>Oppose Putin in Russia
>Lose an eye
Russia everyone. Lovely people, amazing country
>Oppose Putin in Russia
>Lose an eye
Russia everyone. Lovely people, amazing country
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You don't even need 2 eyes anyway
You can clearly see he has two eyes, what are you talking about?
In soviet Russia
People color you
>be polish
>just lose an eye anyway because I live in a third world shithole
>emigrate to a real country to get medical care and claim benefits
Color me fascinated in Russian people of color
>You don't even need 2 eyes anyway
this. he could literally pwn people who pissed of Putin twice.
really makes me think
And lefties want communism here. They should study Russia.
Well technically they do oppose freedom of speech too so maybe they wont mind that right taken away under communism.
Wait did it actually blind him in his right eye? I thought it didn't cause lasting damage
You clearly don't understand the situation here. Today's Russia is not communist, but it's still a shithole. What made it a shithole in the USSR days still remains today. On the other hand, other formerly soviet countries lost this particular strain of shitholiness after the fall of the Eastern Bloc.
Russia wasn't ever a shithole because of communism. Russia was only ever a shithole because it's full of Russians.
you need 2 eyes for seeing 3D.
Have you ever been treated with brilliant green? It stings lie a motherfucker, i am not surprised he is blind in that eye now.
if i look only through 1 eye am i seeing 2d?
>Lose an eye
now he's half reptilian, half human
Yes. It's called depth perception. Of lack there of.
it's a depth of vision thing, it's not 2D per-se, but it basically is, your brain does the magic but it's much harder with one eye.
The best I could find was him saying he might lose it and he has to put in eyedrops multiple times a day to try and keep it clear, also he has to have injections or some shit, most articles are in Russian.
Any source on him being actually blind?
It doesn't looks like he's in agony or something
He means vision.
In March, Navalny was doused with paint before the opening of the headquarters in Barnaul. Navalny said that she thought that he was doused with acid.
This guy is a madman at this point for not having 15 bodyguards around him all the time.
They mixed something in there. Some kind of acid.
The thugs who did it were identified, yet no legal actions are taken against them.They are from some pro-Putin antimaidan organization
Damn Splatoon 2 is looking pretty good.
This green shit is basically vodka+some green chemical for color. it's an antiseptic for skin. I doubt you can go blind from vodka.
that photo was taken straight after the attack, our newspaper is saying it's infected and swollen and has cornea damage, so i guess it's not 100% sure that he will lose it, but it's highly likely he will.
>Be Brit
>Get run over, beheaded and inspected for butter knives and telly license
What is his platform?
Anti-corruption, freedom of speech + centrist populism
thx man
That's why the Lord gave him two eyeballs.
lmao I love Russia
Liberal-democratic national-socialism
Beat me to it.
PS. If described from an American understanding of political leanings. In terms of EU he's a nationalist right
can't wait
He's an opportunist. Hurr Crimea affair is bad... wait what do you mean 99% support it i mean Crimea fuck yeah! Hehehe....
Source that he actually lost an eye because of that?
Only russian kgb shills ask for proofs, Ahmed. Believe it.
>Censors free speech
>but Isnt communist
80% vision loss + pupil necrosis. But these news didn't make it to non-biased sources yet
hot bantz over here lol
>be polish guy
>country is so shit that you literally beg to come to the UK, live 8 men to a bedroom, get your butter knives confiscated and have your telly smashed for not paying the license fee, all while your QT wife gets pounded by Chad Thundercock back in the motherland
huh sort of interesting don't ya think? really makes you wonder who has it worse.
You would be drowning in shit by now if polish would have not come to help you.
This guy cooperates with kikes, he deserves it.
it was acid + green shit
Hey I'm not complaining. Polish women make some mighty fine women of the night. I welcome our defacto self-made-slave class.
This poster suck his own dick. He deserves it
Putin is a cuckservative, it's funny people don't realize this
yeah, at least you got doctors and shit out of it, our medical care is collapsing because of the brain drain.
If you want to melt someone, you just buy acid, not this kids stuff
You must be one of the few kikes who didn't get the memo to flee from Russia.
in Europe the biggest kike is Putin
>implying there were no deadly attacks including toxic substances on russian opposition figures
>Brits unironically have the audacity to call someone else part of the self-made-slave class
doctors can easily tell by the damage if it was acidic liquid
Kikes and kike collaborators by definition cannot be Russian opposition. You must be a Russian in order to be Russian opposition.
