What did he mean by this Sup Forums ?

“I think it’s clear that Jews underwent tremendous suffering during World War II. I don’t deny the Holocaust,”



Those aren't manboobs. Richard just has large pectoral muscles.

the correct term is torpedo titties

I thought it was bitch tits.

Jew anti Spencer threads are coming out more.

The jew is afraid.

Do you expect every white nationalist to be a "Gas the Jews! Holocaust wasn't real!" stormweenie?

There's no way a person could be a holocaust denier and gain a significant following. If you think otherwise you are delusional to the point of mental illness.


Kike Zionists starting photoshipping Richard Spencer pictures because spreading their fake MUH AMALEKS story didn't work

thats a very old picture dude

Right, choose your battles. Who gives a fuck if the Holocaust happened. It has nothing to do with white unity moving forward. If a Jew ever whines about muh Holocaust to a modern white nationalist, it's easier to say yes yes very sad, but not relevant today, than to say, AKSHUALLIE

>pic related

looks like Spencer didn't buy any water filters

He was to say that if he doesn't want to be put near david duke. He's a race realist not a nazi.

If you publicly deny the holocaust then you are a fucking moron and you should keep yourself away from any movement or group of people trying to accomplish something.

I don't understand why guys who are constantly in the public spotlight and subject to getting assaulted don't fucking lift.

missile tits

lmao gyno

wait is that actually real? i only heard about richard spencer recently and was about to give some of his videos a watch, but fuckit he looks like an absolute faggot from what i can see in your OP. nearly wasted my time on him.

Nice gyno faggot

You should worry about your imminent civil war before you worry about what a stage 1 political advocate says.