Alt-right is cancer

Alt-right is cancer.

I hope you all commit mass suicide for the betterment of humanity.

Other urls found in this thread:

I hope we kill all the niggers and beaners tbqh

The whole point was to show how the left are hypocrites. They are all righteous about how wrong homophobic jokes are but if it's about a right winger they don't care.

Try harder

I am a centrist and I am all for that stupid nigger getting fired. PC culture needs to die and faggots like you who get scared when it gets used against you is a perfect example of why it is needed. No one should have to fear repercussions for what they say, but if stupid niggers like you on the left are going to do it you best believe you will be held to the same standards.

The alt-right is a jewish operation. A psy-op designed to divert populist sentiment and keep the jews safe from any real backlash. This becomes very clear when you see Trump supporters and how they think he will "fight the jews", yet they keep making excuses over and over when he bows down to the jews.

Trump has been shitting on everyone for 18 months straight and now he's still shitting on everyone while president.

Tell me how it's ok to "protect" for the biggest troll of all time?

It's a fucking comedy show, grow some balls Drumpfcucks.

Using the methods of the regressive left against them demonstrates to them how shitty their proposed policy is

Colbert should apologize to all the cocksuckers for being compared to Trump

>not seeing the obvious.

"Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

t. Alinsky

#firecolbert was a divide and conquer psyop. The left eats itself. The goal was to get gays and Catholics pissed off at each other again. It worked. Basic Art of War shit. Nobody on the right unironically claimed Colbert was too offensive.

I came here to post this
good work

Trumpists are not alt-right. Anti-PC moderates like Milo, Sargon, Peter Memeleux are all "Alt-lite" at most

"Alt-right" only refers to, vaguely, anti-conservative and anti-liberal ethnic nationalists.

Good job ignoring the point you retard. Quit trying to change the topic.

Go back to red,dit shill, you'd fit right in.

Thank you for your input.

If they are not "alt-right", then they should stop referring to themselves as such for starters.

The whole thing is a jewish operation.

>Sup Forums
>offended by some fag making fag joke

Op is a fag. Gif related, it's op.

I don't find it offensive. Shit like that never bothers me.

I just dislike that mother fucker.

It sure sucks having your own arguments used against you
Fuck you liberal
I want to see an America with every commie and degenerate hanging in the gallows.

I thought we wanted him fired because it would be funny to use the lefts SJW tactics on one of their own.

Nobody gives a shit about the (((homophobia))) you cock-guzzling retard.

It's about making the left play by their own rules, and bringing down one of the smuggest men alive.

I love how RfR is their rule book too. So meta.

Holy shit, to think there is a Colbert fan this fucking MAD!!!

Pic is right and triggers drumpftards



Oh shit! Fucking noice!

Nobody gives a shit about Colbert. It's about subverting the PC agenda or at least showing the left to be hypocrites.

I dont understand how any group of people can be so retarded that they convince themselves that lowering yourself to the standards of the enemy doesn't invite the same attitude that pervades your opponents.



How is it hard to understand that doing this shows they're hypocrites?

keep trying.

>he can't even play 2d politics

It's not politically correct, he was way out of line.


As long as he triggers snowflakes like you, the longer I love Trump.

Really Colbert should go because he's shit without his Comedy Central character.

Why is it ok for the news to instigate negroes but when the internet instigates the homos its suddenly a problem?

>thinking pol has principles

grab them by the pussy

grab her by the pussy

grab her by the pussy

grab her by the pussy

grab her by the pussy

grab her by the pussy

grab her by the pussy

grab her by the pussy

grab her by the pussy

>Left sets up framework about how everything is offensive
>Get right-wingers fired for "mis-gendering" mentally ill fuckwits.
>Leftist makes a joke about gay sex that breaks their own framework.
>Shouldn't be held to the same standards because leftist.
Yeah okay, you colossal faggot. Nobody will listen to your stupid ideas though.

The trap is to make leftists play by their own rules. We Alinksi now.

Stop labeling me something I'm not faggot

Colbert will get fired because his ratings were already god awful before that comment.

He probably knows he is about to be fired from that show, so he made a really "shocking" comment to make himself a hero to the leftists so he can get his own Daily Show spin off like Samantha Bee did.

Colbert made it to the big time, but quickly learned the big time doesn't like him. Now he's trying to save face and go back to a leftist "comedic" commentator of his very own fake news show. (again)

Or just people pointing out the hypocrisy of the left. Didn't really seem like that hard to understand

>Fight for free speech
>TV personality says something 'offensive'.
>jews and reddit fags act like fucking pathetic babies.
>Destroys own cause by being subverted


Saul alinsky's rule. Make your enemies play by their own rules.

>fire colbert

Who here has ever demanded Colbert to be fired?

Wrong, these are astroturfing operations conducted by CIA and military psychological operation divisions.

They promote and encourage double-think or internally contradictory positions. It is a highly advanced form of what is referred to as "soul cracking" in scientology. Alternatively, consider that masonic or other secret societies are highly dependent upon symbolism for the propagation of ideas. They do this because symbols can be interpreted many different ways, generating the same "cracking" of the mind that you see in OP's pic, scientology cults, etc.

I suggest you peruse your favorite search engine to read about the connections between things like the Tavistock Institute, Eglin AFB psychological operations, Eglin's overwhelming presence on major US forums like Sup Forums and reddit, etc.

There is a small army of people that are targeting you day in and day out with this stuff.

No, you just want leftists to have free speech while right-wingers are actively suppressed.

Poor butthurt libtard, whatever will you do?

>not wanting Colbert fired for the lulz

fuck off newfags

This is so funny. You guys are so triggered by this. Fuck your shitty comedian.

Like antifa normalizing political violence?

