Do anybody still takes seriously this loser ?

Do anybody still takes seriously this loser ?

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do you english

What I can't take seriously is delusional christfags who believe in a skydaddy, eternal happiness in heaven, eternal suffering in hell, and all other bullshit like that.

Whoa, what a poor bait, you need to try harder, fedora

I usually don't agree with most of what he says when it comes to politics and such, but I still greatly respect his work in genetics and evolutionary biology. Plus, since he is an evolutionary biologist, he is at least somewhat aware of the race question.
I would love to see him destroy Bill Nye in a debate.

Not bait.
Also, fedora is not an argument. Regardless, I'd rather wear a fucking fedora than a bishop hat.

>Do anybody still takes seriously this loser ?
whats not to take seriously? did some one find god?

says poland

leave and don't come back until you learn English

Probably because bishop have knowledge and wealth, and fedora have only autism.
And YES. Fedora is a argument because science proves that atheism and autism is correlated

I hope not

(((new atheism)))

>bishop have knowledge
jesus christ
wypierdalaj stąd dopóki się nie nauczysz mówić po angielsku. Mój 14-letni kuzyn wie jak się odmienia czasowniki w present simple lepiej niż ty. Sprawiasz że Polacy wyglądają jak kompletni idioci, baranie

So instead of making an actual good argument, you post some article from the stone age to prove your point?

what did he do to your asshole, OP?

ill bite OP.
magic isn't real.
ill wait for your counter argument

I haven't been following him since 2013 since there are better (more entertaining and less condescending) religious critics out there.

Anything interesting happen to him since?

what is Sup Forums's view on agnostics that don't give a shit about religion either way?

It's the sensible thing to be.

>i'm gonna be a skeptic and only believe in hard evidence now
>i'm now an atheist
they're borderline retarded

Says fat autistic dawkins worshipper, go watch some more the "amazing" atheist videos instead of using Sup Forums

>my ego cant handle my insignificance


Neither am I fat, nor do I watch the amazing atheist. Still no fucking argument, stop embarrassing your country.
>agnosticism is the sensible position
If you are an agnostic for christianity, you must be an agnostic for unicorns, santa, zeus, etc. It is definitely not the most sensible position.

I don't believe in atheism because it can't be proven.
Okay kid, true agnostic is agnostic for Zeus, Jesus and every paranormal stuff, thats easy

Dawkins wrote one meme book and now his neckbeard fans turned themselves into walking caricatures who proselytize his book like its the bible.

It's hilarious what atheism has turned into. BlackPigeonSpeaks was completely correct when he called modern atheism just more 'vacuous grandiloquence'. Also worth noting that most atheists are virgins who never have kids, so they're actively contributing to the decline of the white population.

At least hes not Bill Nye tier.

Good point, bro

If you are an agnostic for every paranormal stuff, you are fucking retarded.
>atheism can't be proven
Something's nonexistence is the default position, you have to prove that god exists, if you can't(which you can't) it is very logical to think that he doesn't exist.

No one have a bigger ego than an atheist.
>i know there is no God
ohh yeah? care to prove it?
>muh spaghetti monster argument
you people really have to move past these atheist e-celebs.

they're not intellectuals.

He prophesied the inevitable downfall of evolution to the Kraken. Literally the Trigglypuff moment of science.

"Somethings nonexistence is the default position" - Because what ? Because you say so ?

Atheists believe negative claims have no burden of proof. And in this intellectualism they're euphoric.

Yep you are legit too stupid to argue with, bye.

Lol, because you just loose, kek

>Atheists believe negative claims have no burden of proof. And in this intellectualism they're euphoric.

They are fucking retarded

> Because what ? Because you say so ?
Because this is how questions work.
For example, if I claim that i've found a stone that can cure cancer, you would ask to show me the proof. But by your logic, the question should be: can you prove that this stone doesn't cure cancer? And of course, nobody can disprove that, we simply deny that it cures cancer because there is no fucking proof.

Same with god. Prove that he exists, if you can't, it's only logical to think he doesn't exist, or at least, it is very likely that he doesn't exist.

