What do you guys think of British Israelism? It seems interesting. It would explain why British have been so dominant in the world. They've pretty much never lost. Is the whole Brits being crypto-kikes thing more than just a meme?
British Israelism
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wake up white people.
we are the CHOSEN PEOPLE of GOD
you shouldn't be falling in such newspeak and double speak traps of new world order. If it's israelism it's not british and if it's british it's not israelism.
You're wrong.
>British Israelism (also called Anglo-Israelism) is a movement holding that the people of England (or more broadly, Great Britain) are "genetically, racially, and linguistically the direct descendants" of the Ten Lost Tribes of ancient Israel. With roots in the 16th century, British Israelism was inspired by several 19th-century English writings, notably John Wilson's 1840 Our Israelitish Origin.
Plus considering English derives from Hebrew it makes sense.
think of wikipedia as CIA fact book only as open source where open society serves as audience and target. So wikipedia is not exactly encyclopedia. It's a weapon of dual use technology.
I thought the lost tribes were supposed to, well, have been LOST. Some say they will return, but that map seems to imply they never actually were lost?
or what does lost mean in this context?
No. We just forgot who we were.
See You're from the Tribe of Gad
You think the Rebels of the Roman Jewish war fled to America?
What the fuck? Show me something. Let me in.
This is obvious.
But explain this to me
>Bar Kokhba rebels to America
>164 AD
It's not the Jewish-Roman war. The Bar Kochba rebels
British intelligence services invented a lot of myths in the 16th / early 17th century.
Perhaps the most famous is Isaac Newton. He didn't invent calculus; Leibniz did. He didn't discover gravity; it is an algebraic rearrangement of the work of Kepler and Copernicus with calculus of Leibniz.
Why did they invent the myth of Newton then? Continental enlightenment was sweeping Europe and threatening to displace the black nobility, secret societies that worked so feverishly through the millennia to conceal and suppress knowledge.
These people had their base of operations in northern Italy from about 200BC-1400AD but migrated to the Netherlands and thence England, culminating in finality of control with the invasion of William of Orange, 1688, though their influence was more or less overwhelming for some 150 years prior.
So Newton was basically a COINTEL operation to get continental intellectuals to flock to the Royal Society in England, to try to create a centralized forum that got early wind of new developments and could try to control, suppress, manipulate knowledge.
In short, British Israelism is nothing more than a psy-op by mystery babylon to try to stifle the enlightenment of western civilization.
The North European white people are decedent from European hunter gatherers. Specifically those from the step in the north Caucasus. After the Invasion of Middle Eastern Farmers into Europe, this pocket in Eastern Europe preserved its European heritage and then reconquered all of Europe. The domestication of the horse and the invention of the carriage was a great advantage for them. From them we got all European languages (Germanic, Celtic, Slavic, Romanic)
nonsensical Victorian bullshit
Europeans are Aryans, we descend from the grasslands of Eurasia
Worse. they think they are descendants from the Egyptian Pharaohs. Fun fact: the Archbishop of Canterbury wore a cope embroidered with the Eye of Ra for his 1991 enthronement.
These proto Europeans also migrated south and east
traces can still be found in eastern Europe
>British Israelism
>not Scottish Israelism
Anglos have nothing to do with it. Scotch are God's chosen people. 'Jews' are frauds. Anyone who has been to Scotland and lived among them knows the serenity of their society. Chosen 100%.
European genetics chart
green and blue are the original European Hunter Gatherer - green are the yamna people from whom we have the European languages
Orange Middle Eastern Farmers who migrated into Europe
It doesn't surprise me.
>British intelligence services invented a lot of myths in the 16th / early 17th century.
Britain didn't even exist as a country until the 18th century, so there was no British intelligence services then.
British Israelism sounds pretty far fetched, although it could help explain why the Jews and the British are Gods 2 favourite races.
>Orange Middle Eastern Farmers who migrated into Europe
Orange is neolithic europeans and weren't coming from ME. They were here before green and blue. This is why there's more green and blue in eastern Europe, Indo-Europeans ("Yamnaya") originated from shores of the Black Sea and spread from the east.
>why the Jews and the British are Gods 2 favourite races.
