Australian man arrested in US for overstaying visa by 90 minutes

>A Canberra man has been imprisoned by immigration officials in the United States for overstaying his US visa by less than two hours, after being denied entry to Canada.

>Baxter Reid, 26, and his American girlfriend, Heather Kancso, travelled to the Canadian border in upstate New York before Mr Reid was arrested by US border police on Sunday, April 24 local time.

>Mr Reid is now imprisoned at Buffalo Federal Detention Centre where he could face six months in jail before his case is heard by a judge.

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Why six months in prison leading up to a trial? Can't they just cut costs and shoot him now?

Fuck off we're full.

2 hours, 2 decades; he's still overstaying.
>Aussie in leafland
He deserves the firing squad

that's just plain unaustralian. he is from canberra though, so you cunts can keep him on the off chance he's related to a politician or government worker.

pic related?

>Mexican comes to the US illegally, commits 6 DUIs, threatens to kill somebody, robs a liquor store
>politicians cry for amnesty

>white dude visits and overstays a legal visa for half an hour
>executed behind the chemical shed by Mossad

really makes you think...

If I was Trump, I'd grant amnesty to everyone illegally immigrating who was white, accept anyone from Ukraine or was a Boar who wanted to come as a "refugee", and end immigration from Latin America. Too bad Trump is a kike shill.

>pic related: the state of the american justice system

>guy is in country illegally and trying to leave
>lets have a lengthy court process and then throw him in jail for a few months on tax payer money

>after being denied entry to Canada

no whites allowed

You cunts had better let him out or we're sending in the emus m8

It's the canadians' fault for keeping him detained for an extra couple of hours. Blame the leafs, not us.

Well he DID break the law. Hopefully he gets punished to the fullest extent.

Visa overstays should be punishable by death. We should strap them into Old Sparky and electrocute them on C-Span.

>break the law
>go to jail
I don't see a problem here.


Kushner tried to take down Bannon now, Kushner is about to get fucked...noice

He should have walk across the border 50 meters away and claim to be from rhodesia or something from africa. He would be crowned king of canada at the moment.

The officials responsible should be fired and fined the costs of this entire legal case + damages.

Cunts shouldn't let their decisions be ruled by their egos.

>>Mexican comes to the US illegally, commits 6 DUIs, threatens to kill somebody, robs a liquor store
citation needed


>White guy tries to leave US
>Stopped because he wasn't allowed to stay in US anymore for the last two hours
>IMPRISON THE GOY... I mean, fellow white person, also, amnesty for illegals, they're enriching our country

Fuck off we're full

hard to feel sorry for him

afterall, he went on a holiday to america which doesn't make any sense when television, cinema, every facet of media is american already

what was he going to see? that stupid fucking liberty statue that gets knocked down in every movie? the whitehouse? what's even interesting or novel about going somewhere you hear about every fuckin day?

pls give him death penalty

Aussie barely overstays visa, instantly jailed while leaving country
>burgers fap. Murrica!

Meanwhile, tens of millions of illegals walk the streets
>burgers do nothing

he was trying to.

>arrest a white Anglo man for such miniscule thing
>have dozens of sanctuary cities for spic shitskins

Well then he shouldn't have waited for the last minute

They literally wanted to leave, just deport them and refuse them visa next time. No reason for the state to pay so much on trial shit.

>burgers do nothing
We elected someone who's deporting the shit out of them and cutting off federal funds from socalled "sanctuary" cities. Eat shit.

The official were Sup Forums posters and wanted to shitpost on australians for once.

Pretty sure Texas already has tamed emu farms

that's probably the reason, the whole issue sounds so dumb and deliberate in the first place

>crypto kike Anglo subhuman scum trying to create more crypto kike settlements on rightful Germanic clay
Fuck off with your New Israel. Execute this faggot.

Pretty sure this is a publicity stunt ála "THIS IS WHAT TRUMP CAUSED" with a white guy caught in the crossfire.

Poor guy is now the subject of a political move.


Our culture is fucked mate

Checked. Come to CA. I know close to a dozen people who have gotten into fender benders with some insurance-less and ID-less illegal. Even in the nicest areas you still see smelly, non-english-speaking pic related. It's not a meme. These beaners and wetbacks are migrating over in droves, causing untold amounts of crime, and their punishment is to be heralded as brave freedom fighters.

I'm glad we're enforcing LAWS.


You mean that orange jew shill who kinda lied to you about the wall? Righto m8...

