
>For women who work in trades, inequality is the absence of a female toilet in your workplace. Inequality is having to wear a uniform that doesn’t fit. Inequality is sexual harassment, and the absence of effective policies to deal with it.

>Inequality is being a female in a career so profoundly male-dominated that you seem innately out of place.

>Most of us, regardless of how progressive our ideas about gender are, would take notice of the presence of a female plumber, female construction worker, or a female automotive engineer. Not because we would doubt their skills, but simply because they’re so rare.

>Then there’s the “dirty” image of trades, which is culturally perceived as “unfeminine”. Thus, parents are far more likely to encourage their daughters to choose hairdressing, nursing or childcare over mining or motor mechanics.

>But even women who do choose to take up a trade apprenticeship face significant barriers.

>As a result, the rates of drop-out for female apprentices are disproportionately high. So in NSW we have women who want to take up a trade, but ultimately leave, because the issues in their workplace seem insurmountable.

OK so basically here's what we know about the eternal lib female based on this article:
-wants to project female strength by going into a trade. Fails miserably, blames men

-women frame arguments in terms of 'we' as a society, because they are weak helpless little shit creatures, but in terms of 'I' or '(female)us' when demanding something. In this way, they aren't openly blaming men with their words, but it's implied, just as a nagging overbearing wife would do

-women want money for having vaginas, and are used to getting this money for having vaginas, because we give them it

Now, what are some things we can do to fix this? Keep in mind, logic does not work, so don't come in this thread point out female logical inconsistencies. LOGIC DOES NOT WORK ON BROADER SOCIETY

Other urls found in this thread:


>female toilet
What did they mean by this?


no one even reads that shit

Gee I wonder why women struggle to do jobs that largely contain hard physical labor.

>Now, what are some things we can do to fix this?
Remind women that raising children is the most important job in the entire world and men will gladly break their own backs for one loyal woman who does it.

Men need to stop marrying dumb fucks like this and we need to shame women who can't/don't have a husband. That will put this cunt in her rightful place

>absence of a female toilet in your workplace
wtf? every building site i've been on there's only ever been one toilet for everyone, and it ain't pretty. do they want a separate girls portaloo with fucking perfume samples and a sound system playing bach?

great news for the porta potty companies! Double the business, and they can make pink ones.

They want to be able to piss all over the seat without men bitching at them for it.

Seriously, the number one complaint from janitors and non-disgusting women the world around. Female bathrooms are fucking shite.

That's what I was about to comment on there, but I was effort posting and the page reloaded so I gave up. Give me a fucking break though right? No female toilets? You know what that actually means? It means that the bathrooms are single stalls and gender neutral, and as a result the women working there don't get to sit in the bathroom on their phones for half an hour.

Whenever I am in a face to face talk/ argument/ whatever you want to call it about this, I always default to the position 'ok well, if you want to split society into men and women so that you can claim that women deserve specific things based on what women themselves do, then we can do that. Do women deserve jobs? No, men invented the concept of jobs. Do women deserve houses? No, men built the houses'

But that is obviously just to fuck with people.

The problem with our threads on these topics is that our responses are always LARPy. We say 'WE need to do x,' where the problem is no, we can't simply change how everyone thinks about something and therefore acts about it. We need an actual plan that us as individuals can carry out.

The fallacy of 'we need to' is the communism fallacy, it's basically 'everyone will think like me once x happens' but it's not the case and we need to avoid that sort of thinking, which is definitely promoted by (((media))) in the sense that this is the way female journalists always headline their articles

same site headline:

A dad writes: ‘I wanted to watch my baby die. Because that meant I got to watch her live.’

>>female toilet
>What did they mean by this?
Portapotty ain't good enough for their butt.

Was a janitor for 2 years, can confirm this to be 100% truth.

At my old workplace, it was all guys and two bathrooms in the office, so we'd just use them interchangeably. One we got a lone female employee, out of about 20, the other one suddenly became her personal bathroom.

Cassidy banks is the hottest woman alive

>have dick
>piss anywhere
>be woman
>have a nervous breakdown over signage and toilet seat placements

>non-disgusting women

Behold, equality in action.


