Well Sup Forums?


Well what? Are you asking us what our jobs are or just a general discussion on employment?

Musicians who busk on the street actually make more than lawyers

it's like creative people have a hard time imagining there are many different people who have different interests and find different modes of being "fun".
whoever made this needs a dose of Jordan B. Peterson

Almost as dumb as the meme "Christian Dark Ages" graph.

What unit do you measure Fun in?

most stupid chart I've seen in a long time.
dumb fucks will never understand the incredible satisfaction that comes along with achieving something of intellectual value.
stay pleb

>Implying Engineering isn't fun

Fuck you and fuck your chart.

>all these triggered autists that fell for the engineering meme

>Being an Engineer isn't fun

Well what?

>More fun than Engineer
U literally wot nigger?

is it fun being an artist that get no pay

>engineering isn't really fun but doesn't really make a lot of money
>falling for the STEM meme
It's like being husky and 5'11. You're not DYEL, but you're not fit. You're not a manlet, but you're not tall. You're just there.

fuck off with your retarded memes.
also 5'11 is ideal height.

Parking attendants BTFO?

>tfw lawyer

>accountant is more fun than engineer
Get out

>Engineer and laywer boring
Not at all

What's it like? Do you get to be like mister Badger here (deal with annoying clients/cases and sit in a nice office?)

What is wrong with you schlomo? Don't you like to count shekels?

I fail to see how a college professor has more fun than an engineer.
Kids are leftist and mostly retarded - machines are geeky and fun, they also take away manual jobs from retards.

>fuck off with your retarded memes
I'm not an engineer though.

desu most lawyers don't do trials but lots of paperwork most of the day every day so yeah.. not exactly what you call fun

As an autist, I always thought being an actuary would be fun


Did someone at kikefeed make this infographic or something?

How the fuck are there so many lawyers if its so fucking bad of a job?

They get to fuck all the young women who want easy passes. It probably should rank higher.

Being a parking attendant fucking rocks. Literally paid to sit in an airconditioned box shitposting all day bar a few 10-20 minute stints walking around to stretch the legs.

So being degenerate makes you happy?
More money usually gets you enough pussy as well if that's your main driver.

>being degenerate makes you happy?
Yeah that's sort of the whole problem with the human condition

I didn't say I was a college professor. Plus it isn't the happy index it's the fun index. Screwing young college women is more exciting than most things people do at work even if it doesn't lead to long term happiness

Boner Per Minute

nice slide thread, faggot