>not accepting boer refgees fleeing from certain death at the hands of anc niggers
I cannot adequately express how much you disgust me.

None can tame the


he was probably a fucking libshit. GTFO

Why are we putting him in prison and not throwing him out of the country
>you overstayed your visit now you'll spend another 6 months here

Trust me
jail is better than syrup land

>Schedule flight for 2 hours before visa expires
Fuck this procrastinating faggot. Gulag.

this is why ill never go to shartland.

>walk across road
>get arrested
>thrown in prison
>raped and murdered by 40 niggers

Honestly mate I can't say much. Straya ain't what she used to be desu... Let's just enjoy riding the tiger

>Not obeying the law
We're supposed to feel sorry for this nig-tier Aussie?

amazing barneyfag never showed up

this poor aussie, I see hundreds of illegals during a regular week and even if they smash into somebody drunk cops still don't do shit about it, yet this poor emu ptsd fuck gets shit canned for being here 90 minutes.

>very good grasshoppa

They say imitation is the best form of flattery burgerbros... Not bad shitposting cunts, 8/10 would copy

>wahh, i know my inspection sticker is 90 days overdue, officer, but i was just going to renew it today!
>wahh, i know i'm 90 minutes late to my meeting, employer, but i still expect you to interview me!
>wahh, i know it's 90 seconds past closing, employee, but please let me do my shopping!
I fucking hate people who intentionally leave to go somewhere late, make up excuses once they get there and then expect the rest of the world to cater to their lateness. This faggot is no exception.

All you yanks saying "we're full" to white immigrants are autistic. You can barely keep the white birth rate up as it is.

Why didn't Canada let him in? Not brown enough?


He thought the leafs would save him. Based leafs.

You potato niggers are among the first few that ruined the Anglo purity of our country, I don't want to hear it from you.

>your ancestors are probably Irish

>No Emu were harmed in the making of this video


Confirmed. Emu wrangling is as simple as roping them at the knees

Australians are Anglo though.

Rules are rules kanganigger

>"ruined the Anglo purity of our country"
>Fought an entire war removing Anglos

Serves him right.


The Murricans stopped him. They're super harsh when it comes to whites(Canadians, Aus, Euros) overstaying their VISAs, but if you have dark skin you're fucking good to go.

Look in CA for 30 seconds and you'll find millions.

Pls no.

Can't say I blame law enforcement for wanting to keep white foreigners here while happily expelling the shitskins to leafland.

These types will be out by morning the guys who linger for 6 months are the border hoppers and gang bangers.

the aussie should be thanking us since we saved him from an american woman, and from trying to become canadian

>American gf

If this is the priority of the Trump border people, it's pathetic. Let the white people stay you dumb fucks.



cunts love bushmen

Is that your mother?

one of them was in a fender bender with my fiance and tried to sue her because of back injuries for a 3mph tap on rear bumper which caused 'whiplash'

>visiting burger land

Canadafucks hate fuck-a-roos

I told you she cheat on you m8.

(Its the guy from the article)

Its like a hotel

You are supposed to leave well before check out time

>visiting rainy, cold, paki land


baka desu senpai

So much for white privilege. If he was Mexican, they'd either let him go or simply deport him.

What kind of visa requires you to leave the country for a day, renew your visa, then hop back across the border?

his visa was for 5 years

I've know Mexicans that have over stayed his Visa for 20 years. He still lives here.


well he was likely going to border hop and abuse the system
i see no issue here- regardless of where the individual is from Australia, Europe, Japan, wherever
shit's not cool, man

No, he was on a five-year visa, NOT expired, and one of the conditions was that he leave the US every 6 months, renew the visa, and reenter the US.

His car broke down on the way to the border, he got there at 10PM, Canada kept him in line for 3 and a half hours then sent him back, and the US arrested him for breaching his visa's conditions.

That's all fair enough, cunt deserves what happened to him, but what kind of retarded visa requires you to cross the border once every six months?

Wait we shouldn't be held to pay for his imprisonment and feed his ass fuck that guy shiphim out in a deportation box

Why haven't you reported him yet?

don't feed the troll (fbi)

HAHHAHA, right? Wonder why he didn't reply to that one kek

finally some uplifting news.

Snitches get stiches

delet this

aussies cant handle the bants

based Australians >>> Ameriniggers

Prove me wrong

>1 post by this ID

its probably some jew invented visa to help illegals