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Nah y'all can go fuck yourselfs

I said this a thousand times but hues told me I was crazy.

I'm hard

you've never dried real gommunismz :DDddd

>letting lula win again

you people are retarded

Nah, with the new law of immigration, Brazil will be full of muslims just like Sweden. Allahu Akbar.

mfw a Latin American doesn't know real communism from lying shill media pretend communism

Post more spurdo

>tfw STF is butchering Lava Jato
>tfw Lula is first in the polls
>tfw Temer might not aprove the austerity measures

Nuke this place.

>Currently third in the polls
>Based as fuck

WTF I love Brazil now.
How can you be anti-islam in a country without Islam?

truly the best place to live in

he is now second

Kys brchan faggot.
>inb4 50 posts by this ID

What kind of people vote for Bolsonaro?

people that used to vote for PSDB and Aécio and are now frustrated they are corrupt as well and didn't manage to save Brazil after impeaching Rousseff.


Enjoy your famines, my brave red soldiers

Yeah because Africans really want to flee to another aids infested shithole

You would know about that wouldnt you

We must build the wall even faster. Quick, hurry before the communist zombies start for our gates.

No, we aren't helping you. Good luck. Bunker down in the mountains.

just vote, idiot



I swear it's the heat that makes all those countries go full commie in the 21st century...

Have you learned NOTHING from Venezuela?

yes I will vote
for LULA

Just vote Bolsonaro (if STF doesn't fuck him up). Even if you don't agree with him, he is our best choice.

Also, don't believe in polls.

I'm losing all respect for Brazilians, Lula is the favorite to win the 2018 election, there is retarded potatoes and Brazilian.

Look at Venezuela stupid morons Lula supported that regime and would do the same to you.

do you like ponies hue bros? are there any commie pony lover?

People are against Lula when he never did something that harmed the country directly during his govern, lmao.


Pic related

I've always wondered what his shirt says and what it's about..some sort of soccer camp? For niggers?

I told you, you didn't listen. You thought that removing leftists from the federal government, without removing them from the media and the universities, was enough.

Now they have absolute control of the narrative, their opposition is either destroyed or so stupid it destroys itself (I really wanted to support Bolsonaro, but he is dumb as a door)

They will return, and stronger, to finish the job.

Quem vota em Bolsonaro é underage ou um asno.

In the polls, Hillary was beating Trump by double digits, on election day things went a lot different. Our polls here are way more corrupt than the US ones - they are actually a common joke - just dismiss them.
It's funny that the only people I see supporting Lula are his shills and the usual SJWs, the rest of the people - poor, black, rich, white, workers, unemployed - all seem to support Bolsonaro.

t. Commie

the army, police

average worker(from south and southwest), probably average catholic

>implying there are any good candidates left for the executive
>implying the legislative and judiciary system isn't completely fucked too yet nobody bats an eye

There's no salvation to this shithole, op. The sooner it burns itself to the ground, the better.

Yes mostly because if their pull their shit of "no go zones" here, they would be basically burned on the streets.

kek Hans fucking KEK

How is he running again did he not run out of terms

You mocked us and hated us for countless times.

Now you are asking for our help?

No help for you so fuck off.

Let shitskin scums kill each other.

This place is a fucking mess, too many parties, you basically just point at someone and make him take the blame... Unfortunately Lula has the advantage in this game

presidency is limited only for more than two consecutive terms, if you are 8 years in power than someone else takes power, you can get elected again

>You mocked us and hated us for countless times.
yeah no we saved your ass back in ww2

Refer to Also
The guy has the Army, Navy and Air Forces on his back (except for the cucked Commander Villas Boas, but no one cares about him). The entire police force, the ACTUAL workers, the poor, the Christians and pretty much everyone who is against commies and Lula.
Only thing that can actually stop him is if they manage to cockblock him from actually running, because once he is in he will probably win.

But you are the daddy of America...

Just some tomahawk missiles in his house, and we are not going to ask anything else. Please US

Because real communism hasn't been tried yet

:DDDDdd nod thad lade

Which just makes it more frustrating the fact that he is such a dumb, inept politician.

