Women should not have been allowed to vote

Tell me, Sup Forums, was it the (((Jews))) who let the women's suffrage go through? Of course not. And yet here we are.

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I hate women too.

> inb4 "misogynyst"

I like and respect women. But I very, very strongly believe that politics is fundamentally disassociated from womenhood. Clausewitz said that politics lies on the same plane as war. In fact, the primary role of the state is to regulate violence. Therefore only those who historically tended to wage war (men) should be involved in politics.

>Anglo-Saxon morals say all must be fair.
>The smart, individualist "math-team" type women ask for voting rights for all women.
>All women get the vote
>Jews smirk in corner
>Modern (((Feminism)))

It's not that the Jews created the women's suffrage movement necessarily or that they caused them to gain the vote, but they sure as hell don't shy away from making use of it to push their own agenda.

There is little difference between female and jewish stereotypes. Really makes me think.

The majority of white women voted for Trump......

>It's not that the Jews created the women's suffrage movement necessarily or that they caused them to gain the vote, but they sure as hell don't shy away from making use of it to push their own agenda.
So then if we remove women's suffrage, we don't need to genocide Jews? I'm all for that. Seriously think the genocide was a mistake.

Married white women.*


Yet just when you think we have more of these "math types" of women, in comes this SJW/landwhale fuckfest that not only poisons a decent portion of the dating pool but causes more hive-minded thinking even though everyone is "a snowflake".

>Yet just when you think we have more of these "math types" of women
Our entire political situation can be described as a massive "rebellion" of the "math types" of women who suddenly realized they are too unattractive/old to have children and so they must to get into all the traditionally male professions or otherwise they will perish.

But then I go on Sup Forums, and nobody sees it, and it's all about the (((Jews))).

Yea, no shit.

So what the fuck are you going to do about it?

Like 52-48 but what you are missing is that they shift the Overton window far to the left in the first place.

If only males were voting Trump would be or have to shift far to the right to get elected and someone like Obama and Clinton wouldn't even think about running an exploratory committee to run in the first place. Damn near every democrat you see in politics wouldn't exist and if they did they would have to have stances more to the right of current republicans to ever hop of getting elected.

very powerful magick.

I don't think the fact that women are more prone to vote for liberal parties is due to this. Let me give you a counter-example.

In france, and util the sixties, the womens were more prone to vote for conservative and pro-catholic parties that men, in the same way, the church were mostly full of women, the men being more prone to playing the free-masons in lodges or wanna-be lodges. It actually go back to further in french history, at some point, most of the arguments against the right to vote for women in France was that they will vote for reactionnaries parties because they were influenced by the priests.

I think, that the reason behind that vote, and the reason behind the liberal vote of modern women might surprise you, but I think they are naturally more prone to conservatism, in the bad sense of the word. They mostly attach themselves to the idols of their childhood, wether it is the good catholic priest or the woodstock hippie liberal friendly meme, and see in a really bad eye every change, while man is more prone to blowing up old structures and building new ones.

But this is isn't an argument against the vote of women as such, it could be a bad or a good thing depending on the eras, it is a bad thing in that era because they are too much enslaved to that idealized liberal-friendly worldview, because they were feed with such worldview, but in the soon future the naturally conservative nature of women could be a good ally to maintain a good society.

Yeah Jews are like the king on the chess board, ultimately you got to beat that I guess but there's a ton more pieces you got to get rid of first causing more direct damage to you right now.

>In france, and util the sixties, the womens were more prone to vote for conservative and pro-catholic parties that men

This is very interesting and if there is literature on the topic, please recommend.

>I think, that the reason behind that vote, and the reason behind the liberal vote of modern women might surprise you, but I think they are naturally more prone to conservatism

I think that women are more prone to *religion*, period. The trouble is that *modern liberalism* is a religion. This theory would explain both the French women voting conservative in the past and the modern women voting liberal.

That kind of backfires against the "Ate the forbidden fruit" (women lead to the degeneracy of society) meme. Are they truly hedonistic? If guys weren't downgrading the value of sex, would they be more conservative with their bodies? Perhaps I haven't tried enough to just hypnotize women into seeing me as a leader and amazing and in theory they will follow.

It still stands to reason they are more likely to be hive-minded though, I'd agree with that.

