Why do Republicans hate electric cars and clean energy?

Why do Republicans hate electric cars and clean energy?

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>not building the orbital ring space elevator and getting 24/7 exposure in space

are you even trying rush?

because rural and suburban right wing retards have shit for brains

because its not clean energy. solar plants burn natural gas at a rate less efficient than natural gas power plants

Slide thread, saged. Same shit last night, try hader faggot.

>Solar plants burn natural gas

Lets not forget, China is the big dick in the solar panel industry, and they don't have the EPA to wag fingers at them.

You virtue signaling faggots are buying solar panels from the biggest polluter on the planet, encouraging them to continue polluting. Not just air pollution either, but soil and water pollution too. Scraping those rare earths out of the ground is a dirty business, but somebody's gotta do it so you can fill your vapid life with electronic trinkets.

In case you're too dim to understand my point, you're hypocrites.

It's not an invalid point - power storage is still an issue even with modern batteries, solar is still not a viable option for higher latitudes or frequently overcast regions because of the reduction in mean solar flux in those areas, and we still haven't come up with a good way to dramatically reduce toxic waste generated by the production of Si and GaAs based PV cells.

If Democrats were serious about renewable energy, they'd stop opposing nuclear fission.

nat gas from fracking is poisoning water supplies and causing earthquakes

coal CAN be clean, but only if you extract the radioactive material from it first. in america, thorium energy content of coal is actually higher than what you get from burning the coal. good news is, you can extract thorium then burn the coal too. 2x the energy.

and the main reason coal is dirty now? radioactive waste belching into the atmosphere causing cancer.

Oil is pure solar energy made from plants

Fuck it, build a Dyson Sphere.


>how are solar panels produced

people are causing a lot of damage when they buy solar panels for their own homes, even if they aren't damaging the grid they are still making energy generation prices skyrocket.


Lel limbfat the doper fucking retarded

Solar will become one of the great sources of residential energy


All you have to do is have a solar panel run at peak efficiency in an ideal location on the earth for 10 years without needing parts replaced to break even on the energy used to produce it.
Free energy pretty much.

>solar plants burn natural gas

>coal CAN be clean

>still ignoring space based solar

we have already designed rockets that can get payloads to orbit for $50/kg


and space based solar power is cheaper than coal at about $1500/kg, cheaper than coal at about $1000/kg launch costs, not even worth considering anything else at $50/kg that we can do with the sea dragon type rockets


I was reading somewhere that solar energy is not compatible with the way our modern power grid is set up

god dammit, fucking boomers, YOU USE BATTERIES fucking shit

>clean energy

What a nice picture of communist China

Because they have the (((((((((BOOMER))))))))) mindset of being both technologically retarded and being big oil kike shills just to stick it to "them hippies".

>What are batteries?

i fucking hate chinks

wrong, batteries are terrible solution

the correct thing to do is build NAWAPA. you can pump water uphill with extra energy during the day, regenerate through hydro plants at night as necessary (hydro plants are easy to spin up / down to match grid draw)

hes right, we still need to solve the storage issue.

solar is still good but we cant be 100% solar just yet

almost like products have to be made from materials

Hitler has spoken, faggots.

how in the fuck is that more efficient than just storing it in a battery

He's right though.
The materials used to create them require mining which isnt very eco friendly
they take up a shit ton of real estate
>put them in le desert
they'll look sandblasted after a month
without better batteries you cant even hold enough power for the night or cloudy days.

Batteries are the perfect solution actually. Rich 3rd worlders already use batteries to compensate for power outages in their homes.

Still better than coal.

We should be using nuclear though.


There not nearly as clean as they are portrayed. The lithium batteries produce more and worse pollution during their manufacturing than a land rover will produce over its lifecycle.

hoover dam cost $800B in today's dollars

the dam puts out 2,000 megawatts of power

batteries cost $250/kwh

the amount of water released in 2 hours of the hoover dam operation is equivalent to $1B worth of batteries

batteries are not economically competitive, not even with 3 or 4 orders of magnitude compared to hydro dams

elon musk tier cointel of "muh batteries" is the equivalent of telling you that you should pay $10,000 for something you can get across the street for $1

Depends if you care about mining. It's definitely cleaner than coal on carbon emissions.

*typo: the hoover dam is $800M in today's dollars, not $800B

That might be true...

