I am tired of all this conflict in the world. Can't we just have peace? I sometimes wish that hippies could've done it...

I am tired of all this conflict in the world. Can't we just have peace? I sometimes wish that hippies could've done it...

lol fucking leafs, why don't you grow a pair, and experience the beauty that is warfare. The ultimate struggle between the weak, and the strong.

>Reproduce nonstop
>Must secure land to obtain resources
>Take it by force
>Resources increase thus population increases
>Patriotism disappears as people fight for the last resources

War sucks but we live in an agar plate and the resources are limited.


Haha leaf


Talk to me when

>Jews get the gass
>aussies stop being masters of shitposting
>canada gets uncucked
>america stops being so fuking fat
>niggers hang themselves
>and everyone has the right to defend themselves from islams barbaric culture

then we can maybe talk about settling conflicts with other nations.

We don't have war in Canada. Let the savages slaughter each other. We benefit from their weakness. All we have to do is abandon egalitarian nonsense we cling to, reach out, and take what rightfully belongs to the white man.

(((they))) won't allow peace. ((their)) motto - better to be the king of a wasteland than a pawn in paradise.

>Can't we stop war?
>Can't animals stop eating eachother?
>Can't sponges stop consuming microorganisms?
>Can't the planets stop rotating?
>Can't time stop flowing onward?
War is the natural state of nature. Nature is like a harsh father. War, against either the elements, beasts, or fellow men, is the belt he uses to discipline you. The final redpill is that everything is ultimately good. Did something fail? It's because it wasn't strong enough. Nature cannot be stopped. All we can do is grow ever stronger until we ultimately fail, and even this will be good; for all stories must have an end.

Peace without justice is nothing but a synonym for slavery.


desu if we came together and nuked the entire middle east into glass then we probably could have world peace. Most of the developed world is pretty chill these days

Peace is impossible in a world of limited resources and different groups with fundamentally different ideas about how the world should work.

"Can't we all just get along?" is the wishful thinking of children.

never claimed that there would be no justice.
i just want this meaningless conflict to stop.

Peace it's abstract concept for the people that don't want it.

we are humans. we are certainly not above nature, but we are definitely much smarter than to wage war just because it is "natural". eventually, i hope there will be better solutions to conflicts than war, and that we can finally put our resources and willpower into making things that are more beneficial, and beneficial to everyone.

You sir, are sorely mistake.

Have you forgotten about the gay question?

what makes you say that?

Then you will fight until the conflict is won, not a second before.

If you want peace you can have it in the next second. Surrender. Forfeit all possibility of justice.

maybe it is. but hopefully those said different groups will realize that there can be better ways to resolve conflicts than war. It kills brilliant people, buts a lot of resources down the drain, and damages nations.
It might be wishful, but i feel it is the morally right thing to strive for. I cannot support war, not after all these years of conflict. Now where are we? What good has it done?

Until the United States gets nuked there will be no peace. We are the type of country to kill our own people and use the tragedy to start a war on countries without central banks. Jews own the United States but let me join or support the military to fight "terrorism"
When was America ever great?
>pro tip: it never was

War is how some of us make a living. Sorry, nigger.

winning a war is not justice. it is a proof that you were strong enough to win it, it doesn't prove that you were on the right side.

nobody needs to surrender if nobody fights. yes, humans are selfish. but i believe it can be understood that war harms self as well, maybe in an indirect way. you might have won this war. but you may lose the second one. the very concept of war is harmful to self. I don't know how many people you can get to accept that. maybe it is a dream. but i will keep on believing it. after all, we are just people chasing their ideals. mine happens to be peace.

Your civilization is ruled by civilized men and not barbaric animals. You live in a nation that is ruled by laws and not men.

If you're wondering what the realistic alternative to violence is, then it is literal slavery to a chad warlord to kidnaps women and steals the resources of other men and either executes them or enslaves them for amusement.

An anti-war sentiment is a great line of thought for a philosophy discussion. But as long as the pirates, the conquerors, the thieves, the rapists, the killers, the Islamic terrorists, the slave masters, any evil men who seek to prey on men. There will never be peace.

There will never be a world without evil men. Thus there will never be a desirable world to live in without war.

yes, but if you look at current politics, the nations that wage war are not doing it because they are evil. they are doing it because it is beneficial for them. all i am trying to say is, cant we find an alternative to war that benefits maybe not everyone, but the majority of the nations?

during all of the human history, there has been a total of 30 days of peace. war is the norm, it has always been. maybe we cant prevent or replace the war completely, bu perhaps we can make it a rare occurrence. every little second of peace helps.

How do you tell millions of people who are thoroughly convinced that a book they consider holy and perfect, which gives them instructions for how to live life and that deems all other paths immoral, that they must live in peace and harmony with those who have no regard at all for the book in question or anything written in its pages? There is no possibility for unity. The same can be said of different political ideologies.

