Friendly reminder that France and Germany aren't actual countries

They have no border, they have no currency of their own, they fly the EU flag and their beloved EU speaks English when England isn't even going to be in the EU. How cucked can two countries possibly be?

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there are no countries in globalized world. the labels of the countries serve only as military deception as part of no country for old men weapons of mass destruction. Sure it also serves as TOR type onion network to obfuscate world wide network of scattered castles filled to the brim with this uber alles caste of "vor v zakone". I'm talking about embassies and consulates. Even though they have different country labels on the building they all staffed by the same CIA homos and DIA cunts. So Assange in london is not in Uruguay embassy in London. He is in CIA safehouse among his peers.

>UK claiming France is a non country after falling behind india and importing record amount of Pakies


Friendly reminder that there are some British blokes around that are so delusional and stupid that they still believe the whole Brexit deal is a good idea.

It will put an end to their pisspoor "Union" with Ireland uniting again soon as the Scottish people leaving soon.

The "United Kingdom" will soon be England.. and Wales..whoa! What a great country innit?


>says this
>tells scotland it cant be an EU member
lol that worked

It's better than choking to death on globalist and third world imported cocks. Have fun fellating Brussels.


>It will put an end to their pisspoor "Union" with Ireland uniting again soon as the Scottish people leaving soon.
NI is literally a small town, scotland will never leave, england pays all its bills

Both France and Germany are Finnish colony, Suur-Suomi will rise again.

adds pic to meme stash

oh shittttt

Aren't we, technically speaking, still under occupation by allied forces (Or at least the US)?

At least Germany was allowed to have army, Japan didn't enjoy that privilege for a long time

I wouldn't call what we have an '''army'''.

Well at least during cold war, I don't know about your current situation.

Nah we scots will never leave, we need England to pay for all our shit.


Once I was in poland they laught at me because I wanted to join the Army. They said today poland could invade Germany.

They could.

and they should

>>They said today poland could invade Germany

Afterall, Syria did

Did we neutered Germany that bad?


countries dont exist anymore OP, and your empire helped ensure that by redefining them as plots of land where simply being born there grants you different rights, it makes no sense. France and germany are both acclimating nicely to the new world while uk will soon be deconstructed and turned into a piss poor stationary aircraft carrier for the usa

Yes you did, and General Patton felt bad for it. Shame on you, you almost fought with the right side.

I genuinely feel bad about what we Allies did to you.

Kraut > Eternal Slav