...but at the same time, the amount of fossil fuel power and mineral resources required to build a Tesla or other electrical cars exceeds that of regular cumbustion engine vehicles... this means progressive environmental hipsters are AT BEST as stupid as the hill billies in the back country.

...but with their access to information they're even worse than the misinformed


Oh my fucking god. Can libtards do anything except spend other people's money right?

Obviously a gigantic hydro dam is more efficient than a battery. That doesn't mean people can't use them for their homes. Hydro power isn't exactly available to everyone.

Err, Thorium reactor, why did I say fluoride?

You say that like building space based solar infrastructure is just a matter of throwing shit up their and throwing a switch.

The logistics (and bureaucratic red tape) of the energy transmission process alone is going to be a fucking nightmare when we actually start doing that kind of stuff.

wrong. elon musk tier trendy nonsense.

hydrostorage is over 1000x cheaper than batteries. NAWAPA can store hundreds of times more water than hoover dam, big enough battery for the whole country.

even better, NAWAPA project produces power and is profitable on its own. so the huge battery is basically free

its liquid fluoride thorium reactor your dolt

What runs all the machinery used to mine it? Not solar panels. Plus when these solar panels are obsolete who is going to pay to recycle them?

>...but at the same time, the amount of fossil fuel power and mineral resources required to build a Tesla or other electrical cars exceeds that of regular cumbustion engine vehicles..

how much to drive the Tesla for 1 million miles vs an internal combustion engine vehicle?

You ignore that part.

Money, right wing politicians are funded by energy companies, left wing politicians are funded by green energy companies.

Solar panels are quite sustainable but they need to be researched more. They extract only a few percent of the energy from the solar rays they absorb.

If you have some money to invest buy some for your roof.

yeah, and running a huge power plant is more efficient than burning gas in a generator at your house. which is why batterie / generators are only for emergency backup and you are literally elon musk tier retarded if you think conventional batteries have any serious place in the grid

I'm no chemist, but I'm sure there are other elements that can be used as a base for the thorium solution.

>How do you make plastic?

>>how much to drive the Tesla for 1 million miles vs an internal combustion engine vehicle?
you're not going to drive a tesla, let alone any car, for that long. after a certain point the very structure of the car starts failing.

but even if you could drive a tesla for that long, the maintenance cost would make up for the amortization of the car's initial purchase price.

he isn't wrong though. It is expensive virtue signaling at the cost of whatever chink children lose their fingers manufacturing the panels.

why do liberals hate free ponies for everyone?

nonsense. we have superconducting electrical lines now. executive order from the president can set aside receiver zones off shore, in abandoned parts of the rockies, etc., where there is no energy directed near populations (not that it is even dangerous in the first place) and transported to the grid lossless

or you can just build an orbital ring space elevator and wire the power down, etc.

the one and only thing stopping any of this is having cucked presidents. technology is off the shelf and ready to go

republicans dont hate renewable energy oil moguls that lobby the republicans do.

Rush has a shallow understanding of a problem, but yes. Solar panels aren't much efficient and they're polluting the SHIT out of the places that are being strip-mined to dig up the physical components to manufacture them and China is a cancerous toxin-covered shithole because manufacturing them is a dirty business, too. Lines/batteries will be leaking wasted energy and weather plays a big role in their efficacy.

We need a fucking space elevator and stick that shit up in space. And then we can laugh and laugh and laugh because the middle east will be quarantined and the sandnigger muslims can spend the rest of human history beheading each other for their semitic mountain god which is all the arabs care to do.

>Why do Republicans hate electric cars and clean energy?
Because those things don't expedite 'the rapture' that Abrahamic brain-rot raped nihilists yearn for

In the USA our current power grid could not handle every car switching to electric, we would need a lot more steel and power sources. Not only that it is inefficient to burn gas or coal into electric energy and then turn that electric energy into kinetic energy, when we can directly convert gasoline into kinetic energy.

You want to turn the frogs gay.

Personal batteries in your home. Batteries work, I've used them already. And they're being improved year by year. Hydro isn't available to a lot of people.

>after a certain point the very structure of the car starts failing.
To be fair, metal fatigue is caused by load cycles. While the stress amplitude of the vibrations from a typical internal combustion engine is fairly low, even just idling will gradually weaken the metal. The only real way around that is for the entire frame to be made exclusively of steel which has a point where a possibly infinite number of load cycles will not fatigue the metal as long as the stress amplitude is below a certain point.