>Hahaha feminism wasn't created and pushed by the Jews lmao, like get real nigga, it's not as if the an elite ruling class that controls every means of propaganda could influence such a thing

That seems like a really interesting trend. I would say this lines up with women going crazy for lack of a better term, as they age. Think of controlling mothers, high-functioning over-achiever pantsuit types (Shillary), and feminists in general who feel wronged in some way for not getting what they want.

>If guys weren't downgrading the value of sex, would they be more conservative with their bodies?
If you look at modern SJWs, they are all about being conservative with women's bodies, except they cover it up by pretending they are against "objectification" of women.

The reason of course is that they are all landwhales and feel very threatened by attractive women shown on the billboards.

If you read some early 20th century social scientists (before they had to be PC), they basically say that "feminism stems from sexual competition between women."

I have a lot of sources in french, but I don't know a particular source in english I have found pic related in Internet, but I don't know if this treats the subject precisely or is just about women suffrage. But this was a total affirmation even in our revolutionary era. I recall a letter to Robespierre by a general that, after reading his project to subvert catholicism by his ' Cult of the suprem being ' told him : ' you want to destroy Catholicism ? It's impossible, you will have to destroy women '

Eiter way, you're tottaly right, on a more deep matter than you think. Socialism is a cult with a lot of occult foundarions, Murray talk about it in its ' the 19th century during the ages ' I don't know if he is translated to english, but it is the best book on that matter. He sum up that socialist and occultist dreams and aspirations are born together, and their profound dream of a monist total unification of humanity by the destuction of all heterogeneity. Read it, if you can, it's a very long and very documented work.

Well today that may be the case, but the first wave feminists were pretty much that period's version of SJWs, and don't try to pretend that they were "controlled by the Jew" or something.

>If you read some early 20th century social scientists (before they had to be PC), they basically say that "feminism stems from sexual competition between women."
Basic divide and conquer tactic used by Russian Jews and all Jews.

thanks user. you seem smart. if you have a couple of good French sources, send them too. I can read a little bit of French.

Concerning the divine and religiosity nature of women, it isn't a bad thing at all and is actually responsible for a lot of human accomplishments, it's only a bad thing when the religion, the socialist/occult of our era, is bad.

Let me show you for instance, that those roles have a positive impact through some archetypal figures :

Beatrice, of the divine comedy, is the figure of the spiritual guide, and take a specific symbolic role that is the feminine spiritual guide, that led and inspire the warrior and the poet through his explorer through his destiny. She have the role of a desexualize inspiror, in the same way feminine oracles led the policies of the city through divination in Ancient Greece.

While the Holy Virgin, mother of god led the maternal role, she is litteraly the mother of God, so the mother of all mankind. Hence the phrases of Jesus to Joan on the cross " She is your mother now ". She is the archetype of maternal love and protection.

In the same way, you have a lot of little " mary " through european history, figure of feminine maternal protection, Joan of Arc, symbol of the french nation, of the glorious feminity who take arms and die for saving France, who drove the english out of France. Isabella of Spain, who led the Reconquista and put the muslims out of Andalusia. And the more generally the feminine warrior-saints of christian and pagan european times.

Medieval Poets and Ministrels deals with an other archetype, it's more the feminity in its distress, the little girl, without defense that need to be protected by the pious warrior. It's for that that in Chretien de Troyes, for instance, Perceval or Yvain always fall on damsels in distress, crying in the woods for help. They are the figure of the little girls without defense that need help from you.

Those are for instance three different feminine figures that are three different archetypes, the sacred mother, the sacred inspirator, and the sacred young girl.

I'm not sure that Greg Hallett guy knows what he's talking about. If feminism was invented in Russia, why are most Russian women a lot more feminine than Western women?

Feminism (especially the suffrage) seems like a very Anglo thing to me. the Jewish people jumped on it too later, but it seems to have originated among anglos.

i'm with you, based Frenchie. good post.

Slippery slope. Women think with their emotions and feelings and are not supposed to be tribal leaders or decision makers, its not how hominids evolved. Males dominate the tribe and make decisions where to go, what to do, who to go to war with etc. In modern times, when women suddenly have much more power than what our biology intended, it obviously creates problems as they vie for things that may be "nice" but are not necessarily beneficial for their own tribe ie liberalism/socialism. See chimpanzees vs bonobos. Bonobo society is controlled by the women, the males are all weak and pussy whipped betas who do not really associate or fight ever and are weak as a result, and bonobos generally do things like have large degenerate orgies. Remind you of anything? Its theorized they act this way because they somehow ended up in an environment with no competition from other apes, so they degraded. Thats all well and good as long as that trend continues, but if bonobos suddenly had to fight chimpanzees, which are violent, testosterone-fueled, male controlled society, they would be absolutely destroyed. We are supposed to be like chimpanzees, and we are turning into bonobos. This wont bode well for the west if shit ever hits the fan

>We are supposed to be like chimpanzees, and we are turning into bonobos.
dude are you on bath salts or something? i thought we were supposed to be The Wise Man, not a fucking chimp.

