We are in the process of collapse

>oil production has jumped the shark
>coal and natural gas will soon follow
>alternative energy is a fake meme, it's subsidized by fossil fuels and will never run industrial society
>the environment, upon which we depend, has been polluted to the point that it can no longer sustain the amount of human life on earth
>the global economy has accrued more debt than is possible to ever pay off
>the gulf between rich and poor grows wider each day
>civilized society is being flooded with uncivilized migrants
>degeneracy has replaced a culture of health and nourishment
>people have lost faith in their institutions
>more and more, factions are turning against each other

face it /pol, you know it's true

quit trying to fight it and instead plan how you, your loved ones, and your people are going to outlast the coming dark ages

Other urls found in this thread:


|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_

>OP is a fag

well, you got one thing right

welp better fucking kill myself

no, make plans


all civilizations last roughly 1300 years. do not think that we are so special

this has been predicted for a long time. now, however, we can see it happening before us



Nuclear power?

Buy land, set up a homestead.

since some earthquakes a few years ago i've become a disaster prepper. When SHTF again ill be ready.

Nuclear power relies on uranium, which is itself a non-renewable resource

If all the worlds energy production switched to nuclear tomorrow, we would run out of uranium in roughly a decade

stop worrying about external things. The world has always been a meme

The environment shit is wrong

Yes, but you can't do it alone. You need to be part of a community.

>oil production has jumped the shark
huh? Oil production is higher than ever... and it's increasing rapidly despite the low price.


Burning fossil fuels doesn't adversely effect the environment?

7 billion people burning fossil fuels is not a problem?


I blame the sheep. There is a lot of shit in our society that would not have gotten so bad if the ignorant, cowardly masses had stood up to the psychopathic ruling class. Now, all their kids are going to be turned into tranny robots. There really is nowhere to go to escape.

Environment bullshit you pulled from your ass, but collapse is inevitable. The West is dead. We're all just riding the tiger now.

The "low" price is three times he ghee than the average price of the 20th century

It will continue to climb

All the easy to get, cheap, fuel has been removed from the earth

>The "low" price is three times he ghee than the average price of the 20th century
What is inflation?

>iq levels have sunk to such depths that I can't even read this post, yet I'm replying. if you're reading this post, this is the canary in the coalmine. but there's nothing you can fucking do. just watch yourself suffocate and fade into oblivion.

Don't fall for the "cheap oil" kike lie

The low-hanging fruit has been picked.

That's taking into account inflation

This civilization collapsing is our only chance of seeing this again

>alternative energy is a fake meme, it's subsidized by fossil fuels and will never run industrial society
Nah. People will just have to grow a pair and let them build the nuclear plants like they should have fucking decades ago.

The world's not ending just because you can't get a girlfriend.

The average price of oil in the 20th century was $20 a barrel. Now, $50 or $60 a barrel is considered low.

That's triple the cost of the energy that runs the whole economy.

It will only go higher.

Vote for Trump! He''l make it all better OP!

Blonde blue eyed guy with a blond blue eyed wife and two blond blue eyed kids

That's why I'm smarter than you and you should listen to what I'm saying

>that model
>one acre
Are the doors 2 feet tall? On a 7 foot door that yard is easily 3 acres, probably 5.

The worse things get, the more propaganda gets shoved down our throats

Don't fall victim

If you thing technology will save us, your worshipping at the same altar of Progress as the left, only you have different saints

>It will only go higher.

Oil markets are notoriously difficult to predict. If you know what's going to happen, you should be rich.

>That's taking into account inflation
Well that sounds dubious to me, but certainly demand has significantly increased manyfold globally in that time.

The only thing smart about your post is your choice in audience. Go drag this bollocks out into naked day and see what normal fucking people have to say about it.
>oil production has jumped the shark
There are giant oil resources sitting under our "national heritage" sites.
Guess what people will give up when it comes down to parks and energy. This is just silliness.


>ending the chart literally 3 fucking years ago
Faggotry senpai

>There are giant oil resources sitting under our "national heritage" sites.

There is plenty of oil still available. What matters is the cost of extraction.

Energy used per energy gained.

The low hanging fruit has been picked

Look at the chart. Think about it. What does it tell you?

It looks like inflation adjusted price says that the MINIMUM price is 20 dollars.

The average looks more like mid 30's, low 40's.

We are in the age of Kali Yuga, this was predicted to happen many thousands of years ago.

>Thieves will become kings, and kings will be the thieves.

