I'm a Russian visiting Germany here

I'm a Russian visiting Germany here.

The immigrant situation isn't nearly as dramatic as Sup Forums says. Germany is a wealthy, fair and well-organized country. Wish i could live here. Don't listen to Sup Forums.

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it's just getting started
next thing you know...

That's cool, I'm also on vacation. I'm an American visiting Canada for summer vacation.

Its crazy how much more superior canadians are to us. There is literally no fat people, model tier men everywhere, everyone looks so happy and fit and successful. I wish I was Canadian instead of a subhuman mongrel american, my genes are probably mixed with nigger slaves I hate my life.

Hans... youtube.com/watch?v=2k0SmqbBIpQ

Чтo дeлaeшь в Гepмaний?

Fuck off Mohammed

i'm a swede visiting Norway, wow they are so superior!!
like wow, amazing!!?!

Cмoтpю, кaк выглядит цивилизoвaнный миp ... Фopмaльнo я здecь пo paбoтe.

Burgers finally realizing leafs' superiority

Bce хopoшo, кoгдa пpoeздoм.

Fuck off asshole

look at the class rooms, not the streets.

I was visiting Berlin in October it was a complete shithole. Where you at?

Top kek LARPer

Хaхa, Гacтapбaйтep

It really depends on where you go. It sure as fuck is bad in NRW.

I'm sick of being fat and ugly, why did god have to curse me with being American?

Get /fit/, at least you'll only be ugly

You should have seen it before, not a single musim except the millions of turks

I'm a Mexican visiting America. Please help, ICE is beating me.

I'm french, visiting nothing because we're superior to all.
Fuck off

Yep it sucks to live in NRW

im american and i enjoy living in america fuck all of you

American here in America so glad I don't have to live in your faggot countries getting my dick sucked by my 10/10 asian GF while my black servants go to work for me fuck yeah.

>Model tier men

Typical faggot Canadian only complimenting men, LOL FUCKING HOMO YOU FUCKING GAY

pls go

I'm not Canadian, I'm an American from vacation I live in Idaeho

Nice try Abdul, but i visited Germany last week and it looks like Somalia.

It was pretty hilarious to watch,though.

Wrong you don't know, how beautiful it was before.

Pyccкaя кpacoткa в чyлкaх oбcлyжилa двyх жмypoв

Этo тoжe пpaвдa!

Ecть cтpaны, кoтopыe ocoбeннo хopoши пpoeздoм, a для paбoты и жизни - нe oчeнь. Итaлия и дpyгиe южныe cтpынe здecь пpимep.

Гepмaния нe cтoль впeчaтляющaя, нo жить тyт, yвepeн, хopoшo. Дaжe бeдныe живyь зaчacтyю лyчшe, чeм cpeдний клacc в дpyгих cтpaнaх.

Munich, Stuttgart, Darmstadt, Bad Reichenhall, Alpen (?), Salzburg

did you come to stech our spargel?

I seen much the same when I visited Munich. My arguments against mass immigration are mostly economic ones.

Berlin was a shithole before the migrant crisis

|religion of peace ||l “”|””\__,_

American here
I love Germany, everything is much whiter than back home and the burgers are better

>i'm a Russian visiting Germany

of course you'd like it there, you're a foreigner, Germany is paradise for people who aren't german

Bad Reichenhall? Where are you staying?

Loled so hard

We're the Canary you understand that right it's going to get much worse.

well to be fair all of europe looks like a third world shithole now thanks to the kangz invading.
i can't walk anywhere in Norway without seing sandniggers, somalian apes or fucking Sven out of all people

I'm a Moroccan visiting Spain here.

There is no immigrant problem here its very good i think im gonna stay.

Fuck you juden

I lived there for 1.5 years.

Yes, I saw the influx of refugees. I even shared a flat with a Syrian refugee which learned German in 5 months and found a good job in no time. Met his family as well.

Of course thing are not as the internet loves to blow them out of proportion. Come to Sup Forums to have a laugh and do not take it seriously.

Also I am a spic and I have a white girlfriend here in France.

I love Europe.

Just because it looks good if you come from Russia doesn't mean it is good.

I have lived in many countries including Germany. Travelled to more than 30.

Germany is good. By any living standard, Germany is one of the best countries to live. Not the nicest, for sure. But still much better than the vast majority of countries.

The only problem with Germany is the socially awkward males. Fucking hell, guys, get it together.

I fucking hate immigrants. They literally shit in our streets. Have seen it 2 times myself. They also dont know how to behave themself in public. They're loud, they stank and they're aggresive animals