This show is redpilled as fuck and none of you will read it because of the title

This show is redpilled as fuck and none of you will read it because of the title.


>X is secretly redpilled

Fags use this argument to defend even fucking Steven Universe

>reading a tv show

No thanks, I'm reading Rome season 2

I actually like the show, pretty good


it was actually pretty good

Can ... you ... artic .. artic ... articulate how?

It's actually pretty funny since it makes fun of SJW's and diversity. It's even funnier when white people get offended and think it's "SJW."

>none of you will read it

It is, but Homeworld are the good guys

no its not

>looking for answers on television

>reading a netflix show

i don't watch TV

>none of you will read it



I saw it was playing, I changed the channel, there was immediately sex, so I turned it off

imagine my shock

>This gay shit again

I could make this same retarded ass copypasta with Gen Zed

Do they talk about how niggers are allowed into any college for free?