>Rulers will confiscate property and use it badly.

>They will cease to protect the people.

>Base men who have gained a certain amount of learning (without having the virtues necessary for its use) will be esteemed as sages.

>There will be many displaced persons, wandering from one country to another.

>Predatory animals will be more violent.

>Fetuses will be killed in the wombs of their mothers.

>People will prefer to choose false ideas.

>No one will be able to trust anyone else.

>People will be envious.

>There will be many children born whose life expectancy is no more than 16 years.

>People suffering from hunger and fear will take refuge in "underground shelters."

>Young girls will do trade in their virginity.

>The god of clouds will be inconsistent in the distribution of the rains.

>Shopkeepers will run dishonest businesses.

>There will be many beggars and unemployed people.

>Everyone will use hard and vulgar language.

>Men will devote themselves to earning money; the richest will hold power.

>The state leaders will no longer protect the people but, through taxes, will appropriate all wealth.

>Water will be lacking.

>Pre-cooked food will be readily available

No matter how far you walk the wrong road it is never too late to turn around.

The United States was the biggest energy producer in the world until 1970.

Around 1930, we decided to regulate the price around $20 a barrel (adj for inflation) to ensure economic stability.

Sounds like every civilization collapse

All civilizations grow in unique ways, but they collapse in similar ways

Oil, environment, immigration, feminism, degeneracy... it's all connected

Sure, but not many religions predict the rise of pro-choice ideology, socialism/communism, fall-out shelters?, pre-packaged food, and climate change.

Here is what it says about the actual end of humanity

>The underground serpent will burn the lower worlds A fire from the mouth of the underground serpent will burn the lower worlds, then the surface of the earth, and will set the atmosphere ablaze. This mass of fire will burn with a great noise. Surrounded by these circles of fire, all animate and inanimate objects will be destroyed.

>Then, by means of an interminable downpour, they will flood the whole earth with water. This torrential rain will swamp the earth for twelve years, and humanity will be destroyed. The whole world will be in darkness. The flood will last seven years and the earth will seems like an immense ocean. [Vishnu Purana 1.7.24-40]

>Refuge in the extraplanetary world of Mahar When the dissolution of the world seems immanent, some people abandon the earth during the last days of the Kalpa and take refuge in the world of Mahar [the extraplanetary world] and from there will return to the world of life" (janaloka). [Linga Purana 1.4.39-40]

and it keeps going but I can't copypasta it all because it's too long

We tend to think that we are unique. That we are special. That somehow things will be different this time.

But thinking that a technological utopia is right around the corner is no different than thinking that Armageddon is right around the corner.

They're both self-absorbed.

The truth is that we're experiencing civilization's decline just like any other civilization

Let go of your false assumptions and adapt to the changing circumstances

I'm not sold on total collapse but I do think we're in for some...unpleasant times. Stock up now. Go down to a dent-and-ding grocery store with $100 and you'll have enough canned food for a year.

When the calming influence of white people is gone, all that will be left is savagery.

The west may be collapsing but we've got the internet to enjoy watching it. Unlike every other collapse, we can see all the world events happening in real time and can see it coming. The next couple of decades should be fun..ish

Collapse will be slow, until it isn't

It will happen in parts, and then all at once

You may not see it as it happens, but it's already begun

>We tend to think that we are unique. That we are special. That somehow things will be different this time.

Oh no, that's not what it meant at all. It doesn't say humanity prospers after the earth is destroyed, but that when they return they are still destroyed through some process.

>The world dissolves into the imperceptible The destruction of the world is implied in the very event of the creation and follows the reverse process in the thoughts of the Creator. When the force of expansion (tamas) and that of concentration (sattva) equalize, the tension (rajas), which is the primary cause, the substance (pradhana) of the universe, ceases to exist and the world dissolves into the imperceptible.

I'm not sure what that means, maybe something like false vacuum? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_vacuum

it continues on

>All vestiges of creation are destroyed; Pradhana and Purusha become idle. The earth, the atmosphere, the planetary and extraplanetary worlds disappear. Everything that exists is united into one single liquid mass, an ocean of fire in which the world dissolves. It is in this immense cosmic ocean (ekarnava) that the organizing principle, Bramha, sleeps until, at the end of the night, he awakens and, taking the form of a wild boar, raises a new world out of the waves. [Linga Purana 1.4.36-61]

>The duration of the universe is expressed by a number having eighteen figures. When the end of time has come, the principle of smell (gandha tanmatra) disappears and, with it, solid matter. Everything becomes liquid.

