So Sup Forums, was there a worse president than this piece of shit?
>Civil rights act
>Voting act
>Immigration and Nationality act
I know there have been some terrible presidents (ie. Wilson), but I can't think of a more devastating trifecta of laws enacted under a single president than what we saw under the Johnson administration

Donald Trump

But he was rumored to have like a 9 inch dick. Alpha president was alpha.

>muh dick
Yep, you're a nigger. No wonder you love him.

Wilson was way shittier.

Not even a stroke could stop the piece of shit because his bitch wife became the shadow president while he drooled on himself in a dark room.

But LBJ is also extremely shitty.

Nothing wrong with any of those things. LBJ was based.

He's the reason we use "Johnson" as slang for dick.

Christ, I hate this fuck.
He is one of the reasons why niggers are so unruly and a huge drain on the nation's economy.
People keep calling the modern welfare state the new slavery, but the truth is, slavery was a godsend compared to the modern welfare state. At least under slavery, nigs kept to themselves and were made to be useful. LBJ's programs made nigs the wards of the state and now we have to subsidize their outrageous lifestyles while they cause endless trouble for everyone else.

>muh dik
Obama was not the first black president.

>Nothing wrong with niggers shouting "GIBS ME DAT" and having Big Brother Kennedy, and Johnson, force Whites, who don't want coons coming into their towns, to have to live with them
>Nothing wrong with letting niggers VOTE
>Nothing wrong with flooding the country with shitskins
Neck yourself

What did he mean by this?

The Civil Rights Act is essentially niggers telling the White man "Gibs me dat", and then having big government step in to make whitey hand it over.


Thanks to LBJ we are unwittingly emptying our pockets, through taxes, to pay for indolent niggers, so what does this quote prove?

Just another Rothschild Crime Syndicate, puppet.

FDR, LBJ, Obama, Wilson, Clinton are the top 5 shittiest presidents.

Why are you so violent. You act like the niggers you hate. You mongrol.

Carry on, nigger lover.

Roosevelt crippled the country

And enfranchising niggers, along with importing an endless wave of 3rd world shitskins, didn't cripple this country?

So bad as he and Roosevelt were, dropping atomic bombs on a nation that was suing for peace trumps them (no pun intended).

>Shitty president
>Made the Nation great after the depression with a strong series of institutions to help the needy, elderly and disabled.
>put to work many hundreds of thousands of americans.
>Prepared the country for WW2,
>Set the Foundations for America's Post-WW2 super-power status.
>Destroyed the Imperial Japanese and Nazi-Germans.
>helped to sponsor the Manhattan project, who's after-effects have ensured 70 years of peace between major world powers, and avoided direct conflict.

Niggers are worse than nukes

>a bloo bloo niggers bloo bloo.

go back to stormfront stormnigger.

>He's a nigger lover

Back to Twitter nigger.


I mostly hate the south/confederacy., it's not about blacks, it's about fucking "southern ""culture"" "

You can't love niggers that impossible. Are you retarded. But decent black people are fine. :)

I'm English, cunt. And I live in Southern California, if you don't have an issue with darkies then you're a fucking mong and you should legitimately hang yourself as you're no more than a fucking traitor to your people and your country to be quite entirely honest.

Okay, we'll start by not loving you.

Saying "decent black people" is like saying "moderate muslims"
>It's a southern hating yankee episode
So you would prefer niggers force their way into places they aren't wanted, ie. civil rights act. Got it.

yep :^) because fuck dixie

Don't forget the welfare state.

Why didn't the voters went with Goldwater instead in 1964?

Says the self hating nip
There are also regular muslims. So I don't see what your point is.

>who is James Buchanan

>Hehe, fuck those white trash southerners, right goyi-I mean guys? xD btw read the book White Trash by Nancy (((Isenberg))) it'll tell you all about those dirty evil KKK nazi racist southerns who were so mean to those poor oppressed blacks :( ugh, white people am i rite?

>Haha yea most muslims are peace loving guys xD They're not like ISIS or anything, instead of beheading you they only sit idly by and watch as it happens, so that makes them moderate and okay and everything.

>spot the triggered Southerner

Born in Illinois, living in Oregon. Come again?

Were these quotes ever actually proven?

>a modern copperhead
Even more disgusting. Hope you like living on the cuck coast.

Take it from an Englishman that lived in Leicester, Muslims are scum, not a decent one in the lot of them.

Pretty much. Since most muslims here in the states have jobs and a life like the most of us. Sorry if that's too politically incorrect for you.

>hurr fuck white people I much prefer niggers durr
You aren't fooling anyone Xing Ping Wing Wong.

Taqiyya. Are you telling me you'd live in any one of the Somali muslim shitholes in this country? Give them an inch, as they say. They're just waiting until enough of them are here before they do something.
t. Jamal Quintavious Washington
That was my point, the other faggot was arguing that they are mostly good.

Most child rapists have jobs and a life you stupid nog, that isn't the qualifier for a decent person.

>They are just waiting
There will never be enough of Muslims to actually matter.
>Rapists, child molesters
>To a regular citizen

You have to try again.

>NOT rapists, child molesters
>over 1.6 billion muslims
>NOT enough to actually matter

I'm convinced that you are one of these same lying dune coons you are defending so ardently

No, it was his balls that were huge, not his dick. Lyndon "Balls" Johnson. He literally was a nudist at home and exposed himself to his daughters.

>regular citizens
Not even remotely the case, they're the scum of the earth and I can only assume that you're either a Mudslime or a naive fucking div that you're defending them.

Woodrow Wilson was the worst president. That son of a bitch signed away America's financial security w/ the Federal Reserve Act, which paved the way for dipshit, self-crippling foreign war interventions. The greedy banks that finance wars are running the USA's credit b/c of this cocksucker. FUCK WOODROW WILSON

Niggers are an equally heavy burden on our country

>Created the United Nations
>Abused executive power and first president to break term limit
>Tried to pack the supreme court when things wouldn't go his way
>First president to start meddling in the economy
>Responsible for the massive government bureaucracy we have today
>Is the reason politicians are pushing so hard for immigration