Now that we're all in agreement that Reddit is cancer

Now that we're all in agreement that Reddit is cancer

What are Sup Forums's favorite subreddits?

r/AltRight was honestly better than Sup Forums for a while: no shills and slide threads

Unironically latestagecapitalism. If there's one thing Sup Forums is lacking in, it's anti-corporate ideology. It's almost as if Sup Forumsacks don't realise fascism requires state control of industry.

unironically r/politics, its good to see what we're up against
I also like r/documentaries, gonewild and the_donald


if the state is a blockchain, sure
if its anything else, it gets taken over by angela merkel! learn from the nazis mistakes

fuck off
meh, there are better arguments against capitalism on the internet


just... how?

even communism is just a meta corporation

stupid "financially liberal" fuckwits

>muh sekrit club

kys nigger
kek ill check it out

I dont browse leddit, everything is so fucking cringe its unbearable. That being said, I will use it for NHL and MLB streams fairly often. My roommate is a pretty bluepilled normie, he shows me stuff from the conspiracy reddit sometimes that looks interesting, haven't bothered checking it out becsuse like Insaid, I cannot stand the comments.

R/peoplefuckingdying and r/wheredidthesodago gve me sensible chuckles


/r/the_donald of course! Thank god they introduced me to Sup Forums, how else would I get my daily meme supply??? Praise Kek!!!!





basically memes stolen from ylyl threads found here

yeah best one, i get the newest antifa beatdowns there.





>open thread
>"i go to reddit" "yeah, me too, my fav subreddit is..."
>look at flags
>no surprise

You forgot /r/wifesharing

Spend my time here mostly. Only sub I frequent is /r/weekendgunnit.