Boomer hate thread
Boomer hate thread
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Maybe if your generation worked instead of taking out a 100k student loan you wouldn't be broke.
Maybe if your generation didn't job hop ever 6 weeks you would have some money.
Maybe if your generation invested in stocks instead of getting drunk every night and buying $6 coffee in the morning you wouldn't be broke.
what is the matter genZtard? did your grandparents spend your inheritance?
Gen Z here. I get why you millennials are so angry, but there is no democratic solution.
Haha, I remember seeing these memes while I was browsing Reddit xD
these are all shit, but the finance one deserves special attention just because I hear this stupid shit actually said by dumb kids
if you default on paying a loan for a fucking boat, they can repossess the fucking boat
If you don't pay back you student loan, what the fuck is there to repossess? A fucking piece of paper? Will the scoop your brains out? Nothing can be repossessed.That is fucking why!
>100k for uni
thanks boomers!
didn't realize pol had so many bootlickers
While all this is true, don't act like wage stagnation and the rising unemployment rate don't exist.
They lived during a time of resource plentifulness, and they took advantage of it.
We can fault them for buying into the endless growth/resources meme and saddling us with the consequences of their consumerism, but then again people like jim morrison, john lennon, and jfk were offed for trying to make a change, so they were probably afraid to rock the boat. also cold war, and they didnt have the internet
>Maybe if your generation worked instead of taking out a 100k student loan you wouldn't be broke.
Boomers told us to go to college or else we won't be hireable. Some even said get out and live on the street or go to college to stay under their roof. I was literally forced to go to college.
Valid but doesn't alter the fact that boomers fucked the world
Point 1. Agreed
Point 2. Disagree; In my home state of California, you have to send out, at minimum, 100 job applications every month just for the chance to be interviewed. Most jobs will require experience and will not bother to train you at all. Good luck finding someone that knows someone that can get you that mcdonalds job opening.
Point 3. Agreed; but stock market is a bitch to learn on one's own.
Mostly garbage advice from someone who doesn't understand the modern job market.
Boomers forced younger generations into staying at school for longer and going to University. Why? Less job competition for them and keeps the unemployment rates down for another few years. It also makes boomers loads of money. Through huge student loan hikes. Disgraceful price gouging and poor treatment by boomer landlords on the housing ladder.
Why is it I spics in so cal with new pick up trucks and wife and 4 kids and a house?
source: am mexi-american spic who sees this daily and wonder wtf am i doing wrong.
Obvious bait you all fall for. I give up with this fucking place, you all don't care about the issues you talk about so much as annoying other people. Squabbling about bullshit like women having advantages and what the latest way you're going to troll Antifa, pointless shit about capitalism vs socialism I give up. Fucking have this place its a barren wasteland of childish shit just like Sup Forums.
>Maybe if your generation invested in stocks
Did you invest?How did you start and what sum of money did you have at the start?
>tfw Mexican neet who still lives with his mom at 22
Am I a failure user?
I was just listening to the Daily Shoah and they drilled into boomers today. Made me hope there was a boomer hate thread because I cannot believe a generation fucked us this bad.
>JFK was killed for making change meme
He was just another Democratic president. LBJ had the same policies and JFK would have done the same if he lived.
this thread is life
Gas is like $2.50 here and min wage is like $10.50
You're all idiots. This is why life was easier back then and a single man could support an entire family with 1 job.
Also see this:
This, unironically. It has everything I criticize about boomers nailed.
gas is 2.11 here and min wage is 7.25
probably. like me.
serious. I see immigrant spics who are not fluent in english buying homes and have 4 kids...
i cope by saying they have drug money tho.
Theyll garnish your wages, among other things
I dislike this modern meme amongst the young that blames older people for everything
Faggots need to learn some personal responsbility
>life was easier back then
kys retard
mfw unpaid student paramedic and i have to work as many shifts as my crew, days and nights
boomer nurses always talking down to me telling me as if i should be grateful to whipe asses for free
We used to get paid at least 19k a year to train now it's done via a degree programme and we get fuck all other than the same amount as any graphic design student :D
nurses always talk a big game and then the doctor shows up
And people wonder why we have barely any homegrown medical pros
that's legal?
