol newfags

the guy from the right x3:

sooo obvioussss

Where were they born and what language spoke?
Not Germanic

>>Helped the Jews to run away from egypt.

That makes you the opposite of master race. Kill yourself retard.

>Helped the Jews

Vai acabar os tpc's puto e ver o bataton. Deixa de ser ridículo e envergonhar o teu povo.

>Meds and Greco-Romans was the cradle of civilization for Europeans.
The Hellenic Race was. Not Romans. Hellens hated the Edict when it allowed free movement to North African and Judean pets. Do you know the pillar values of Greece? Racial purity, physical perfection and intellectual growth. The Roman Empire really fucked them on with the first one.

>mfw even a semi-ironic Med thread is enough to generate all sorts of butthurt


op is a fag




>nordcucks thinking they're superior

>not realizing Mediterranean and middle easterners created civilization

sure, but that doesn't answer my question

>We conquerd America.
You got your ass kicked by America too, who would have thunk.

Romans completely surpassed the Greeks too :^)

>Arab subhumans, Iberian and proto-Italians have anything to do with Athens
Stop claiming Hellenic shit, dumb nigger

>Spanish building techniques
Qué coño te has fumado?

If they created it how come they couldn't maintain it? Why did they turn into third world civilizations?

Not only we defeated them, we had the BLACKED!



Latin people didnt have light people

You can look at their portraits, not even entruscans
That can be edited by anybody

Their portraits proof they were dark haired people

I don't even have Mediterranean characteristics. I have amber colored eyes, I get sunburned easily, my hair is very light brown, my skin doesn't tan when in contact to the sun rays.

Are Asturians even Med?

Judging by inferior genetics of your Italian whore mother only with amount of inherited mental illnesses
shitskins speak and we must listen