Why didnt and he just not cloose him eye lmao
even Putins call this guy a far-right Nazi
you can't credibly attack him from the right, kike
Just freakin' populist like early Yeltsin. Although, still better then majority of Russian "opposition"
>Get some dirty stuff into your eye
>it gets infected and swollen
Sounds like typical conjunctivitis to me.
Give him two-three weeks of rest and he'll be fine.
I can because he is financed by jews. (Chodorkowski) Whatever slogans he spews it must be a lie because he's been jewed.
>Lose an eye
>unironically wear an eyepatch
Why not make the best of it?
you think you can because you're a liberal kike
but this is an old trick to accuse someone of taking money while taking money
What about that one guy who criticized Putin and then (((somehow))) got diagnosed with radiation poisoning or someshit?
>telly license
you don't have to carry it with you only if you are watching a tv stream in public on your phone, or your home has no licence they might ask for it but never happened to me.
That guy worked for the oligarch (((Berezovsky))) and to top it off was also a traitor, so he deserved it in any case, although most likely it was (((Berezovsky))) who poisoned him to create some pressure on Putin.
> I don't have to wear a nose bell, only when I decide to stream in public
SRSLY, how could you defend this particular shit?
Because most of us are middle class and polacks tend to be bottom of the barrel wogs
That is zelonka, Russians consider it "medication".
He could possibly go blind because of this.
Nope, lol. That's brilliant green.
that's antiseptic
that made me chuckle a bit. Thank you based hungarian!
>Russia was only ever a shithole because it's full of Russians
>irrelevant conutry that has same problems that Russia has talking shit about Russia again
He was a total cunt, he deserved it.
He also converted to Islam IIRC.
Dunno about Navalny, I don't think he has any ties with oligarchs. People like (((Khodorkovsky))), (((Kasparov))) or (((Gessen))) support him but I think it's one-sided.
>He also converted to Islam IIRC.
Be consistent. Official propaganda says that he is against caucasus and pro white nationalists
What makes a country relevant?
>People like (((Khodorkovsky))), (((Kasparov))) or (((Gessen))) support him but I think it's one-sided
Please tell me you've been sarcastic here.
Empire building n sheet.
I'm talking about Litvinenko.
What are you implying?
That they don't?
Or that their support means he's on the same page?
>Or that their support means he's on the same page?
This, but somehow I starting to think that he is one big government plot.
All countries have history, any your empire was an epic failiure.
Does that make you not relevant too?
>Or that their support means he's on the same page?
What else does it mean? That they are opposed to him?
Why was Russian empire an epic failure?
or simply put zelyonka
I don't think he's a government plot. He's not extremist enough for that.
And their support means nothing. They are autistic kikes who support him because they think he will put them in power.
Just like kikes who supported Bolsheviks. Now remember what happened to them.
Russias new experiment to turn Human beings into Smurfs
spotted a russian in latvia
>your empire was an epic failiure
Which one?Russian Empire?Soviet Union?Or what?Russian history is all about picking fights with whole world, that's relevant shit to do thru whole history.
>Does that make you not relevant too?
If you had an Empire, then by default you was/or relevant.
It was dissloved by Communists.
No, it means they hate Putin and Navalny is their only realistic choice for deposing him.
Putin's reaction to Navalny also shows he's a serious threat.
Let's face it, guy made good decisions and restored Russia when you consider 90's.
But his regime has shitload of faults and cracks. Maybe it's time for a change.
nawh. I just do not like when people throw out random phrases like that. Looks stupid. I just want an explanation.
Lost 80% of sight with right eye. Amazing country indeed.
>Which one?Russian Empire?Soviet Union?
And your Federation is headed the same way right now, too.
>He's not extremist enough for that
He was, he was one hella extremist guy and had a lot of fellows with same belifes. Funny thing they mostly got sentenced, but he is not.
>Putin's reaction to Navalny
which is?
Hm, but whole history of Latvia was being a bitch of this failure, so what does it makes you?Ultimate failure as a country?
top fucking kek it never gets old