>genocide was a mistake
absolutely. don't ever hand a group of people victim-status on a silver plate like that. it allowd them perpetrate even greater crimes in the name of their victim-hood.

Thanks bro, happy to share some infos !

All that to say, that women and women emotivity is not the main problem but an epiphenomeon in my opinion. The men with its logic and with its serious, invent the principles of a society, while the women incarnate them ' in their flesh '. In a sane society, in the middle-ages europe for instance, men create a logic and an ethical and religious project based on morality and piety, such as Thomas of Aquinas did in his theological works, while women incarnate those principles with emotion, crying before the cross, giving to the poor, searching a personal connection with God.

In a degenerate society, man create an occult and immoral society through intellectual deconstructionism, foucault derrida, and women incarnate those principles the more brutally, due to their emotive nature, but they are just the mirror of a degenerated epistemology and unethical philosophy.

See, for instance, I tottaly understand the critics of MGTOW movements when they talk about te emotive nature of women, but what they don't understand is that emotive nature can be a good thing in a sane society, given that it's directed toward the good things, and that binarity men/women is actually necessary.

But it literally is the joos. It's always the joos behind this kind of shit. Read up on it. It's the fucking kikes, I kid you not.

>Metaphor is a highly confusing concept

there were a lot of new ideas that came out of the French revolution: liberalism, radicalism, nationalism, socialism, feminism, and secularism. none of these are were inherently jewish. however, as these ideas developed, certain intellectual movements (consciously or unconsciously) injected judiasim into all of them. the eventual result is that you have new ideas trying to grow yet being smothered by very old ideas. today, you will see evidence of this tradition by looking at jewish over representation in all cultural centers: cities, academia and the media. ironically, anyone that does not fit into this "cosmopolitan" mold is derided as "backwards" or "old fashioned"

Yep, it's a white/anglo thing.

Whites want to murder any man that likes female children.

ANYTHING that is against white women's power whites HATE.

White beliefs are a negation of the beliefs of God (not Jesus) in Deuteronomy 22: 28-29 (pastebin.com/mzFJyxea) and Numbers 31:18, take the female children for yourselves (taph: child. lachem: means to devour in this section), both which allow men to have female children for themselves.

Of course it was. More workers and destruction of the family unit, two birds with one stone!

The "white nationalist" who's mythology hails back to
the northman and the gaul has always been the friend of woman
and the enemy of man.
During the wars between Rome and the barbarians in Gaul,
it was written that the women in Gaul would block the men
from fleeing battle with their ox carts. The women decided
that the men would fight or die: the men were not to have the
agency to save themselves to live to see another day. The women
decided this. The men obeyed (you're not a MAN if you don't! (not a white man anyway)).

The white man is a golem of the white woman. He follows her directive.
He always has. He was then. He is now.

The same spirit resides within the white nationalists.
They always have been allies of women and enemies of men.

Marry Little Girls.
Remove Feminists.

Remeber: At the end of Rome, when the had barbarians more and more influence,
it was said "Rome rules the world. Women rule Rome".
A civilization is the outward projection of the soul of the race that runs it.
Once the white man (the barbarians, the gauls, etc) took over rome, it
was their genetic predisposition that shown: to be a vessel for the
enforcement of the will of women:

No Child brides.
Man Dies for the woman.
Pedo is the worst thing.
Men are "beasts" (animals), not thinkers, drawn only by natural urges, not beauty.
To aspire to anything greater than nature is unnatural and must be surpessed:
>Where there is the choice between the Doric column and the rock.
>The white man chooses the rock.

>unconscious level
Kek no it's fucking obvipus to everybody without a jew warped mind you cuck

>You will die pedo

We all die.

>You will die Rome
--Some gauls being blocked from retreat via their women with ox-carts

Notice how the white man, a golem, gets mad at the mention of
men marrying female children.

Does this make sence for a male with agency and his own mind to get mad at such things?

