Jared Kushner Didn't Disclose Dealings With George Soros



>Senior White House adviser Jared Kushner didn’t include his ownership in a real-estate finance company that makes him business partners with George Soros when filing financial disclosure forms, the Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday.

>Kushner also failed to disclose loans totaling $1 billion from more than 20 lenders, the Journal reported. (RELATED: Soros, Left-Wing Activists Plot Trump Resistance)

>Kushner’s ownership stake in real-estate startup Cadre makes him business parters with Soros, Peter Thiel and other billionaires, as well as Goldman Sachs, according to the Journal.

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Klumpf is a Soros puppet

Goodbye (((Kushner))), hard to believe people would miss him.

Is this a case of satan's bluff?

I bet this headline made Bannon hard.

The right are never going to let this slide. Soros is universally hated. Its looking more and more likely he's gonna get fucked over big time and be forced to step down.


what does that mean? Will he get kicked out as senior adviser because of that?





Are we talking about Israel or some satellite country toatlly owned by Zionists here?

>a kike was connected to soros
wew. color me surprised senpai.

i really believed

If this is spread enough and enough people see it then yes, it's a very critical blow to the subversive kikes. Brace for sliding

Lol you retards realize that Daddy Drumpf will protect Jared at all costs right?

seems like good News. get him out


see This is huge. The smoking gun that can finally get (((Kushner))) out for good. Still worried Ivanka is gonna stay in though.


Not after this gets spread around more and more shill.

>(((Jared Kushner)))
>(((George Soros)))
>(((Ivanka Trump)))
Some things never change...

thats pretty spicy

Soros was always right-wing you stupid retard. He founded first free market in Poland and EU while still under Soviet Union. Soros and Rothschild are monarchy aka Zion.

This. Soros helped round up Jews for the Nazis. He's our greatest ally.

And hopefully he will say something stupid and compromising under oath.

My guess is Ivanka is going to lobby hard as she can to keep him in. However Ivanka is in deep shit as well. Turns out she didn't disclose what her White House role was going to be. She not only has to file financial discloses, she is also banned from participating in matters relating to the Trump family.



In EVERY picture of this disgusting kike, the eyes are SOULLESS. These things aren't human at all.

>not a member of the cabinet
yeah, he isn't going anywhere...

Soros leans right and left, whatever suits him in whichever country. His goal is to create chaos from which he can profit.

why do this

>Bannon goes nuclear

This. He doesn't give a shit about left or right, he cares about the Tribe and about money.

But wait it gets better. The Office of Government Ethics practically forced Ivanka to be hired as a government employee. So now because of that, she is being subjected to ethic and conflicts of interest.


This whole right wing and left wing is nonsense. All Rothschild, Soros and Kushner want is no border or any kind of limits or controls for their business so they can happily make money, even illegal money. The only reason why Soros support protesters is because of freedom, which means no restrictions for people coming into country. This way they can hire illegals, exploit people, even kidnap sex slaves, since who's going to miss illegals?

goodbye you pos

checked and wtf I love george soros now

Trump probably never thought draining the swamp would hit so close to home. Unfortunately he's the type to put family over anything else, so he may be irreversibly compromised.

all according to plan

He's literally the archetypal Jew that the Nazis used in their propaganda, you Slavic shithead.

He's a government employee though. That means he is subjected to ethics violations and conflicts of interests. With his ties to Soros coming to light that he tried to hide, he already broke the second rule.

Soros is for globalism aka global transaction of money in most uncontrolled and fastest way possible. It's not complicated, you make it complicated with your left wing and right wing bullshit.

Recent FBIanon threads re: Kushner for reference

rules are adjusted with the chosenites

I know you're shilling, but come on at least try harder

This ride isn't over

Fuck em'

If anything Kushner was secretly hiding his business dealings from Trump. Kushner is gonna get fucked over now and Trump will force him to resign after this.

Soros is a capitalist.
Hard enough for you?

What if he did tho. Put some pressure on him and the commie cancer is gone.

This has Bannon's fingerprints all over it. Bannon should be more sophisticated, but I am glad he's back

user, i mean this unironically, you might be my hero. I fucking hate that kike cunt so god damn much it keeps me awake at night. This is a more than viable path to ousting these two

no, it’s not that easy. He’s steering between whatever suits him.
There are some examples from Eastern Europe in which he was involved that contradict his usual political stance. I can’t exactly recall what it was, I’m hoping someone can explain it itt.

Why the fuck does Trump think it's ok to run the white house like a family owned restaurant?


>Melania not looking happy


nigger, you just went full on retard.

We really have to make this stick.... if he's allowed to sink his claws deeper he's going to ruin everything we worked for and all our shiposts and bants will have been for nought.

Kike media will bury this and nothing will come of it

The story needs to be spread far and wide. Breitbart, Fox, any of the MSM outlets need to know about this.

Things just became a tad interesting.






>In 1956 Soros moved to New York City, where he worked as an arbitrage trader for F.M. Mayer (1956–59). He specialized in European stocks, which were becoming popular with U.S. institutional investors following the formation of the Coal and Steel Community, which later became the Common Market.

>He helped to draft the Treaty of Rome of 1957, the foundation of the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1958.

