So Sup Forums what are you doing Cinco de mayo?

So Sup Forums what are you doing Cinco de mayo?

What is it? Is it just a yank holiday?

I'm going to fix my computer that's been wonky since I moved places, probably just jossled something loose, then I'm probably going to fap to some degenerate trap pr0ns, after that I'll probably just watch jewtube or netflix and lament my lack of a social life.

Most of the mexican population don't celebrate it, I think it's more of a US thing.

I mean, it's in the calendar of celebrations of Mexico and it's recognized by the government, but people simply don't care too much about it.

Making "Mexican" food (spicy cheesy stuff vaguely inspired by wrapping shit in tortillas) and drinking Mexican beer (Dos Equis dark, thanks based German immigrant to Mexico guy).

Yes, it's a day Americans think Mexicans celebrate, but they don't, so we get drunk on tequila and eat tacos.

College aged white kids appropriate spic culture by getting drunk and eating tacos, not really celebrating whatever battle Cinco de mayo is commemorating

Celebrates the Mexican army's victory over the French at the battle of Puebla.

Essentially the entire French force was dying of severe dysentary.

The only reason they were there was the Mexican president said he would no longer pay his MASSIVE debt to France and considered it absolved.

20 legion Aires attempting to secure water managed to hold off 2500 Mexican soldiers held up in a small village.
Their kill death ratio was like 100:1.
The Mexican commander ordered the couple survivors released for proving their valor.

>Tldr: shitty Mexican water killed the French, or Mexico would be speaking French today

The French conquered Mexico after that anyway, which makes it even more of a meaningless holiday really.

spic de mayo is just a living example of how we have too much mexican trash living in this nation.


Can you even imagine how much superior mexico would be had the french taken it?

Probably nothing. It's just a stupid beaner holiday that doesn't mean anything.


cindo the mayo may 5 = BOXING WEEKEND

Chicanos will know this

drink a bottle of good tequila with my dad, eat some quesadilla de carnitas and watch pic related

rofl you really think you guys are different from these autist


wrong thread LOL

5th of may is when the Mexicans defeated the French and sent them packing, along with the hopes of the exiled Spanish lords from retaking their country. Or at least that is how I understand it.

If the French won, the other Europeans would have come in and moved north to help the Confederates against the Union. It would be a different world to say the least.

Fucking mexicans ruin everything

Burn Mexican flags maybe some Mexicans while I'm at it

Bang my superior Cuban wife and go out to dinner

Mexico doesn't celebrate Cinco de mayo considering we still lost against the French
The French we're basically holding back and didn't expect a 300 Spartans reenactment with a small Mexican militia v the French army
So they retalitated when they lost, and Mexico got BTFO
Chicano American idiots and other second generation trash turned it into a "holiday" to celebrate their "heritage"
White people wanting to be more 'culturally' enriched celebrate it but end up appearing really insensitive when they wear ponchos, sombreros, and make shitty big ass tacos with flour tortillas

Pff fuck right off with your "real mexican food" narrative.

one of our many shitty holidays

It's a Mexican holiday that isn't really a big deal down there.
In the US however it is the honorary Mexican celebration day where everyone drinks Dos Equis and eats tacos. Much like a Mexican St. Patty's day, actually.

They used to do this shit at my high school.

IF the French took it and settled it, otherwise it would wind up like Vietnam or one of France's African colonies.

yeah, we celebrate that we won a bunch of battles when we lost the war