But a woman? A woman immediatly gets angry at the idea of man+girl, for she is nolonger a pretty, sweet, female child. It is against her interest if men would have the option of the female child. Thus anger.
This anger, this thought process, is transfered to the white man, or rather the "white male": he is a golem, and he enacts the white woman's will.

It has ever been thus.
2000 years ago in gaul. 2 minuits ago in all countries the decendants of gaul took up refuge.
There is the woman: the controler of that species, and the males: which are almost zombies with no agency of their own: they are golems.

Women aren't the problem. Jews are the problem.


You're playing right into their hands.

With all these super Jews running around controlling everything they sure are taking a long time to dominate the world.

>Men always die for their women, because that's where their genetic base is.

No they do not. You gauls do though and have always done so.

>By defending women they defend their children and their own future.

Get fucked. Men don't give a shit about "muh babbies". Women do. But as we have proven: white men are merely golems: their thoughts are not their own: they are muscle for white women only. Golems.

Retarded white never heard of "Assemblywomen", which predated the Roman era Jewish dispora.


Fucking insect worshiping the queen.

>Your next assertion that the "barbarians" were primitive is also a joke. They did not live in the prosperous mediterranean area where the mild climate and the mediterranean sea made trading, fishing and growing crops was extraordinarily easy. As a result of living in ice age europe the gauls were poor. That is not a sign of their inferiority, but rather a byproduct of the harsh circumstances they lived under.

"We WUD of been kangz!"

>You are a creepy women-hating pedophile who lives in a perverted fantasyworld.

I live in a fantasy-world where the facades of classical buildings do not carve themselves; triggered by the mere presence of a saline solution and an atmospheric temperature above 70 degrees.

Also: yes men did marry female children. You gauls can't understand as you have the mind of a woman ("muh babbies" "next generation" "have babbbiesss" "nature" "MUH BABBIES" "die for woman" "MUUUHHH BBAAABBBIIEESSS"). You are a golem: merely muscle for the white woman.

Rockefeller wasn't Jewish, user.

And a last thing before I go sleep. All those ideas emerged in a very occult context and is profundly tied to occultist dreams. This is the new religion and we invented it. And we still invent it today. Forget about the cultural marxist meme, most of frankfurt school were actually reactionnary on many subject, including culture, and were opposed to identitary politics, you just have to read the old adorno hating on jazz and other ´ savage music ' to understand it.

It's actually the french theory, Foucault, Derrida and other deconstrucrionnist philosophers that infected socal campus and thus the world, and gave birth to modern SjW culture.

Daily reminder that we will die at the hand of the muslims and that we deserve it. We litteraly infected the world. Paris is what gave birth to modern leftist culture, London to international banker system. Those two cities are responsible to the world state, and one is dying under pakis, the other under arabs and africans. Remenber that God punishment is always justified. Stop crying over our faith, we wanted it and we deserve it.

Yes there are many social problems. We can focus on each and every individual one, or we can look at the Big Picture™

The big picture is that humans are stupid, and need to get smarter. Hybridizing people with the sperm of the highly intelligent and gifted can easily solve this problem, and fix most social problems as well!

Jesus said to the Jews "your father is the diablos(the slanderer), a murderer from the beginning, the father of lies".

Jesus called the father of the Jew the slanderer and the ruler of this world.

Seemingly suggesting the father of the Jews is Jesus' satan(adversary).
(Gnostics call this the demiurge)

Jesus further said "do not stone the woman" (a direct negation of Deuteronomy) and then turned it around against the men "if you even look at a woman, you have committed adultery with her in your heart" another direct negation of Deuteronomy (men are MASTER (ba'al) of the woman and can have many females as brides, including female children, including after they rape them). The New Testament also says for the man to DIE for the woman, again: putting the woman as master of the man.

Jesus says for men to become enuniches if they can for the kingdom of heaven. This is yet ANOTHER negation of Deuteronomy (No one who has been emasculated by crushing or cutting may enter the assembly of the LORD)

He then says "better a millstone for anyone who offend a child" (though taken out of context by americans): in the way americans read it (no pedophilla with girls) it is a negation of Deuteronomy 22: 28-29 (pastebin.com/mzFJyxea) and Numbers 31:18, take the female children for yourselves (taph: child. lachem: means to devour in this section)
, both which allow men to have female children for themselves.