The main problem with electric cars is that the batteries are currently only viable for a certain number of charges due to crystals that form in the layers of the battery, gradually lowering the efficiency of the battery until the crystals pierce their way through an insulating layer and shorting the battery (BOOM).

Again, you keep spouting all this horseshit like it's a simple process

Oh we'll JUST set aside a few thousand acres of the coast to create a massive receiver array. Surely nobody will raise any legal fuss over beaming terawatts of microwaves through the atmosphere a hundred miles from a populated area. Oh we'll JUST build a fucking giant artificial ring around the planet. No trouble there!

Jeez why haven't we colonized Alpha Centauri yet? All we have to do is build a massive ship that can sustain thousands of passengers for dozens of generations through the most hostile environment known to man. Fucking cucked presidents keep throwing up roadblocks.

What is most upsetting is how few people on the left understand the amount of energy required and waste produced to create a single solar panel. They don't last forever and you need a shit ton more than one panel.

>dodges the question

When it comes to solar, ask yourself, during the winter, how many days of the week there is 100% cloud cover, also the days are shorter. Solar is good and getting better but cannot be reliable enough to stop the need for other sources of electricity.

Who is crazier: Alex Jones, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck

Tooo expensive

>Oh we'll JUST set aside a few thousand acres of the coast to create a massive receiver array.

there are 360 million square kilometers of ocean, less than 1% of it is trafficked commercially

no setting aside is even necessary, it is already wide open and unused

>Surely nobody will raise any legal fuss over beaming terawatts of microwaves through the atmosphere a hundred miles from a populated area

irrational hippy idiots and their unscientific concerns have no place in public policy.

>Oh we'll JUST build a fucking giant artificial ring around the planet. No trouble there!

orbital ring space elevator cost less than $500B and the technology has been off the shelf for 50 years. there are asteroids with trillions of dollars of minerals to be harvested for solar panels. a single asteroid pays for the space elevator 100x over and lets you stop strip mining. there is literally no reason not do this other than you are cuck for big corporations destroying the planet

I will still never understand how people driving battery cars have been lucky enough to avoid a vape-style heat failure. I mean I guess they're pampered enough to be buying the newest flavor of car all the time but still

horse and buggies work too, but only an idiot uses that to travel 1,000 miles when cars do the job cheap and faster

pff you can make a free energy machine using real off the shelf tech and parts. a $15 one can charge a cellphone in pitch blackness. just make it bigger and your set for life. It uses 3 different technologies a static harvester, a thermal difference generator, and one tother I forget at the moment. Its based off of Tesla's designs.

they shill the solar day and night.. well mostly day.
THey are getting huge money from liberal governments in the form of either subsidies or feed-in tarrifs (most common.)

These fucks are getting huge multiples of money to do their precious solar farms and to tout how much better they are than conventional generation sources.
They make me tolerate nuke-tards
Trump needs to smack that shit down.BRING BACK KING COAL

They don't emphasize nuclear power either because they're sucking the cock of the petro-Jew.

If it lasts a long time or even worse, is renewable, and isn't subject to wild fluctuations in cost to the benefit of the seller, they aren't interested.

>While the stress amplitude of the vibrations from a typical internal combustion engine is fairly low, even just idling will gradually weaken the metal.
you also have every structure handling the car-road interface to deal with, as well as every structure bearing the force of the passengers and their cargo.

if anything an electric car would probably be worse for metal fatigue, since most of the heavy duty load bearing structure used to handle the engine isn't there. the car is still heavy as hell anyway when you account for the batteries. if you want to focus on specific cars, modern luxury electric cars (aka the model s and the model x) are made out of aluminum. not a very good load bearing material.

there have been a ton of cases of battery failures in teslas, fanboys just don't focus on them because of the remarkable PR by tesla.

a few years ago tesla picked one (1) accident with a battery failure, smeared details of it all over the internet, then gave every tesla owner a free undercarriage upgrade. now nobody cares because, well, if tesla did something once to mitigate that issue and they haven't done anything since, nothing has happened, right?

here's a picture of a model x that suffered a spontaneous battery fire in china. tesla hasn't commented on it.