Open your fucking eyes, there is no sky daddy

Okay, but you need to dissaprove thing to be sure it doesn't exist, thats why i believe in God and i will. Because its impossible to dissaprove him

>first there was nothing, and then it exploded

It kinda is possible. The lack of evidence supporting god's existence, is evidence that he doesn't exist, and therefore it disproves god's existence.
>i believe in God and i will
You just admited that you are a blind believer, which is the worst kind of christians.

I'm not a scientist. but to say that
>god was always there and he created the universe
is not an argument supporting god's existence.
Might as well say the universe always existed

Yeah, but you can't prove atheism so its also a blind faith



>Most likely
For who ? For you, For me its pretty possible that he exists.

evidence>your subjective delusional opinion

He and his entire movement were eternally btfo by a single internet meme. He hasn't been relevant for a while.

God does exists, I met him

The only good thing I can say is the other fedoras are way more annoying.

Yes, everything he wrote on memetics is pure gold

If you haven't read the Selfish Gene, you're a pure pleb. He literally came up with the concept.

Lol, you atheists call everything you dissagree delusional.
Wait, what evidence...
"Default nonexistece" - Because what ? Because you say so ?
Then why not to be against all people who believe in aliens, they also "Can't be proven"

People like Dawkins make me fear old age. Imagine having reached your intellectual and credible peak when you wrote books on science and atheism and had debates only to reach old age and descend into shit posting and baiting lefties on twitter.

Lol, dawkins is himself politicaly-correct commie


Nothing wrong with him tbqh. His fanbase consists of lots of retards though and tumblrinas who misuse his quotes, he is a really smart man, unlike Nye he has a real degree and a respected position by his peers, he btfo religion in a regular basis and is redpilled about some things he doesn't repear out loud because you know why. Read his books. He supports eugenism and argues race difference at genetical level could be a thing, without going fully there. Expect him to drop a blackpilled book soon before dying.
Plus he came up with memes.
nu-pol cuckservative maga neo con kikes leave reeeeee

Maybe by our standards, but by theirs he is practically Hitler now.

>Then why not to be against all people who believe in aliens, they also "Can't be proven"
Most skeptics are

>bishop have knowledge and wealth
No just wealth. I want to be a bishop myself so i can milk all those gullible poorfags of their money and dignity as well

Simply by putting Krauss and Dawkins in the same category with Neil Nye the black science Guy means you are a fucking idiot.

But aliens are possible to exist, just like God


When there's a Vatican for alien worship, let me know. In the meantime, I'm going to go feed my unicorn. Would you like to come see it? My local teleport machine coordinates are 4VK72ND0WP, IFKS98WKM92. Of course you believe me having these things, right? You can't prove me wrong after all.
I think his point was, "Well why go after us and not them?" Point above, nobody takes them seriously like they do religion.

Good idea

>Plus he came up with memes.

This. He's literally the father of memes.
He single handedly blew open the science of shitposting.

You get to diddle kiddos as well. Neat career choice lad.

>No one have a bigger ego than an atheist.
How about an average "redpilled" Sup Forumstard

Okay, but it means that most logical point is agnosticism not atheism, especialy because aliens and God are pretty logical ideas

Yes, and if you said "it's possible that some creator exists"

Dawkins probably wouldn't even argue with you.

If you say I know god exists and it's the god of the bible, dawkins will call you an idiot.

Same if you say something about green men on alpha centuri

I never thought he was to be taken seriously. His arguments are gay and have been argued over the last 2000 - 3000 years, thus making him not new at all. He delivered his fallacies and theological strawmen to a bunch of miserable fucks and converted them into fedoras, move on.

You affirm something exist, the fact you have been preaching it for longer doesn't mean the burden of proof is on me. If you claim something, you prove it. I don't have to prove the thing you said exists doesn't. You don't go to some guy's face and tell him you stole 100 grands, prove me you didn't.


Whatever, fedora

>coming up with memes

Read Jung you fedora.

