/FEMPOL/ - feminism general

In 2007 all publicly traded companies in Norway were forced to have at least 40% women on their boards. This was a huge success. Let's discuss how to enhance the world economy by implementing the same rule in USA


>music theme for this thread

>introduction to sane feminism, not retarded tumblr feminism

INB4 hurr durr cuck GTFO. This board is Politically Incorrect, being a hateful nazi is no longer politically incorrect when you have a hateful nazi in the white house

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lula 2018


In perfect maturity, which is heaven, there is no gender - we are like the angels.

In reality, there is a maturity gap. It's fixable! We must acknowledge it; women are not equal, and don't get the same rights, until tested and proven otherwise.

Chick culture reinforces the maturity gap; they lie; they validate; they isolate; they are terrible at communication, yet dominate the discourse with blather.

It's the duty of a father and husband to physicslly discipline his wife and children - and this is in every single culture, except feminism, or witchcraft, which "is as the sin of rebellion" - the most serious crime in the Bible, the most destructivE. Thou shalt not suffer her to live is happening now, on every continent, where nutty stray abandoned women gather human body parts for magical purposes, and gullible men do the violent bit, in the hopes of a miracle.


>tfw no femdom gf to put a chastity device on me and peg me

why even live

Implement feminism into middle eastern countries where its actually needed, as opposed to just wasting your time doing nothing because no guy in the west will fuck you.

watch picture related

Women are objects. They should not be allowed to vote.


What are you trying to portray exactly here to be honest? All I got from the video was "Look at my body, muh azz I can do wundreous things wiz it"? Are you trying to entice men with sex the only thing women can offer truly?
This is just devaluating it hence making the worth of a woman in a man's eyes that much lower.
Your whole post is just literally a contradiction of yourself.
You have literally proved this whole board and every single logical person that all the previous talks about women and random banter was actually true.
You are literally a walking contradiction so this place will not give you what you expect.

Gender is a social construct

What if 40% identify as women?

feminism thread?
feminism thread


Choosing people based on their physical traits and not for qualification or merit.

Meritocracy is why (capitalism) society works.

If you discriminate, you're going to inevitably have tensions and eventually riots

I'm not against women in positions of power.
But the educational system is already biased towards men, and promotes female behavior

Get back to the kitchen at least there you are doing something useful

turn on the subtitles retard, they are pushing gender equality with strapons. there is literally no contradiction to be a feminst and do what you want with your own body. also, i'm a hetero male and i've gotten butt fucked a few times, both with strapons and with a real cock, and it felt pretty good

OP is a faggot scumposter

>pushing gender equality with strapons
And this, friends, is why you shouldn't try to make sex political.
Because it isn't.
It has never been, it will never be.

GTFO nancy. This is not how you do a fucking homework assignment.


If you continue I will whip out my women hate folder full of juicy webm's

I'm convinced they carry some mind-altering, sexually transmitted parasite that causes them to love cats and demand buttsex.


>Shitskins have low IQ
Sup Forums BTFO


i don't see any niggers. i'm okay with this.

What if women dont want to be on the boards? Why not just keep with free choice? The only reason there is any kind of pay gap is because 1. Women tend to go for lower payong jobs, and so when you take an average off all of women, yes their pay will be a bit lower and 2. Studies have also found that women tend to want to be with their children more or atleast have children when they get older. This changes things up a bit because they either quit their jobs or they stop working as hard. 3. Studies have also found that women who are single under 30 and a lil over tend to make more than men. 4. There is a litleral law in our country that says equal pay for equal work. All in all, the only problem here is you were to ignorant to pull your self out of the damn echochamber and actually look up data and other things. If we all would, maybe you would see that there is info that contradicts yourself. Now gtfo off of this board feminazi

except it is. it's not that long ago it would have been unthinkable for girls to travel to agia napa and have random fun with 5+ hot guys during a period of two weeks, but now its totally normal and girls love it



Feminism is just women whining to get men to do things for them that they've failed to do themselves.

Feminism disproves itself.

Tits or gtfo.

Nothing to do with sex being political.
You're talking about acceptance of promiscuity, which is a completely different issue.
You taking it up the butt is not political. Neither is promiscuity. One is a sexual act nobody gives a shit about, one is a social attitude that grew more accepted thanks to the breakdown of the family unit. Neither are political issues.

feminism is cancer.... thank yo (Milo)

>Hateful Nazi
>Literally does whatever Jews tell him too
Pick one, retard. And you wonder why you dumb fucks lost the election?

Go back to the kitchen, roastie.

What the fuck is this
Fuck off cunt

>lefty/pol/ failed so let's try feminism

Call me when you get to fascism, shillfag.

>Norway were forced to have at least 40% women on their boards
disgusting desu

Expose mammaries or vacate the area

>not one blonde


why are they all white?

What kind of degenerate music ist this shit?

>40% women on their boards
absolutely, but no fat uglies and they have to give great blow jobs to all staff (both male and female, you know equality and shhieettt)

Women should be on the boards of companies for their talents not because of some arbitrary quota. Norway has actually just insulted the intelligence and capabilities of all women and you treat it as a victory. Fuck you.

what the fuck is this shit?

>Women should be on the boards of companies for their talents not because of some arbitrary quota
Are you implying women don't have the talent and qualities to be on a company's board?
ugh can you just not?

Nobody takes feminism seriously anymore, when that scumbag movement is going to finally die? for now is walking joke but not a funny one

Good technique and showed restraint.

nice b8

haha someone made that image.



feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer

what are they not white?

feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancerfeminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancerfeminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancerfeminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancerfeminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancerfeminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancerfeminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancerfeminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancerfeminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancerfeminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancerfeminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer feminism is cancer

Why does feminism exist anymore?

There's no real sexism to fix that isn't already illegal.

All Feminists do anymore is shill for special privileges for themselves under the guise of equality.

Add to that being perfectly fine with long standing inequalities that favor them, such as the father of the child not getting a say in abortion. Or pushing blatantly false agendas, like the female wage gap.

Basically Feminism is a corrupt group now.

Nice bait OP 10/10

We all know there's no females are on Sup Forums

Men die younger than women. In some countries, men die as much as 15 years young on average.

Men have higher rates of depression, addiction, cancer, heart disease, and violent death.

Men invented and crafted every single object that exists in the modern world.

Every single structure on Earth from the tiniest shanty, to the suburban tract home, to the great bridges and cathedrals, was built by a man.

Men are objectively better than women.

And men are objectively the more oppressed, used, and downtrodden gender.

Fuck feminists.

>In 2007 all publicly traded companies in Norway were forced to have at least 40% women on their boards. This was a huge success

This hasn't worked in America, as women do not have the frontal lobe development to analyze outside threats and make snap judgements.