World peace is only possible in a world in which all dissent has been eliminated and in which the new consensus is maintained by force. As long as people are free to think differently and act in accordance with their individual desires, the inevitable outcome is war and death.

i understand what you are saying. but lets assume that a state of war has been established (utopic as it may be, but assume such violent ideologies ceased to exist). do you really think we would need force to keep it that way? I agree that we should have an unbiased justice system that punishes crime, don't get me wrong. But do you think we would need a big scale force to keep peace? Wouldn't people realize it is better for everyone including themselves to keep the state of peace?

>Exterminate every Muslim man woman and child
>Exterminate every Jewish man woman and child
>Put every liberal into work camp to build space elevators
>Human peace until the end of creation

Prove me wrong

Hippies caused it, we have tension now because they invited in our enemies, we must fight for survival because our parents were weak and spineless.

i can't. of course there is going to be peace if you exterminate all rivaling ideologies. the struggle is achieving peace without war, or without too much war.

>the resources are limited.

>Wouldn't people realize it is better for everyone including themselves to keep the state of peace?

Not if they convince themselves there's a better way to organize society. Look at the world we live in now. Modern Western Civilization is completely without equal in human history. Average lifespans have never been longer, health has never been better, the average person lives a safe and luxurious life, and despite this great abundance there are still billions of people around the world who think it's terrible, evil, decadent, oppressive, etc. and who would destroy it all in a heartbeat given the chance and would replace it with systems that have failed over and over again.

Assuming that people are rational creatures is a mistake. Most people are stupid, and even many that aren't are susceptible to brainwashing, confirmation bias, or even something as simple as feeling alienated and looking for answers in bad places.

No. The reason we have conflict is that human interests are irreconcilable. Your neighbor will always have a knife at your throat. He will always fuck your wife, murder your kids, burn your home, and steal your belongings... If you let him.

This is the basic foundation of human life: Combat over resources. It really is that simple. Weak hearts like yours aren't deserving of the Earth. If it were up to you, you would already be dead from weakness. A dominant and superior man, like me, would have already killed you and taken everything you hold most dear, for mere entertainment.

Actually, despite what the media tells you, most of the world is in the most peace it's ever seen

This. Violence is what predicates all Law.

You either have unlawful violence and chaos, or you have righteous violence and order. The only truth is violence.

>achieving peace without war

This is like a man standing in a bucket of water, trying to pull himself out of the water by the bucket handle

I used to think like that but the biggest problem is that everybody on eath, all races, all tribes, all countries, all religions, all ideologies have to simultaneously decide to not be violent towards dissenters. Because if a single one does, war might very well be unavoidable

if a group of people can agree not to kill each other and form a nation to combat over resources with other nations, bigger groups of people, and eventually whole nations, can decide to do the same. you not murdering me in the current world is an argument against your point. certain systems that prevent people from killing each other can exist, such as this one. All i am saying is, maybe we should be working towards achieving such a system that lets everybody live in peace, not just people within their nations.

i know it is unlikely, but i have to believe. i think it is the moral thing to strive for. and perhaps if i can get people to understand my point of view, maybe, just maybe we can make an impact. even the smallest impact is worth it, and i would die in peace.

i see your point. i know it is naive, but i am counting on people to not ruin it if a state of peace ever gets established. hopefully they will see the good in it, and believe it enough to not ruin it.

i realize that i am not providing and believable arguments, and the whole thread is me being an emotional dumbass. but i feel this way, and this is my ideal. i will strive towards it.

Until the International banks are dragged all the way down to hell, locked in, and thrown the key away, we will have endless, meaningless proxy wars for good, young western white men to die in.

i guess you are right. maybe one day, people will realize, and cooperate. i can only hope.

How many people in this thread that are pro-war have actually served?

If you are pro-war and didn't do your time in the military you are a hypocrite

Double points if you joined but were a fucking POG

i served. i was ordered to shoot innocents. i refused. i was punished by my own country.

>I sometimes wish that hippies could've done it...
Done what? Smoke more weed and drop more acid? Hippies didn't genuinely care about "world peace," all they cared about scoring a "furred piece." Actually meet a hippie sometime. They were high 24/7 and DTF 24/7.

Enjoy your first moral dilemma of the red pill newfriend :)
Or enjoy the religion that worships a pedophile and commands them to murder you and your loved ones.
Up to you. I encourage you to go read the Quran

i think i do realize the horrors of islam more than most people. i had some close encounters with it.
i am not denying the current state of the world my friend. I am denying the idea that it will never get better.

|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_

Not with Jews holding more wealth and power than ever before, buddy.

All those neckbeard warmongears, holy shit. Hope y'all will get to experience something like d-day