Jesus seemingly called out the God of the Jews as his, Jesus' adversary. He argued for women's rights, and maybe even anti-pedophillia, he encouraged men to slice off their genitals, he put the man below the woman and raised the woman up.

Then he asks why HIS father (Jesus is said to be a high priest in the order of Melchizedek - that is NOT of the God of Deuteronomy (the God of the Armies) but something that came before) abandoned him on the cross?

Because Israel is the land of The God of the Armies, not of the god Melchizedek followed.

Jesus was a feminist.

Doesn't mean he's not in cahoots with them thus he might as well be a Jew. Also we know little of his heritage. George Bushes family is actually Jewish believe it or not. Franklin Commie Lover D Roosevelt was actually (((Rosenfeld)))

Given that feminism exists in the Christian gospels, where-as it does not exist in the Jewish book of Law... I don't think it is the fault of the Jews that now that whites are literate we live in a world obeying the dictats of the white's idol who rejected the Laws of God.

You can love women and femininity and the beauty of the female while also understanding that they shouldn't vote or work. If anything, the real "feminists" actually looking out for the well-being of women are the ones trying to put them back in their place where they actually had meaning in society. It's infinitely better than them trying to play "man" while really just being a lesser copy of man without original thoughts and very little control of their emotions, unnecessarily placing an enormous burden on our society that ultimately could be our undoing.

Anglo feminism goes back atleast to the 13th century when they started rewriting their myths to be more women friendly.

Whites are cucks. Any non-cuck white was executed by his "fellow" whites long ago.

Now whites are doing the same to the men in the rest of the world.

No child brides for anyone. The most hated enemy in the white's mind is the Laws of the God YHWH.

Whites have an insect type thinking: MUH WHITE WHUMAN. A servile nature: and are PROUD of it ("civilized")!

Thank God that the "Jews" are "white genocideing" (hmm inevitable when good upstanding white MEN (aka KEK) gelded their whole nation). Maybe whoever's left (Russians, Muslims, Hispanics, etc) will get to have cute girls without being droned.

Female children have femininity.

Women try to fake it with tons of makeup, shaving, perfume, surgery, etc etc.

Most whites are just beasts and have the mentality of an insect, not even an animal.

You are full of shit and you should read my post instead of spaming your retarded fantasies. Memes doesn't replace basic philosophical and religious understanding. Good night.

>Most whites are just beasts and have the mentality of an insect, not even an animal.

Found the shitskin!

Feminism is simply the natural expression of the "white" race, unconstrained by the Church or any other institution.

It is the subliminal will of the white maaaallleee to cuck for "his" woman.

In Nazi Germany a man would be punished far more for raping an unmarried virgin girl than anything else.

This makes no sense: an unmarried virgin girl has no master (ba'al). It is worse to rape someone's wife than an untouched girl (as we see in Deuteronomy 22, 28-29, in __HEBREW__ (not cuckinese))

However once you understand that white laws are not written for the benifit of the man, but instead to constrain and corall the male and benifit the adult female in her choices and mechanisms... then white laws make sence.

In whitehood the male is just a worker bee, white the white WOMAN is the QUEEN.

And all white men support this (any one not supporting MUUUHHHH WHITE WHUMAN and not sacrificing himself like an insect to her is "not a man" in whitehood).

White men are miserable crabs, keeping eachother in the bucket.

Strange I look at my wrist and see azure close beneath. The rest of my being is porcelain and pink.

I'd never want to be called white tho.

It is likely that I am far more educated than you. And the truth is the truth.

Just observe your fellow whites.

Once again, stop spaming, breathe a little and read this :

I know getting out of the ' u a cuck ' worldview is difficult when you're a retarded robot teenager, but getting an understanding of the roots of modern degeneracy is more difficult than spamming memes and doing ridiculous bibical theology without knowing a thing about the religion you're suppose to analyse.

Now fuck off, stop spaming and read more.

I don't have the pasta on me, but I read on here an interesting concept about the fundamental atomic unit of a country. The liberal would say it's the individual, in which case women would be allowed to vote, as well as every other individual old enough to be a legal individual, in which case we get the world we have today. The conservative would say the fundamental atomic unit is the family, and the welfare of the nation should be carried out based on what's best for the families of that nation. In that case, the husband and father would be the sole voter to represent each family unit.


Women have worked the entire history of our civilization. I agree they have no head for politics. They love too easily and they miss territoriality, shame and defensive instinct. To allow women into politics is to open your country to invaders.