He is popular, but not powerful, he can't transform this popularity in militancy, in actual political power. And his actual ideas are extremely empty, his economic plan is to nationalize niobium and use it like Hugo Chávez used oil, as a political weapon.

temer ruined everything the people got.

and thanks to lula, they got a lot of shit.

bolsonaro might be the best choice, temer has no chance in hell, marisa would be cuba all over again and theres no way CIA would let lula win.

haiti is still emigrating to brazil because their country was leveled by a earthquake wich they are still trying to rebuild out of.

>Asking to be invaded in order to fight delusional fears about a dying party.
>Giving up freedom and sovereignty in order to avoid losing freedom and sovereignty...
>Actually quoting "folha uol" as a valid source while referencing data that was made up out of thin air.
Are you really trusting info on a presidential election that hasn't even started yet? I don't even think Lula can be president again, constitutionally speaking.
People like you are the reason why the country is in such a political mess right. You'll believe anything that pushes your buttons, you fucking mongoloid.
Eu queria saber qual é o seu endereço para te matar com as minhas próprias mãos, seu bolsominion de merda. Pára de postar merda aqui e vai arranjar um cérebro, seu babaca. Esse tipo de mentalidade é um dos maiores fardos do povo brasileiro, seu lixo entreguista.

Kys, commie scum
Better dead than red.

>your ideology ruins Brazil
>flees to Europe

Why didn't you move to Venezuela, instead of France?

Are you idiot? Temer is just a average politician who landed there

The reformations will have to made, the left is capitalizing on that, pretending that everything is okay and they are the bad rich people trying to take our rights.

The only people who support Lula are the rats who want´s the south and southwest to keep paying their welfare...

Just look at the protests, they are robbing, stealing and breaking stuff

When the workers got together in 2014/2015 against corruption in Sunday(when people don´t work)...

There is none of that shit.

North and northwest just ruin for every other Brazilian

>rapefugees and shemales

>dying party
>all polls show his candidate is going to win the election

Pick one faggot

Um brazuca com cérebro no Sup Forums???
Fiquei até contente agora.
Tudo de bom pra você, senhor anônimo.
O Bolsonaro é apenas um meme da direita, um merda total.
Cara, na real, sem exagero. Discutir com gente que curte o Bolsonaro é que nem discutir política com muleques "alt right" edgy. Eles fazem piadinhas e memes toscos 24/7, mas se você senta pra falar com eles de verdade, eles ficam perdidos e acabam confessando que não se ligam/nao se interessam tanto assim por política. É tipo 90% barulho, e 10% pseudo-argumentos. Eles vem para fazer shitpost mesmo e curtir o caos. O Brasil já tem o caos o suficiente, galera. A gente não precisa de um presidente shitpost.

>I don't even think Lula can be president again, constitutionally speaking
will not stop him from trying to make yet another puppet president.

last strike in ceara the city center was filled with PT ads. they want to elect dilma, of all people, and they would vote for whoever dilma or lula would tell them to.

he placed himself there tbqh and blamed left tendencies for the need to do the cuts just to take a stab at his adversaries.

I thought people didn't want our help anymore

the average ignorant asshole...
like the "rednecks" but way more undereducated

only niggers vote for bolsonaro

Lula is their commie Uribe.

O problema não é o eleitorado do Bolsonaro ser burro, o problema é o próprio Bolsonaro ser.

Inteligência de eleitorado é um fator superestimado na avaliação de um candidato. Lula e Hugo Chávez foram apoiados pela imensa maioria dos "intelectuais" em seus respectivos países. Qual foi o resultado?


Responde direito, garoto. Fica de memezinho aqui, não.
Faça um esforço. Leia pelo menos a thread e o meu comentário primeiro. Uns anons aí já comentaram que essas estatísticas estão furadas, não vem com esse papo de politicamente iletrado. Esse papo de que o Lula vai ganhar a "próxima eleição" é antigo pacas. Falaram disso desda época em que a Dilma se apresentou como candidata. O PT nem durou um segundo mandato da Dilma e você acha que eles vão ressuscitar o Lula agora? O LULA? O cara que é o peixe grande do plano do Moro? É muito mais provável que eles tentem achar algum outro candidato que seja um sucessor espiritual dele.
Concordo com a primeira parte do comentário.

Fuck, it looks like we're going to need to build the wall even faster.

