Brazil vs US

>40% white
>98% white government
>99% white media

>59% white
>40% non-white government
>50% non white media

What's up with that?

Other urls found in this thread:

we have more jews

US government has forced diversity quotas.

>40% white

>98% white government
>99% white media
calling bullshit

I am whitest man in bruzuka and I'm not even that white, like 90% white and 10% Amerindian my nigga

Majority of them is actually mixed (they just have pale skin).
And for our president, he is lebanese, not european.

it's not. Brazilians love their white politicians.

pic not related ?

They aren't white, and i've never met a white brazilian in my entire life

Brazil has 0.???% wite

I've found this interesting study


Even in the most racially diverse city, white politicians get elected.

your thoughts?

most of those people arent white lmao

Whites are vastly overrepresented because affirmative action didn't exist up until a decade ago.
With no affirmative action, high iq races and ethnic groups will be more successful, will do better at schools, colleges, will earn more... Makes it easier to go to politics. Asians are fairly successful in Brazil too, and also very overrepresented in college (perhaps even more than whites).

money (and consequently political power and ownership of msm) has been inherited by the same families since the colonization, 5 centuries ago.

since they rarely mix with natives, they have uncommon surnames and tend to be wither than average.

whites are latin america jews.

For example. Crime rate for asians in Brazil are pretty much nonexistent. It's ridiculously rare, even though this country is so violent.
And the japanese didn't really have anything when they came. The working conditions were horrendous, no benefits at all.

balkanization when

wow brazil must not be a shithole because 1% of the population lives in gated communities

Nice picture.

user, I

Brazil is a globalist laboratory brave those who still live down here, no matter the color of skin or whatever.
One of the best explanations of what happened to Brazil after almost 2 decades of Socialism/Communism govt. (in english and has pt-br subs for the macacos)
Do you want a change?
Just fucking vote for Bolsonaro and his allies, even hating most of the evangelicals here I'm whilling to vote for them if they can help wash the corruption and degeneracy off this land.



Only one I can remember:

> He fell for "Bolsomito" meme

top kek
There's no REAL RIGHT WING in our country.

Have fun starving to death gayucho.

This just means the U.S is an actual representative Republic unlike that meme "nation" called Brazil.

The fucking stupid gringos should mind their own fucking business. At least we are smart enough to to vote for whites tho govern us.
Americans literally voted for a African dindu non-citizen for president.

>yfw america in 2035 is brazil with guns

>t. white pardo
I know Bolsonaro is pro Israel/zion but if you didn't realise yet that if Israel falls, the West will fall so you failed life.
Also everything is poiting that the holohoax will be exposed and people will actually be aware of the jewish misdirections and other dirty tricks.
Also keep in mind that how the jewish people turned themselves into the good guys in the ordinary citzen imaginary, after years of brainwashing from hollywood, books (even non fiction like academical studies). That's also the main reason a lot of organizations are delaying the exposal, if they do it now, they gonna delegitimize a lot of stuff that is rooted to our society, then turning it in destructive chaos.

I couldn't agree more. From what I've read, even niggers in Brazil vote for white politicians because they are seen as competent. It's like the blacks in Brazil accept that the whites are their master

Forgot this

>this is considered white in brazil

Please don't reset the IP to shill for another candidate. Also in a really good scenario Bolsonaro/Doria would be perfect for the country, but sadly Doria is part of PSDB (Fabian Socialists) and that party was created by the same heads behind PT (Brazilian Workers Party/Communist).
Wake up macaco, if you want to meme something then meme Bolsonaro/Doria and of course Doria creating a Nationalistic Libertarian Party and calling Bolsonaro to join forces.
Also before any economic changes in our country we need a moral reform and Bolsonaro is perfect for that.

These are blonde 10/10 women in Rio.

The one in the middle and the right have a benis.

future of america right there

Ah yes the USA is white meme, one of my favorites. Meanwhile open any stream of people in the streets there and the "whites" of the US look exactly like the "whites" here. Get your head out of your ass retard

Everything in Rio has a penis.

Who is this semen demon?


3 white families controls 99% media