>All that remains is the vibration of space Then the principle of taste (rasa tanmatra) disappears and with it the liquid element. Everything becomes gaseous. Then the principle of touch (sparsha tanmatra) disappears and with it the gaseous element. Everything becomes fire. Then the principle of visibility disappears, all that remains is the vibration of space, which in turn fades.

Civilizations rise and fall.

It's not the end of the universe.

The internet won't be around indefinitely. It requires an enormous amount of resources to run.

I'm aware. Hell, I'll list the things I see
>End of consumerism, 90% of jobs are going to be gone. Retail apocolypse
>Political corruption to such a high level that would make you think Satan is running the show
>Severe population overshoot, there should be maybe 500 million at most.
>EROEI is getting lower and lower
>Climate change, environmental destruction, pollution, soil depletion
>gearing up for a World War 3
>Every piece of religious literature alludes to the fact we're in the end times. Regardless if you believe, the people who run the show do.
>Hedonism and apathy have eroded society from within

I suspect the economy will crash this summer. I think the elite are kind enough to make we won't freeze to death in the street, at least for a while.

You, my friend, will do better than most since you see what is going on

People think that automation is sone sort of proof of technological progress.

But the truth is that there is no longer any profit to be made in employing people. Cuts in costs must be made to return a profit.

Quality, as always, will go down with automation, but the people will think that it's better because it's "progress."

I have enough to survive for two years, and I live near a good water source and have a good community. I think we'll last for a while, but if things are completely fucked I plan on walking across the country and seeing as much as I can before I collapse and die.

On a side note, I feel like anything coming out of the government's mouth at this point is disinfo. The economic crash and complete abandonment of the country will be the population control.

Historically, there's always been three classes. The ruling elite, the bourgeois (lawyers, doctors, any professionals), and the troublesome lower class. Automation is a boon for the top of the ladder to get rid of the bottom once and for all.

I live in the Bay Area. We've always had homeless, but over the last 5 years it's exploded ten-fold.

There are tent-villages popping up all over the place. It's shocking.

The government is not telling us something.

>Historically, there's always been three classes. The ruling elite, the bourgeois (lawyers, doctors, any professionals), and the troublesome lower class. Automation is a boon for the top of the ladder to get rid of the bottom once and for all.

The jig is up. We're running out of most resources and climate change is in a sort of runaway state. If we keep having record warm years agriculture is going to be fucked. There's a reason there's so much disinfo on climate science. I'm going into tinfoil mode here, but I bet the elite are setting up shop in the Antarctic for the next 50 or so years.
say what?

4 youtu.be/xn6f8Gk5bHc

You put too much faith in science and technology.

The elite won't be able to run a robot economy or move to Antarctica. Both of those things require massive energy input. Which is no longer possible.

>alternative energy is a fake meme, it's subsidized by fossil fuels and will never run industrial society

meanwhile in canada, all of their energy is natural energy from natural, mostly water

you werent the top of the class were you

nature supplies us with more than enough energy we just need to harvest it

>meanwhile in canada, all of their energy is natural energy from natural, mostly water

That's not true, nor does it make any sense whatsoever.

Canada runs their cars on water? Yeeesh.

>young people

That's what I'm saying. They'll try and might have some initial success, but once the reality of the world hits them they'll go mad. Being several generations removed from any sort of actual struggle will be their downfall. Once the safety and comfort for the men (and their families) who are guarding them can't be guaranteed, they'll jump ship and start the post-collapse marijuana farm that they've always wanted.

>post-collapse marijuana farm
nice one


i know, because I live on 2 acres and its way smaller than that

>>the global economy has accrued more debt than is possible to ever pay off

literally a made-up problem


i hate when metal bands take paintings for album art

Yes, many of the technocrats at the top will be unable to function in the new reality

Jews especially; no land skills, no muscle

Somehow, however, they've survived previous dark ages.

I've read that you need at least 5 acres to truly sustain a family. The cow, for instance, needs pasture.

nope. not at all :)

Well what are you waiting for coward.
Shut your PC off, run into the woods and start eating raw meat you little bitch.

>waah the fucking world is ending because my life sucks waaah

Get real nigger.
Die right now and prove to us what we all already know.
You're worthless.
There will be no collapse.
The earth will keep spinning.

Deal with it.

Exactly, we're existing in a made-up economy.

