LOL! Feminist is scared shitless cause she knows that sex robots will take away their power. She is terrefied, cause she wont have her beta orbiters or White knights any more. "If it wasn't for pussy, boys would throw rocks at girls."
They are afraid!
>threat of not being able to manipulate men for sex
Sounds about right
>not using an archive site
OP is the author of the article and shilling for clicks. Get out, faggot.
The weird thing is that girls like us deep down.
Really sad that this mind-virus has spread so far.
It's archived:
>female independence
No such thing. They are dependent in any way through government.
There was a man--let's call him "Rod,"
Who got tired of shit from some broad,
So he ordered a doll,
Gave his girlfriend a call,
And said "I'm dumping your dumb ass. Thank God."
Why are these hoes nagging now?We want to make sex robots so we dont have to put up with you so you can have your strong independent women meme...cant they make up their minds once and for all?
too bad it is buried under a million layers of cunty bitchiness
uuhhmm okay sweetie listen. If you think that men are "winning" because you get sex robots now you are wrong. Its actually admitting defeat. Women don't need men for several decades now and we couldnt care less.
What do they care?
>making up their minds
choose one famalam
The feminist reaction to sexbots that I'm seeing is yet another new low for feminists.
>Women don't need men for several decades now and we couldnt care less.
This isn't true. If you segregated the sexes into a couple of countries, the female country would face mass starvation because no one would want to work the fields.
God damn this article is nonsense. There's NO oppression going on there. Why do they even care about this stuff? Why are they trying to make it about them again kek? It's 100% not about them. It's the whole point.
And let's be honest, the guys interested in this already weren't very wanted by women. Why do they have to try to take away their toys now?
Why did they make the sex robot look like CASH ME OUSSIDE
A woman unironically happy with the companionship of a sex toy? Stop LARPing, Horst.
t2bqh senpai senpai. her entire argument boils down to women not being in control and men being submissive to them.
(((Kleenman))) Sup Forums was right again.
The sexbot is a lot prettier than her.
finally we can exrterminate all women once and for all.
I'm slightly confused here...
Why do women need men in order to be independent?
Still massive articles why men need to get marriage and pay for kids.
Still say men need to work to pay women things
>we strong independent womyn don't need no men
>wait wtf men stop making sexbots you need us women REEEEEEEEE
Women are retarded,first they come up with the strong independent women and they when men finally come up with a solution to tell them to fuck off they get worried...we should go back to the times where we were aloowed to hit them anytime they started talking shit
literally the same
>"If it wasn't for pussy, boys would throw rocks at girls."
I heard it put this way:
If women didn't have tits and vaginas, they'd be hunted for meat.
The future is looking bright lads
The modern Woman isn't worth a fingernail. With these sex bots, they're only going get better while women get worse. Time's up. They had their chance, instead they stab us in the back by breeding with the enemy and rival (((tribes))). I wonder how many Men died so that Women could live.
This is for them.
sadly, true. they would be considered beta males and thrown to the wolves.
Women need men for lots of things other than sex. The reverse isn't true which is why roasties are worried
This also came to mind.
The comments are killing me, I thought We Hunted The Mmamoth was good for a laugh but this place is a fucking goldmine
What is there to be afraid off ? Only loser will go for sex robot, real men will continue fuxkig real women's while you loser won't be reproducing because you'll be fuxking robots :^)
I think it's kind of disgusting desu
Now all traps will be mine
Do you really want to destroy this?
I think that after they submit and accept defeat to man made robots, most of those that bougth it wont go for real women anyway because that is hotter than many feminists.
You can just use a surrogate to have a child or the artificial womb.
>because no one would want to work the fields
Women only have morals when its convenient they would actually start torturing eachother to do labor on their own.
I'd never be happy with just a robot desu.
I wonder how much this will catch on though. They say they're not "mass produced" yet. Prices could go down a lot. How high could the demand get? Could this be like porn? Porn didn't replace real sex and relationships but demand is super high anyway. Pretty much everyone watches porn. I wonder if robots could become popular in the same way.
>The weird thing is that girls like us deep down.
Isnt it weird that this is how we think? I sure hope a woman would like her boyfriend of husband, but we have been so desensitized of eveything.
I wouldn't date a girl who dresses like that in public
sauce? want to save image, but useless w/out link
Lol this
>looking outside to check who she can fuck for gibs next
thats a salty article.
In 50 years women will be judged by their intellect and personality. Safe sex will be widely available and feminist won't have a place in society
Those fuckers will have to take my life before they take my right to property and in extension my right to fuck a robot, Death or Liberty!
They need men to validate and recognize that they are "independent" and don't need men
Oh they'll become popular, don't you worry. Like I said, they can only get better as time progresses. Women will eventually have to compete against a perfect robot who will, in due time, perform all tasks asked of it to the letter without any nagging, spending money to take said robot out (((shopping))), wining and dining etc.