One of them took an ECG wrong, then when i asked to see the print out said "no we dont interpret them" but I said it's part of our training and she gave it to me begrudgingly, then when i noticed he had peaked T waves I mentioned it to a doctor who asked me to re-take the ECG, she got mad and made me change sheets the rest of the day :)
Another time one of the cunts said she'd deduct my 30min break from my hours, and said "huehue, we don't get paid on our breaks" well i don't get fucking paid at all
i cant wait til this is all over and im in 28k worth of debt
name one time a boomer acutally said something like that to you... I'll wait
>Jealousy thread
I mean, I hate that they got it so easy and talk shit about us too but maybe we should get over it and just deal? Good times make weak men. Weak men make tough time. Tough times make great men. Great men should make good times.
But what do I know? I'm just a married 30 year old.
Ever thought the reason the boat is financed so little is because it can be repossessed?
You can't repossess someones education if they don't pay.
I can't wait for when social security and medicaid collapse and all these old fuckers get what they deserve NOTHING. They stuck their debt on us, fuck them we wont pay it. atifa and Nazi fags will come together for one glorious day to exterminate boomers and default on all their racked up debt. Then we can go back to killing each other. Or maybe we wont have to.
Giving women any position with an ounce of power/importance is a mistake. I swear to fucking god 90% of them abuse it.
Anyone else hate boomers with such a seething passion that you can't even bring yourself to talk to your grandparents anymore despite remembering how much they spoiled you growing up?
Why do you do it user?
Why do you persist? What's the draw?
if he doesn't he won't have the experience to get the job later. so it's either take the shit or work at mcdonalds
Unpaid internships my man, thats the latest fuckery going on in the job market. It's not illegal if you agree to work for nothing.
>4 gallons of gas on one minimum-wage hour
But that's still possible.
It fucking shouldn't be you know and I swear my uni is breaking laws, like the european work-time directive
they make us do 12hr shifts (which often last longer due to calls at the end) and my station is 70miles from where I live. I have to pay for my own petrol and car, drive through newcastle traffic in the mornings and at night to get there - we had 3 car crashes last year with students being too tired at the wheel. We're legally supposed to get 11hrs between shifts for rest but since we're uni students and have no one to hold accountable, they tell us to turn up the next morning for our shifts even if we don't get the 11hrs, unlike ambulance crews who are allowed to come in late to compensate for the extra hours.
its a nightmare desu when youre turning up for shifts and youre already fucked and want to sleep
Literally me
College: the only institution in the world where YOU have to pay to get bent over and fucked in the ass
>be me
>take part time tech job for $15 hour
>Between work, commute, school i have no life
>practically live in car trying to get sci. degree
>Last semester, can't work, need to finish school, 20 credit hours
>Replacement is 50, can't use a computer, can't show up on time, takes days off to go fishing all the time, has a brand new truck
>makes $20 an hour
And they bitch about the youth, can we cut of their social security already.
Eternal BTFO
I love these threads.
being a first world millennial and hating boomers is like being in the 99.4th percentile of income and hating the people in the 99.9th.
you still have more opportunity, stability, and disposable income than most people who will ever live. yet here you sit, bitching about it.
That's a fucking farce.
What uni? Have you tried getting media involved?
Good luck out there senpai
Taking a break from letting Muhammed buttfuck you, Hans?
>you're problems are irrelevant because africa
awful argument
Yeah, I can go to community collage with financial aids and save over summer. To improve myself I am going to save 5 to 10% of my income and at least hold on to some of my pay check. I am just waiting for my taxes and then I can just add to that til I get a car or something.
Uh they'll garnish your wages, ruin your credit score and make it difficult to function overall you send idiot
You would, leaf. Get a goddamn job, welfare queen.
