Alt-Lite here

Convince me to go Alt-Right.

There are a few things that I agree with that the Alt-Right stands for. To be specific, Anti-Communist, SJW, Radical Islam, Transgender, Corruption, Loss of White Culture, etc etc.

However, there are some pills I've yet to try and swallow. I don't mind gays/lesbians (Although I definitely don't encourage them) as long as they keep their shit to themselves. I don't think all Blacks/Hispanics/Middle Easterners are bad, since I've met a fair share that were alright people (Although I've met many more that were NOT). And finally, while I definitely think someone has been pulling the strings behind a lot of things throughout history, I can't blame (((Them))) for everything.

So, Sup Forums, can you convince me otherwise, or am I going to have to be content with taking both Blue and Red pills?

Other urls found in this thread:

We aren't Alt-Right
We are NatSoc




You seem to be lost. REDDIT is down the hall and to the left, just past the kekistan flag. If you see a tranny with a shaved head you've gone too far and reached tumblr.

My question is whether or not this is just a select group of Jews on the top that are too blame, or if it's just the entire population in general.

See the pic at

To be fair, the Alt-Right has been associated with/pol/ for quite some time.

And I'm never going to go to that hellhole of a website. Sup Forums's banter is too good to miss out on.


Sup Forums has been associated with all kinds of shit over the years. Labels don't stick here. If you pigeon hole yourself into a label you're doomed to fail.

Give me a few moments here, user. If you're serious, I will convert you. But it will require time and effort. Are you serious? If so, read this all the way through, then report back.

True. I rarely get on Sup Forums, and I'm too much of a newfag likely to be able to lable anything.

>I don't think all Blacks/Hispanics/Middle Easterners are bad, since I've met a fair share that were alright people (Although I've met many more that were NOT).

Let me know when you figure out how to separate the good from the bad. Or should we say "fuck it" and let them all in, like we do today?

Just don't go all in on ideologies. If you put yourself under the umbrella of a label like "feminist" or "alt-right" forced to defend or reconcile something anytime something relevant to that group occurs.

Very interesting.

My only question is how could this be solved in today's world? Obviously it's too late to try and reverse the effects of Second Wave feminism, so how would we fight this? Or are we doomed to suffer from the actions of our ancestors?

>And finally, while I definitely think someone has been pulling the strings behind a lot of things throughout history, I can't blame (((Them))) for everything.

(((They))) aren't responsible for EVERYTHING, just alot of shit, especially in the last 200 years.

Don't think (((they))) are literally all Jews, it's a small faction of power-Jews that use the others as tools in their schemes.

In my opinion, those who "Act White" are okay. By this, I mean hold conservative values, denounce the degenerative behavior of those of their own race, and accept that their opinions aren't any more valuable than the whites in regards to matters.

And I'll be honest, it'd be nigh impossible to figure this out on who to bring in based on these values. Sure, interviews and background checks are an option, but how reliable or plausible would these be? Not very.

Ok. Step one is rejecting radical individualism. To further reinforce that, read this on the failure of libertarianism.

This goes along with it.

And you think that we think all foreign-raced people are bad? We don't, we just choose self preservation over niceness. Some foreign raced people may well be nice people but their individual ncieness doesn't compenste for the loss of culture, safety and freedom that comes along with mixing different groups of people. Look at England today. Do you think Abdul being nice is enough to offset the monstrous damage done to our society by the rest of his people? We wish to preserve our people, ways and history. We're not driven by hate for others but love for our own.

You fight this by teaching your children. You raise your boys to be men and your girls to be women, and if you do it right they will do the same. Your children will live on after you have died, and their children even further. So it's important, and one of the most powerful ways, to help shape the future to be better. So find a woman and stick your pee pee in her.

Shit man, that hits home as I'm more of a Libertarian myself.

Now read the second one.

Fuck you, nigger, I don't care

Convert me please, i'm on the same boat as OP and the vote thing makes perfect sense.

The fuck is alt-lite? Deny the yolocaust for half?

I'm already a white nationalist, even if I'm a liberal at heart. I'm trying to get into some organizations.

Alt-Right is a bad meme spread by Hillary Clinton. It's a joke and anyone who associates with it are useful idiots.

You don't have to be alt-right to hate leftist bullshit.

The redpill has already been started in you. You see the left's bullshit and don't like it. Over time, when they keep doubling down on their globalist bullshit and it will push you further away from them

You don't have to agree with everything about a particular political leaning. While ((they)) might not be behind everything, there is definately a coordinated globalist movement to force the world into one culture. And their goal isn't white genocide, its the genocide of ALL races and getting rid of all cultures. One world race, one world culture, one world government.