Yes id smash that all night actually
No women are not monogamous they dont want a boyfriend or husband they just want cock.
Realistic dolls passing a Turing test and being as realistic as the real deal, are far far away. You won't be alive when they're be available in normal money (meaning under 50k).
The feminist have nothing to be afraid of because only failures can cheat themselves into thinking that dolls can replace a real woman. Not for the next 100 years in my opinion.
the author of the article looks similar to the doll
I want an Aniston sexbot
Spend less time on Sup Forums, there's plenty of girls who think like you out there. After all 50% of white women voted Trump.
>I sure hope a woman would like her boyfriend of husband
>boyfriend of husband
So it's true, Minnesota is mostly Swedish immigrants.
Women power is on their pussy and looks
Take it out and put on a real moral object and they lose
Women for decades make jokes about not needing a man because they have penis shaped vibrators. Men get sex dolls and they get salty. This is what equality looks like.
Do women get off and feel a sense of empowerment denying men intimacy? I think so. I think if women were in charge politically, men who aren't considered attractive would be alienated to the point where it would be a caste of exiles. Women need to be beaten/dominated to no end, or else they will control you and every aspect of your life, especially your sex life or lack there of
Women get more and more unhappy thanks to the sexual liberation. Statistics don't lie.
underrated bost. We make the best bosts
>make a doll to fuck
>make it as close to a regular human as possible
Fuckin normies.
She is in her home in this picture.
>with her dog
What is it with degenerate white women and replacing friends/children with dogs? When will whites admit this is a problem?
>implying I'd ever use sex robots
I can get a real woman because I'm not an autistic ugly loser like all of you ITT.
>post-1990s Aniston
Because they want to deny you sexual pleasure at all. They get off on such an ideal of control, without vaginal leverage they are nothing but clucking hens
lol my bad, but that might be an improvement from what is already up near minnesota
The article is right though. Men will get frustrated with real women and expect them to be more like their ideal robots. And best of all... Women will jump through those hoops.
I went through a stage where I was fascinated with guys in deep relationships with their realdolls. I watched documentaries on Davecat and others and Lars and the Realgirl. My gf took note and asked me if I was thinking about getting one. Not in any cat of patronising way but in a genuinely concerned and jealous way.
>solution to the threat of female independence
More like the destruction of their power over others.
Too bad we still need at least 50 years until sex robots are perfected.
user a group of women will eventually takeover and start hitting women with objects to make them do what they want. The only reason those cunts did nothing is because enough time didnt pass for them to go psycho on eachother.
>Will it cost extra to get a fat chick sex robot?
is Uncle Tim a real term?
But the erections in question are kosher as fuck
Just one more step on the ladder of white extinction.
Sad state of affairs.
If she's so liberated, why does she base her self worth on what men think of her and what they choose to do in private?
>oh no men are paying less attention to my roastie ass!
lol women
They brought it upon themselves by being uppity cunts.
Wew they gon be real mad at artificial wombs
It's a balm to salve the increasing psychological nagging of their maternal instinct, the most hardline, man-hating child-free feminazi will call her tiny dog her "baby" and refer to herself as the animal's mommy.
Letting them vote was the worst mistake humanity ever made.
>Will fat chick sex robot cost more?
I still want lots of children, I just dont want woman in my life.
It's going to be a long time before they can even walk. And AI will probably progress pretty fast but it's still going to take a while before they can really fool you. Especially in this context. I can't imagine being with a machine to be very satisfying even if they become super advanced. Pretty much everyone would prefer being with a real person.
A robot is still something though. Lots of guys are single for years at a time. There's a growing segment that are single for many many years at a time and pretty much can't get laid. r9k exaggerates everything, but it's there. I wonder how large it is. Maybe 10% of the population. It's a minority but still a huge market right there.
>If it wasn't for pussy, boys would throw rocks at girls.
This gives me an idea...
>Letting them vote was the worst mistake humanity ever made.
Five Great British Pounds says the Jews were behind it
I can't help it I'm growing old she's still becoming more attractive to me even as she ages
Sounds like a good one to me
artificial wombs are being researched already. soon women will be obsolete.
So why do you want kids if you think women are disagreeable? What if you have a daughter? You want to raise another woman who you feel you can't get along with?
This shit needs to be fixed. It's fucked up and killing society.
I like how male independence "epitomizes patrirachy" while female "independence" is somehow threatened by men not chasing after them. It's like they're aliens trying to mimic our language. They're throwing out words with emotional value with no regard to the nonsense sentences they end up forming.
Would also purchase a Christina Ricci sexbot, day 1.
Funny, but there's already a term for that, "numale."