>I would if I could but Drumpf-
teesside uni, they know they have you by the balls and hate anyone complaining or undermining them, like if we get placed in a GP practice or what is basically dayacre and the staff make us do their paperwork (yes, student paramedics sitting in paramedic uniforms with boots on, alphabetising patient records in a windowless room, or sitting on a beanbag doing nothing while kids run around is something we pay 9k a year for) - if we complain or comment on it being a waste of time they'll blame you and hold it against you, even if they'll officially deny that.
honestly could not discourage anyone enough from doing this course
We're coming for you, Boomer.
Boomers told you college is important but they didn't tell you to get a worthless degree in liberal arts
He's right
I went to a very modest tech school and gained petroleum knowledge
Now I'm top dog in a small oil & gas company making sweet fucking money and not working that hard. Most people my age are just terrified of going against the grain in adult life
I just said fuck a conventional 4 year degree and pursued a trade. Cheaper for school and the money is decent. I'm planning on going corporate once I graduate, should be making like 50-60k starting
Minimum wage is $8.10/hr here in FL. Gas was right around $2.00 a gallon for the last few months. Little more expensive now that it's getting to summer, but 8 bucks will still get you 3+ gallons.
Do you have a wife or a fiance?
Gen Y here. Probably what I hate the most about boomers (and gen x) is the weird liberal-reactionary hybridization that occurs in many of them. Like, they'll be super progressive but think that technology and modernity are ruining everything.
yes they did, that's exactly what they did.
>get a degree any degree! you'll get hired!
that was their message
And in the 70s many cars got 10 mpg
You understand
Sup Forums has no identity besides anti-xyz. They don't stand for anything.
No, why?
It seems like the only solution is less war or less population.
To be fair, back in their day, simply having a degree was seen as proof that you were the creme de la creme as far as learning capabilities were concerned; the bar is much lower now. Also, women's studies departments were a weird novelty if they existed at all.
No, that's just regular """liberalism""" today. It's """progressive""" conservatism, limited to virtue signalling. You push'em a bit and they will reveal themselves to be reactionary assholes very quickly.
Women don't find blue-collars attractive, not even if they earn more money.
Is it meant to stand for anything? Last I checked it's a taiwanese under water basket weaving anime shitposting forum.
Hell where I live Diesel and Unleaded are $2.40
more like your great-grandparents, all the way back to africa.
being piss poor in 2017 america is probably a better overall quality of life than being a royal at almost any other time in history
derp meant for
This should help explain it
Yes they do idiot. Conservative women love mechanics and other tradesmen. They see them as the Chads of the beta provider world.
>Be californian
>try to get a job at a mcdonalds to help you through college
>absolutely no job experience
>indian manager calls for a (((phone
>"we will call back if we decide you're what we're looking for"
>3 weeks later indian manager calls back
>says sorry wrong number and hangs up
Am I really not qualified to make milkshakes and clean fucking toilets?
Baby Boomers voted for Trump. Millennials voted for Hillary.
>t. virgin
Just read a story today about how and FBI whore left her US military husband to go to Syria to marry a "german" isis fighting nigger. Then regretted it but that's irrelevant. Women only want tingles and if you know how to give them tingles you wouldn't be a virgin anymore
Live in Houston, similar here. These spics literally don't flush their toilets just to save money, then blow it on the aforementioned things. If they're legal they just worked hard and had help from family. If they're illiegal it's because they don't pay taxes and literally live like 10 to a house (so they don't have all the financial burden placed on them)
My first (and current job) was working at a grocery store. Started as a bagger, then got upgraded to a cashier. I earn $12/hr part-time pushing shit across a scanner. Medical insurance is included since the grocery industry is mostly union.
>burger education
Texas right?
Australian paramedic student here. Why are UK Ambulance Services (especially London) so keen to recruit Aussie students? Are most of the uni courses for paramedicine as bad as the one you're describing?
hahaha, way to discredit everything you said
no. i work at Lowe's. i'm the only one in my department of about 30 that doesn't have a college degree