Jews are originally Egyptians too... “Shepherd Kings"
>although it could help explain why the Jews and the British are Gods 2 favourite races.
Shut it down.
>Jews are originally Egyptians too...
Just look at the (((nose)))
Glad to see this thread on /pol.
We have our foreskins intact though so.
So a Jew with foreskin is a brit?
Not 'exactly.' They only try to mystify everyone that 'a chosen race' exists, and that it is them. OT is BS.
There's no doubt the royal family is a glorious bunch of kikes.
Boy I'm feeling really drowsy. Aren't you guys feeling sleepy too? I think we should all go have a lie down, Sup Forums will still be here when we get back.
I don't have one
>Boy I'm feeling really drowsy.
You know, faggot, that the word drowsy makes you sound like you've been fucking gassed or sick for a week. Doesn't make me comfy or tired, just uncomfortable for you.
Fuck off shill
what does this mean?
Biggest load of horseshit I have ever read.
National animal of England, Scotland and Netherlands. All 3 have been powerful in history and have influenced things jewy-ishy.
Notice that certain strains of this theory always paint Germany as Assyria, but somehow Norway, Netherlands, Denmark, and Sweden are "Israel". Christian Identity (CI) includes Germany as Israel, and the kikes as Esau (the one god hates).
Either way, I believe we Europeans are God's chosen. I'm just skeptical that the kikes didn't mess with all the manuscripts while in the Babylonian captivity. Any honorable things you may have read in the bible have been filtered through the lens of the jew. Keep that in mind before getting too into that book. Just know that we win soon.
Adding to that, I think it may be more likely that the bible is plagiarized from other civilizations, which were run by nordics and subverted by semitics.
Read up on this faggots family and the battle of Waterloo
>carrier pidgeon tells you French lost at Waterloo
>release rumors that the French won
>British stock crashes to pennies
>buy it all up
>the truth comes out and stocks shoot up
The modern bible is a Jewish hoax buddy. It's long but worth the read.
I know all that stuff. I was the one shilling for CI all last year. The main distinction between CI and British Israelism is whether the kikes are the chosen people or not. They're obviously not. God would never choose such an ugly race to be his people. If god is truth, then god is also beauty, strength, honor, and love. He's not a hook nose banker or a degenerate entertainment pusher.
Fuck off kike shill. You want us to renounce Jesus so you can worship your satanic Talmud in peace.
>I'm just skeptical that the kikes didn't mess with all the manuscripts while in the Babylonian captivity. Any honorable things you may have read in the bible have been filtered through the lens of the jew
No proof. Do you think God is incapable of preserving his own word?
>Adding to that, I think it may be more likely that the bible is plagiarized from other civilizations, which were run by nordics and subverted by semitics
No proof, stupid theory
>No proof, stupid theory
More stupid than believing the kikes wouldn't have tainted any of our spiritual books?
>No proof. Do you think God is incapable of preserving his own word?
Again, trusting the jews. Why do you think they worked so hard to destroy all the old manuscripts of anything from pre-christian Europe, or even Assyria, Egypt, etc.?
i've always wondered why these kinda charts don't include china in the top tier ?
looks like mormon retardation
This is not an argument.
Brits are just Jews with foreskin
You will serve us soon.
Fuck off Edomite
>More stupid than believing the kikes wouldn't have tainted any of our spiritual books?
Youre saying the bible is untrustworthy
>Again, trusting the jews.
Saying the bible was written in 500 bc and that it is untrustworthy is what the jews say
>Why do you think they worked so hard to destroy all the old manuscripts of anything from pre-christian Europe, or even Assyria, Egypt, etc.?
>Saying the bible was written in 500 bc and that it is untrustworthy is what the jews say
But... Jews wrote it.
And every apostle was Jewish. And Jesus was a Jew.
quite possilbe. as we all know brit hatred towards jesus and europeans is only matched by one other group of merchants.
And egyptians were originally irish. Ireland is the true origin of civilization and culture, not Egypt.
Fuck off you mongrel
>He didn't invent calculus; Leibniz did.
(((Leibniz)))? Damn Jews do everything
What's wrong about it?