You brazilians need to change that shit clause
>Lula can be in power for another 8 years
>Have a puppet for another 4 and then reign indefinitely


this immigration law HAS to be some jew shit, who the fuck demanded changes?

>tfw too smart to vote for "x"

Precisa do que? Você só pode estar brincando comigo, em quem você vai votar em 2018? Bolsonaro, goste ou não dele, é o único filha da puta honesto que vai competir em 2018, me mostre um candidato melhor e eu de bom grado mudo meu voto.
>ainn o brasil já tem caos o suficiente
Papo de alienado, você viu como tá a merda do rio, amigo? O país já é um caos, um circo. Tem que ser idiota para achar que não tem como ficar pior, e que vamos ser salvos pela inércia, que o ((PSDB)) e os outros partidos que tem o cu fechado pros EUA não vão nos vender para o mercado internacional como gado, ou que a esquerda não terminaria de afundar esse país em mais um mandato

>tfw too dumb to see he is shit

It's the same line of thought leftist Americans had about Trump: I am moving to Canada! (even though Mexico has lower costs of living...)

They want our help, but when it comes time to help us out or pay us back everyone seems to change their tune.

>tfw to smart too post faecs

READ CIRO "nunca respondi um inquérito, nem para provar inocência. E nada mais é do que minha obrigação" GOMES

Olha só o burguesinho falando bravinho, que medinha de você, monsieur.
Você e a sua corja são a razão de estarmos atolados nesta merda. Você sabe muito bem disto.

What the hell are you talking about?

>tfw no face

>this fucking thread again

You mean "Allahusão Akbarasão"

AMLO for the win!!!!!!


People think that Lula was good because the economy was nice back then
but these dumb monkeys don't understand that this happened because the commodities had high prices

Luís Inácio Lula DA SILVA

Jesus, are Hue more dumber than actual niggers? How many times are they gonna watch communism fail again and again?

and just b/c you are mad at him for being mad, you are going to fuck things EVEN MORE by voting for Bolsonaro? petty

Dumb monkeys don't know what commodities are.
>coronelzinho como presidente
Ninguém vai eleger esse verme, um corrupto de primeira, que se achava dono do Ceará o que não falta é vídeo na internet desse merda mostrando sua arrogância

Concordo que inteligência de eleitorado é um fator superestimado, mas não é esse o problema nesse caso. Acho que rola muita má fé da parte das pessoas que curtem o Bolsonaro. É um misto de preguiça e de raiva mal direcionada. É uma vontade de não discutir de verdade, de querer que um "general" resolva o seu problema a qualquer custo; sempre essa passividade, sem fundamentos políticos dignos. São capazes de aceitar a hipótese de ter um fascínora no poder, só para não ter que pensar nos problemas que os irritam. É uma atitude antes de ser uma questão de inteligência. No melhor dos casos é um candidato de menino bobo e mimado, com medo de tudo, precisando de um "papai" pra ir lá resolver os problemas dele, no pior, é mais uma tentativa de suícido nacional.

dude, the electoral system is fucking frauded, and datafolha is de jure one of the most trustworthy, but de facto, it's a fucking shit

Então é por isso que vc vai votar no Bolsonaro e não nele?
Pq ele foi pra cima de baderneiro?

vc está de mimimi?

Ceará por Ceará... repará que é um dos poucos estados que tá com a economia decente nessa fodelança toda...

>the electoral system is fucking frauded

todo mundo falando sobre qual candidato é melhor, mas ninguém percebe que a merda é a democracia

não apoio o aécio, kek

Actually, the country is not anti-islam, but since the saracens would take the place of the criminal factions, we surely do have ways to repel this scum.

lula wont run for it. it would be a disaster for all the legal processes piled against him

what if leftist party support marina silva. noone talks about her but she was a big deal for some time, now shes likely the sole survivor of the old leftist guard

can attest to this

might funny did i found when he appeared with a beard, mimicking lula right after lula got elected. how fast did he shaved when the scandal popped up

se o voto nao fosse mandatorio isso nao seria um problema, mas ao mesmo tempo tem esses problemas de primeiro mundo como bush e trump que aparecem do nada.

>mas ninguém percebe que a merda é a democracia

>yfw problem solved

pare de ser uma bicha afrescalhada francesa, Bolsonaro já disse que não é contra os gays

Time to invest in helicopter companies.