How fucked do you think the earth is? I think earth will still be viable for life in the right places.
Economics is funny like that. On Black Tuesday, a bunch of lines on a graph went down. The same amount of resources on the Earth were there and nothing was physically destroyed, but the infallible God of economics said everything needed to be shut down. Fucking humans

Ask your mom if I'm a fag.

...holy shit. America became 19th century Iraq. which means we will be the shithole that they are in less than a century

let the world flood. fuck this

How anyone rational thinks they'll survive long without society in place is a dingus. I give myself a year, and that's being generous.

I think everyone here secretly wants a great culling of some sort. I'd love some sort of collapse of society it'd be great, the niggers would die out and all the low iq people couldn't sustain themselves for very long as eventually fall. Leaving the austists that occupy this board to inherit the earth.

>beautiful wife and 2 kids
>have my own company

My life is worth plenty, thank you

The solution is not to run to the woods, you will surely die if you try.

How did it work before on the gold standard. Did it sort of cap off economic development? Let's say a country doesn't have much gold what are they to do then? I guess they have options to trade for gold but I'm just trying to get a picture of it. Mind giving me some pros and cons on the gold standard?

that you left out three years of data to your own convenience, you worthless fucking retard

The economy is completely connected from the environment; oil, food, water, cotton... all of this makes up our economic life

We can only grow as much as the earth will sustain. We've already overshot. Hence the chaos you see today.

2 youtu.be/qXTmAkJKikI

Nope, the problem is the Globalist Jews.

Sanity check here...are the memes for real?
> Whit genocide via replacement migration and affirmative action is real.
> destruction of marriage and family via unjust laws and normalizing of transkin has already happened.
> a group of rich investors, mostly Jewish, that wants open borders and one world government, controls the mainstream media and both sides of major political parties today, especially in the USA, today, and has for decades.
> Hitler was basically a good guy as political leaders go, and killed less than 5% of the number of civilians his enemies (Soviet Communists) killed.
> Communism = Jewish takeover. The Bolsheviks were almost all Jews.
> Global warming is a lie designed solely to push creating a world government that benefits rich capital owners.
> At current rates, White Americans will be a minority in about 20 years, and will lose political power (ie go below 30%, with non-whites unified against us) in about 40 years, leaving only a handful of elite families ruling over a mulatto slave class. Whites still free and unified at that time will be murdered by non-white mobs who believe they are doing the Lord's work, as happened to the Rhodesian nation when Britain backed their enemies.
> No one knows what we will experience after death, so I can't take comfort in an afterlife fantasy, ie I cannot an hero out of the coming struggle.

Please confirm for me that this (I lose my job in ~20 years, and get killed by hostile minorities in ~40 years) is the true state of affairs, and I am not insane.

not exactly. if you walked down that road for 45 years, and have a life expectancy of 50, you're gonna spend your last five years looking at wrong shit you've already seen as you backtrack futily

We yearn for collapse because we feel it happening and we want to get it over with so we can start anew.

Unfortunately, it will be slow and long. That's the red pill.

Money was tied to something physical, gold; therefore the economy could only grow as fast as the accruement of gold. Once fiat currency became a thing the infinite growth meme took off and now we're here in imaginationland. Enjoy the ride
Fossil fuel was the worst discovery ever. If I had a time machine I'd make sure it was never made viable.

Yes, the gold standard was a way of containing growth. Abandoning it led to unchecked growth. And here we are. It's too late to go back as a civilization. Individual society's would be wise to return to local currencies.

I didn't make the chart, moron. It's on Wikipedia. Look up the last three years of oil prices if you're curious.


You're not insane. Jewish takeover helped lead to the situation we're in. They have no concern for the sustainability of a civilization. They're leeches and will simply look for a new host.

Having said that, you will fare better than non-whites. Africa's population has overshot capacity far more than North America or Europe.

Nice post captain obvious.

And this

>It's a myth
>blame consumerism
>Globalism is a scapegoat
>There are no good guys
>Communism is more sustainable than capitalism. Less resource waste because there's just less resources
>Climate change is real. Humans may or may not be the cause
>Humans will be a minority in 20 years
>Find Jesus

>Face it goyim, your time is up
>We aren't losing horribly

Jesus christ everyone knows that

A. The fucking jews are attempting to ruin the world

B. The fucking muslims are their tools.

Your shadow play is over kike. Your little women raping, child sex slaving soldiers will be ground under the fucking boot.

Can't fucking wait!

>jumped the shark
you don't seem to know how this phrase is used, my friend