An entire business model made on having ONLY female 'tradies'. I saw one of their cars today and I was pretty fucking disgusted.

>gender neutral toilets
I wonder who voted for that faggotry in the first place?

A lot of job sites that tradies find themselves at will have zero toilets, you have to wonder off and piss/shit where you can if you need to go.
>uniform that doesn't fit
Depending on who you for you may get a work shirt or clothes provided by the company in which they'd definitely ask your size, otherwise you go out and buy your own hi-viz shit usually.
What is it with libs and strawmanning so hard?

I know, can't believe she's an alt-right youtuber now

it's not a matter of voting at all anyway. We've had gender neutral bathrooms forever. The only difference is that businesses changed the sign from one that had a man and a woman to one with a man, woman, and half man-woman. Pretty funny.

How is that? Do they cost more?

fucking disgusting

this is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. These women in the article are complaining about the bathroom because really what they want is a bathroom that they can sit in for half an hour at a time, on their phones, and if the boss says anything they just get more money for sexual harassment, but again, this is a matter of logical inconsistencies. We are beyond pointing out logical inconsistencies. We know they are there. We know pointing them out doesn't work. We need our own emotional arguments to fight against these.

>one in five immigrants will die due to feminism

actually I was going to write more, but then this fake emotional stat that I just made up got me thinking. The reason i thought of this (unconsciously) was because the immigrant is higher on the oppression list than the feminist. Obviously this poses a problem for us. What we need to do is create a victim class which supercedes all the other victim classes (but who's promotion actually helps us) How do we do that?

>I know, can't believe she's an alt-right youtuber now

Lmao are you talking about that Brittney girl? They look fucking identical. Both of them are 10/10's in my book

>women complain inequality in tech fields
>"lmao you don't hear them complaining about inequality in the dangerous jobs men do"
>women go into trade and complain about inequality
>"lmao what idiots going into trade"
So what you're saying is, go back to the kitchen?

They're not the same person though

>But yeah daaamn they fine

You mean single occupancy bathrooms? Just knock on the fucking door and go in if you don't get a response.

coming from an apprentice HVAC tech, women are a rarity in the field, but the ones i have seen are VERY skilled, rivaling any competent journeyman. The ones who show up with pink tools and their purses don't last past the pre-apprenticeship stage. The trades are not an environment for female retardation. Conform or get out.

It's hard work, I'm a cabinet builder and it's back breaking, we had 2 female apprentices, one tough as nails, the other soft as jelly
We kept the better one.

>women want money for having vaginas, and are used to getting this money for having vaginas, because we give them it
Stop all this women hate. Women naturally want to stay home and be taken care of; they don't want to work. Liberalism has taught them that it is bad to be a stay at home mom though, so now they want the state to provide for them. It is a completely natural desire, not something to get butthurt about.

The only thing to be mad about here is how the modern women is taught to deny her nature. This has lead to them destroying our nations in their search for filling their natural desires.

>female toilet
>not advocating for gender neutral toilets

wtf dont these women know it's 2017??

When they complain about inequality in tech they are talking about the number of people in those fields. She is talking about how she is 'unequal' in these trade jobs because misogyny. They are not the same argument.

The problem with her argument is that she wants special treatment, not equality.

Women should have all the opportunities that men do and it is our duty as a society to help that achieve that despite is bilogical differences. Op are you the type of dad that will just tell your daughter "you can't do that because you are a girl"? Shame on you op.
Helpless little shit ceeratures? You must either be gay or terribly unattractive and with microscopic penus to hate women so much. It's not women's fault you lost the genetic lottery of life. Just accept and it move on.

>works that require going to wilderness or a constructions doesn't have proper bathrooms, just portable ones.
>women bitch about this
If you want to be a lumberjack and can't take a shit on a tree, how are you supposed to take it down?

Hold on though.

There is absolutely no problem with her argument. Please get that through your head. The goal of argument is not to be the most logical person, it is to convince the opposing party, to win the argument.

Gender neutral toilets are the shit when everyone takes turns cleaning them.

Y'all sound sound like a bunch of Elliots desu