>The EU traces its origins from the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) and the European Economic Community (EEC)

>From 1979, as an advocate of 'open societies', Soros financially supported dissidents including Poland's Solidarity movement
>first trade union in a Warsaw Pact country that was not controlled by a communist party.
>anti-Soviet social movement ranging from people associated with the Catholic Church
>CIA covert support
>In Sollicitudo rei socialis, a major document of Catholic Social Teaching, Pope John Paul II identifies the concept of solidarity with the poor and marginalized as a constitutive element of the Gospel and human participation in the common good.

>whose bank maintained close contacts with the Rothschild family
>George Soros, worked there from 1963–1973
>George Soros through his company Soros Fund Management. Soros started the fund in 1973 in partnership with Jim Rogers. The shareholders of the funds are not publicly disclosed although it is known that the Rothschild family and other wealthy Europeans put $6 million into the funds in 1969

Ivanka being banned for participating in any business manners related to her family is gonna sting her hard. That's millions of dollars she's not gonna get now. If anything she has to decide if her business future is more important or the WH?

Never trust a Jew, Donald.

Why has there never been a jewish president?
[insert thinking emoji]

The greatest obstacle Trump must face is that in order to drain the swamp he needs to purge his family. Can he do it?

Wasn't Trump's father pretty red pilled? This is all a part of Donald going to the belly of the whale to rescue his father from the underworld and free us all from the Jewish oppression.

There's no way Trump fires his most "trusted" advisors. Trump values loyalty over ideology. The worst that will happen to this kike is getting chewed out in the oval office.

With all this coming out now, he might not have a choice. Ivanka will probably hate his guts, but she's become a liability

Like paul REEvere, we must REE like we have never REE'd before

Trump IS the swamp, he should purge himself.

Possibly flogging from Bannon for being a cuckike

Sure, Soros the British Bank guy who overthrown British Bank so they still have pounds. Soros the enemy of Poland, when he has direct contact with Rothschild and Pope. Roman Catholics were the people before Hitler came. Monarchy is the one who wanted European central bank. Socialism has central bank in each country, not 1 for whole Europe. Every financial school in UK has British queen stamp on it.

if anything, this'll cause trump to scream "ANTISEMITISM! NAZI!" at WSJ

Based poo is on to something.

Good, Ivanka and Kushner are a cancer that will kill any actual change in the whitehouse/capitol hill. I am sure they see themselves as the new clintons

Kikes prefer working behind the scenes. If they're out in the public it makes things harder to get what they want.

>someone is a capitalist
You're a dumb fucking shill. He could be ancap or a communist, he only cares about Jews and chaos.

the word is getting around:
Jared Kushner disclosure form left out stake in tech startup Cadre ...
MarketWatch-1 hour ago
Jared Kushner left a lot off his financial disclosure
New York Post-4 hours ago
Jared Kushner didn't disclose business ties to George Soros, Peter ...
Business Insider-3 hours ago
Jared Kushner Reportedly Failed to Disclose Stake in Real-Estate ...
New York Magazine-2 hours ago
Jared Kushner didn't disclose stake in Cadre, $1B in loans: report
The Real Deal Magazine-5 hours ago
George Soros, Who Pays Every Trump Protester Personally, Also ...
Blog-Slate Magazine (blog)-1 hour ago

trumpkonian retards btfo!

Hopefully Bannon is the source and he's moving back up the hierarchy.

Awesome. Trump had better kick the worthless faggot out. We need to come down on congress too since a Republican led government is once again failing to come together and get anything that we actually want done. If the shit being passed looks no different or little different than it would have been under Obama or any democrat government then that means failure.

thats what I was thinking

>Sup Forumstards actually thought that by voting for Trump, they were fighting back against Soros

Goldstein in power ... ffs, we removed a puppet to see another puppet take its place.

Fuck the traditionnal opposition, we need Sup Forums opposition

Soros only cares about money and religious money from billions of Christian retards is very easy. Jews are rich because you go to church, get married there, get buried by them and now you even gave them former state property in all of EU, because muh Jesus. Of course Jews have money, you literally throwing money at them, but then you blame Communists. Maybe next time throw money at Communists, then you won't get Africans, since Communism builds own country, not international enterprise.

>use your father to benefit the Jews
>use your father to fleece shekels from the goyim

good, fuck those kikes. its time to bannon to shine once more

Who would you trust? I Understand why he did it but I don't think it was a wise decision. Why would you believe your own family would lie to you or not have your best interests in mind? Because they are jewish thats why! He made the same mistake millions of other have made in trusting a fucking jew.


I'd still tap that though

Never thought of it that way before but you're not wrong.. they probably do holy shit. The whole campaign fucking kikevanka was probably thinking of how she and her kikecuck could slither into the now empty seats made by her father. Shortsighted cunt only wanted to destroy the clintons just to steal their place.

Bannon had to have something to do with this.

Trump blown the fuck out yet again. Face it, people, we got conned and they are not going to help us. Either accept that and move forward, or deny it and continue being a slave to the establishment.


Trump needs to out Kushner and keep Bannon.

He'd fully redeem himself

We need to think of hashtags to get this trending on twitter.