No matter what path, as long as it's not the current status quo; we win.


You are an idiot, Colbert is literally dominating late night currently. They're even pushing Fallon to make more Trump jokes because of how much viewership he's losing to Colbert. Stay mad (((Trump))) cucks

This. Like why are the lefties allowed to riot in the streets without consequence?

First of all the alt right doesn't exist. Second, the shots taken at Colbert is fighting fire with fire. Either he gets fired or the left openly admits it's own tactics are immoral.

>2 posts by this ID
Don't forget to sage

Good post

The echo doesn't work how you think it does.

We re still fighting for free speech, so...

Could you provide me with some links?

can I get a quick run down on what Colbert said?

WE don't care about the joke, we just want to get him fired for the lolz.

You mean Trump isn't a massive ZOG shill?

We are just using your own logic against you. Feels good, eh?
Liberal logic:
>Left shuts down free speech of right : good
>Right shuts down free speech : bad

Get fucked commie. As long as you set the playing field, don't get so butt-hurt when it's used against you in classic saul alinsky style. Boo hoo for you.

this is an old article, and there are many like it.
Colbert has been tanking from the start.

In the week of Dec. 12-16, “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” managed to tick back upfrom a 0.87 to a 0.92 rating in adults 18-49 after falling slightly in the previous week. It continued its dominance over the 11:35 p.m. time slot. Also on NBC, “Late Night with Seth Meyers” experienced a similar bump from a 0.45 to a 0.48.
After an improvement the previous week, “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” fell from a 0.55 to a 0.48, beating “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” (0.47) by just one-hundredth of a point.

>barely beating Jimmy Kimmel with the most prestigious late night talk show
yeah, he sucks.


>literally dominating late night
Who cares? Like really?

>the alt-right is even aware of literally who
>the alt-right is even close tp offended by whatever literally who said


Nope. Your little divide and conquer bullshit won't work here.

Fine. Fuck off.

I never asked for any of this fucking shit. To have all these fuckings burdens thrust upon me and to be hated for bearing them and hated for buckling under their weight.

You think I wanted to be forced to save Western Civilization? Guess what you fucking stupid bonobo - when you idiots kill Western Civilization you're gonna kill all humanity.

So fine. Fuck you. After all the shit you fucking idiots have done, you deserve to die. I won't be here to fucking save you. You might not even have the self-awareness to miss me. But it's a little comfort to know that in doing what you want I'm actually murdering you too, because you won't survive without me.

I think the whole push to have Colvery getting fired for that statement is to try and shoe the hypocrisy of the politically correct nature of many people on the left side of the political spectrum.

>no one posts the actual joke
What was the joke? I'm not gonna google

OP thinks we actually care about Stephen cuckberts joke, we just wanna ruin his career for the lolz

And the kikes...don't forget the kikes.

Call it what you want but you the_donald cucks are too deep in your echo chamber to realize what's actually happening so no point in trying to convince you otherwise.

>posting a 5 month old article when taking about current TV ratings

Kys my man

PC is cancer.

Colbert is a leftard.

Colbert is cancer.

What is the problem?

The problem isn't that he's offensive, or that he ever was offensive. Colbert has been doing the same DOLAN GRUMPTF shit for over 120 nights in a row, even more if we consider the actual campaign months. And quite frankly, every other TV show host like him has done it. It's getting old. I get that they don't like him, and i enjoy talking shit as much as they next guy, but Jesus Christ, can't they just talk about something else for once?

It's just fun to troll a celebrity...fuck all those assholes. They all work for the kikes.

You're a stupid piece of shit without the most basic of reasoning skills.

Why the fuck would we take your shit when you get offended by everything, and then let it slide when you pull the same shit?

We're shoving your own SJW bullshit up your gaping assholes and it's pretty fucking funny. You'll continue to bend over and we'll keep winning.

>See? This is what it's like to be punished for your speech and not your actions
>Yeah, but Trump needs to be punished for his speech

This level of double-think conditioning can only be cured with lead aspirin.

Also, this comes immediately after a long run of mocking people that complained about Obama. The hypocrisy is staggering.

>wah stop using alinsky tactics

>bing it

He should be fired for becoming an unfunny one trick pony.

Any leftist hypocrites like care to respond to this?

You're all idiots

>> everyone that doesn't agree with me is from reddit.

So don't watch? No one's forcing you to watch this faggot. Even if he does get fired they'll just install some other libcuck to take his place.

Then you are a stupid, subhuman nigger

Trips of truth

Funny how lefties constantly think they are "triggering" us now, when in reality we have nothing actually invested in this.

I genuinely think libtards wouldn't be able to even properly internalize what "for the lulz" means; the unintelligent are not led by reason, but by emotion.

Alinsky tactics:
>Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules
If the enemy prides themselves on being feminist or homophilic, complain when they embrace Muslims, sharia law, and gay jokes.

Just two sentences; 78 responses.
Good bait, sir

If you want proof of how retarded liberals are, look at how mad they are getting at us doing exactly what they do on a day-to-day basis.

If you put "sage" without quotes into the Options field, your post doesn't bump the thread to page 1 (thus ensuring the thread dies faster)

This. Celebrities choose this life in exchange for millions. Just think about all they get away with, speeding, bribing, cheating, all because they are a living brand name. I have no pity for people who receive backlash because this one instance of generous, low effort, instant publicly wasn't exactly positive.

Stephen Colbert hasnt been relevent since Colbert Report. Everyone knows Conan and Fallon are superior.

We're not offended by what Cobert said, we just want to stick the knife in him and this is a golden opportunity to throw his polotics back at him.

You mong, the idea is to hold the Left by its own standards and watch them further devolve. lrn2narrative.