Imagine that:
As a doctor, treating someone as a male or female is different. Not having a gender, or being "trans", creates excessive amounts of liability and opportunity for malpractice suits. Things sure are simpler when you stick with the gender you are born with.
>fuck science i am a demifluid genderqueer
>science must adapt to my demifluid genderqueer identity
Trannies are sub human anyway
Mental Illness vs Actual Chromosomal Disorders:
Mental Illness:
Gender is a social construct
Actual Chromosomal Disorders:
Turner syndrome
This disorder, also referred to as monosomy X (45X) occurs in individuals that have one X chromosome, no Y chromosome, and are phenotypically female.
Affects approximately 1:3000.
XXX Females - affecting 1:1000
Women with three X chromosomes (47XXX) experience normal development of sexual traits and are fertile.
Affects approximately 1:1000.
Klinefelter syndrome
Klinefelter syndrome (47XXY or XY/XXY mosaic) with male phenotype is the most pervasive sex chromosomal anomaly affecting approximately 1:600 males.
XYY Males
Men inheriting an additional Y chromosome are usually taller than average and are prone to acne because they produce higher than average levels of testosterone.
Affects approximately 1:1000.
‘True’ hermaphroditism is a genetic condition in which affected individuals have both mature ovarian and testicular tissue. (29) There are no published population-wide estimates of the frequency of true hermaphrodites.
Affects - unknown.
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is an inherited autosomal recessive condition that can affect both boys and girls.
Affects approximately 1:5000.
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) is an X-linked recessive disorder in which affected individuals have external female genitalia and breast development despite being genetically male (46XY). Tissues of affected individuals are unresponsive to male hormones (androgens) yet respond to estrogens. Horomonally, they are female.
Then the culling can begin and we can finally start taking this shit back. Fucking trannies, I swear; what else? Was not using your proper pronoun fucking abuse?
Just ignore them, they feed on attention anyway. All trans are fucking attention whores.
Need to be 18 to buy a spray can. Don't need age verification to mutilate your genitals. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you.
This is completely untrue now gimme (you)s
"Are you male or female?"
"I'm trans"
"From what to what?"
"We need to know what your biology is and if you're taking any hormone or had surgery for medical records"
Gets dropped.