Is Lovecraft literally, dare I say it, /our guy/?

Is Lovecraft literally, dare I say it, /our guy/?

He married a Jewess. Be it he only did it because he needed someone to financially support him and she later divorced him because he won't stop talking about how she was "one of the good ones" and always talked about the evils of the Jew and immigrants ruining New York at parties the couple threw.


How does the kid in this

turn into the adult in this

based af


Lovecraft was redpilled as fuck.

>giant xenophobe and racist
>autistic shut in hermit
>40 years old virgin
he'd been an avid Sup Forums poster

Is that him attempting to smile?



Houellebecq's book on HPL is very likely the best thing that frog ever wrote. and available in english too, monoglot anons.

Did he really say that? I think I'm in love.


He hated Jews too.

Pretty based but a bit too euphoric.

What, Shoggoth appears in At The Mountains of Madness? Didn't finished it yet.

high test

if he was born in current year he would be bumped full of estrogen and sugary McShitty grub food and would look like this

in adulthood with the same frame and facial structure but taller, receding hairline, cystic acne, a patchy neckbeard

His cat was named Nigger Man.

Pic forgot to mention "Cyclopic"

unironically this

citation needed

All the good Pulp Writers were our guys. Lovecraft was good but I prefer his buddy Rob Howard and his sword & sorcery stuff. Plus Texans are better than New Englanders

"Your slum travelogue interested me vastly, and I hope you will take me to this hideous cesspool someday soon. Whether I have ever beheld any place of equal putrefaction remains to be seen—at present I find it hard to conceive of anything more utterly and ultimately loathsome than certain streets of the lower east side where Kleiner took Loveman and me in April 1922. The organic things -Italo-Semitico-Mongoloid- inhabiting that awful cesspool could not by any stretch of the imagination be call’d human. They were monstrous and nebulous adumbrations of the pithecanthropoid and amoebal; vaguely moulded from some stinking viscous slime of earth’s corruption, and slithering and oozing in and on the filthy streets or in and out of windows and doorways in a fashion suggestive of nothing but infesting worms or deep-sea unnamabilities. They -or the degenerate gelatinous fermentation of which they were composed- seem’d to ooze, seep and trickle thro’ the gaping cracks in the horrible houses… and I thought of some avenue of Cyclopean and unwholesome vats, crammed to the vomiting-point with gangrenous vileness, and about to burst and innundate the world in one leprous cataclysm of semi-fluid rottenness. From that nightmare of perverse infection I could not carry away the memory of any living face. The individually grotesque was lost in the collectively devastating; which left on the eye only the broad, phantasmal lineaments of the morbid soul of disintegration and decay…a yellow leering mask with sour, sticky, acid ichors oozing at eyes, ears, nose, and mouth, and abnormally bubbling from monstrous and unbelievable sores at every point…"


Holy shit, this do much.

Really makes you think.

he was based.


this one is my favorite. india btfo

Nigga he was beta as fuck and was super insecure about the fact that he was too chicken to fight in wwi

Lovecraft is goat.

There was a strange hoi2 mod that had Lovecraft as the President and leading a faction called the "outer axis". Pretty sure the mod is dead unless someone has and old download rip of it.

>this ugly cuck thinks hes "superior"



>t. Hindoo

Every one knows nigger man, faggot

Words as true today as they were back then.

He's not wrong. I'd rather live in Africa than India. The place is a literal shithole

Truly a genius of the ages.

>“ As I have said, I moved in on July 16, 1923. My household consisted of seven servants and nine cats, of which latter species I am particularly fond. My eldest cat, "Nigger-Man," was seven years old and had come with me from my home in Bolton, Massachusetts ..." ”

He used it in one of his stories, named after his Cat. I have "I am Providence," but can't be assed to look it up right now.

He's a horsefaced anglo aspie but I like him.

Ahaha he called you a faggot

gtfo normie

There's speculation that there is more to his stories than mere fiction. It's believed that Lovecraft may have had contact with Aleister Crowley, or that Crowley was using occult rituals to influence Lovecraft's thinking in some way.



If Lovecraft was born in THE CURRENT YEAR he would be on /pol9k/
He hated New York with fiery passion and the reasons he gave were:
>my feet hurt
>it's too crowded in here
>tfw surrounded by degenerates

literally me

This photo is interesting.

And so is this.