Am I considered white?

Am I considered white?

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no, you are a nigger.

You're considered a faggot.

About as white as me, Hello fellow slav bro


that is a big mix man


>99.3% euro

not really, Im polish so I guess m family got raped by mongols and a few centuries later got raped by Turks.

Friendly reminder that Jared Taylor (pbuh) said that so long as you look white, you are white... r-right?

Same. looks like some gook got my great grand ma

potato nigger

Hello my fellow east asians

I have bigger problems than that, friend.


u wuz a kang


Give it to me straight Sup Forums?

who gives a fuck about what some neckbeards on pol say

fuck yea lets go drink sake and eat rice!

0.1% Jewish. Sorry bro, it's over.

what does this mean?

Where is the rest nigger.

At least no sub-saharan, r-right?

ouch you are a yid.

you're Jewish user.

found Lenny Kravitz

well, ill go get my own Zyklon B

Here's an article that could explain the asian bit:

If you feel white, then you're white, That's enough desu

fucking nigger

Idk but apparantly my haplogroup is the same as the cheddar mans or some shit.

Fucking Jew

Does this actually cost 99 dollars for a test? I'm too Dutch for that.

Oh shit, thanks dude, that's fascinating.

So is this good or bad.

I have no clue, bro, I think mine is true master race tbf

What's your Neanderthal percentage? I'm over 4%.

You're a mixed guy

What is this test

I have the most superior genetics IN THIS THREAD FAGGOTS

Yield to my demands. Anyways for whos wondering the "other" is just some mixture of North African genetics. Apparently from places in Libya, Algeria, and Tunisia.

The West Asian is Iranian and Azerbaijani.

Oy Vey!

23andMe, it's fun to see what they come up with if you don't have a fragile ego.

Trust me goyim

for you.

Not as white as I am. Not by a long shot Schlomo.


we are almost identical. what do you look like?

Not much at all, glad im not decedent from Species mixers.