>Gets BTFO

>Probably because bishop have knowledge and wealth
Because he stole it from you ya dumb peasant
keep paying the pope his shekels goy

might be too degenerate for my tastes

You fagg.
There is a possibility a god exists and he made the whole universe. > makes sense
There is a god and some desert dwelling jewish hobos knew of it because some guy saw an angel and he also got involved to get them out of slavery because the egyptians were being mean so he also killed their first born. > straight up retarded
If there is a god, no one of our human made religions based on affirmations and suppositions could have known of it and therefore they are all false.

>implying anybody ever took him seriously

>>>back to balkan threads
You have to shitpost Serbia as the savior of th white race Slobodan.

How btfo ? Where ? I just said that you need to dissaprove to be sure that something doesn't exist, while you can't dissaprove God, you only keep pasting your "muh science" or "muh logic".

You mad, spic ?

So do you believe in the green men in alpha centuri system?

You are so braindead. being you must hurts.

Step into the arena and you get to argue with a genuine god-fearing polak with broken english

He does not need english. He has god.

He spent a little too long in his teenage atheism phase but he's still /our guy/.

Aliens maybe. Lots of planets out there similar to ours, alright, you get a maybe(Thinking they visited Earth is the real crazy talk).

God is logical? Come on, son. What's your base logic here? What do you even define as a god? Which one are you talking about? Because humans have made up thousands you just decide not to believe in. The closest you can get is making up your own, because let's face it, you aren't following the same one anyone else is. You have your own idea of "God" and what it's like. Thing is, I've entertained the thought. The closest thing to a "logical" god would have to be one that uses us for a science experiment of some kind. Completely non-interventional, just observes, contributes and alters nothing so as to not confound the experiment that is life. Worship or not, doesn't care. Good or bad? Just observations. Maybe the end goal is a civilization that spans the galaxy. You get the idea.

This YHVH nonsense where it's omnipotent, omnipresent, killed half the planet, sent itself to die to itself, to forgive people for what it planned we would do? Please. At least don't try to pass that off as logical. Go on, share your thoughts. Explain the logic.

But he is good and he loves you

*pours in locusts and floods the earth*

Anthony Flew once BTFOd Dawkins, btw.

>no link



Christcucks are the cancer of the right

No. He's just an eloquent journalist!

Cuck you clearly don't know what you're talking about. He has little original work of note in evolutionary biology. He is a Bill Nye type 'populariser of science', just a PhD.

>Do anybody still takes seriously this loser ?
is this the power of Polish grammar?

What, one wonders, are Dawkins’s views on the epistemological differences between Aquinas and Duns Scotus? Has he read Eriugena on subjectivity, Rahner on grace or Moltmann on hope? Has he even heard of them?

>be at home watching chinese websites
>sir do you have evidence of god?
>I do not believe if you don't have evidence
>oh, but I don't care about you
>sir, but I won't believe, you must care and debate me

Rightly assumed Christian one.
So good he killed countless innocents. Loves you so much that he's willing to leave you suffering for all eternity.

That's seriously what baffles me the most. This character is a blatantly evil fucker, and people are convinced he loves or cares for them. At least pick a better god or, better yet like I said, cut the shit and just make one up yourself. I get that it's comforting for people to believe in it or whatever, but so long as you have your own ideas anyway, just go the full mile and make up your own religion. Don't be so damn lazy.

That's not how it happened in this thread
Though i won't disagree that's actually how dawkins does it, he's a fucking clown and i don't know why he wants people to become atheists

The notion of asking for evidence is stupid also, you could simply ask if somebody knows a way to get a spiritual experience or something to validate your opinions.

I didn't think he was still alive

>This character is a blatantly evil fucker

That's why gnosticism exists, a religion that has observed the evil of the creator and has discovered there's a God above him called Abraxas.

Noticed how when kicked from paradise Adam and Eve never died instantly even tough they were cursed to die and lived for many years?

Notice how the snake was truthful and said they would learn right from wrong with the fruit of knowledge?

And look at all the missing books and gnostic texts that aren't included in the bible.

Saying something doesn't exist is a claim.

Claims have the burden of proof.