This hurts to read. But I know it's true. I've felt like this for awhile. I like to believe in individual rights, but when I give people an inch, they take a mile.


It's amazing for us because it means anything from 14/88 NatSoc to literally any Trump supporter/conservative. It's my favorite elastic term ever, and I still can't believe they called attention to it.

>alt right
Get the fuck off my board.

I know it hurts. I've been there too. We all have. But truth does hurt. A lot. Now that you realize that Libertarianism is a joke, you can look a little more accurately on the demographic situation here in the US. Here's a primer.

I think I'm relatively safe, being from Nebraska. I'm never moving outside of my state for this reason exactly. I've seen what our larger cities have fallen into, and even some cities are starting to fall into the hands of Hispanics and Somalis. Rural Midwest is the last bastion of hope.

And moving into the next phase of the redpill, here's a little bit of information on why the demographic crisis exists.

You do realise alt right is white nationalism right?

Society, our nations, they're like a game of Monopoly. Yes, there are rules that not everyone likes and, yes, sometimes those rules stop you from doing exactly what you want exactly when you want to but those very same rules are what allow even the worst of players to learn how to beat the best of them. It's those, sometimes annoying, rules that keep the game coherent and recognisable as Monopoly. The instant someone cheats, the instant they step outside the rules of the game in an effort to establish individualistic rule, they ruin the game for everyone and nothing is fair anymore.

Society is just a game and in order to maintain the society, to stop it crumbling in to an unrecognisable mess, we must enforce the original rules of the game to the letter. The people we allow in, the concepts we allow to flourish, they are intent on changing the rules of the game, on changing how Monopoly is played. And if we allow them to do it they will craft rules in their benefit while telling every other player it's for their benefit too, but truth is they have their hand in the bank while you're looking the other way. So of course they win, you let them win because you thought individualistic rule was better as it didn't make them upset. You wanted to make that player feel free and by doing so you transformed the game in to anything goes.

Now each new player learns these new "rules" and plays by them. Before you know it you're the only one left actualy sticking to the real rules of the game, but you keep losing unfairly. So you bring it up, you ask them to go back to the original rules but they shout you down by saying you're just jealous that you never win, you're just trying to ruin the game. They laugh at you and mock you, they tell all their friends about how much of a sore loser you are. Then when you get angry, when you can longer take the self-righteous actions of the the other players and you lash out, they call the police on you and have you taken away.


You have the wrong, individualistic mindset. Individualism ignores people's actions as part of a group, though you might think you only interact with people as individuals, their actions as groups do affect you. If you chose to ignore that entire sphere, you as part of your group will be vulnerable due to inaction.

When groups interact, there's no moral of virtue guidelines, there are the group interests. "Alright people" do look after the people they care about, that makes them good people too. But it's at the detriment of outgroups, the world is a competition.

The preface of the book Culture of Critique goes in depth about individualistic and collectivistic cultures. The conclusion is that, much more important than "not all Xs are Ys!" or "There are many good Xs too!", is considering their community affiliations, their identity, and their consideration of group interests when acting.

The rest of the book analyzes Jews, their primary identification as Jews, and their if they have Jewish interests in mind when acting.

No matter if they were businessmen, artists or communists, Jewish identity is very strong and primary. They also very commonly prioritize Jewish interests, whether Jews as a whole would benefit has always been a central point to their interests and actions.

So your latino friend who is very helpful, loyal and friendly might legitly be a good person, but if there's a conflict of interest, say electing a pro or anti immigration politician, don't expect him to take an action that would benefit you to his detriment. Why would he, and would it even be virtuous? Which of these positions are the most moral? It's all group interests.

When the rest of the country isn't white it doesn't matter how white your place is, Federal law will be dictated by non-whites in their favour and you'll suffer. You're not safe. You might not be racist, but other races are and they're encouraged to be that way.

Finally, read this. It's long, it's difficult, but this will change your opinion on (((them))).

Thanks for the Red Pills, anons. I'm going to be doing some independent research. Anyone have any recommended literature?

Democracy, the god that failed. Also, any Jordan Peterson book.

Read Mein Kampf. Even if you think I'm absolutely crazy, read it anyway. There's a reason that everything about that man, that period, and that ideology is so taboo.
And watch this, too. It's well worth your time.

Holy shit I thought I was being a reasonable person by not blaming all of my problems on the Jews, but this thread and all of these weakly sourced info graphics showed me otherwise!

You need to place less emphasis on what label you belong to.

What an absolutely obvious, ham fisted shill.