If immigrants are so amazing and productive why do they come here?


Because they aren't and sheltered eternal kids go to colleges taught by sheltered eternal kids that can't grasp the simplest of concepts.

They tell them that to continue to objectify and dehumanify. It's quite effective. Happened a lot during post civil war era when the northerners would comment on how "entertaining" and "musically talented" negroes were.

because they realize how shitty their own countries are and would literally cut their own arms off for the chance to live somewhere that matters

>animal style

flying dutchman master race

They know their skills would be near useless in their home country compared to here. Also, have you tried one of In-n-Outs burgers? They are REALLY good.

so its the capitalist system thats better

Put it this way for you since you have autism
>you're working
>you wanna get shit done but your team is shit
>can join another team more successful with who you you'd work better and get more stuff for it
Do you join the other team or do you remain in your shitty team?


you forgot
>complain to everyone who thinks you shouldn't do the same things you did on your old team
>seek to bring everyone from your old team with you and call anyone who disapproves a racist

>Be engineer in Argie or some other shithole
>make 300$ a month or some shit like that
>Move to the US
>make $5k a month FOR THE EXACT SAME JOB, literally 20 times more.
You can unironically bust your ass as a professional in 3rd world countries and STILL make less than an american burgerflipper. Think about that.

Typically, the "good hombres" come here. Look at any stereotyped "model minority" i.e., Jews and Chinese. Do you think they are an accurate measure of their people worldwide? The only Chinese people who can afford to come/live i the US are either very smart, or have significant amounts of money.

Also they know damn well why they shouldn't act up. Look at the number of murders south of the border, and then the number a few miles north. Cartels know that we take the law seriously, but in Mexico you can have battles between police, military, and cartels in the streets and it's perfectly normal.

>implying i want to get out of this hellhole
>implying i want to immigrate to your shitty country

Maybe there's a way back, my Immigration Studies professor taught us that in ww2, before and during the Holocaust, every Jewish organization and leader in the US opposed bringing Jewish refugees here. Apparently they didn't want to "rock the boat"

>forgetting so easily about /ourguys/

Fuck, I need to organize my folder cause I can't find that greentext of a white guy explaining why successful people in Africa are punished/held down by family and friends. Like if hey make any money, they are obligated to share it and can't invest for the future at all.


>be in the top .01% of your shitty country
>this puts you in the top .1% of the US
>now you can actually use your talents to produce because you're not going to get beheaded and the government isn't going to demand bribes and obstruct anything you try to do
>host country benefits by raising the average skill level in that profession

wow so difficult to understand

>inb4 cuck
I know the system is fucked probably beyond repair but that's how it's supposed to work

what a fucking shithole.
an abundant country gone to waste.

For the same reason the 1% ship all the money overseas but still do business here.

America provides unique opportunities found in very few places in the world. No one succeeds alone.

This. They'll never understand.

underrated post


Holy shit I'm triggered

>In contrast, studies find that immigration has actually raised average wages of native-born workers during the last few decades.

No explanation for this. Could U.S. law through the years before the cause of this? (Minimum wage laws)

>competition from new immigrants has mostly affected earlier immigrants, who experienced significant reductions in wages from the surge in immigration.

Oh, so they heavily displace the immigrants before them. Given our welfare state this can't be a positive.

>Immigrants are at the forefront of innovation and ingenuity in the United States, accounting for a disproportionately high share of patent filings, science and technology graduates, and senior positions at top venture capital-funded firms.

I'm sure this doesn't include the dirt poor, unskilled immigrants. Immigrants with money and education will obviously contribute more but that doesn't justify open borders, only a merit system.

And then the part of
>it's good for government because more taxes
>but the natives get shafted