fun fact: the emergency door release for those neato little electric bird doors on the model x is located behind a speaker cover. it's a tiny little cord that you have to pull while your car is on fire.

look at chernoble and nagasaki if you want to know why nuclear power is a bad idea, let alone all the toxic waste produced.

because republicans like shit that works.

they are installing them all over farm lands. It's also fucking with wildlife because they are all fenced up. Plants are better solar instruments than these panels. I'm not a solar hater but I hate the solar shills

>solar panels require massive use of rare earth materials
>so do the batteries
>so does electric everything
>the production and disposal of batteries, lithium ion or otherwise, is horribly resource intensive and also incredibly polluting
The only efficient "clean" energy is the only "non-clean" clean energy, ie nuclear. There's not "clean" way of sustaining the world in an industrial or post-industrial nation. The rest of the world isn't going to be able to catch up to the west and first world at large. The whole system will shit on itself and collapse long before this. The only question is what you want your nation to look like in a post-electronic and post-digital and post-consumer world. I'd prefer mine to be ethnically and racially homogeneous but that's just me :)

they already have solar paint thats cheap as shit. it just isnt very efficient yet.

>there are 360 million square kilometers of ocean, less than 1% of it is trafficked commercially
Oh, so now we're sticking it in the middle of the ocean? Just a second ago you said we were building them just off shore. Now they're a thousand miles off the coast?

>irrational hippy idiots and their unscientific concerns have no place in public policy
Legal bare minimum it constitutes a radiation hazard zone - there's a veritable clusterfuck of laws and regulations concerning that shit.

>muh space ring elevator
Yeah, we get it, you've got a boner for orbital rings. It's bad enough you have to spam your shitty thread four times a day, you don't need to spam it in every other conversation on the board.

Cause free energy is never good
>Inb4 batteries cause pollution

here's a helpful guide from tesla on how to open the falcon wing doors when the car has no power. don't expect any model x owner to know about this though, since this information is located only in the model x emergency response guide, for firefighters.

here's a bit from a tesla fan podcast on how to open the falcon wing doors in an emergency

youtu.be/YyZx7fmbUxY?t=242 (the section is only for about 2 minutes)

Was a shoddily designed, shoddily built, shoddily maintained and shoddily run design. That's like bitching about the safety and reliability of a modern car by pointing at a Model T. Guess what: Thorium reactors can't melt down.

If your objection is based on the ability to weaponize the materials, then you should completely back Thorium reactors, since they can't be weaponized either.


Not too mention when it melted down the Slavs were running redline tests with ZERO safety precautions enabled

anyone else have those solar powered garden lights? dont really need lights when its not dark out

It might surprise you but an average solar installment including the batteries and inverters will pay for itself in 8-10 years
>Inb4 that's not (((profitable)))

The frame of reference for Republicans simply does not allow them to be distracted by costly solutions to problems that nobody actually has.

electric cars are gay and if we couldn't fight for oil there'd be more dune coons around.

Try again.

My doctoral degree will pay for itself in 8-10 years... that doesn't mean it's fucking free.

>All wars are economic wars
>Energy is not a problem
Choose one

Why do you continue to use these products made from fossil fuels if you're going to bitch about fossil fuels?

tires (wheels for the shitty brits)
anything plastic
nail polish (for the femanons and certain sick freaks otherwise)
perfume (see above)
scotch tape
vitamin capsules (the capsule itself)
contact lenses
eye glasses
cell phones
isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol)
hair dyes
bluray discs
disposable diapers

I could go on but you idiots bitch and whine about fossil fuels and yet all these things you use constantly are made with fossil fuels. If we entirely eliminated fossil fuels we would go back into the dark ages.

Solar panels are expensive, high maintenance, easily damaged, and don't give out a constant stream of adequate power so I have no interest in those. I wouldn't mind an electric car if it could out perform a normal gas car on the distance you can go on a full charge compared to a full tank of gas, the cost for a charge was much cheaper than gas and could be done at even bumfuck nowhere gas stations if needed, could be charged to full as fast as you can fill a gas tank, and was not more expensive to buy, maintain, or repair. None of these are currently true so I also have no interest in those.

the surest way to destroy the planet is to encourage anymore of a population boom.


most recent panels barely get 16% energy conversion efficiency. You'd be retarded to throw everything into it.