The mugshots of the arrested Antifa in Portland look exactly how I imagined they would

The mugshots of the arrested Antifa in Portland look exactly how I imagined they would.

Doesn't look very diverse to me

>all of them are ugly as fuck

why is Antifa a "ugly" people movement?

All of them have facial hair. I thought the govt was putting estrogen in our water? Alex jones lied to me

Almost all white, ergo, whites are the scum of the world.


Why does antifa lack diversity? Are they racists?

They listen to people like Colbert what do you think?

Lets make up backstories, I'll take bottom left for my starter for ten points.

>joined anifa to impress his oneaitus
>she was asian who went with chad
>runs the social pages and website for his local area
>claims to be vegan but isn't
>was a bernie supporter
>is now gay, but claims to be bi


Spent three years in college studying hard and working, only to see liberal hipster trash get all the girls. Starts hanging out at local Lefty bars, starts browsing Marxist websites. Joins the Movement. Gets arrested on first outing. Dad calls and tells him to come home immediately, he can finish school at the local Community College.

Guys, I don't want to be alarmist...

But there's a Bogandoff in the top left.

A2 wtf is her problem?

Why do all of them have dark hair?

Do we know which of the females was the one that screamed NO when the cops arrested her ass on the live stream?

what the fuck is a bodandoff? are you high?

>Left up
Can I get a quick rundown?

someone give this man a quick rundown

Some of those are bethesda game tier.

I feel bad for that Jimmy Johns that they all work at.

Who's gonna make my sub, now?



>ugly white people with no job

Sounds about right.

go back to vice

Antigua is officially the Revenge of the Nerds.

>90% ugly white people

Why do white people fight to ruin their own countries? Is there anything remotely comparable elsewhere?

I can't tell the women from the men... Wow, ok

kike bastards.

poor kid second row fourth column, almost looks like he could be normal under different circumstances

I'm starting to think that ugly white people have an axe to grind simply because they are ugly. Mother Nature ripped them off and now they have a massive chip on their shoulder.


Bunch of Leonard Nemoys over here. Nemoy ahoy